
who wants to vent? Every stripper that ever pissed you off...

Atlanta suburb
Carter, Sari, Toni, Veronica, Sydney, Megan, Lilly, Penalope, Ivy, for starters. I will ad more as I remember them.


  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    This is such a useful thread. Let's name strippers we have a personal grudge with. In fact staying angry at someone who is a stranger to you... A brilliant use of your time. This thread is just another shining example of why Shadowtwat is the king of TUSCL!
  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    One time a dancer put her kitty in my face and she said she would have sex with me, and she did, so I left happy.

    Another time a stripper spent four hours with me, giving me the total GFE. She hardly charged me anything. There was nothing on TV that night anyway. I slept like a baby that night.

    And finally, an Asian stripper showed me things like 69, around the world, and spooning. I slept like a baby that night too.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    The chick a few nights ago who managed to land in my lap EXACTLY at the moment when the girl I'd been waiting for, for about two hours, FINALLY became available again. By the time I'd gotten the plumper off my lap, the one I was waiting for was gone a second time ...
  • chitownlawyer
    16 years ago
    Yesterday I had my first bad experience with a dancer...in 10+ years of going to strip clubs (talk about a charmed life!!!). The dancer in question, a very hot woman, gave me three great dances...then claimed that we had had _five_ dances. When I fought her on the count, she backed down...to four. She then tried to overcharge me on the per dance price (at this club, it's already $40/per...pricey enough without her adding to it). Finally got things settled with her, and left the club. I went to a shopping mall to pick up sosme things...and noticed that this 5'10 dancer had left a fine dust of some sort of body make up from the knees of my pants up to my shirt collar.

    This is the only time I have ever felt scammed by a dancer. Thank God that this weekend I am headed South of the Border, where everything is explicit, and there is none of this subtle pas-de-deux of indirection, suggestion, innuendo, etc.
    16 years ago
    I hope I learned a long time ago never to allow it to get that far where a girl has the opportunity to piss me off. I'ts one of the most important lessons to learn when starting clubbing.
  • ShotDisc
    16 years ago
    Shadow, i think you need to check your meds brother.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    ShotDisc: you are right. I have been off LOTREL ( high blood pressure) for several days. Maybe my RX will be in the mail today. If not.Look out for more bogus bull shit.
  • Shekitout
    16 years ago
    The one that really pissed me off was the one who spit in my face when I caught her short changing me so I slapped her on her back when she turned around to walk away & then the bitch threw an glass ashtray at me which missed. Her ass was reported to management & she was told to leave the club immediately and not bother to come back. If I remember correctly she did eventually come back to the club but avoided me as I did her.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I don't feel like venting tonight so I'll just mention a funny story one dancer told me. Anyway this story goes back in the days when there was not a Do Not Call list and telemarketers hounded everyone because there was no caller id. One dancer told me she bought something to get even with telemarketers. It was a machine that made gas or fart like noises. She said a telemarketer called her. She said to him "can I put you on hold, I just ate a bean burito and have to shit real bad?" He said ok. She hooked the phone up to the machine and for several minutes, he heard bbbbxxxx, etc. gas noises. Then she went back to the phone after she stopped laughing and asked "you still there?" He said yes. Then she said, ok hold on. Then she hooked it back up.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I just hate it when a dancer says, no charge for that dance, it was free, I'm not counting it. Then she proceeds to give me 2 or 3 more free dances because she said she didn't like those songs and doesn't count the songs that she didn't like. Ok, I'm joking about the hate it part.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    Ok, I thought of a vent. I don't like it when a dancer says she wants to go out with you but then when you call her, she is always too busy. I only remember one dancer who did that though. Just leave the bs or ss with someone who cares instead of telling someone to call and then not be available. She knew I wasn't happy with the message I left and called to apologize. Afterwards, I wouldn't call her for anything. At least she stopped all the bs. Of course if I see her again in the club, we both know we're never going to meet up anywhere outside the club. At least I do.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    Ok, one more rant. If you're one of my favorite dancers, you're really jackass stupid if you pick my pocket and think I won't get even. I had this happen. The result: She was fired from that club. I reported her to the bouncers at another club without her even knowing who reported her. Later on, I could have reported her again to the bouncers as someone to watch but I relented since she was so friendly to me. She never knew who reported her at any of the other clubs and didn't even know I identified her and spoke to the manager who thanked me. The height of stripper stupidity, picking the pocket of a local to steal his wad of ones when he would have let you dance for the money. However he hates thieves with a vengence.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I guess some people might have just called the police and had her arrested. Maybe I did give her a break.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    Another vent, to the first strippers who decided to bite down hard on all the dicks of the guys she danced for because some drunk guys said they couldn't feel anything and enjoyed getting bit there. I got them to not bite so hard and actually started to enjoy that. Then they stopped when I started to like it. I wonder if one club has rules against biting. Every dancer who has ever done that in one club to me has suddenly disappeared to never be seen again. One dancer did stay around for 2 to 3 weeks but she had been working there for at least 2 years. Then she was gone. A mystery.
  • Officer
    16 years ago
    1. A dancer who kept coming back and asking repeatedly for dances who she was told 20 times that I was not going to get a dance from her.
  • Officer
    16 years ago
    2. A dancer who kept motioning me to turn around when she was giving another guy a dance--apparently she thought I was watching for free or something.
  • Officer
    16 years ago
    great topic by the way
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