
Comments by DougS (page 48)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More erotic adventures of shadowcat.
    IGU: Sounds like a great time was had by all. 40 years with one employer is impressive, too. The longest I've been with a single employer was 7 years, and have only been with my current employer for 5.5 years. All of which is common in my IT industry (we tend to "job hop" frequently).
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    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I am the real father of Anna Nichol's daughter...
    You know, this is REALLY scary, especially for us guys that have had vasectomies. It obviously proves that build-up of sperm absorbed inside the body causes mental illness. Afterall, from the sounds of it, I think Anna Nicole Smith absorbed a tremendous amount of sperm. All kidding aside, I used to watch her reality show, and I've seen many of her appearances on the Howard Stern (not Mr. "K") show. I always thought that Howard _K_ Stern was a slimy bastard and a guy just hanging around for a big pay day. He always appeared as coniving and sneaky, and basically up to no good. With all of those thoughts combined, I have a theory. I believe that Hoard _K_ Stern has a had in ANS's son's death. Sure, it was supposedly an "OD" or reaction from the combination of drugs he was taking. Ok... sounds reasonable. BUT, isn't it coincindental that it happened so close to the birth of the baby? And that it occurred in the Bahamas? Then you have the "commitment ceremony". Not a wedding, but it does establish some sort of a claim for Mr K in ANS's life, right? Throw in the paternity controversy. I believe Howard _K_ is against being tested for paternity, right? But still he claims her to be his child. NOW, you toss in the mysterious ANS death. Again, prescription drugs and the combination thereof, sounds like a feasible cause of death. BUT, rumors are that help was not immediately sought when ANS developed difficulties. Howard _K_ is the one constant in all of this. He's already "sold his story" - exclusive rights of the story for $1,000,000.00, so soon after the death. If I were the grieving SO, I would NOT be granting interviews so soon after the matter, and wouldn not be attempting to make MONEY from talking about my dearly departed. And, who appears to be aligned to be put into the position of controlling the millions? It just seems too "clean" that in a matter of a few months, two healthy adults met an untimely and very early death, leaving the inheritance to a 2 month-old child.
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    18 years ago
    Viagra, Cialis, Levitra
    Turan8: I'm very interested in hearing more about the powdered form of these drugs, and how one makes use of it. Any light you can shed on this, would be appreciated!
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    18 years ago
    Jokes to Make Your Dancer Laugh
    A guy looking to buy a dog is scanning the classifieds in his local paper and runs across an ad that catches his eye. "Talking Dog...$20.00...555-555-0745". Intrigued and curious, he calls the number listed and arranges to see the dog in person. He arrives at the apartment at the designated time and rings the bell, and when the man inside opens the door, the man living there says while pointing, "he's in there". The guy walks into what turns out to be a bedroom, and there on the bed is a dog wearing a smoking jacket, smoking a pipe. "Is my owner really trying to sell me?" the dog asks. Totally shocked, the guy says "uhh..umm... yeah. You CAN talk! Un-freakin'-believable! Tell me about youself... please!" The dog pauses, then says "Well, I'm finally taking a break from my busy life and relaxing a bit. I just returned from the Iraq war where I was helping to sniff out IEDs, and finding hundreds of them before they exploded, I believe that I probably saved maybe 500 soldiers. Before that, I worked for FEMA and helped with the relief effort after the big Huricane in New Orleans by finding survivors, and also locating missing persons. Prior to that, I went on a mountain climbing expedition of Mount Everest and helped carry supplies, and also rescued a team of 12 stranded climbers from certain death. I've helped locate survivors in seven avalanches in the last three years. I was THE first dog to help search for survivors and victims of the WTC tragedy, AND I've assisted in search and recovery efforts for every major airline accident in the last 10 years. Helping people is my life." The guy is now in TOTAL and complete shock. Not only does the dog talk, but he has led an amazing and interesting life, and seems to be quite the hero. Shaking his head, he returns to the living room where the owner is sitting watching TV, and says, "You are selling that dog? And you are only asking $20.00 for him?! How could you possibly part with such a noble and selfless creature as that dog. How could you even consider that?!" The man immediately responds, "Because he's a big fat liar!"
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Traditional Wet Shave
    I'm sold on multi-blading. I've been using the Gillete Fusion for about two years now, and am convinced that I can get my face much smoother with it, than any other razor.
