
Comments by DougS (page 49)

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    18 years ago
    Flashing pussy in topless clubs
    Yep, I see it fairly frequently, but only with the girls that I've got an established (somewhat long-time) rapport with. DATY... now that should be a topic in itself. I've never had that offered in any club, but during OTC play, of course. However, every time, even with my faves that I know fairly well, I can't help but think I'm having a sever dumbass attack. Sure, when you actually do the deed you are going to put the raincoat on for protection. You are totally unprotected while DATY, and for days (sometimes weeks) after an encounter, I will be paranoid with every little itch, twitch or tingling that I feel anywhere on, in or near my mouth. I COULD use a dental dam for safety, but if I'm going to experience DATY through one of those, I might as well just put a rubber glove on my hand and lick my fingers - wouldn't be much fun now, would it?
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    18 years ago
    Ever thought what exactly it is that makes one girl a lot more attractive?
    Yeah, I HAVE given this a LOT of thought. If any of you have read any of my reviews, you will probably notice that I mention what first attracts me to a woman. I'm talking about long, straight, silky, shiny hair. I've given this so much thought that I think I even know why this is. It's a fetish of mine, and I believe it can be traced back to kindergarten. In kindergarten, I sat behind twin girls that had long hair. I, to this day, can still remember playing with their hair during class (don't remember either twin objecting, nor getting in trouble with the teacher, so I guess there was no negative feelings assoctiated with it, either). [later in I dated one of the twins in highschool <g>]
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    18 years ago
    An Addiction to Clubs
    Jpac: it's pretty coincidental that our addicting moment at clubs were both involving dancers named Savannah. (or maybe it's just that it's a common stripper name)
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    18 years ago
    How many Dancer's know of your tuscl nickname.
    I definitely do not tell the girls that I'm a TUSCLer (I also am viewing and sometimes posting on STRIPCLUBLIST.com, as well). I HAVE been approached about it. One of my Favs had asked me if I was DougS (not a real stretch to figure it out, right?). She said that "someone" had been posting some very nice things about her and some of the other dancers had told her about it. She wanted to know. I, of course, 'fessed up about it. In one of our next OTC sessions, she asked me about it again, and asked if she could see what I'd written. I, again, of course, had nothing to hide and told her "sure", but we got busy wth "other things" and never got back to the subject at hand. One of my clubbing buddies (another guy from SB) is a TUSCLer, and used to post quite a bit. One of his girls found out that he was a poster and wanted to see what he'd said. He went so far as to give her his user/password, so that she could log in and read, which she now does quite a bit. However, because of this, HE no longer posts <g>. In answer to your initial question, I'd say currently three know my nickname on TUSCL.
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Your Deal Breaker?
    Staff and/or dancers treating me rudely is the biggest Deal Breaker. I get any of that and I don't care what I have brewing with any dancer, I'm out of there. Fortunately, I can only think of two instances of this happening. One was at Dreamers (Stone Park/Chicago), years ago (the place is now Scores). There was a dancer that didn't particularly do it for me, and I really had no interest in her. She came up to me and said something about giving me a "sample" of her dance technique. I thought what the hell, it won't cost me anything. Well, she gave me a "sample" and I still wasn't interested, then she started blowing some smoke about me having agreed to let her dance for me and that I owed her $20 + tip for the dance I just received. It was loud and I MIGHT have misunderstood, but I don't think so. Anyhow, she started calling me names and I told her that she'd better get lost before I lost my temper, so she slunked-off while still berating me. Maybe if she'd been nice about it, I'd have compromised and assumed it was partly my mistake - probably would've given her some money, but NO way after that. I took that as a good time to hit the road. Another instance happened in Detroit (Inkster). I was at a place called Henry the VIII. I was nursing my $7.00 beer, and the waitress started giving me shit for not ordering for a while - told me that I had to order another one, or leave. I was getting to know a dancer at the time (Jennifer) and decided that maybe I had been cheap and ordered another beer - didn't want to leave without getting more chair time with Jennifer. The waitress brought my beer, then demanded a tip. THAT was the final straw. I told her that her service didn't deserve at tip and that perhaps there was a place that she could stick my beer - a place that'd keep it real cold 'cause she was obviously frigid, then I walked out. (haven't been back since)
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Your Deal Breaker?
