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Comments by Dudester (page 34)

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14 years ago
avatar for steve229
Halle Berry Stripper Movie?
SuperDude said:"So, she's trying to get another Oscar with a flick about a confused multiple personality stripper. Will the public even go see it?" Depends on the nudity. Prior to Swordfish, her career was going nowhere. She let her tits out in the movie and her stock went up. She got naked and had sex in Monster Ball-boom-Oscar. I used to write for a celebsite. In years 1978-2008, 28 of the 30 actresses who got the Oscar went nude in the winning role, or the role prior. Berry in Monster Ball, Kidman in Cold Mountain, Theron in Monster, Swank in Boys Don't Cry, Paltrow in Shakespeare in Love, Hunter in The Piano, etc. etc.
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14 years ago
avatar for reignfire
South Carolina
Rotation vs. 'Working the Floor'
GMD is right about the three step approach. The thing is, most dancers don't understand that level of marketing themselves. If they do something interesting onstage, they won't get ignored and get their one dollar.
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14 years ago
avatar for elemental23
New York
Shortening songs
Last time at Dolls, there was a mix in that some songs were shortened, and some regular length. There was no pattern and it ruined my night as it seemed I got lappers when the song was 2.5 minutes. The next song would be a good 4 to 5 minutes.
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14 years ago
avatar for georgmicrodong
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Friday night out with the guys
The only time I've seen a lesbian in a club, she was clearly a lipstick lesbian. She reached for the breast of a girl onstage, who immediately pulled back. Back when I worked at a hotel, we doubled up on security one night because a restaurant on property was pulling a big shindig. My partner and I were walking through the lot and saw three well dressed gals (strapless gowns-lots of cleavage) in front of a car with it's hood up. One of them asked if I could help. It was a car I was very familiar with and I knew instantly what the problem was. I went under the hood. Seconds later, one of the gals saw some guy walking though the lot. She instantly ordered me away from her car, and she pursued the guy-who wanted nothing to do with her. She instantly came back to me and begged forgiveness. I returned under the hood and the gal started rubbing against me. I began thinking this was a good thing. Just then, my partner violently snagged me and pulled me from the car. "That's a guy" he hissed through clenched teeth. I looked at the three gals (post op trannies) and one of them said "What of it ?" From ten feet away, I told them how to crosswire their starter, then walked away with Patrick. They got ticked off and walked off the property.
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14 years ago
avatar for 10inches
First, eyes,-seconds later-personality. I then zero in on medium to small breasts (big ones-turnoff).
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14 years ago
avatar for DougS
OTC Kit?
I wouldn't take a computer. Just in case you get things turned around on you, that's a lot of info to lose. It's your call though. Otherwise, I think you got the bases covered.
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14 years ago
avatar for steve229
Buy U a Drank
Spring 2009-Noon Saturday-went to Dolls and there were a pair of hispanic cousins who started dancing days after their 18th birthday. Got one dance from each, and they were both terrible. One year later-One of the cousins still there. Saw her at the next table do a boilermaker with a guy (they let a 19 year old drink?), then went to do some dances for him. When she came back, quickly snagged her. Bought er a shot thinking that a year's experience + some drinks would loosen her up. Nope, still terrible in the little room and the kitty wasn't available. Next.
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14 years ago
avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
OTC at Her House
With all my ATF's, I had similar experiences. Their place was crappy. 1st ATF liked my place, but OTC Gal didn't.
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
4th Arrest In Strip Club Abduction, Torture Case
It's too bad we don't have a gulag, or Devil's Island for these types of assholes. Maybe we should build one on one of the Aluetians.
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14 years ago
avatar for georgmicrodong
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Back in the 1980's and early 90's, when all you got was air dances, on a handful of occasions, dancers got grabby with me. I resented it back then because the ones who got grabby were twice my age and it's a turnoff for me to do someone much older. I do like when a dancer or lover tells me "I like this" or "do this" in the context of sex. My second GF taught me all kinds of things that way, and better communication makes for better sex.
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14 years ago
avatar for looker69
Get Comfortable
This year, in the times I was in VIP, the stripper encouraged me to take it all off-so I did. I like that because I undress the second I walk in the door at home-being clothed is unnatural to me.
