Comments by dallas702 (page 43)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Elgin arrests 11 in reverse prostitution
    This Chi-town suburb is always trying to "clean up" just before elections and just after bad press. Since I not longer live anywhere near the frozen north, I don't keep up with their votes or scandels, I wonder which is it this time?
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    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    What's in *your* wallet?
    Gatorfan, I'm calculating my sc expenses to see if I have a problem. Wait, Did you mean net or gross? Nevermind, either way I seem to be investing too much in lappers.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Road trips...
    The real problem with hitting the top SC cities is that they are not convenient to driving from one to another. That said, my favorite SC cities are Montreal (off island), Detroit, Houston, ESL and Miami (not in that order). Tampa, ATL, Vegas, Chicago, Philly, Indy and NYC would NOT make my list. I did do a Chicago, ESL, OK City, Dallas, NOLA Strip club run a few years ago. It was fun but not worth repeating.
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    14 years ago
    the speed force!
    Jacksonville...say it ain't so
    I live near Jax, FL and haven't heard or seen anything about raids on SCs. There was a story yesterday about strippers from Passions "taking to the street" advertising the club with hand held signs at curbside, but the story was not terribly negative. Where did you hear this "news?" Not saying it didn't happen, just wondering why it's not front page!
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Investment opportunity....Way off topic
    What I learned a couple of years ago is that these scams (usually the scammer is somewhere in west Africa, the "hk" in the email address notwithstanding) are first after your bank acct #, then enough info to steal your identity and finally if you are a big enough sucker they will even get you to send $$$ to be "held in trust" to establish an account in your name so that your $22,250,000.00 (in united state dollars) can be immediately deposited in the new account. Your email address is also marketable even if you only respond once. I see some version of this scam often and I get a kick out of the bad grammar and implausible stories. What I don't understand is how anyone could actually fall for this kind of scam - but people DO get taken in. If you want to play with these crooks, get a dead end email address and use an internet cafe (they do) to avoid getting tracked back to your IP, then enjoy telling them all kinds of false info!
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    14 years ago
    Club cut of dance prices
    Certainly, some club operators are so greedy they overcharge the girls to the point the dancers leave, and the club goes downhill fast. We've all seen it. Then there are the "volume makes all" attempts where clubs cut house fees (or eliminate them) to attract more dancers, thinking more dancers = more customers (probable) and more customers means more money (not always). The low/no dancer fee clubs usually do get more dancers, but sometimes that means more problems with customers, more attention from LE, more parking headaches and not much more drink revenue. A few years ago I saw a club go from quiet/neighborhood bar/strip club to booming, loud busy in just a few months because they cut the tip-outs and per dance fees. Dancers came in large numbers and the customers followed. The owner filed for Bankruptcy less than a year later. Without tip-outs the bar had to pay DJs and bouncers more, and hire more bouncers. Since the customers were there for the dancers they really didn't buy a lot of drinks and revenues didn't go up enough to cover the many increased costs. If the club managed the change better, could they have made it? Maybe! How high a cover will customers accept in a given market? What drink price bumps revenue and what price just dropps volume? Is there enough parking for a big crowd? How big can the crowds get before LE starts visiting too often? The strip club business can be a gold mine for operators who hit the right balance. Clearly, finding that balance of fees, cover, drink prices, parking, oversight, etc., can be difficul for some clubs. I don't want to be in the business, I just want clubs where hot girls want to crawl all over my body and do nasty things without taking all my money. I'll let the club owner worry about the tip-out, and hope the dancers can talk about something else while they are in my lap.
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    14 years ago
    (Off Topic) Need Advice-How to Deal
    Hey Dude, Time to get agressive. Thank everyone who called on you "for thinking of me as possible help in a tough situation." Talk to the CYA Bit.. Boss about letting you write the plan (whatever plan that is). Mention to her boss that you offered. Smile at everyone like you know stuff that will put you on top. Act like you are the winner in this (and the next) situation. Do not pass on any future "jobs" that are out of your skill set, but DO make sure that you clearly explain that you are on the job because you solve problems not because you know that skill. And remember - if your boss thinks that you DO and WILL cover her ass she will not try to screw you over.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    stripper gonna make me rich....
    Actually, DJ may have fallen into a better deal than my financial advisor slapped me with in 2008! At least he got to see some tit as his money flew away. Love your posts, they remind me not to take life too seriously.
