
Emailing fellow TUSCLers?

Atlanta suburb
Most of us have our email addresses available to other members. To those that do not, I have to ask why. I have made a lot of friends on here. Guys that I hear from weekly or sooner. We not only share strip club shit but whatever else is going on in our lives. It is fun. I have had two members that have asked me personal questions that they did not want to share on the discussion board. I was unable to help them. They were personal questions about dancers that I didn't even know. I have only had my ass kicked once. The member told me to never email him again. And I haven't. He thinks that he is some kind of strip club guru. He knows it all but it seems to me that all he knows is how to seduce Brazilians. Thats a fucking given. Hide your email address dude! Meanwhile I will continue to exchange emails with all of my friends. Maybe it's always about money with strippers but with TUSCL friends it will always be about FUN.


  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Seems like if you want someone's email you can ask for it. One reason I keep my from showing is that I'm very lazy about email. Unless the person tells to look for their email, I will probably never even see it.

    Good to hear you made a lot of friends here. :) Happy lapping.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    BRAVO Housemom! I totally agree with your thoughts about emailing friends. Most know that I have a lot of free time on my hands, currently, so I'm guilty for filling up their mailboxes. But, I've never been asked to quit. Probably 70% of the TUSCL members that I've personally met, was a direct result of emailing them first. I have a BLAST telling of my escapades and enjoy hearing theirs! It's all F.U.N.
    We don't get jealous, maybe envious, so there is no harm done. It's usually BOYS will be BOYS talk.

    I just wished more members would display a Yahoo or Hotmail address, but I also understand their right of anonymity and respect that.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I used to not have any anonymous email plus there was not an option to change it yourself. Even now I don't have much time to email even my own brothers and sisters and don't get around to reading all the email I get now. I may set up an anonymous email just for this site though. If you're email isn't anonymous, you don't want spammers or the wrong coworker to find it if you value being anonymous. More free time would be something I would enjoy since I seem to have less and less.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I guess the short answer would have been is "I'm not the Facebook generation". A good strip club answer would be "I'm too busy looking at tits and ass to read email."
  • Yoda
    17 years ago
    I don't mind getting emails from fellow TUSCL members but there is some info about dancers that I won't give out even in a private email. This has pissed a few guys off over the years....oh well.
  • minnow
    17 years ago
    I removed my email from profile because I was tired of getting spams(I hardly get any, now), plus a desire to tightly control contact to certain credible, focussed reviewers. Having PM capability on Tuscl would be a plus.
  • JC2003
    17 years ago
    No emails. PM's would be fine.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    If you could send PM's as part of TUSCL that would be a nice plus to this site.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Of course if someone got out of line, you might want the option to ignore users or have them be added to a friends list first. An option to ignore someone much the same as in the discussion would work I believe. Of course it isn't that much more trouble to set up a free email account at yahoo.com
  • trickystick
    17 years ago
    I don't want others that I might know in my personal life seeing my posts, if they do in fact read the board. I could create an "anonymous" email address, but then I'd have to check it. I've considered that, but I'm not sure it's worth it. I know by not having it available, I'm limiting my info possibilities because I don't feel that it would be right for me to email others with questions since I don't have my email available for questions. Bottom line, it isn't available so I can stay anonymous.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    If I hadn't made my email address available on this board, I wouldn't have met a WHOLE bunch of TUSCL friends! And, I would have missed ALL those TUSCL meetings and conventions we have in Columbia. MOST of all, I wouldn't have located my TWIN brother at our favorite club in Columbia!

  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    I've had my e-mail address available for over a year and never have been bothered by spam.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Mine's "secret" so I can only ever get official TUSCL email, not mails from members. I guess if someone wanted to find me though, they probably could. At least, they could find my "fake" anonymous internet email, I mean.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I have 4 email addresses. I have one at Bell South because they are my DSL provider. I have one at work. I have one for family and personal friends and I have an anonymous one at Budweiser.com for use on TUSCL. I also have one snail male address. Thanks for the Christmas card brother Bones.
    17 years ago
    I've had 3 different email addresses for years. Originally it started out as one for personal friends, one for business, and one for monkey business. But eventually it got all screwed up. Now it's basically one for TUSCL, one for my ATF, and one for everyone else (which is a small number.) I'm not much into email.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Am I on the ATF list yet FONDL???? :-)
    17 years ago
    Bones, you and Shadowcat and a couple other people here are on the Monkey Business list. And I'm waiting to hear about the next episode with your massage therapist :-)
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    LOL@FONDL.... Last Saturday I drove her up to Cleveland to give my son a one hour message (no happy ending of course). That was his Christmas gift from me. We went out to eat at a local BW3s, then she & I left for the 2 1/2 hour drive back. No monkey business in the car, but provided good company for each other.

    My next appointment is at 11:00AM this morning for a 4 handed massage by her and her cousin. Will email you the results. *wink*
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Emailing between fellow TUSCLers has greatly enhanced my TUSCL experience. I have made several friends via emailing among members, and even though I've met very few, I still consider them friends. I enjoy hearing about members sexcapades, and I enjoy telling them about mine. Even more import are the helpful suggestions and valuable advice that I've been able to glean from them - and vice versa.

    My TUSCL buddies, since they are privy to information that I don't really have anyone else to talk to about has been like having a lifeline. I'd probably be struggling with my issues a whole more if I weren't able to discuss them with someone that knows what I am talking about or feeling. It is most definitely therapeutic for me to put things into words.

    After having said all of that, you are probably wondering why I have my email address hidden... well, mostly because it was a direct pointer to my real identity (stupid, right?). Hiding it, was easier than going through the hassle of creating a bogus email account, etc., which I AM going to do, but haven't had the time.

    Thanks to all of you who email with me! I know you put up with a lot of wordy, verbose crap from me, and I want YOU to know that it is greatly appreciated!
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    The one positive thing about emailing fellow TUSCLers is that we can go into detail, brag if you like, about our mileage, scores, and not have to worry about putting that info on the club reviews.

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