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    17 years ago
    Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult
    Interesting advertising
    Yeah... nice ads. I would love to see them when looking out of a plane. However, I don't believe they are real. I'm pretty sure that they are just "PhotoShopped" images.
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    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Traditional Wet Shave
    I have had either a beard or goatee since I left home for college. That is, until I started getting annoyed by the gray getting more and more noticeable - even more noticeable than the gray on my head. I decided that I'd shave it off, on my birth day, which was about two months ago. After shaving it off, I decided that I liked the way I looked better with the goatee - gray and all, so I'm starting another streak of years with facial hair.
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Worst clip joint you've ever been in?
    I think my experience should be more on the lines of "biggest disappointment", rather than clip joint, however there WAS a little element of underhandedness (I think I made that word up). Of course I was suckered, too - and I thought I was going to be suckled. First, you have to "ring in" to get into the place, which was very seedy looking and hidden in an industrial park. I was greeted by the "hostess" who was a matronly and not very attractive woman of about 50. I was told the cost, which I believe was $70/30 min, $120/hr. and was given the rules, which was basically that you went to a private room and could get as "comfortable" as you wanted with the dancer of your choice, the dancer would be nude and you could "negotiate" touching, etc. To ME that sounded good, and I thought I was in for a real good time. I asked how I chose the girl, and was told that they would parade the girls in front of me, and I would be able to pick ANY girl that I liked. She pointed to the wall around the corner from where she'd seated me, that contained about 30 pictures of the girls. Yowza, there were some hotties, the worst one was probably a 7, so I was sold with the concept. The clincher was, you have to pay up front, including any tip that you plan to give. WHAT?! She stated that the more you tip, the better the "service" will be. The proverbial little head became very vocal during the quick internal debate that went on, and thinking back on the pics - especially the sssmokin' brunette whose pic was burned into my memory - I plopped down $110.00. I "cleaverly" came up with that amount by remembering how much was in my wallet, subtracting out some money for the "negotiations" that I was told would happen in the back with my girl. Thankfully, I didn't have a big wad (err, poor choice of words) in my wallet. The parade of girls amounted to three girls, all of which were 6s, at best. I asked the "hostess" what happened to the girls on the wall, and she told me that these were the only girls available at the moment. She said that I COULD wait around for another girl to be available, but it could take a while. She claimed that the other girls working that night were all on the wall. I asked if I could get my money back, and was told no, so I opted to wait. Forty-five minutes passed, and I inquired about the status of the hotties and was told that they were all doing multiple sessions in a row and it could "be awhile". It was getting late, so I chose Miss Six, and hoped for the best. The first 10 minutes of my 30min session were spent waiting on the girl to enter the room. I was told to get comfortable and enjoy the porn that was playing on the TV, in the meantime. She FINALLY arrived, and it took another 5 minutes for her to strip on the small stage clear on the other side of the room. She finally made it to the couch, naked, and started dancing about 3 feet away from me. "can't you dance closer?" - "you have to tip more for that". So I plunked down another $20. She then stood on the couch and straddled me, giving me a good view of the kitty and all. "can I touch?" - "no" - "I'll give you another $20!" - to which she laughed. "$40? $60?" - "no no". She then tells me that all of their clients finish off with some self-service action and she'd be more than happy to watch. I wasn't really into doing that - and looking at the timer that was running, I just had about 4 minutes left, so I asked her to play with herself. "no" At that point, I stood up and told her that I'd had enough "fun", got dressed (yeah, I had gotten "comfortable") and left. I think I was more pissed at myself than Lec.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Does a dancer have to know some personal info to be a favorite?
    Chandler: I think you made an important distinction which had escaped me until now. The favorite girl versus an ATF. I agree, I can have a fav girl that is "all business", just great dances that I enjoy and a decent rapport and not feel like I need to exchange personal information, etc. On the other hand, for her to become an ATF, there has to be more on the personal level. The time spent with her needs to be a GFE. In my warped mind, once a girl starts taking an interest in me by appearing to want to get to know me, more than my wallet, it FEELS like there is a more intimate connection. When she starts divulging personal information to me such as real name (first and last), family names and goings on, where she lives... meeting me outside of the club, etc., she crosses a line and our "relationship" moves to a different level. I'm sure the dancers are well aware of the fact that by doing and saying certain things, it's easy for them to make us think that we mean more to them than just a handy ATM. But if you can weed through the SBS (stripper bullsh$t), you hopefully can get an idea of how genuine your "relationship" is. Of course, therein lies the rub (no pun intended). Does she or doesn't she harbor any feelings for you, or is it all just an act. Common sense and experience tells you that it's all just an act; an act that you must enjoy at face value, without reading more into it than what there actually is. (now, if I can just take my own advice... [wink])
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Dancer Communications
    Well, the whole point in establishing a good flow of communication is so that when I get the chance to be able to visit the club and/or a window of opportunity for an OTC meeting happens to open, I can make sure that the girl that I want to spend time with is available - otherwise the trip (usually 2-3 hrs, one way) is not worth it. Admittedly, at times, I have jumped through hoops to make some of my connections, but the rewards that the effort has reaped is, in my opinion, well worth it.
