
Comments by Dudester (page 82)

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    16 years ago
    Question for guys who have sex with sex workers
    As a principle (it's a therapy thing-wants-needs), I will do one of two things, spend 5-600 bucks three times a year, or 300 four times a year (depends on circumstances). Disclaimer: because my former ATF only charged me 220, and really liked what we did, it was a once a month thing for about a year. My fave clubs, a mile apart, are only about 15 minutes from home (and five minutes from work).
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    16 years ago
    Christian Dancers (Hardcore) and The Power of Faith . . .
    Growing up, I observed a lot of "Christians" commit hypocritical acts. I also observed people use their "religion" to impose their own views and opinions upon others for very selfish ends. However, my own family's love for me was only conditional. I didn't find unconditional love until I joined my home church. Before you ask, no, it's not a cult, it's a mainstream (Methodist) church. These people have been nothing but kind, loving, and forgiving. When my car was broken down, they chauferred me around, turning down gas money. They tried to hook me up with a mate (both gals were very flawed). They also ask:"How are you doing?" then wait for an answer, offering solace if I'm down or sick. Most people use "How are you" just as a "don't bother me" greeting. I have gone to churches near my home church, and found them wanting. My church has a unique collection of people who actually practice Christianity 7/24, not just for a couple of hours Sunday morning. Therefore: I believe there are dancers who are christian in religion and practice. They might be few and far between, but they do exist. Let me close with this-Christianity is supposed to a brotherhood of man-look after your fellow man. I am super turned off by bible thumpers who try to guilt people into thinking and acting a certain way. My fellow churchgoers practice the brotherhood part, but the thumpers should be disavowed and should come with a disclaimer.
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    16 years ago
    Dancer Drug Use are U Responsible?
    I've heard several girls say that they drink in order to forget about guys groping them. I think it's a weak rationale. In the mid 1980's, I had three jobs (at the same time), one of which was a dance instructor. I had a somewhat large and loyal following. It was in a medium sized city. One day I was approached by a recruiter because they were going to open a Chippendales club. I asked for 24 hours to think about it. That evening, my mother called me and said she heard about the Chippendales club opening and she couldn't wait to go. The thought of having my mother stuffing singles in my G string (and she would've, because she has a very cruel sense of humor) quickly caused me to turn down the offer. Had it not been for that, I wouldn't have thought twice about middle aged and older women paying me to dance.
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    16 years ago
    Note to Founder
    I'm not founder, but boy, somebody here has some hurt feelings. Most of us here have posted reviews as in "I've lived this, what have you done?" By not posting reviews, you're like that guy at the VFW wearing medals when your service record says you spent your two years in the military in Chicago as a cook. Something isn't right. I've lived a very full life and when I tell tale people act like I'm pulling their leg. Some people live adventures by going out and living them. Others do it through a video game. To paraphase Teddy Roosevelt-I pity those who have lived their life never knowing adventure.
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    16 years ago
    old posts?
    In case you didn't see the memo, only the most recent 25 posts stay. With you starting so many posts, you're knocking many off the board.
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    16 years ago
    Angels . . .
    Funny you should bring up the subject. Twenty years ago, the Houston Chronicle ran a four page story on what it was like to be a dancer at Ricks. Back then, Ricks was a quality place where the dancers got free gym memberships, the girls received tuition assistance (and required to have a certain GPA). In 1996 HPD Vice tried to shut down Ricks, but it backfired badly when cameras showed the cops groping the girls then arresting them for lewd behavior (11 cops lost their jobs, 10 more were reassigned). In 2000, Ricks moved out of it's longtime established place (retaining ownership of the location-now a "urban club"). It was about this time that Ricks went public on the NASDAQ. A year ago, I visited Ricks (before I joined this site). Two of the girls were Ricks standard, the rest, weren't (I was surprised when a dancer verbally gave me a menu of her services). This morning I was in a waffle house just down the street from Ricks at closing time. Two of the nastiest skankiest whores walked in after finishing their shift at Ricks. They actually worked the tables like they were still in Ricks. I was really surprised how Ricks went from a Rolls Royce to a Yugo. I guess it's about the shareholders.
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    16 years ago
    Pleasing the Stripper
    I like to dine at the Y, and some let me do that. I know it takes about twenty to thirty minutes to get the dancer where she is panting and convulsing in orgasm. These are the ones who usually give me a discount, because I saw to their pleasure first. There have been a few that pretended to have an orgasm after only a minute-these tick me off (I hate false sincerity). My former ATF loved my pussy eating skills, which is part of why our in room sessions went 2-2.5 hours. My present ATF likes my Y skills, but cuts me off just before she goes full tilt. She says she's a screamer and doesn't want to announce to the club what she's up to.
