
Road trips...

Atlanta suburb
I have read the accounts of road trips by wallanon and others and heard them from TUSCL_Brother and vincemichaels in person. I have the time (retired) and money to do one. But I find the accounts to show little rewards. A lot of driving and damn few good strip clubs. I have thought about doing one from Atlanta (home)down the west coast of Florida and back up the east coast. But there is no club I would want to visit between here and Tampa.

Once a month I drive 240 miles to visit my favorite club in Columbia SC. There is only one town between here and there with any strip clubs. Augusta GA and those clubs suck. So it is a boring 4 hour drive.

I have also driven the 400 miles to Memphis. Nothing in AL or MS worth stopping at. Been to Sammy's in Birmingham (ugh). I have good reports from snowtime about Visions in Huntsville but that means a big dog leg.

If I really wanted to do it, I still have free air fare on the largest air line in the world. I can fly damn near anywhere. A couple of years back a close friend's daughter got married at Notre Dame. I thought about making a road trip to South Bend Indiana, out of it. The only place along the way that interested me was "Brads". So I flew.

I won't say I will never do it but right now I am just too happy at my favorite club in Columbia SC.

Where would you go?


  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    I'd probably give some of the clubs in Detroit a try, along with Brad's, and your very own PP. Some of the ones in Florida that I've seen posted about here would likely be on the list, along with some Houston and COI clubs.

    Not in one road trip, though, unless I was retired and had a motor home to travel around in. :)
  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    I am looking at running from Chicago to Pittsburgh to Baltimore to a final destination of possibly New Jersey. Any advice is welcome.

    Looking to hit Cheerleaders and Blush in Pitt. Then experience The Block for a night or two. Then from there possibly on Atlantic City. The trip will be moreless big hops; the scene in Ohio and West Virginia looks rather pathetic. I also plan on hitting PNC Park, Camden Yards, and Citizens Bank Park.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    Shadow, did you forget the Houston magic ? We have some unbelievable mileage. St. James is probably just about your speed, not all that far from the airport, and a hotel next door that rents by the hour.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    Houston is sounding better and better for a future road trip.

    Sin, you might not want to leave Philly off of the list. Show n Tel is a worthwhile stop in my book, despite that bad reviews on here.

    shadow, if you are heading to Florida then nothing beats Miami in my opinion, but pothead's neck of the woods is a lot of fun too. Pot is in an area west of Tampa where it is full nude, full alcohol and very friendly girls. I had a great time at one club there and believe pot when he said that I could have had an even better time at his favorite haunts.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I live in the Columbus area and I have driven the 85 miles to visit Cheeks when it was in the top ten. It was a fun club but nothing great. The prices were better than Columbus but the mileage and privacy was lower. The grass is not always greener on the other side.

    The next road trip I will make will be Detroit/Windsor or Indianapolis. If flying was free for me, I would go to Las Vegas, Houston, Tampa, or Columbia, SC. Maybe Tijuana or Amsterdam but I doubt it.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    after reading the reviews and the fact that i like dark hair and tan skin i guess my 1st choice would be adelita's and hong kong south of the border.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    montreal sounds interesting too or the sundowner in niagra.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    troop has the right idea, Make this a real road trip and go international where there is more bang for your buck. I go to local strip clubs because they are local and good compared to other local clubs. But if I could go on endless international expeditions, I doubt any strip club in the USA would be comparable.
  • bhunter5252
    14 years ago
    Go west young man, Had great experiences in Denver, Tucson, southern California, California Bay area.
  • Digitech
    14 years ago
    I took a road trip last year. I stopped at many adult stores, strip clubs, etc on my way through. It was not the reason for my trip though.

    You have to have some other things to do in the place you're going/passing through. I'm not sure I could do a road trip solely for adult entertainment and nothing else. But it really makes driving long distances fun and easy when you have things to look forward to wherever you drive.
  • how
    14 years ago
    If Mexico were not the drug-cartel warzone it has become, I'd recommend flying to San Diego, staying near the border, and tappin' some fine latina 'tang for nearly no money. Alas, Mexico is very dangerous lately.
  • minnow
    14 years ago
    sc- Is driving your new Mustang THAT boring??? Aren't there any good stretches of road to open it up a bit?

    My ideas for free pass flying involve flying someplace, getting a rental car, and hitting likely clubs < 2 hr drive away:

    Summer: DTW, IND, PVD, STL.
    Winter: TPA, FLL, MIA, IAH. MCO a viable alternative (not for stripclubs), if you get bumped from 1st 3 choices. Rental cars plentiful there, generally no dropoff charges.
    Anytime: LAX or ONT.

