An Addiction to Clubs

avatar for DougS
An addiction to clubs (or maybe that's aDICKtion)... I believe it is truly an addiction, I know it is in my case. What was the defining moment that led to your addiction; what got you started clubbing?

In my case, I'd been to clubs several times but really could take or leave the club experience and not miss it at all. That is until a business trip found me in Philadelphia, many years ago.

A friend (and business associate) and I went out looking for something to keep us occupied one evening. We got the idea of hitting a strip club because, like all of us here, we enjoy looking at hot women.

Anyhow, hopping into a rental car, we headed out in search of a club. We figured that we'd just look for seedy areas, then for the proverbial neon and we'd be in a club in no time. Keep in mind, this is before I could spell TUSCL.

We drove for HOURS - finding ourselves in several different states, but still unsuccessful in our quest. (we put 260 miles on the car that night)

Anyhow, it was getting late and we were getting frustrated, so after checking out downtown Philly - our last attempt - we hung it up for the night and headed back to the main highway (I-95, if I remember correctly). After about five minutes, we saw a big sign with some hot girls on it, which of course drew my attention. The sign was an ad for Cheerleaders - a strip club. Narrowly missing a few cars during a frantic lane change.

Cheerleaders turned out to be a great club, and I found a dancer that I hit it off with. She extended me some liberties, and she emptied my wallet. I mean EMPTIED it. Up until then, the most I'd spent in a club was maybe $30, and most of that was for beer. This night, I was into it for more than 2 Franklins.

It was the first night of the trip, and without ANY money, I had to hit my friend up for a loan - both for expenses AND to have enough in my wallet when I got home so that my wife didn't get suspicious.

Even though I blew a lot of money, all I could think of was what a GREAT time I'd had with Savanah (I can mention her name 'cause she's long retired).

What was the experience that got YOU addicted to clubbing?


last comment
Oh yes, and more. The dudes blowing major cash aren't necessarily rich at all (indeed, the rich "get that way" by NOT spending frivolously) but sometimes they are "rich" in CASH FLOW. Smart strippers are there to catch the droppings.

Here's a sad story.

About ten or twelve years ago, Canada instituted the GST. It's a goods and services tax on EVERYTHING (even postage stamps, how DUMB is that?). One accountant figured out a loophole in the system, by which he instead of the gov't collected people's GST tithe. This windfall he then spent on strippers. Eventually he got caught, but paying strippers isn't illegal, so the girls got to keep their houses, cars, and bling bling but the guy had to go to jail.

Addiction? I think he was just a sad lonely guy who got in too deep ...
Yes, very good. Social Security is indeed a Ponzi scheme -- more money out than in, but the implication is that the inflow itself (though insufficient) will somehow "cover" the outflow.

Didn't Ponzy basically set up an "unbacked" bank? As long as there wasn't a run of withdrawals on the tellers, he was all set?
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
No, it's not the Fed that's a Ponzi scheme, it's the Social Security system.

There was a similar case in Philadelphia about 10 years ago where a guy insured then killed his wife to continue his stripper habit. He had been giving a girl at Delilah's Den major bucks and she thought he was rich. These girls should learn that rich guys almost never do stuff like that, that's partly why they're rich to begin with. Stripping is a very dangerous job.
Now that dude had a good deal going until he killed his wife. He should have just declared bankruptcy and admitted he couldn't pay back the pyramid participants and moved to a new city and state and started over. He could have chalked it all up to "one great experience" with about a year of free spending behind him. Instead, though, I'm sure he was involved in connections to "dangerous" lenders (probably the mob?) and to others who might not have respected the technicalities of bankruptcy coverage quite as politely.

I might do that. :) Set up a pyramid scheme without ever intending to pay anyone back. :) Isn't that a Ponzi? I can never keep them straight. OK, let's see:

Scientology: pyramid scheme
US Federal Reserve Bank: Ponzi scheme

Did I get that right? :)
avatar for Jpac73
18 years ago
It can become an addiction if you are spending money you should be keeping for your family or yourself. There was an episode on Montel Williams a few weeks back about this guy who was addicted to stripclubs. Actually this event was about 5 or 6years ago. It was centered around 1 of the girls from the show G-String Divas. The guy was involved in some kind of illegal Pyramid scheme. This was how he was able to drop $3,000 dollars a week on this dancer named Summer. However, something went wrong with the scam and he ended up bottoming out. After a while he ended up owing a bunch of people lots of money. So he ended up killing his wife to collect the Life Insurance policy so he could pay his debts and keep his stripclub habits up of dropping money on summer.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
18 years ago
I might have been an addict before I ever went to one. My best friend used to be stationed at MacDill AFB in Tampa and just used to tell stories. I never did get down there and I might have been too young anyway then. I would go to clubs, but none really seemed interesting. But then I found this one place that used to be not too far away, and then got to have an early OTC experience, without trying especially hard. In a way, I've been trying to replicate that experience since.
avatar for hugevladfan
18 years ago
wow I don't know if I ever looked at it as an addiction but going there has some sort of an element of control I like (since I usually go myself it's much easier to feel part of the scene as opposed to a nightclub setting). I meet some interesting people in the place and it's juss one more area to watch human interactions in one of the rawest of scenes.
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
I've gone to clubs now and then for many years, but about 10 years ago I started going regularly because I was out of town a lot. Then I quit going regularly a few years later when my ATF quit. Since then I've gone once in awhile but it just isn't the same, it's not as much fun anymore. Now I'm much more likely to get a massage, it's more enjoyable and a whole lot cheaper. And it seems to be more socially acceptable although it's hard to understand why.
I remember beginning my "mongering" (and by that, I mean patronizing ANY form of sexual service provider) when I was frustrated with my inability to get normal sexual partners. I was in a pretty dark spot in my life, stunned at the young women I kept meeting who were REALLY out of line, especially since I had every reason to understand that I should have been "welcome" to have normal adult relationships. I look back now at the experiences I had among young women, and I'm surprised I didn't actually go postal. I've posted some of them, and don't want to go into them here, but suffice it to say they weren't JUST your typical "women are manipulative" things -- there were lots of mere egregious behaviors, from illegal acts to physical violence, etc.

Anyway, there I was, desperately horny. What's a young male to do? Well, since Fantasia in Richmond Hill (just north of Toronto) was available, I soon learned that prostitution and strip clubs could give me what I felt was a "normal" outlet. I needed it, and went at it for about three or four years during the "glory days" of that club. From then on, I've been re-living those experiences.

I realize that I can't exactly "go home," and get what I got at Fantasia, at just any old club. And I realize that the services that I get at a strip club or with a prostitute aren't "real" relationships, either, and therefore can't possibly replace what was missing from my young adulthood. If I could somehow create "normal" experiences back there in my formative past, I'd certainly do it.

I don't know if I'm "addicted" to clubs, because I've quit many times. I can quit whenever I want to! :)

No, seriously, because I experience clubs in a way that doesn't interfere with my regular life, and my expenses at clubs don't have any negative repercussions on the rest of my life, I don't consider it an addiction in the traditional sense. But if my regular life were better, then clubs wouldn't 'be necessary" and I'd be getting access to a few hot women through "regular" means rather than through strippers, so in that sense, strip clubs are somehow at odds with my regular life. Does that count as "an addiction"?
avatar for Jpac73
18 years ago
Doug it is probably more coincidental, since I have only ran into 1dancer with that stage name in the past 10years of clubing. Mines went on to pursue a career in Real Estate.
I guess it was several yrs. ago when I got 2nd ATM card, because the daily limit on my 1st card was too restrictive.
avatar for Mickkeyc
18 years ago
I used to go to stripclubs years ago, before my first marriage, then stopped (pretty much) while married.

After divorce, I decided to check them out again. The pecking order of "good to bad" in my area had changed somewhat, but I found a favorite and began to frequent a club.

It was my introduction to the VIP room that got me addicted. Not right away - the first time was just a more private version of a lapdance - but eventually I found a favorite (or two) that would make it more interesting.

All in all, it's a fun addiction except when I see what it does to my wallet. It seems my big brain is over-ruled by my little brain when it comes to money management in a club!

avatar for DougS
18 years ago
Jpac: it's pretty coincidental that our addicting moment at clubs were both involving dancers named Savannah. (or maybe it's just that it's a common stripper name)
avatar for Jpac73
18 years ago
I will be honest and say lapdances. The first stipclub that I went to didn't do any lapdances or table dances. It was a local club so I tried it out for a little while, but quickly became bored with it. Then a customer told me about another club about 80miles north of my town. I decided one night that I would try it out and see how it was. I met this beautiful Hungarian dancer named Savannah. She asked me did I want a dance. I said yes, although I didn't really know what to expect. Let's just say I thoroughly enjoyed the dance and became a regular of Savannah's and that club for a while till she left. The rest as they say is history.
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
I wouldn't call visiting strip clubs an addiction. It's enjoying the fun moments while they last.
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