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    16 years ago
    strangest thing seen in clubs?
    It was the late 90's, and I was somewhat financially disadvantaged. A big night for me then was going to a club with sixty bucks, which covered the cover charge, drink and tip, and a couple of LD's from a carefully chosen dancer. The club was in a strip shopping center and it was rather small. I went on a Sunday, and odd place, it closed around 5 p.m. on Sundays. I went in around four and found a cute small chested blonde. We went to a chair against the wall. She placed one of boobs in my mouth while she led one of my hands to her crotch. "You can play with it" she said as she pulled the panty aside to give me access. "Oh yeah, fuck me" she hissed as she bounced on my hand. At two songs I had to stop her and tell her it was all I can afford. She looked surprised and said:"Well, we're closing in ten minutes anyway, maybe you'd like to come over to my place to finish what you started." "Come over to your place?" I asked. "Well actually, I'm having some friends over for the same thing." My mind was reeling. I didn't know what to do. I politely declined. I left the club and checked out a shop next door. When I came out, she was getting in a van with six wild looking guys-looked like the kind who would get arrested en masse for something the media would report on. I stopped and gawked for a minute. She rolled the window. "I live on West Mount Road if you change your mind, green house on the left." I smiled, waved, and moved on. Never been to a gangbang, and if I did I'd want to somewhat trust the people there.
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    16 years ago
    strangest thing seen in clubs?
    In the early 80's, The Showboat was a nude strip joint in downtown San Diego. The gals there were porn actresses between movies. Summer was 19 and extremely cute. I was also 19 and extremely naive. Summer and I had ben flirting all evening. Finally, it ws her turn to be onstage. Unlike regular strippers who start out wearing something, she just walked out from the dressing rooms buck naked. She was carrying a large empty champagne bottle onstage. Once onstage, she started making love to the bottle, rubbing against parts of her face and licking it. Finally, playing with her tiny breasts, then she placed it on the stage and began to lower herself onto it. Just as it entered her, she made eye contact with me and I turned bright red. Everyone laughed at my expense. Later we became close friends.
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    16 years ago
    Informal Poll - off topic
    M-1 Garand (my father carried it in WW2) M-1 Carbine 1903A4 Springfield Sniper Rifle (I bought my rifle as surplus) 1901 .22 rifle (my grandfather used it during the Pancho Villa expedition to shoot rabbits) Remington 870 12 gauge .357 Colt Python revolver
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper tattoos, like em, hate em, or don't care too much?
    I'm with nevelsnoot.
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    16 years ago
    Feds claim government worker and exotic dancer bilked Defense Department
    The thing about money-if you misuse a private company's money, 90% of the time you'll just get fired. If you misuse the public's money, 90% of the time you'll end up behind bars. I'd like to know how often the auditing is done on these credit cards. I'm the account manager for a contractor to my company and I do monthly audits.
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    16 years ago
    Strangest interaction between a dancer on stage and a customer at the rail?
    Mine happened at a SC in Austin Texas. I was on a strict budget (under 20 bucks) and I just wanted to look, nothing more. S stripper came out onstage who looked just like a secretary in my office. I went up to tip her, and for a closer look. It was a small stage, about three feet off the floor. We made eye contact and she smiled and started her approach. She then tripped over her feet and went over the rail, right onto me. I fell over backwards, with her landing on me, her boob in my mouth. We drew applause and wew were both embarassed. I retreated to a chair in the corner. I was going to wait a few minutes, until I could slink out unnoticed, not laughed at. Just then she walked up and wanted to make nice nice. I was actually more embarassed at being near broke and I beat feet outta there.
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    16 years ago
    If you were a...?????
    BobbyI, Some of us have things we absolutely hate about our job. I landed my first post military job by going out in shirt and tie in 100 degree heat to pull an acre of weeds (it was a test). You will do whatever you have to to pay the bills. You may or may not do drugs to numb yourself, but you still numb yourself. As a Marine I had to numb myself to certain aspects of my job. Ever wonder why combat vets go a little cuckoo? Some strippers also go a little cuckoo.
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    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    njscfan, Actually Kat and I had a lot in common. It wasn't just a case of a stripper milking some dummy, we could talk for hours, and did, about our favorite singers and authors. I think we had more in common than most husbands and wives. Getting her pregnant would've forced us to interact OTC. She was developing feelings for me and thats why she suddenly changed clubs and hours. For some reason she didn't want emotional attachments. I picked this up the last few times we got together. She wouldn't explain why she felt that way.
