
Money showers.

Monday, September 18, 2006 11:16 AM
Here is a way that someone can appear to be a whale, if that is important. One time I was at my Favorite Club, and a young "urban" man stood stageside, slowly but steadily peeling singles off a roll of $100-$150, and throwing them at the dancer. In my background, money was considered something that was dealt with discreetly and as a necessary evil, in the same category as sex and toilet paper. I discussed what I had seen with my OTC friend. She said that it is called a "money shower", and is a great favorite of dancers She said that she did not view it at all as humiliating, and would welcome one, should it come her way. I have recently brought it up with another dancer, and she had the same response. A money shower helps a dancer by 1. Calling the attention of other customers to her, and ratifying her professional abilities, in a way that a single $100 bill cannot do; 2. Reinforces her ego, as she sees all that money coming her way. Is this type of thing common, or at least "done", at any clubs?


  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    Found a funny short video of money showers and a funny part at the end. [view link]
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Yah, you have to bend over and show your ass to the whole crowd ...
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I was on the receiving end of a money shower the night I danced in an amateur contest. It might have been sort of a mercy tip, as well. The two young studs who were onstage with me had received the lion's share of the attention through our set. Then near the end, a couple of my stripper friends came up and spread out a trail of about $40 in singles for me. Picking them up wasn't any more humiliating than the rest of the night.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I saw a shower of about $200 in $1s at Christies in Memphis. One dyke-ish dressed petite girl giving it over to a dancer. Frustrating -- I guess it's OK for the dyke customer (probably another dancer, probably they live together, etc. etc.) to get her fun, but she's probably sharing that money with the recipient on the weekend, and meanwhile both ladies are occupying time that could otherwise be spent with desperate horn-dog males, which is after all the point of a strip club.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I've seen money showers more often than not. I'm sure the dancers enjoy getting the cash. I usually think of the customer as either a. rich with money to burn, b. someone who doesn't get out much and is blowing his wad, c. someone who is desparately trying to show off that he has money when he doesn't really. If a dancer does a money shower, I start wondering if their scheming such as what if dancer a is friends with dancer b. Dancer a goes up on stage and unknown to all the customers, she loaned dancer b, twenty ones to shower her while on stage. Then she gets a shower of cash and gets a lot of customer attention. Both dancers seem to have a lot of disposable cash the way they are throwing it around. I don't know if that happens but it's just something I thought of. Maybe I read too many conspiracy theories.
    18 years ago
    I rarely tip more than a buck or two to girls on stage, and they're always happy to get it because a lot of guys don't tip at all. I save my money for when we're alone together. I don't think giving a big tip increases the odds that she will join you, so why do it? And most of the places I go you have to put the tip in the garter belt, that's the way it's done.
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    While spending time with my new ATF, the subject of Money Showers came up. She said it'd happened to her a while back. She said the downside was that she slipped on the bills and fell flat on her butt. I asked her if it was a positive or negative feeling (not inlcuding the fall), and she said it was mixed. Nice to receive the tip, but a pain to pick up all the bills. Of course, the money tipped the scale (no pun intended).
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Are classy places where you have to slip the tip into the stripper's - excuse me, exotic dancer's garter belt? Fuck that!
  • token
    18 years ago
    I've seen it quite a few times, usually by black guys in their mid 20s to mid 30s. The dancers seem to like it and dont mind picking up after the set but like others have posted, these guys rarely tip anothr dancer or spend much on her after she gets off stage. Also, I've seen a guy go around the stage placing folded ones around the perimeter of the stage (maybe $30-40) and the dancer will go hands and knees around the stage picking them up one by one with her mouth (have no idea why she just didnt scoop em all up at once). Did I mention I go to classy places?
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I've seen it done by customers who didn't fit any particular profile except that they weren't there to get lap dances. I don't see how it's any more humiliating than most other stage tipping. Strippers are usually quite willing to crawl around the stage. They throw tips on the stage themselves as they collect them. They also take tips with their mouths or between their tits. As long as it's legal tender. Also, Chasman, Canada is different, since their smallest paper bill is a five.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I only ever see it done by either "pimp"-style dressed African American males, or by white dorky-dressed college boys who are looking to impress.
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    Never seen one myself, either. I'll have to discuss it with the girls during my next club visits. To me, I would think it would be somewhat of a humiliation to the girl; degrading. She's forced to crawl around like an animal to retrieve all of the bills. I HAVE seen the Christmas Tree, though, where you (or a group of guys) stuff so many bills in her g-string, garter, stockings (tops, if she hasn't removed it yet, but what's the point?!), etc., covering her with so much green that she looks like a Christmas tree. To me, this accomplished the same thing as a Money Shower, without the disrespect, and the need to pick up all of the bills.
    18 years ago
    I guess I don't go to the right clubs, I've never seen one.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    LOL, yeah, throwing coins is a good way to get your ass kicked...
  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    Saw one years ago in SLC, Utah. It was given by a black guy about 7' tall. My guess is he was in town for a basketball game.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    What it shows is that strippers like money. About the only form of stage tipping they frown upon is throwing coins.
  • Jpac73
    18 years ago
    Yeah it is common at the clubs I attend. Usually the young African American Males are the ones that do this. I have never known exactly how much they are tipping but I doubt they tipped anything near 100dollars maybe more like 30dollars in all ones. These guys are usually not the type to buy lapdances. They do this to "show off" like they are rolling in the money. The dancer will probably look for them when she gets off stage but she won't get anymore money out of them.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    I see them fairly often at a couple of my regular clubs. The dancers I talk to are about 50/50 as to weather they like them or not. They certainly like the money but crawling around on your hands and knees with your ass in the air gathering up the cash is not looked upon favorably by all dancers.
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    For $100, I'd rather buy several good Private LD's than piss away that many 1's just to make a spectacle of myself.
  • chasman
    18 years ago
    I see this quite often when I'm in Vegas clubs, where it's less the "urban" patrons and more the obvious tourists. I have to admit that even when I want to tip heavily I can't bring myself to do this, probably for the same reasons chitown mentioned in his original post. The most ostentatious display I'll make is fanning 10 or 20 in singles out on the rail or stage in front of myself. As far as throwing coins go, I'd recommend that the curious check out the strip clubs in Calgary or Edmonton Alberta, Canada. The "loonie toss" is a well established tradition in Alberta, although class is not.
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