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    15 years ago
    Stripper Compliments
    The other day a spinner was cuddled up in my lap while we waited for an open LD room. She whispered in my ear that she felt safe in my lap. A few minutes later she also commented on how big and hard . . . Personally, I am certain that none of it was SS.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Jacksonvile, FL
    k0270, I checked out the Doll House Monday and am happy to report good news. Several girls from another nude club in Jax have moved to the Doll House - in mass - so the quality of dancers, and the number on shift, has improved. Also, it appears that several, more liberal, dancers have also started working there. Jacksonville is NOT a strip club Mecca - far from it. There are no high energy party clubs. Only three Juice Bar nude clubs (Doll House, Sinsations and Solid Gold) and ALL the rest are bikini bars. None of the bikini bars have private lap dance rooms. So, as others have said, in Jax the best choice is Doll House - but it is the best of a poor lot.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    specifics in reviews?
    Just wrote a review for Jax, FL club I visited Monday. I did name one dancer (she did nothing in violation of club rules or the law) and used C*#*# for the name of another who did provide a very good time (read "extras"). I was also vague about what C*#*# did with me. You are, IMHO, right that it is a bit uncouth to name the dancer and specify the extras she offered. Certainly name the ROBs, name the hot looking dancers, name the ones with hot stage shows, and I hope posters will (with some honesty) let readers know if extras are available - but I won't name the girl. (ONE exception - I mentioned TUSCL to a dancer a few years ago and she wanted to be named, along with what she would do, so I did.)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Hey Clubber, samsuns1, Yoda, Thanks for the tips. I have a car and will try the Pink Pony this afternoon then move on to Tootsie's later (I planned a return to Tootsie's anyway) I tried Playmates (Coral Gables) last night (it was very late by the time I checked in and Playmates was reasonably close) difficult to find, not very big, very busy, but WELL worth the trip. Reviews later!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are strippers BI-Polar?
    S cat, Actually bi-polar is the same thing we used to call manic depressive. It refers to a person who goes from extremely depressed to "over the top" excited in repeated cycles. The problem is often treated with more than one drug (one to calm the manic times and a different drug to treat depression) plus counseling. Often people suffering from bi-polar disorders will quit taking their drugs when they feel good and won't resume drug therapy until they hit a very low period of depression. So it is not two different personalities but instead extremes of behavior and thoughts. I think there are a lot of bi-polar strippers but not all - or even a majority. A lot, because a SC is a place where a bi-polar woman can hide her extreme mood swings and no one fires her if she calls out sick when she is too depressed to go to work. I am not a shrink either, but I have encountered the issue. I've also encountered a number of crazy strippers and I'm pretty sure some of them were bi-polar. (I too, wish they were just bi!!)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    The Pleasure Room?
    Hey guys, the clubs - and reviews are on this site (including a couple of 2008 reviews from me) Rates tend to vary but most girls in most clubs were asking (last year) for $100-HJ, $200-BJ and $300-FS as a starting point. Time and services ARE negotiable. I did not meet any "uglies" in those clubs. I did enjoy many converations with women who stuck around even after I declined their pitch - some of them even recommended other women and offered to bring them over to meet me.
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    15 years ago
    The Pleasure Room?
    Samsung, the SC stage experience at those clubs is low since the focus is not on stage dancing, but otherwise thse clubs a very much like small town strip clubs in the states - out front. The girls at the off-island clubs are all over the range. I've seen a few 9s, many 6,7,8s, and a lot of 4s and 5s. Like any SC most girls just want your $ and it shows when they sit down next to you. Some of them are entirely convincing in their claim that they enjoy what they are doing. Mostly my experience up there has been very good. //Note that Canadian law prohibits advertising sexual favors but prostitution is not illegal so the off-island clubs with "extras" are SC/brothels and mostly legal.
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    15 years ago
    The Pleasure Room?
    Dudster, I guess you've never been to the "off-island" clubs around Montreal. The doors do lock, you can choose between couches, massage tables and beds (depending on which club you visit - one even has a shower) and your described scene is pretty much how it works.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What makes a "10"?
