
Ever thought what exactly it is that makes one girl a lot more attractive?

Ever thought what exactly makes a girl attractive to you? Is it something in your genes or was it your views and experiences as you grew up? Some things seem easy to understand like smooth tone legs and a tone body. I read or heard that beauty we perceive lies in the symmetry in the face we see. Then I noticed if a girl has blonde hair, she seems a whole lot more attractive to me than if she has brunette hair. The same girl too if she dyed her hair. I haven't figured that one out yet except I know all my sisters are brunette.


    18 years ago
    How a girl moves is very important to me. There's nothing like a really graceful girl.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I thought it was "beergoggles are on the eyes of the beerholder" and "beauty in the eyes is beer."

    No, seriously, here's an interesting article


    about why the female form cannot be dissected. It's comprisement of units is exactly its beauty. Proportion (hips that match tits is the most obvious example) is much more important than size (big tits alone; or big or small hips, alone).
    18 years ago
    It's the total package that counts, you can't separate it into parts. I've seen way too many girls who if you analyzed each separate part she'd sound pretty average but somehow they all work together to make "wow." Or who had great parts but they just didn't work together.

    And I thought it was "beauty is in the eye of the beerholder."
    18 years ago
    First of all, I'm only attracted to fairly small and fairly slender girls, probably because I'm fairly small. Having said that, I've always been attracted to two very different personality types. First, I'm a sucker for the shy vulnerable clingy type, gets to me every time. My ATF GF was one of those, as were my #2 and #3 ATF dancers. But I'm also attracted to the outgoing all-American girl-next-door devilish type, which is what my ATF dancer is. The first group tend to be more feminine, the second are more Tom-boyish, so I guess either of those works for me. All of which says that I don't know what I like until I see it.

    I have two sons, one married a girl so much like his mother that it's scary, the second married a girl very unlike his mother. So I guess that proves nothing. Bottom line, who knows what the hell attracts us?
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    ROFL "another Freudian scam ..."
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    One of those plaid schoolgirl skirts and no panties? Nudity?
    Her head in my lap? The list is endless.

    It's pretty widely accepted that what we find generally attractive in women (full breasts, shiny hair, bright eyes, curves indicating some, but not too much body fat, etc, etc) are all associated with health and fecundity. As far as individual tastes I've heard everything from symetry to features resembling our own, but in a more feminine way.

    I personally find that I am attracted to women who seem mixed race (similar to Chitown's latitudinal preference, but a little more subtle) or fair skinned redheads. I have no idea why I have the redhead preference, but much as I'm attracted to them I've never dated one despite knowing several attractive ones. All my girlfriends have been dark haired dark eyed spinners with somewhat athletic bodies and decent sized breasts. None of those traits (nor redhead) describes my mother or any female relative I can think of. I think the whole mary mom thing is another Freudian scam, but will allow the possibility that we look for personality traits our mothers have as opposed to physical traits.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    I tend to chalk it up to personality. Some of my favorite girls could never walk the runways of Paris, but they had this exuberant joy for life you can't pass up when looking for someone.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    ROFL. I didn't say they GET what they got married for, I just said that's what they THOUGHT they'd get. :)

    No, I've never been married. I look at (most) married chumps as ... well ... chumps.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    Quoth BookGuy "They marry for the "security" of regular sexual activity, among other things"

    Umm, BookGuy--not to be critical or anything, but....are you (or have you ever been) married?
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    Yeah, I HAVE given this a LOT of thought. If any of you have read any of my reviews, you will probably notice that I mention what first attracts me to a woman. I'm talking about long, straight, silky, shiny hair.