    Come to think of it, a few more deal breakers have come to mind. ESPECIALLY if I'm going home right after the visit. -> strong perfume - I really love it when the dancer smells sexy, but when it's too strong, I draw the line... I cannot afford to go home smelling like a whore house -> glitter - I don't even think it looks sexy - not sure why they sometimes wear it, but again, there's no way I would risk going home with glitter on me. The one time I did, I didn't notice until it was too late... of course with my luck, I was wearing a black shirt and the gold glitter was WAY noticeble... even stopped off at the office on the way home and tried to get it off with tape... finally had to just go home and 'fess up to the wife where I'd been -> too much makeup - again, I don't want to go home with makeup on my collar, or crotch [wink]
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Tango Uniform
    I would have to say that most would just find another club, at least the girls that I know. As an example, my ATF dancer was fired from my ATF club because of a situation not of her doing. This happened 1.5 years ago. Since then, she's danced at about a dozen clubs, trying to find one where she could make decent money, like the club, get along with mgmt and/or fellow dancers. It's been a tough road, but yet she STILL goes to another club, rather than giving it up. Why? It's hard to replace the amount that is made for the number of hours worked. (and the flexibility) Also, having danced almost all of her working life, she has no job experience to fall back on, nor does she have a college degree, even though she was near the top of her class in HS, and is VERY intelligent. Seems that once in dancing, it's like the mob; very tough to change careers.
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    18 years ago
    Getting Rid of the Wrong Dancer
    FONDL: That's not always the case. I've been in the clubs many times when I have at least one regular dancing. When either she is on stage, in the dressing room, or for whatever reason is not at my table, I've had girls plop down in the empty chair before I had a chance to do or say anything (usually before I even noticed she was on her way). The beauty of having the regular, though, is that once your regular DOES get off the stage, come out of the dressing room, etc., she will come to your table, and will get rid of your unwanted guest for you.
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    18 years ago
    Is she or isn't she?
    FONDL: What city was this dancing routine perfecting going on? While in Dallas the last time, the hotel provided free gym facility access to a really great gym in Dallas, called The Ranch. The Ranch is located right next to the Dallas Cowboys indoor workout facility. As you walk into The Ranch, there's a big banner that says "Home of the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders" (or something to that effect). The beavage in this place was phonomenal! I saw quite a few girls that could very well have been cheerleaders, and in fact there was an aerobic room with windows that I assume is where the Dallas cheerleaders practice - even saw a few girls carrying pom-pons, but not sure if they were what I HOPED they were. Anyhow, my theory is, you saw a girl practicing her cheerleader dance steps.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do DJ's play what they want or what the Dancer wants?
    I think it's more the rules of the club. I think the majority will play at least one song requested by the dancer on stage, during her set, regardless of the prevailing crowd.
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    18 years ago
    Have your tastes changed?
    I wouldn't say that my tastes have changed TOO much. I STILL go for the thin/athletic girls with the long, silky hair, etc. But what I HAVE noticed is that the older that I get, the younger I like the girls (err... not pedo stuff, but I'd take an 18 yr old over a 25 yr old any day!).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How many dances do you typically get?
    Of course, as I mentioned, there are variables involved, but typically, if the dancer and I are clicking, and the chemistry is there, I will occupy her for 10 - 15 songs in one dance session, before taking a break. As for a club visit, if I have what I consider a successful and fun visit, I will, over the course of the visit get 20-30 dances. If there are few girls of interest to me, or I'm having a hard time getting the time with the dancers that I pegged as being a "must dance", then the dance count will probably be 5 or less for the visit.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    CT: I definitely know how you felt (and probably are still feeling). Like I've mentioned in previous ramblings, when I'm in a club where I have a regular/fave, I EXPECT that she spend her time with me. If I feel that she's losing a lot of money had she been spending time with other guys, I will kick-in a nice tip when I leave to thank her for her loyalty. I've left clubs pissed off when "my girl of the moment" opts to dance or sit with others in my presence. I HAVE had girls that I'm with, first ask if it would be okay to dance for another guy for a bit, and reluctantly I will SOMEtimes let her, but normally, that's a NO! On the other hand, I've been the one occupying the girls, and I KNOW I've pissed off regulars that had expected to spend time with their girl, only to find that they were with me. On the other other hand (sorry, had to keep up your theme), like you said, it IS an economic thing and obviously the whale was a big spender that made it more than worth the girls while to spend that time with him. In what you relayed here, this is what I would take from the experience; most importantly, your girl DID make the effort to come by and apologize, and included a kiss and it obviously wasn't anything personal. Chalk it up as being in the right place at the wrong time, and give her and the club another chance - unless the whale makes it a habit of becoming the Klub Kiljoy.
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    18 years ago
    My main obsession
    AN: I've been a big, die-hard Bears fan all of my life and I for one was EXTREMELY disappointed when McCaskey decided to do away with the Honey Bears.
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Worst clip joint you've ever been in?