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    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    Frequency of club visits.
    I certainly do not get to clubs as often as I'd like. I live in the South Bend (IN) area, and there isn't any local club worth spending time OR money. My favorite club (Hip Hugger in Kokomo) is 1.5 hrs away, and because of that I need a good alibi (for the wife) to visit. Because of this, my visits are mostly during business trips, which have become less frequent. I was in Dallas a few months back and visited clubs several times. I have a class in Indy coming up next month and will be frequenting Kokomo and Indy clubs every chance I get. Without further rambling, my clubbing frequency probably averages once every two or three months.
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    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    Who knows? Wives? Girlfriends?
    I'm in my mid-forties, and married for 20 years. Most of the inner-circle of guys that I work with, know about my "hobby". Although a few visits to clubs have been discovered by my wife, I do everything I can to keep it a secret. When I visit, it's usually on business trips, and when not on trips I have very elaborate alibis to cover myself. On the few occassions that my wife learned of my visits, she didn't go balistic about it, but would keep saying "I can't believe you went there" for weeks after the visit. I prefer that she not know, because deep down it is somewhat of an insult to your wife that you have to find something in a club that you feel you need, and that which is not being obtained from your wife. For those that say they wouldn't go to clubs if they were not single; Married or not, I would be "clubbing". If you go to clubs for the reasons that I do, I don't believe that you'd stop going if you were not single. For me, the allure of "clubbing" is being able to sit in a club and know that pretty much ANY dancer there is within your grasp. The ability to basically snap your finger at THE hottest girl in the place and have her come over to be with you is pretty exciting. Sure you mght have success in a bar once in a while, but how else can you have nearly a 100% chance of playing with the girl of your choice?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Discussing OTC and extras
    Have I received extras at clubs? Yes. Have I played OTC? Yes. Do I detail any of that in my reviews? Absolutely not. The primary reasons that I do not mention these goings-on, are as follows; I am a jealous person. If I've got something going on with a particular dancer, I'd rather not help other guys find out that the potential is there. Sure, I tell myself she only does that with me - heck the girls usually tell me that, too, but I can't always believe that, as much as I'd like to. Thus, typically, I will not even mention her name in my posts. I also do not want to bring on problems for any girl, such as possibly getting fired, etc. Additionally, I do not want the clubs that I frequent to incur any problems with the local legal entities. Once that happens, we all know that the focus on that club will have a severe impact on the mileage - maybe even resulting in shutting down the place. Look what's happened in South Bend (IN)... there's NOTHING left of what used to be very good... now it's all air-dancing by some very unfavorable talent. Also look at The Hip Hugger in Kokomo (IN) - thanks to actions at a fellow club in the city, a big crack-down took place, resulting in the girls now having to wear tape in the nips.
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    18 years ago
    How to tell when you're getting bored in a stripclub.