    Clubber, man you are hard hearted - or just blind - or maybe you close you eyes when you're about to pop. I've seen a lot of 10s when I'm on the edge (sometimes they are 4s a couple of minutes later. ;>) Actually, I have known 2 sure all-around 10s over the years. Both met my criteria (below)but I only got to "enjoy" one. Women who look like a wet dream when they drag themselves out of bed in bright morning light. (Man, that is sooooo rare!) Tits that everybody seems to notice - even when modestly covered. Doesn't matter what size or how firm, some tits are just "THERE!" Legs that flow smoothly into a shapely, firm butt that still wiggles a bit when she walks. It's got to have all those complicated curves that define a healthy, strong ass. Lean, healthy waist. I don't want Ms. 6-pack Abs making me look weak, but I do need a waist that helps define what is above AND below. My 10's stomach is flat and the line from her hips flows gently in until it curves up to her ribs. Her face is unblemished, teeth straight, nose fits (not a pimple sized bump nor a honker), delightful "girl ears", and lips that look pornographic wrapped around a popsicle. Her hair is not purple/spiked/buzzed/knotted or sprayed into a bulletproof helmet, but is smooth and smells clean. And finally, there is something about her eyes, her smile and the way she talks that make me feel - - - well - - - like I'm hot. A lot of women have the trick of being sexually attractive, some can do that AND make a man feel like he is attractive to her, but only a 10 can do both plus be a feast for the soul as well as the eyes.
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    15 years ago
    Ever had a threesome??
    At a nude club I've been to several times, two dancers sat with me for a while on a quiet afternoon. One of them suggested the three of us go to VIP to get away from the stage and other dancers (and get in some dances at a negotiated rate). We had the VIP area all to ourselves and both of them started on me before we even talked price. With the two together the dances started out good but a little tame, then one was called to do her stage sets. Before she left we agreed to $100 each for the afternoon (their idea, the club was nearly empty and it would be hours before the night crowd started to arrive, plus they both were enjoying what I brought (BYOB) to drink). With just the second dancer it got very, very heated (BBBJ, CFS, GFE) but cooled when the first dancer returned. With both, there was some girl on girl and together they handled the package and I would have considered the $ well spent. When dancer #2 went to do her stage set, things also got hot with the first dancer. This went on, with changes of action for drinking, bathrooms, more stage sets and necessary cooling off/recharging for me for more than 3 hours. Never did either one go down on or insert my equipment while the other one was present, but I think it still qualifies as threesome time. For a little while a third dancer joined us. I never asked her for a dance, but she joined in the milder fun for a little while. When #3 had to leave I reached for my wallet but she said, "No thanks, I just wanted to see what was happening in here." (A very pleasant surprise!) Let's say 3 songs with 3 girls. Sitting in pub chairs in a club, I think 3 girls is too many to really interact. Plus, even if they are "comfortable" with each other, it appeared that the more girls, the more inhibited each was. I would repeat, IF a similar situation ever occured. But such a convergence of stars and planets is so very rare, I'm not holding my breath!!!!
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    15 years ago
    Do it Again ... Most Lap Dances in a Row?
    15 - yes - 15 lap dances. 2002, at a nude club in Davenport, Iowa. It was not generally known for high mileage, but the club had VIP rooms (love seat and side tables, screened with vertical blinds) for $5 to the house (one $5 payment good for the whole night-wristband). They were running a special for $10 lappers (even in VIP they were supposed to keep a g-string on for private dances) and I teased a hot natural D-cup college age dancer about how many dances she could do. Well, her rent was due and she arrived late for work so she was willing to find out. We agreed on a "competition rate" of 3 for $20 and see how long she - or I could hold out. I wasn't expecting extras and I don't think she intended to go as far as she did, but by song 5 the g-string came off and before long she pulled out my equipment for a more direct effort. it was fun, but I tried too hard not to pop (hey, I'm not young and she was competitive - so I took the challenge). After about an hour of grinding, HJ, BBBJ, and lots more two-way contact, she was sweating and tired and admitted she had actually cum several times, plus I had reached the point I couldn't cum and it wouldn't go soft. She "admitted" defeat and then was about to go clean up without any money. Turns out, in the noise of the club, she thought our deal was "no pop - no pay". When I gave her $125 for her efforts I became instant hero. After she cleaned up she kept coming over to my table near the stage to sit in my lap and sending other dancers over to check out my (still extended) equipment. The DJ told her he had kept count and she was back there for 15 songs. The last hour I sat in the club, waiting for "something" to soften up so I could leave, was actually a bit uncomfortable.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who to believe when it comes to reviews?
