
Your Deal Breaker?

Blue Ridge Foothills
We have a lot of topics currently going about various so-called features of strip clubs most of us could do without: annoying DJs, tip walks, bathroom attendants, VIP-room cameras, bird dogs. Which of these bugs you so much that you'd never return to a club that has it, even though you might like the girls and the dances? Feel free to throw in other unwanted features like valet parking, although obvious failings like ugly strippers, airdances or high prices ain't what this one is about.

Myself, I can put up with just about any of them if the girls are hot enough. There is a point where DJs can be so loud and disruptive that I can't take it. I guess my pet peeve is when clubs make you put on a wristband when you pay extra to enter the VIP, but I've only encountered that at clubs I didn't like to begin with. I could probably put up with it if I had to.


  • DougS
    18 years ago
    Come to think of it, a few more deal breakers have come to mind. ESPECIALLY if I'm going home right after the visit.
    -> strong perfume - I really love it when the dancer smells sexy, but when it's too strong, I draw the line... I cannot afford to go home smelling like a whore house
    -> glitter - I don't even think it looks sexy - not sure why they sometimes wear it, but again, there's no way I would risk going home with glitter on me. The one time I did, I didn't notice until it was too late... of course with my luck, I was wearing a black shirt and the gold glitter was WAY noticeble... even stopped off at the office on the way home and tried to get it off with tape... finally had to just go home and 'fess up to the wife where I'd been
    -> too much makeup - again, I don't want to go home with makeup on my collar, or crotch [wink]
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    Staff and/or dancers treating me rudely is the biggest Deal Breaker. I get any of that and I don't care what I have brewing with any dancer, I'm out of there. Fortunately, I can only think of two instances of this happening.

    One was at Dreamers (Stone Park/Chicago), years ago (the place is now Scores). There was a dancer that didn't particularly do it for me, and I really had no interest in her. She came up to me and said something about giving me a "sample" of her dance technique. I thought what the hell, it won't cost me anything. Well, she gave me a "sample" and I still wasn't interested, then she started blowing some smoke about me having agreed to let her dance for me and that I owed her $20 + tip for the dance I just received. It was loud and I MIGHT have misunderstood, but I don't think so. Anyhow, she started calling me names and I told her that she'd better get lost before I lost my temper, so she slunked-off while still berating me. Maybe if she'd been nice about it, I'd have compromised and assumed it was partly my mistake - probably would've given her some money, but NO way after that. I took that as a good time to hit the road.

    Another instance happened in Detroit (Inkster). I was at a place called Henry the VIII. I was nursing my $7.00 beer, and the waitress started giving me shit for not ordering for a while - told me that I had to order another one, or leave. I was getting to know a dancer at the time (Jennifer) and decided that maybe I had been cheap and ordered another beer - didn't want to leave without getting more chair time with Jennifer. The waitress brought my beer, then demanded a tip. THAT was the final straw. I told her that her service didn't deserve at tip and that perhaps there was a place that she could stick my beer - a place that'd keep it real cold 'cause she was obviously frigid, then I walked out. (haven't been back since)
    18 years ago
    Being overpriced is probably my biggest deal breaker. Air dances or employees with attitudes would probably tie for #2. A club with all 3, and there are a lot of them out there, won't get my business more than once.
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    As shadowcat says, plus any sort of feeling that place is a clip joint. Other than that, I'll put up with a lot for hot dances/dancers. But, remember that many areas have a lot of competring clubs, I've gone over to clubs that may not be quite as hot, but have less annoyances. Still return to hot annoying club, but split my time for better balance.
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    Oh, and I think fugly dancers is pretty much a given.
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    Immediate deal breakers? I hate huge crowds and drive-by "wanna dance" dancers. Other than that I'm pretty flexable both in terms of what I'll put up with and what if taken to extremes can become a deal breaker. Some deal breakers take a while to develop.

    One time I was sitting in a stageside seat. I was nursing a beer, mostly because I couldn't seem to get my waitresses attention and I wanted to make it last till I could get another. Suddenly the waitress, who seemed oblivious to the fact that I tried to flag her down every time she passed me for a half hour, swoops by and grabs my mostly empty beer walking off quickly. Not incidently asking if I wanted another. I stopped her and asked if she was going to bring me another, she asked "are you going to take an hour to drink it?" That was too much for me. I told her I'd been trying to order another one for the past half hour and if she'd do her job rather than spend her time doing shots with customers (part of her job, I know, but she was ignoring the other part and I wanted to make a point) she'd have seen that. Apparently pissed or oblivious to what I'd just said she says "You can't sit here all night with one beer." That was a deal breaker for me that night. I said I wouldn't have if she'd done her job and actually, you know waited on me, but now I decided that yes, I could sit there with one beer all night. On the way out I talked to the manager (who knew me) letting him know that his waitress just drove away a steady customer by first offering lousy service and by then blaming it on me. I never saw her at that club again.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago

    -- no hot dancers (I go home, or to another club, for the night, and check reviews to determine whether I should ever return)

    -- air conditioning broken during the summer in the American south (Yes! Danny's Downtown, Jackson MS)

    -- too many vice raids that are sent precisely to curtain exactly the activity that I am attending the club in order to enjoy (whatever that activity may be, I don't want a ticket for it!)

    -- clipping and misleading (see "clip joint" thread): basically, I want to know the charges BEFORE they're assessed against my wallet, and decide whether or not I want to pay them; if I only find out after it's "too late" to choose whether or not to get the thing that I "have to" pay for, then I'm outta there.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I was once ticked off at a bouncer for warning me when I happened to be sitting at the back of the club minding my own business. The more questions I asked about what I did wrong in his eyes, the more threatening he became as if he was evading what exactly it was that upset him. I left angry and didn't return for months. He changed his accusations 2 or 3 times. First he claimed I was starting to lean a little bit too close to a dancer when I sat up in my chair or something like that. Then he changed his accusations to a couple of dancers complained. That's funny because no dancer complained to me except I did notice two dancers looked upset that I didn't tip them when they were on stage. I had stayed quietly in my chair. End result, I didn't tip anyone at the club for months.
  • token
    18 years ago
    Deal Breaker.....when (and it does happen in at least one club) is when management continually monitors VIP dances and barges in for no real reason. By no real reason, I'm saying no touching by the customer. But, if a dancer (at one tampa fla bikini bar) happens to graze your leg with hers....the owner is in the vip. I wont go back.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    There is nothing about a club that will keep me away if there is a dancer working there that I want to see. That being said, the biggest annoyance for me in any club is the crowds on a busy night so I really only go on weekdays or early weeknights.
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