    You start calculating how much money you've spent ($3 valet parking, $10 cover, $6 beer, $1 tip) and decide that you'd rather waste that money than another minute at this club...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    DJ vs. No DJ
    My favorite club is a Jukebox club, and over the 15 years or so that I've been going there (damn, that makes me feel old), I've only been asked for jukebox money a handful of occasions. If my girl for the night (the one that's been at my table all night) is due on stage, I will generally extend the money to her, without her asking for it, just as another thankyou for her time spent with me. Other pluses for the jukebox club; -> if the music it too loud, I will usually mention it to my girl, and she will discreetly bump the volume down a notch for me -> dancers tend to congregate around the jukebox as they select music for their stage sets... it's usually a nice sight to take in, with 3 or 4 girls huddled around the juke, giving a nice view of ass
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    18 years ago
    Getting Dances from Uncirculating Dancers
    Chandler, somehow you read my mind... I WAS referring to Brad's BF. I've been there probably 10 or less times over the years and have had mixed results. For the most part, I've left frustrated after spotting a girl that I was really interested in, only to be unable to make my way onto her "dance card". I HAVE had a few good times there, too, however. My "home club" (Hip Hugger in Kokomo - 1.5 hr drive from actual home) is never a problem. There's usually enough girls that I know to keep me busy, even though two of my ATFs are no longer there. I will probably make the 45 min drive up to Kokomo from Indy a few times during my "road trip", 'cause I know it's pretty much a "sure thing". I DO like the suggestion to enlist the help of a waitress. I've only used that ploy a few times, and have had success. The last time was at Baby Dolls in Dallas, when the most breathtaking girl there was obviously way busy and never made it close to my table. I asked a waitress to retrieve that dancer for me, and it wasn't more than 10 min later and I was in a "fort" with the object of my desires. (only regret was that I didn't give the waitress a nice tip for setting me up for one of my all-time best nights)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Peaking at the club
    In my book, a really good visit is only wrapped up at one of these three points in time; 1. when the bartender is yelling "last call" 2. when you've lined up someone to come back to your hotel 3. you've calculated that in order to get home before your alibi becomes unbelievable, you must leave now (ie., you said that you were going to the game and grab a bite to eat, and if you really did that, you'd have to be home by 11:30) As for leaving because you drank too much... that only means that I have to stay longer in order to get back into "driving condition".
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Road Trip question to bones7599?
    If I were to take a road trip specifically for clubbing and not a business trip, I think I would aim for Dallas. I've been to Dallas and there's an area (Northwest Highway, I believe) that is loaded with clubs. You could hit 20 clubs within walking distance of each other. Many of the clubs are excellent with high quality girls and dances. I can only speak for two of the clubs, but both were outstanding - I saw no need to check out any others, 'cause I didn't think I could top my experiences. Tampa would be another good alternative. Again, a lot of clubs, but probably two that stand out above all others. Seattle, of course... a few clubs there are MUST sees. San Francisco... home of one of the ultimate club experiences. For the homer in me, I couldn't leave off Indy, which would include Kokomo.
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    18 years ago
    Club Dressing Rooms
    A few of the things going on in the CDRs that I've heard from my girls... I hear there's sharing of intel - sharing about what guy(s) to avoid. Which guy is too "grabby", what guy will (or has) blown his nut (you might be black balled for the rest of the night - or longer, if you make it on that list - unless the guy was with a dancer that doesn't mind) I've heard there's a list on the wall of girls, and what patron they "own" - other girls are to stay away... Of COURSE drama takes place there. There's usually the fight every month or so that will get someone fired (happened to my best girl)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Club Dressing Rooms
    A few of the things going on in the CDRs that I've heard from my girls... I hear there's sharing of intel - sharing about what guy(s) to avoid. Which guy is too "grabby", what guy will (or has) blown his nut (you might be black balled for the rest of the night - or longer, if you make it on that list - unless the guy was with a dancer that doesn't mind) I've heard there's a list on the wall of girls, and what patron they "own" - other girls are to stay away... Of COURSE drama takes place there. There's usually the fight every month or so that will get someone fired (happened to my best girl)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Club Songs?
    For obvious reasons, you gotta like "I'm In Love With a Stripper". Another great tune is "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails - very straight forward and dirty. Getting a dance while this song plays can give you a good idea based on your interactions with the dancer, whether there is a chance for some OTC play without having to risk bringing the topic up in discussion.
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    18 years ago
    Club Songs?
    A Monty Python song in a SC? That, I would love to hear, being a Monty Python fan. I can't imagine which song that would be... "Look on the Bright Side of Life", from Life of Brian, perhaps?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Road Trip question to bones7599?
    Oh yeah, BG, thanks for reminding me... The Toronto area is pretty good, too. My last time through that area had a great time in Toronto at a Deja Vu club. The REAL highlight was in a 'burb called London. Solid Gold was the club name, and the place was simply crawling with gorgeous, willing girls.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How to start a harem?
    Bones, it sounds like you have it working for you. Enjoyed reading your example of the recent visit (at least I can take it in vicariously!).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Road Trip question to bones7599?
    FunSeeker: Definitely Baby Dolls! That place ranks in my top 5 clubs that I've visited. The Clubhouse (on Manana Dr.), was excellent as well. The third was the Goldclub.