    Truthfully, I am inconsistant in the numbers I give clubs. Sometimes in a club not reputed to allow extras I am terribly impressed by the friendliness of the dancers at my table, or how hard they work to give a hot lapper - even when within "club rules," and I rate that club high. When I walk into a club expecting really over the top GFE smoking lappers and find that all the dancers I can find are more or less sticking to the rules I tend to drop the numbers a bit. I expect the same inconsistancies from other reviewers. Like other responses here, I look at how many reviews someone has posted and how they rate clubs I have been to. I also place more importance on the narrative than the numbers. Sometimes the reviewer says something about a highly rated club (ie: topless stage dances but bikini only no touch lappers) that lead me to stay away.
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    15 years ago
    Dating Strippers
    Dating a stripper includes; lots of expenses (whatever they need - they need RIGHT NOW - and too often they are broke), high drama (the ex, the baby, the family issues, the suspended license, the "asshole" running the club), strange friends (wash hands after you are introduced) and occasionally really, really hot sex! Since I am married, dating a stripper also includes making excuses for trips and strange phone calls, trying to cover the additional expenses and time away. Life around a young woman who chooses to dance in a strip club (or otherwise ends up dancing near naked and being pawed by strange guys) will be wild and a little dangerous. OTOH, I have been dating a stripper for most of this year and though the pocketbook is thinner I am not complaining. I feel younger, I've experienced some great times (and more to come), got to know a strange but darling person (who loves lots of sex with me - man, that strokes my ego) and even my relationship with my wife is better (she says I'm more fun when we do things together). The lady I'm dating is not Shadowcat's lovely Griget, she's not past all her problems, but she is priceless. Yes, strippers usually have more problems than many others. Yes, drugs, violence, crime and emotional problems are common in their environment. Still, a beautiful young woman who dances in a strip club is a beautiful young woman - and some of them are well worth knowing!
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Joke thread OT
    Duuuuuudster, Damn, I laughed so hard, I shit my pants!
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    15 years ago
    BYOB ... What to bring?
    Steve, I suggest you walk in with something a little unique. At many of the BYOL clubs I've been in the ladies will sample your drink (whether "allowed" by mgmt or not) - IF - it is something more interesting than a Bud. Last year I walked into a Dallas TX nude club with a bottle of good port and within half an hour three ladies had planted themselves at my table, at least 1 at a time sitting in my lap and using her hands for more than lifting a drink. I think they liked trying something different, I'm sure they liked that port has a KICK. Do bring enough to share, whatever you take.
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    15 years ago
    SC's gone the way of sporting events?
    CC, the girls usually pay a nominal fee (something like $15 to $30) to dance, plus $5 to $10 of their lap dance $ (though that varies a lot around the country, some clubs instead collect head $ from the customer for using the VIP, others take a percentage). The girls are also often expected to "tip" the VIP door stooge and in almost all clubs "tip-out" the DJ (usually a flat $ amount like $10 to $20 sometimes much more). I've heard some girls complain that they collected $800 but only get to walk out with $600. One girl in a Dallas club mentioned to me (not while asking for a lapper) the she had a bad day pulling in under $100 so it was going to cost her to work that day! Most clubs make a lot of money when the girls are givings lots of lappers and at least very good $ even when things are slow. I do disagree with Book Guy about "MOST" clubs making $ with prostitution and drugs. Sure that goes on, but I think the clubs seldom get a piece of it. And "Mob" connections do exist in the business, but again, few clubs are mob connected. Many SC owners are small timers trying to make it work without an abundance of financial backing and many of these guys will let the girls streatch the line between legal and "more". They will sometimes try a non SC, or off the books, money making plan. Seldom would they risk their club on a drug deal. And on the title discussion: hell yes, drinks cost cost more at a SC. Man the owners want your money. They know the guys who will drop a bundle in their club are NOT there because the beer is cheaper than it is at TGIFridays.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    New Look?
    Sorry Founder, I like this new look much less than the last. My biggest compaint (which you've already heard some reference to in several posts) is that now I see much less information on my screen. In the last version I could easily see and read all the club info and the map on the same screen and could page down to see several reviews at once. On the Discussions page I could see 3-5 comments. Now, most of the reviews will not fit on the screen. Reducing the default font size would help. But why reduce the usable srceen by a third? On my browser (MS Expl 6.0)there are wide gray margins on both sides of the site info leaving only about 2/3s of the screen for the web site - vital wasted space! Even in this less friendly version I will keep coming back to TUSCL. It is - by far - the best of its kind. Thanks for your continuing efforts to make it even better.