What does it take for a stripper to make it to your favorites list?
Atlanta suburb
I have about 12-15 dancers on my list. The number changes because they come and go. They must first be at least a 7 in appearance. I hate tats and piercings but I cannot limit my selection to exclude them. They have got to be fun. I have to enjoy talking to them. They have to be hot on the couch. My hand under her thong. Her hand inside my pants. It doesn't have to be a BBBJ or full service but it definitely moves her up on the scale. OTC is a bonus. Weather for lunch or an afternoon delight.
Gambling dancer, one of my favorites because she is capable of giving a GFE is fairly ice cold about customers falling in love and getting hurt. I was happy when she was ice cold in regards to me because she delivered what I needed.
2.ATTITUDE- must be trying, or at least convince me that she is trying, to make me enjoy my dance with her.
3.CONTACT- should allow at least the standrd milage allowed at her particular club. Extras not required, but certainly a bonus.
1 and 2 are most important for me to have a good time. At my favorite club I had a high milage dance with an extremely cute girl last week but left disappointed as you could tell she was just going through the motions, albeit very intense motions. At the same club my favorite(who was not there last week) who didn't provide extras until recently, always gave me a very sensous dance which left me feeling great.
Yes and only 1 minute apart. :)
I also hate flakiness.
Self-humor and intelligence are good bonuses but not must haves.
2) She takes care of herself (size zero not important, but if she gains weight every month...you get my drift)
3) Limit on tats-having a HUGE one is deal breaker
4) Personality-she is interested in me, and allows me to be interested in her-I really do care)
5) Extras not mandatory, but expected at least a couple of times a year.
6) We must have a couple of things in common-does she blog, watch the same movies?
Walking in and having a dancer leave another customer to be with me goes a long way in my book.
I want to be able to talk to them as well. Flakes need not apply. The best girls are those with an education. (I've often thought that if I owned a strip club, I'd offer scholarships to my girls based on the number of years that work for me and their ability to do college work. I think a club would make more money if the dancers were both beautiful and smart.)
no or limited tattoos
girl next door looks
complete lack of "stripper attitude"
willing to have fun.
no afraid to break the rules to have fun
willing to really enjoy herself during lap dance
not all about the money
25-45 yrs old.
I think the better question might be, What does in take for a stripper to make it to your favorites list, without exception?
In my case, long beautiful hair, beautiful breasts.
Anyway ...
I can't specify. But if she's hot enough (to me) and a total moron idiot bitch, I might still put up with her. If she's not hot enough, I don't care how cool I feel she is.
My point exactly. I very much dislike tats, yet my ATF has quite a few, but also other attributes that way out weight them.
Geez ...
I don't think it has anything to do with "rose-colored classes". I think you are exactly correct in your assessment. I often attribute my lack of visits today to being retired and not on the road as often, but I still find myself driving by clubs that would always get me to stop, in the past.
2--full but firm butt
3--neatly trimmed snatch
4--lets me play with the girls in VIP
5--lets me pet the kitty (dipping a finger a big plus)
Even the high-scale clubs in the French Quarter -- most of them essentially non-contact "rip off joints" where very little happens for very much money -- can't attract a sufficient crew of extremely attractive women. They've got porkers, or "dumpy" people (just females; nothing special about their shape; and they aren't going to go about making their shape special, either) on stage wearing evening gowns.
Stop the insanity!