    I've given this so much thought that I think I even know why this is. It's a fetish of mine, and I believe it can be traced back to kindergarten. In kindergarten, I sat behind twin girls that had long hair. I, to this day, can still remember playing with their hair during class (don't remember either twin objecting, nor getting in trouble with the teacher, so I guess there was no negative feelings assoctiated with it, either). [later in I dated one of the twins in highschool <g>]

  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I think theory-2 is true, for "traditional" men (aka, pussy whipped wimps who wouldn't admit that they like going to strip clubs). They marry for the "security" of regular sexual activity, among other things, and I do believe they follow the theory-2 thing about preferring women like their mothers. I see it around me, especially among the fugglies at work -- they resemble their mothers-in-law uncannily.

    For me, however, and for Chitownlawyer, we prefer women UNlike our mothers. But I think that's because "our" women are NOT for commitment but instead of recreational or even extra-marital sexual stimuli (whether or not literally coitus).

    I prefer "girlish." People have pointed out that this might have something to do with my other life and lifestyle dysfunctions and "issues." Need for immaturity, inability to communicate or participate with mature responsible humans, etc. The body-type I like the most, is lithe and supple, marginally athletic, but marginally skinny as well. I appreciate being able to (barely) see her ab muscles, for example. Her breasts must be perky. Once in a while, dangly breasts appeal to me, but only if they're ALSO naturally perky in a circular rounded way. I don't necessarily like LARGE breasts AT ALL. And my mom is STACKED. She's one of those women whom people look at and say, "geez, she should get a breast reduction." About a 99 FFFFF or so ...
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    On the other hand, I married a woman of generic white American Anglo-Saxon/German/Celtic heritage. So maybe there is something to that theory.

    On the other other hand (I was an economics major in college...thus, all the hands), my favorite dancers at strip clubs tend to be of the type that I described above. The dancer I see most regularly is of Portuguese descent.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    However, from the point of view of physical attributes, I think that the anthopologists opine that it is combination of 1. possessing those physical characteristics that we associate with fertility/fecundity--big breasts (obvious), youthful, smooth skin (lots of childbearing years ahead), a round butt (easier to shoot the kids out), etc.; and

    2. possessing physical characteristics that, at some subliminal level, remind us of our mothers. I recently read an article in the local newspaper in which some social scientists gave the opinion that this is why black men tend to like their women bigger than do white men...because black men had bigger women as mothers than did white men (See, for example, Sir Mix-A-Lot, "Baby Got Back, c. 1994). I am not endorsing this theory (or repudiating it, either), just reporting it.

    I do have to say, however, that theory #2 kind of falls apart in my case. My mother's ancestry is traditional All-American NW European Anglo-Saxon/German/Celtic. However, the women to whom I am most attracted come from about a thirty degree latitudinal band from Central America, through southern Europe and North Africa, through the Middle East, and winding up in India/Pakistan. I am most sexually attracted to Latins (Old World or New); Arabs and Middle Eastern Jews; Persians; and Southwest Asians--Indians and Pakistanis. These people, however, have no place in my mother's gene pool. So maybe part 2 of the theory above is bullshit.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Femininity. It all wraps up into that.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    And chitownlawyer, I disagree. I get your point, but if a butt-ugly fattie pays attention to me, she becomes LESS attractive. From a distance, I might even be able to convince myself, "Hey, she's not hot, but I'll bet she's friendly." Up close, I just think, "Damn, her personality is as annoying as her body."
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    I'm a cynic, and I look towards psychological explanations for such things. Based on years of observations, I have to say that a woman becomes attractive to a man when she pays attention to him. The most sensitive part of a man's anatomy is his ego. I've just seen it too often...a man with a lot going for him is attracted to a not-too-hot woman...but she knows how to play him. I've seen offices, departments and law firms where a woman who has aged a little past her prime has every man in the house wrapped around her finger...because she knows how to play up to men.

    I wish we weren't so predictable, but there you are.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    Lol, hmmm, I think that might work. If a guy is aroused, suddenly the girls look better.

    I've thought that some of the features many females do to make themselves look better may actually slightly arouse guys and that is why they look better to us. For instance red lipstick looks a lot better and makes a female look better than say green lipstick. I think red glossy lipstick looks even sexier. It looks sexy but I just don't want it all over my clothes.
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