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14 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Shadow, I like and respect you, but let me play Devil's advocate to your statement. If you were in a group that got flipped off by a cop, you'd be complaining to IAD, the DA,thenewspaper, the Police Chief, and whatever local TV station that likes to grind an axe. When I was a cop, I wasn't flipped off, but was disrespected countless times. In the worst case, I was taking severe abuse from a teen boy. He finally crossed the line when he alleged an incestuous act between me, my mom, and the family dog. I introduced his face to a windshield and the rest of him to a car hood.
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14 years ago
avatar for Dudester
Ain't Over Till the Stripper Sings
Having befriended porn stars and knowing them for decades, and taking into account that a few are crazy, the rest grounded-what happened. Sheen was looking for some strange, but like his father-he's a mean drunk. The porn star was just along to add to her resume, and get something like 10k for the encounter-but what she didn't know is that he's a mean drunk. Why she's pissed now. Some porn friends were hired by a Republican Congressman to give some Japanese defense contractors the night of their lives. The girls did just that. They were each given a cashier's check for 25k. It turned out that the checks were worthless. They gave the Congressman two weeks to pay up and after being ignored on the phone, went to his office. The porn stars ended up going to the FBI and the Congressman did time. So, I believe that this gal wasn't paid and she's pissed. Sheen's lawyers may be attack dogs, but hell hath no fury.....
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Heidi Montag Hits Strip Club to Prepare for New Video
If she ends up nude and spread eagled, I'll check it out. Otherwise, snore ZZZzzzz....
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Republican prosecutor nominee's largest donor is strip club owner
This prosecutor would <i>definitely</i> have my vote.
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14 years ago
avatar for 10inches
Houston Texas has a Scottish (radio) traffic reporter. Instead of speaking with a scottish brogue, she speaks with a slight purr. It's a HUGE turn on. About five years ago, a waitress in a restaurant really turned my head around. She had the most perfect diction I've ever heard. Her voice was more perfect than anyone I've ever heard on TV or radio. It turned out that she was from Argentina, but she was descended from the Nazis who went there post WW2. She was raised in a school with a language I've never heard of (I think it was an ancient dead language). She only learned English after arriving here for college.
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14 years ago
avatar for georgmicrodong
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Showers for the girls in clubs
St. James has had a shower mounted above the stage since it was rebuilt 10-11 years ago. It rarely gets used. Used to when the novelty was new, but hardly ever anymore.
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14 years ago
avatar for dallas702
Off Topic - Vacation in the DR
Be careful. These agencies are how Americans get arrested for sex tourism. If you do do this, tell us all about it.
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Man shot at Stockholm strip club
Rough stuff. Would make me want to avoid a club.
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14 years ago
avatar for georgmicrodong
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
The Nanny voice.
A certain type of voice would be a turnoff to me.
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14 years ago
avatar for troop
Retired Cop Busted In Underage Sex Sting!
According to Mason, Robert Bonness, 53, responded to an ad posted on Craigslist that advertised a dad and daughter interested in a special person. He must've lost all his cop instincts.
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14 years ago
avatar for bigdude012
They all taste the same to me, it's the smell that's different. This commercial is brought to you in smellovision.
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14 years ago
avatar for SuperDude
Detroit, Michigan
Welcome to the Rileys
No nudity. Why bother ?
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Road prostitutes in Spain don traffic jackets
Actually a good costume idea for a stripper. Onstage lights dim, and she appears in the stage fog, wearing a tiny traffic vest, neon thong, and carrying a flashlight with a lit cone attached. For the second song, she ditches the vest....you get it....
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14 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
The shit that isn't in the reviews or why I love Emails
In 1985, I had this really great, but brief, job in downtown Albuquerque. I worked one night a week (+ 4 mids). One night, this stunning blonde came in, delivering papers. When she left, I commented on her. "That's nothing" he said, "you should see the daughter" A couple of weeks later, I was under a desk, fixing an electrical outlet (cable/antannae hookup). I heard a nose, and glimpsing up, I see this pair of really nice breasts poorly covered by a half T shirt. I scooted out from under the desk and saw this stunning blonde teen. I looked at her and tried not to drool. "Where's Jorge ?" she asked. "Getting parts out of a storeroom." "Here" she said, handing me half a dozen papers. "My mom was fifteen when she had me" she said before turning and walking out. When Jorge returned, I told him what appened. He replied "Yeah, a couple of guys here have been double teamed by them." __________________________ It was a lot to process.