
Longest time you ever spent with one stripper?

Blue Ridge Foothills
What is the longest continuous time you ever spent in a club with one stripper?

For me, it's five hours with my ATF eight years ago, from the start of the night shift at 9 PM to close at 2 AM. She stayed on my lap for the duration, where she was blocked from the DJ's view. He didn't see she was there and put her up onstange until near closing time. She often spent most of her shift with me, but that was the only time it was for the whole shot. My legs were so numb I needed crutches.


  • Clubber
    18 years ago

    I only got to do mundane things like lunch, pick out a car, pick out a gun, pick out a new gym, fill out lease papers, help her through a failed "romance", and just shop. I hated the shopping!
  • Clubber
    18 years ago

    I was just kidding you. :) I think I told you before, that I had the same type relationship with my ATF, I was much older, but then broke it off. I still see her on occasion, but only through a mutual friend(s). They do not know we know each other "outside" of them.
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    I'd say my longest in club stint with one dancer is 7 hours. It would've been longer but the girls at this club tend to spend a lot of time getting out onto the floor when the start their shift.

    Typically, though, I'd say USUALLY spend several hours with one dancer almost every visit.

    OTC, that's a different story... if you include any in the club time, before, it'd be 12 or so hours - it'd be more, but when I have opportunity to do that, I'm out of town with a purpose, and thus have to either work or go to class.
    18 years ago
    Clubber, I assume most people here are kidding each other most of the time when we're talking about stuff like this. And it sounds like nearly everyone here has had some sort of OTC relationship at one time or another. In my case I once helped my ATF move from one part of the country to another and we were together the better part of 4 days and 3 nights. Most fun I've ever had helping someone move.
    18 years ago
    Clubber, she became my closest friend and we've taken several trips together. But it's strictly platonic, she's more like a daughter than a wife.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    I'll let you guys know when she leaves...
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    I really don't remember absolutely, and this includes when my ATF had to dance onstage, but I'd have to say 4 hours. This was after I hadn't seen her for a long time, so we had a lot of catching up to do. I don't recall how much I spent, but other than the one visit to the champagne room, it wasn't much.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    In the club, it was about four hours. It was at Colorado Bar and Grill in Houston, my first visit to a strip club. As I have previously related, I had no idea what happened at strip clubs. I thought that they were like burlesque performances, something out of "Gypsy Lee Rose" or "The Night They Raided Minsky's." I had no idea of such a thing as customer contact with dancers. Well, when I found out about the true state of affairs, I was extremely reluctant to get away from them, so I stayed with a cute little spinner named Raylynne from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 o'clock close. I don't know if she thought I had stalker potential or what, but at some point she told me that she lived with a Houston cop. Today that kind of statement would piss me off, but on my first s.c. visit, I was so blissed out, I was like, "Hey, cool, you live with a Houston cop...."

    The next day found me crawling under boxcars in the August Houston sun with my expert witness, lying on my back on big pieces of white rock and hot railroad tracks, trying to find imperfections in rolling stock. I don't remember what the railcars looked like (although I recall spending a lot of time thinking, "God, I hope this siding is really tied off,") but I definitely remember Raylynne.

    My longest OTC was about six hours which, frankly, is plenty for me...a nice dinner and some dessert time. A cliche, I know, but you do pay them to leave.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    For me it's probably 3 or 4 hours. I believe I spent a total of $30 that whole time. She told me she needed to get one table dance every hour or the manager would say something. I didn't mind.

    The dancer wanted to talk to me. It would have been longer except I wanted to get some dances from some other dancers instead of sitting with her until closing time. It was a slow night.

    OTC is probably about 24 hours but I think that dancer temporarily quit being a dancer at that time. 3 or 4 days sounds like she either moved in or you went on a long road trip. I'm trying to remember if a dancer ever suggested moving in with me. I just don't remember. Oh, I remember one dancer suggested she could come over to my house and do some dances for me every day if I moved to her town (had a job interview there one time and stopped by to visit her while I was there.) Never moved to her town. Instead I moved out of state. She wasn't happy.
  • Clubber
    18 years ago

    You stated, "If you include OTC I'd have to say 3-4 days. But I'm not sure if that counts since she was no longer a stripper at that point." Correct, that is damn near a wife!
    18 years ago
    If you include OTC I'd have to say 3-4 days. But I'm not sure if that counts since she was no longer a stripper at that point.
  • rockie
    18 years ago
    Probably 90 minutes!
    18 years ago
    I once went in to see a regular at the beginning of her shift, and she said she didn't feel like working that night and would I spend the whole evening sitting with her. I told her I only had about $200 with me and she said that was OK so we spent the next 7 hours together mostly just sitting and talking.
  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    Well, in a club, about 3 hours. Outside, all day.
  • T-Bone
    18 years ago
    Seven....her whole shift.
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