    Minnow: Arrggh.. I knew that I was being too wordy, so I cut out a paragraph, which happened to be the name of the club. It was Ladies en Confidente in Denver.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Longest time you ever spent with one stripper?
    I'd say my longest in club stint with one dancer is 7 hours. It would've been longer but the girls at this club tend to spend a lot of time getting out onto the floor when the start their shift. Typically, though, I'd say USUALLY spend several hours with one dancer almost every visit. OTC, that's a different story... if you include any in the club time, before, it'd be 12 or so hours - it'd be more, but when I have opportunity to do that, I'm out of town with a purpose, and thus have to either work or go to class.
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    18 years ago
    How long do dancers usually employ at a club?
    JoeBlogg: I think your best bet is to go to the club chat for that club and inquire about her. You can keep updated on her status via that method, if you get some cooperation from fellow Clubbers. Also, check STRIPCLUBLIST.com (sorry, although TUSCL is my favorite, I still check that site, too). SCL has a place where you can post comments and find out about your dancer, too. As to the initial question posed, I believe the "tenure" of a dancer at a particular club varies by dancer and club. Some dancers are more prone to moving about. Of course, once they find a club they like, they might be there for years. As mentioned, I believe LV clubs have a much higher incidence of turnover.
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    18 years ago
    DougS--request re Brad's
    Chitown: I responded via the email address that you requested.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Using MY definition of Whaling (occupying a dancer for a long period of time), as I've stated before, I am an offender. My ideal visit is spending a lot of time with the girl of my choice, and I know that I ruffle some feathers doing it. At the same time, I AM conscious of what I am doing at the time it happens - even feeling a bit guilty. I'm surprised we don't here of a lot of violence associated with guys that are upset by Whale's hogging the best girl(s). There are a lot of unbalanced people out ther, combine that with alcohol and sprinkle in some festering jealousy and it seems like it could be volitile. Last night for instance, I found myself in an unfamiliar and potentially roudy club, hogging the hottest girl in the club for several hours. I felt the eyes on me, from guys that are probably used to her spending that time with them. Hmm... perhaps that's another topic for discussion... Clubbing safety.
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    18 years ago
    Money showers.
    Never seen one myself, either. I'll have to discuss it with the girls during my next club visits. To me, I would think it would be somewhat of a humiliation to the girl; degrading. She's forced to crawl around like an animal to retrieve all of the bills. I HAVE seen the Christmas Tree, though, where you (or a group of guys) stuff so many bills in her g-string, garter, stockings (tops, if she hasn't removed it yet, but what's the point?!), etc., covering her with so much green that she looks like a Christmas tree. To me, this accomplished the same thing as a Money Shower, without the disrespect, and the need to pick up all of the bills.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    TUSCL - Limiting Reviews on One Club?
    I haven't clubbed a lot in the last year, and thus never even knew that a 4 wk limit had been imposed. We all agree that it DOES make sense for several reasons. Maybe it was mentioned in the blurb about posting rules that show up when posting a comment (guess I didn't pay attention if it was), but had I realized the limit, I'd have waited until the end of the week to post my review for all of my visits... now, for at least two clubs, I will not be able to detail my exploits. (I guess you all can breathe a sigh of relief for not being subjected to further rambling posts)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Money showers.
    While spending time with my new ATF, the subject of Money Showers came up. She said it'd happened to her a while back. She said the downside was that she slipped on the bills and fell flat on her butt. I asked her if it was a positive or negative feeling (not inlcuding the fall), and she said it was mixed. Nice to receive the tip, but a pain to pick up all the bills. Of course, the money tipped the scale (no pun intended).
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    18 years ago
    How to save the airlines
    AN: I like that idea. Only drawback is, not everyone would want that type of Stew. Solution? How about DejaVu Air, Hustler Air, Larry Flint Airlines, Treasures Air, etc. Hooters tried it, although not real successful. This concept reminds me of a recent Bob & Tom bit (yeah, I'm a "Friend of Hal") Anyhow, as a takeoff from Snakes on a Plane, it would be called Skanks on a Plane and would have strippers for stewardesses.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What other favorite web sites do you spend your time on?
    Besides TUSCL, I frequent StripClubList.com, TheSmokingGun.com, TheDailyColumn.com, MLB.com, Cubs.com, Yahoo (Fantasy Football). That pretty much covers the non-work-related websites that I visit.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Clubbing safety
    Just wanted to put in a plug here for Brad's Brass Flamingo where I've spent a couple of hours this week. Even though it's located in a "borderline" questionable neighborhood, I feel completely safe in and out of the club. The parking area is well lit. I've seen a security guy patroling the lot with a flashlight, which I thought was a nice touch. There's also a uniformed guard inside a lot of the time, as well.