    Some secondary choices would be PHX, DFW, and maybe LAS.
  • Philip A. Stein
    14 years ago
    If I had free airfare, I'd fly from Ann Arbor to Detroit and go to Bogart's. Am I an adventurous soul or what?
  • dudeanonymous
    14 years ago
    If I were you, I'd probably make the trip to Columbia, then swing south down the east coast of Florida to Cocoa Beach, then on to Miami, then up the Gulf Coast to Tampa, and then back to Atlanta. I've driven from Columbia to Cocoa Beach in a day (about 8 hours), but if that's too far, you might try to find something in Jacksonville. If you are at all interested in baseball, go in March during spring training. Taking in the occasional baseball game will give your lap a chance to cool down....
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    City of Industry in California is a high mileage city I have heard and it is close by to Los Angelos for those fancy fancy clubs. Also not too far from the border Tijuana. I have also heard the pharmacies in Tijuana are cheaper compared to America for Viagra, Cialis, etc.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    LMAO, PAS. I'm going to drop some LSD in your whiskey next time we go clubbing. Talk about a trip !
    I'd have to agree with your assessment of road trips, shadowcat, but that wasn't the sole reason for my road trip.Yep, it's been a lot of driving, but I am a wanderer, always been, always will be. I've thoroughly enjoyed my travels in the last year. I've seen the beauty of our country again and again, enjoyed the people I've met, and learned many things. Overall, from what I've seen, Detroit and Houston are 2 of the best environments for clubbing. Doubtless there are gems around the country, the guys here (and lopaw, God bless her) have told us time and time again of their favorites and if I had unlimited time and money, I'd travel throughout the country.I like the open road, and the opportunity to do as I please, when I please.
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    It's all about Tampa. Mons and 2001 are must-sees. There are a bunch of clubs on Adamo Drive in Tampa which are supposed to be great.

    Rick's right about Pasco county. It's a short drive from Tampa but well worth it.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago

    I've heard good things about Costa Rica, if you don't mind leaving the US.
    14 years ago
    Being summer, Detroit. [Most of the other popular locales are significantly warmer year-round and thereby would be better destinations from Sept.-May.] Besides, SC, I'm sure Vince, PAS and SuperDude would be happy to host your visit.
  • wallanon
    14 years ago
    Actually I've had a blast on most of the club runs. It's just easier to write reviews of bad clubs. Yeah, you get the occasional nights of narrowly escaping the clutches of an African gang (after slipping past a big Russian goon) but most of the time it's all fun n' games...
  • dallas702
    14 years ago
    The real problem with hitting the top SC cities is that they are not convenient to driving from one to another. That said, my favorite SC cities are Montreal (off island), Detroit, Houston, ESL and Miami (not in that order). Tampa, ATL, Vegas, Chicago, Philly, Indy and NYC would NOT make my list.

    I did do a Chicago, ESL, OK City, Dallas, NOLA Strip club run a few years ago. It was fun but not worth repeating.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    minnow: I drove it to Columbia SC last month. I only had 300 miles on it at the time. I-20 is pretty wide open and I did take it up to 100mph. It'll do zero to 60 in 4.6 seconds and the 1/4 mile in 11.7 seconds. Reaching 117mph. I shook gridget up when we went out to lunch.

    clubber: I have known many air line people that have flown to San Jose, Costa Rica and you are right. The Casa di Citas are great. Better than Mexico.

    As for Mexico, I have flown, driven and traveled by ship and bus all over western Mexico. Mostly in my younger days. I have spent time in TJ, Rosarita Beach, Ensenada, Santa Rosalita, La Paz,San Luis, Hermisillo, Gymas, Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta, Gudalahara, Acapulco and Mexico City. Whore houses are in almost any town. Border towns are dangerous. Tourist towns are expensive. Best places to go are the interior. But you need some Spanish there.
  • Philip A. Stein
    14 years ago
    Hey Vinny, just let me know so I don't drop on the way in, nothing worse than double dosing in a club! So many fantastic colors, makes me feel so good…

    Funny thing is Shadow and I couldn't more the same as well as completely different.

