
Comments by DougS (page 50)

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    18 years ago
    Clubbing safety
    It seems like jealousies, liquor and hot women all add up to a lot of potential problems in clubs, but so far, I've never witnessed any, and because of that, even though sometimes I feel a little uncomfortable, especially when I've taken one of the top girls out of circulation. Another aspect is, though I can't speak for most guys, I usually am carrying a big wad (err.. poor choice of words) of cash, which could be making myself a mark for someone that might notice. Recently, I've taken to splitting up my money and leaving half - or more - of it in my vehicle. Actually, the last few times, I've only taken in money for liquor. Since I'm at a good comfort level with my girl, and since I've been closing the place, when it's time to check out, I just tell her to go change and I'll retrieve her money. This has worked well. Better still, I've walked her to her vehicle and settled the tab there.
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    18 years ago
    YOUR policy on extras?
    Mickkeyc: That's a good point on the DFKing. I wouldn't consider it an extra at all, but in my experiences I've found it to be rare. If my memory is correct, I've experienced only five dancers that I've shared a lip kiss with, only three were DFKs. That number may be skewed a bit because I tend to spend more time with known dancers, rather than sampling a lot. As for the DFKs, I've had regulars that I've never shared this with. Out of the three, I would only consider one of them a regular of mine. I had definite reservations with the two-non regular DFK experiences, but I kind'a was caught up in the moment. The DFKing shared with the regular, there was no apprehension. Is it risky? I'd say most definitely. Is it wise? I don't think so. It's definitely very intimate, and because of that very enjoyable. To me, it takes the "relationship" to a higher level. If a dancer initiates (or alllows) DFK, in your experiences, do you think it means there's a "connection" or is it more commonly just another way that the dancer uses to make you feel more special and aid in the fantasy?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    So that explains it!
    Or maybe now that she has kissed Natalie Portman, Culkin just didn't turn her on... (Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis together... I'd pay some money to see that!) I haven't seen Black Swan yet, so I don't know how far, but I hear they just kiss while fully clothed :(
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    How to enjoy SEXtracurricular Activities (Without the SO Finding Out)
    @shaved13, I hope the article will prove to be of help in the future! Coincidentally, I just retrieved my clubbing clothes from the dry cleaners today, freshly cleaned, pressed and folded from my last sexpedition. It sure beats what I used to do.... which was driving all the way home with my car windows all wide open, trying to air out as much as possible before getting home. This proved to be a totally miserable drive during those cold winter nights, but it was my only solution until I wised up and devised my current plan of attack. Good luck and happy clubbing!!!
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    13 years ago
    How to enjoy SEXtracurricular Activities (Without the SO Finding Out)
    Another thing to add as a warning. Be careful about complacency! This has been a struggle lately with me. The longer you go about these sexcapades without getting caught, you may find yourself getting complacent. Never leave your guard down. Never take shortcuts. Never get lazy and fail to (or forget to) cover your trails. Obviously this hobby can be a lot of fun and we a wealth of enjoyment, but never, ever forget how dangerous this can be to your "real" life. One slip up - tiny as can be - could be the end of things as you know it. You have to continually ask youself if it is worth the risk. So far, I answer is ALWAYS a resounding "HELL YES!" But I DO have to admit all of the prep work and follow-up work can become tedious.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    How to enjoy SEXtracurricular Activities (Without the SO Finding Out)
    @HonesT: 1. I assume you are questioning being TOO clean when you see the SO, after your sexpedition. For me, the way I work it, it isn't a problem. I typically plan it so I have my hookups/club visits at night, retire to the hotel for a few hours of sleep (if I have time), then shower and hit the road, driving directly to work. So, I spend the whole day working and when I see the SO, it's a "normal" smelling me. 2. the business card... since writing that article, I've become more and more paranoid about distributing. In fact, the last playnight (a club visit w/o any OTC), a new dancer begged me for my contact info, and I kept telling her that I'd give her my card. By the end of the night, I never gave her the card (she was quite drunk and forgot). 3. For the time being, it's working well just keeping it at work, though as I type this, I have a set of clubbin' clothes in the trunk of my car (in the spare tire compartment, under the floor of the trunk). 4. The stray hairs are a definite challenge. Especially for me, as I have a weaknees for girls with long, straigh hair. So far, the only time "caught" with this, I was able to say that somone must have tracked it in on their shoe. Another issue is most of these girls smoke and they usually don't like to be told that they can't smoke in my car. So far, all have complied... but if ever I have that smell to cover up, the ol' Fabreeze will be used liberally... hopefully that will work.
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    13 years ago
    How to enjoy SEXtracurricular Activities (Without the SO Finding Out)
    Juicebox69: by "bookbag," are you asking what I have in my "otc kit?"
