
New Look?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 6:33 PM
What's up with the new look of the site? It's awful... please go back to the other way.


  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    As of right now, AGREED!
  • ralphyboy
    15 years ago
    Big Ditto...the simple list of recent reviews was clean elegant, gave the user the option of clicking on the full review AND fit the screen...now ten percent of the script is lopped off on both the right and left of my screen making it extremely unpleasant if not unreadable...why change an elegant format that worked into a visual and unreadable disaster...and turning a positively excellent site into a virtually unusable one....
  • founder
    15 years ago
    hoops and clubber, I need specifics. Ralphyboy, what is your screen resolution?
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    I agree, Font size on the pages are way too large -- my resolution is 800x600, the old layout was alot better presentation, much easier to view the various sections of the site. These virtual girl ads keep popping up repeatedly over and over preventing you from navigating effectively around from home page. I do like listing top 100 clubs now.
  • pop
    15 years ago
    It looks OK to me, but the pictures are gone. I kind of liked those.
  • founder
    15 years ago
    gatorfan, if you're a VIP, you should not be seeing any ads. Are you seeing those when you're logged in?
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    Looks like a mess. Everything is centered. I have Firefox. Don't see any advantage, but then maybe it is my browser.
  • founder
    15 years ago
    pop... the pictures will be coming back jablake, when you say everything is centered, do you mean that all the text is centered, or the site is centered on the page? also, what version of Firefox do you have?
  • ralphyboy
    15 years ago
    founder-at the risk of sounding stupid i don't know my screen resolution or where to find it...but upon returning all script in boxes on recent reviews and discussion now fits my screen...and i see the 'click to hide' body of review option is already back...kudos for your usual relentless efforts to make a good site better...but subjectively the old rec rev list (font and set-up) was easier to scan and identify clubs of interest...and all old fonts in general were more pleasing...but these are quibbles that may give way to fond familiarity...
  • racejeff
    15 years ago
    Founder - with the old click to hide snippets it was really nice teat the city names were left hand justified in a column. Made it easy to scroll through and look for relevant cities. For me well over 90% of recent reviews are for areas I may never visit so I follow a few localities. Just some input. Can live with what we have now even though I find it more cumbersome than before. I always appreciate that you listen and normally come up with something better than we had before.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    I am logged in, virtual girl ads popping up on home page when I use the new sign in feature. Font size is 16 for most text content and font size 24 for the club names, just way too large. I'm logged in on Internet Explorer, everything is centered on the home page, very difficult to view the content of site with font size so big which is limiting. Also liked how was organized before on My Page, how it listed Hot List Clubs and Users Past Reviews. Liked how adding a review was at the bottom of the review page, rather than clicking an Add Review Button which was difficult to find at first. If you could revert to some of the old layout would be a huge plus, and I do like the Top 100 clubs feature as well as the new sign in (minus the virtual girl ads popping up there and on the Already memeber: Sign In page).
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    Hi Founder, Seems like everything is centered. The site. The text. I do see a naked lady asking me to click her. She looks like an improvement. I have version 5.0.
  • founder
    15 years ago
    jablake... I think the centering is fixed.. can you confirm? gatorfan, what version of IE do you have? also, how do the fonts look now?
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    I see the centering is fixed but the Font sizes are still 16 for basic type and 24 for Club names/headings. Also, the old sign-in had a check box to save user-login info so you did not have to log in each time, I wonder if that feature could be brought back and the layout changed to the 3 sections, Left column- recent reviews, Middle column- top strip clubs/discussions, right column articles and favorite locations and miscellaneous info. I did like that layout much better, plus the My page showing Hot List clubs and recent reviews without having to click a button. Also the Add a Review to be at the bottom of page as you had it instead of searching for the Add button. Hope this feedback helps.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    BTW-- I am running Internet Explorer 7.0
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    Hi Founder, It looks fixed. Thank you. :)
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    The only thing missing is the ads on the side, which I think are generally positive or at least fill the sides with something.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    Font size is still 16 and 24 for club names/headings, however centering is fixed and now recent reviews appear first then top clubs. The Font size problem is probably the biggest issue, running Internet Explorer 7.0. Other sites I visit are either 10 or 12 pt Font size, I checked just to be sure it was this site and not my browser. If you can fix other suggestions: a check box for remember user name/login on home page, My Page corrections, and possibly reformat layout to how you had it before (3 section/columns). I hope this feedback helps.
  • founder
    15 years ago
    gator... not sure about the font problem... try ctrl-F5 to refresh and reload the page.
  • Slothrop
    15 years ago
    It looks good. Keeps things from getting stale. Nice work.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    The new screen looks good to me now. Earlier in the day it was cumbersome. I no longer have the VirtualGirl popup. which is a good thing.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    OK Ctrl f5 fixed the Font size, looks good. Is it possible to have the remember username/password check box added to the top login screen again? Also is the Mypage feature able to show the hot list and user reviews as it was?