    First the differences. He's UHM and I'm low mileage and that explains a lot. Anyway, I go to the club once a week, he goes once a month. I'll go and hang out, have lunch, buy a few drinks, tip, socialize and go home. I don't always get lappers. I go with no expectations. Shadow goes with high desires and expectations. Where I might wait on a debutant a week or two or even a couple months, he waits for several hours (or maybe another month). What I expect in several visits over a month or two, he expects in one visit. I have no urgency, he seems to be less patient.

    Like Shadow, I'm very comfortable in my fav clubs. He has one, I have two (La Chambre makes 3, as a back up to Bogy's). I've even been foregoing Bogy's and hangin in Jackson at Potters lately. We both know our dancers, our waitresses, hell we know the DJs and the bouncers (I would throw in the doorman but I don't know the doorman, do I Vinny?!). Our bartenders know us and how to mix our drinks the way we like them they and even run specials just for us.

    When you are well known and liked at your club, why go else where? Shadow doesn't want to travel to others clubs for the same reason I don't, cause we have excellent connections at our clubs. We can walk in and within 5 minute know exactly what's go to happen.

    Hey Shadow, home is where the heart is, right?!
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    I wouldn't mind doing ESL again. I regret missing out on Detroit's clubs the one and only time I was in that area. If I had a lot of time for a trip, I'd have to go to Tampa just to see what my one friend tells me about all the time even though it is probably totally different now. Of course, for me, there are other things I would like to do.
  • wallanon
    14 years ago
    I didn't notice there was a question at the end of the OP. Been giving that a little thought. Two towns I had been interested in seeing were Detroit and Miami, but I just didn't have a reason to go. Toronto was also on the list. Not sure I'll get to them any time soon. A really simple question to ask when considering a road trip, though, is "am I near enough anything that's worth driving to?" Don't blame the road if you're not. Pick a different road.
  • wallanon
    14 years ago
    Maybe that should've been "near enough to"...but the idea is that's going to change from guy to guy.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    LMAO, PAS, I remember the days(sorta) of dropping LSD and getting experienced(as one of my all time fave, guitar players sang) Damn, Jimi, why'd you have to take up Heroin? Oh well. Yeah, Bogy's knows us, the barmaids, the waitresses, and several of the dancers. I don't know if you know the doorman,I do know the day doorman, Bernie. He's cool, he just sits there collecting the admission and taking it all in. I have a special place in my heart for the clubs here in Detroit. We know that anytime we stop in, we'll have fun. I'll say it again, I'm biased, but with good reason. Come up to Detroit.
  • Philip A. Stein
    14 years ago
    I come (sneak) in the back door, like we did when we met up. I don't know the doorman and I don't pay cover. Bobby doesn't seem to care, so that's cool.
  • bigdude012
    14 years ago
    If I ever hit the lottery I'll travel to a strip club in every state and in all likelyhood bang a chick in every state.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    PAS, I agree that home is where the heart is. When you have called a club your favorite for 9 years and seldom go any where else, what else can it be called? I consider these monthly 3 day/2 night trips as mini vacations. Besides the girls, I also get to hang with my TUSCL buddies. I have been to the Riverbanks Zoo 3 times and am planning a visit there with gridget as soon as the weather cools down. It is only 5 minutes from the club. I have more patience than you realize. BTW, yesterday I ordered a vanity license plate for my new Mustang. It will read "SHADOW".
  • wallanon
    14 years ago
    bigdude - Now that's ambition. I figured if I got around to most of the upper tier club towns that would do. I'm more of a fan of variety myself, but I'll write up something at some point rather than try and shoehorn it into this thread.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    bigdude - it is like that song "I got hoes in every area code" lol

    TITTIES is the 5th rated vanity plate on this site:

    I also like #12 I SWA LO
  • beeoch
    14 years ago
    I am taking a quasi road trip to East St Louis next week end (flying LAX-STL). I really enjoy the area, I do much more than the clubs, I am going to the 4 Dodgers-Cardinal games, will hit a horsetrack on Saturday, hit the local casinos and do some exploring of the area in my rental car. I also have done Detroit & Northwest Indiana on one trip Houston on another, and was able to sneak to Tampa one night from a family vacation at DisneyWorld (I really am a club addict).

    Samsung mentioned City of Industry clubs, They are great but I stopped going about 5 years ago because I really felt I was not getting value for my money.

    I think is Shadowcat is happy with the clubs he goes to, there is no reason for a road trip.

  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    I never made a trip just for clubs, but when I used to travel for business, I always checked TUSCL for local clubs worth a visit. Unfortunately, I never found one better then they were at home.
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