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    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    A Brief History of The Ultimate Strip Club List
    IGU: Damn, Shadowcat sure is a big trouble maker! [grin]
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Old Guys "Weird Out" Younger Men in Strip Clubs
    Yes, this is a great thread! Eye-opening, too. I'm on the old side; soon to be 50 (damn, that sucks to say out loud!). I never would've dreamed in a million years (which I'm feeling now) that younger guys were "weirded-out" by my presence in SCs. When I was younger, I never thought like that about older guys.. and don't think like that about the ones that are even older than I am now. Wow... Maybe it's just a line that the girls are giving me, because I'm of that older ilk, but MANY girls have told me that they'd rather spend time with older guys for the many reasons mentioned above. The girls that I know who work days, work days BECAUSE of the older clientel. I'm told that in general, we are more appreciative, show more respect and aren't all "grabby hands." Also, we tend to spend more on them; more than just the dances as we tend to tip more and also buy drinks. Younger guys tend to just get a few dances at a time, but older guys typcially do longer dance sessions. (personally, I will get a minimumm of 6 dances at a time - if there's chemistry, and many times will get 10-ish in a particular session) So, if you were a dancer, who would you prefer to spend that time with? I am also a "whale", and hog the girl I want to be with for MANY hours, during which time I request that she NOT spend time with other guys in the club. Do I want to "date" the dancer I am with? Of course, why whouldn't I? Is that unrealistic? No! In the case of my ATF, we dated for nearly three years, during which time we talked about marriage, she divorced her husband and I NEARLY divorced, so yes, I'd say it wasn't just wishful thinking, nor was it SS scamming. So, I s'pose I owe those younger guys an apology for taking a girl off the menu while I'm ITC.
  • article comment
    14 years ago
    How to enjoy SEXtracurricular Activities (Without the SO Finding Out)
    Quicknight: You are correct.. sorry, I should have mentioned that. Yes, I have a drawer that locks (and the key is hidden), in which I store ALL of my sexpedition and sexcapade materials. This includes bank info, cash, everything that makes up my OTC kit, notes, souvenirs, memory cards w/pics, etc. From time to time, I also have some things temporarily hidden in my car, such as dry cleaning (while transporting to/from). My car has a "false floor" in the cargo area, underwhich the spare tire and tools reside, along with anything else I may be hiding at the time.
  • article comment
    14 years ago
    How to enjoy SEXtracurricular Activities (Without the SO Finding Out)
    Even though I attempted to be thorough, I obviously left out some things, and was a little vague on others... Maybe a part 2 in the future... In the meantime, one thing that wasn't mentioned was in addition to the extra set of clothes, I always plan my sexcapades so that I am able to shower before returning home. Usuaully, I will spend the night in the hotel (hopefully doing more than sleeping! [wink]), then drive home (actually to work) the next day. I would never think of going home without showering. One saving factor, though, if you aren't able to shower is the smell of smoke. It does a pretty good job of covering up the smell of perfume.. or at least diluting it! Wet naps was suggested - another Primo idea! And, actually, that's an ommission... I DO have wetnaps, as well as the antibacterial wipes in my OTC kit. Maybe I should'a went through my kit while I wrote the article! Another technique that I discovered, before implementing the extra change of clothes... One girl had gotten makeup on my collar. How the heck can you explain THAT?! Well, as I drove looking at the makeup smudge in the mirror, it dawned on me... I couldn't remove the stain, but I certainly could cover it up! So, when I got out of my car, I took a finger and swiped it down the side of my dirty car... then rubbed that dirty finger on my collar... makeup stain gone! Now, all I had to do was explain the DIRTY collar, but THAT my friends, is a MUCH easier task! Someone suggested an article on how to hookup OTC style. I'll consider that, but that is a difficult article to write. Every girl, as well as every situation is different, so a cookie-cutter approach will not work - at least not everytime. Also, each guy needs to practice his own style...
  • article comment
    14 years ago
    Lingerie Football League: True Fantasy Football
    Coincidentally, I watched some LFL tonight (a few minutes ago). From what I saw, for the most part, the girls had a lot of extra meat on them... many of the girls having a "roll" hanging over the waist band of their bottoms. I watched for maybe five minutes and though one or two looked like they had a cute face (MAYBE - hard to tell because of the headgear), I didn't see any body that looked inviting. THIS brand of LFL is a LONG way from the LFL that was marketed during the half-time of the Super Bowl in years past. The SB flavor of LFL had HOT chicks - models, actresses, celebs - not quasi fat girls. Color me uninterested.
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    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Maximizing OTC Options When Traveling
    I echo the prior comments... good job. You hit upon some good hints, some of which I know work, 'cause I practice some of those techniques. The only one that I am NOT good at, is turning down the dances... I like to play at the club, too... but that hasn't eliminated OTCs, it just makes it more challending and also tends to make it a little more difficult to turn the corner and get to the bed... but it's not impossible.