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    16 years ago
    If you were a...?????
    Personally, I like great stage shows, but I know that clubs require the girls to wear those hideous platforms. It's hard to walk, let alone dance in those. If it was up to me, girls would wear flats or go barefoot. The platforms do nothing for me. As far as LD's, I know I'll stick with a girl longer if she lets me suck her nipples and play with her kitty. If I was a dancer I would allow it, unless the guy was hideous.
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    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    My former ATF had been doing it in the club for two years and she wouldn't do it OTC. I didn't get it because we started out doing it with a condom, to forgoing it. O.K., she'll let me fuck her without a condom in the club, but won't go down the street with me. I didn't get it either.
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    16 years ago
    Dancers that use club spies
    Along the same lines, I go to a massage place-for strictly therapeutic reasons (I have back problems). Whenever possible I use the same masseuse. Lately, I've been picking up a vibe that she really likes me (lengthy hugs during which she hums a little). A couple of times, though, I've injured myself on her day off and rushed in to see an associate of hers. The asociate evidently told my fave. That's not the interesting part. My work schedule is about to change wherein I'll be working the same hours as my masseuse. When I told her, she got very excited and told me she would love to schedule a late session with me. When it happens, I'll update you.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the minimum wage for a stripper?
    A cabbie told me of picking up a stripper to take her home. She had worked 8 hours and made 47 bucks. Her tip out was 35 bucks and the cab ride 8 bucks. She worked 8 hours for 4 bucks. A onetime associate, who was totally fine, and had a bubbly uniquely entertaining personality, told me she worked only on Friday and Saturday nights and her take home was fifteen hundred a night.
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    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    George Carlin
    I first saw him on Johnny Carson in the early 70's, and laughed like crazy. He was indeed a rare talent. A couple of years ago, when he was 69, he ripped off a five minute speech in which he pieced together a long set of catch phrases and buzzwords. He would do this in concert, from memory, without cue cards. He always had fresh material. It would be 2-3 years between concert tours, and you would see him on both occasions, and there was no repeat material, none. It wasn't just the material, but quality material. The man was very intelligent and challenged audiences to think, to examine their everyday lives. We were indeed lucky to have him for as long as we had him. I wish I had a ticket to his funeral. He would want people to laugh and the short list of those delivering the eulogy would probably include Robin Williams and Paul Rodriguez. No doubt Jeff Foxworthy and Bill Engvall will be there-"Here's your sign".
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    16 years ago
    In Europe, it's actually common for a man of some means to have a wife, and a mistress. One is to be the stable "raise the kids" type. The other is a tigress in the bedroom, not afraid to do things the wife would never do. So, What Gives? Simply that American women want the dream-the illusion. Wives complain that men want their wife to be proper in public, but a total slut in the bedroom, and wife types can't reconcile the two. Truth is, men require fantasy, same as they need food and oxygen. It's what makes us, us.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can a lesbian dancer go straight again?
    lopaw-how is that you ask? From sharing a house with two lesbians for three months. From managing a workplace with a clique of lesbians. It's actually amusing to see the emotional warfare that goes on.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can a lesbian dancer go straight again?
    The pity here is that it's shadowcat who has discovered this lesbian who is straddling the fence. She's probably just considered whether the risk of OTC is worth it. I have made a lesbian reconsider. Lesbians really like oral sex, and lots of foreplay (actually foreplay begins with hello, not when the clothes come off). The bad part is that lesbians carry a whole trainload of emotional baggage. Making a lesbian reconsider is like old Star Trek when Captain Kirk would out logic a computer and the computer would begin to smoke and repeat the same phrase over and over. Pretty much, the same thing happens. "Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a drama critic."
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    16 years ago
    The root of the problems facing border cities is that well financed drug dealers are causing havoc. Their financing comes from "recreational" American drug users. There are aggravating factors, such as hundreds of years of institutionalized corruption, and an entropy mindset of the population, but the problems rest right on the doorstep of the college student "just having fun" the suburban home owner who is "blowing off steam" and the hopelessly addicted who can't get through the day without altering their reality. If American weren't financing the drug dealers, there wouldn't be a problem, would there?
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    16 years ago
    Immoral for paying taxes? No. Immoral, because I think a drug dealer is just trying to keep a roof over his head and provide for his/her family? Give me a break!! If you hand a drug dealer money you are contributing to border violence, murder, corruption, rape, and oppression. Don't try to sweet talk or divert it. If you deny this statement you are a fool who has obviously ignored reality and you are ill informed about the world. You should spend some time near the border and talk to the people there about their problems.