  • Mick77
    15 years ago
    Everything seems to run down the center of the page for me too. I am using Firefox 3.0.8 on a Vista running laptop right now. I liked the ability to see near-by clubs we had previously. This just seems a little clunky to me so far.
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    Looks like the profanity blocker could use some tweaking. But that's minor. One thing I just noticed is I now have to click through a club listing at the city level to read and copy its address. Extra clicks add up if you're trying to work up an entire town. Thanks.
  • JerseyJack
    15 years ago
    First the good: the site response time seems to have improved dramatically. Font size was too large earlier, but seems to have been decreased - also good. Now the not-so-good: I prefer the old format of the Recent Reviews page to the new one. I could quickly scan it for cities/club names that I was interested in. There's WAY TOO MUCH information on the page now. Would be nice to have a profile option to choose either the new version or the old version as your default. The "100 Clubs with the Most Recent Reviews" page would be greatly improved if the cities and states were displayed in their own columns, separate from the club names. Trying to quickly scan the info on the page now is tedious. Even better would be the ability to re-sort the list by club name or city or state (but that's probably not going to happen anytime soon).
  • imnumnutz
    15 years ago
    One question: Why did Founder feel the need to change? Was he getting complaints?
  • emmett
    15 years ago
    This sucks. Racejeff and jerseyjack are right. It is now much harder to find new reviews of interest.
  • licketysplit
    15 years ago
    I agree with JerseyJack about the Recent Reviews format. It was much easier before to see which clubs in which locations had recent reviews. Now you've got to scroll past much more content to see what's new.
  • minnow
    15 years ago
    FOUNDER: I'm still trying to digest the changes, & not quite ready to break out flamethrower. A few of my preliminary thoughts on the pros & cons of new format. PROS: Being able to sort city/area clubs by grade, or type venue (nude/topless/bikini) is a cool feature. CONS: Maybe you're still working on it, but I like the old way of clicking on city, and seeing clubs NUMERICALLY listed, and having map with numeric club listed all on 1 page. Now, I see clubs listed, but not numbered, and must click on map option for a map display of clubs.There's numbers on map for a club. Its a pita enough to have to click back & forth between club & map page, its a bigger pita to see that club #12, & #20 are closest to airport hotels, and have to count to 12 & 20 on club page. At the very least, please number the clubs on city page to match the map page. Lastly, I'm curious why you felt the need for the format change. Thanks for time/consideration.
  • mmdv26
    15 years ago
    "If you just want a list of clubs with new reviews, click here." This fixed my biggest complaint. In fact, I like it better than before. Having the list grouped by date helps me QUICKLY figure out where I left off last time I was logged in.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    Is this new format supposed to be printer friendly? I'm not interested in printing anything on this site but it sure looks like that to me. I guess if I was traveling I might want to print out some info on the best strip clubs in the area I visit if time allowed.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    founder, As hoops said, go back to the old way. To be honest with you, as I was a computer person in my working days, we sometimes tinker with what should not be tinkered with. I think you did just that. That said, I still thank you for your work in this required area of information!
  • JerseyJack
    15 years ago
    Have now had a little more time to look thru the new features. I agree with minnow that the page that maps clubs was much better when both the map and the list of clubs were displayed on the same page. I am trying to figure out what the logic was to separate them onto 2 different pages - can't think of a good reason other than generating page views for site traffic purposes. I hope this will change back to the way it was before, with the map and list (with numbers that correspond between the list and the map) all on one page. I like the new sorting options on the page that is displayed when clicking on a city name. However, I'm thinking that there's a bug or two on this page. First, when I sort on "Reviews," the resulting list does not appear to be sorted by the number of reviews (which is what I expected) – is it supposed to be? Also, when I sort on "Default City Sort," the results don't appear to be in any type of order by city, either. Finally, if there's an option to sort on "Last Review" (which I assume means last review date), then the last review date for each club should be displayed within the club information. I would really like to see more sorting features like these on other pages, too (such as the old version of the Recent Reviews page). On that page, it would have been great to be able to sort on any column (club name, city, state, rating or reviewer).
  • jdoggy
    15 years ago
    Viewing from a PC, I could go for either the new look or the old look. However, I quite often view the pages from my Blackberry web browser. As of yesterday evening (don't know if you changed anything since then), the way the new design displays on Blackberry is very hard to read, mainly: 1 - The text appears as a very light grey font on a white background, which is very hard to read. 2 - The way the pages are now set up, sometimes it displays text in a column that's only 10-12 characters wide, then skips to the next line, which makes for difficult reading and lots of scrolling. If I can figure how to take screenshots of my Blackberry, I can send them to you. Thanks for keeping up this site!
  • dallas702
    15 years ago
    Sorry Founder, I like this new look much less than the last. My biggest compaint (which you've already heard some reference to in several posts) is that now I see much less information on my screen. In the last version I could easily see and read all the club info and the map on the same screen and could page down to see several reviews at once. On the Discussions page I could see 3-5 comments. Now, most of the reviews will not fit on the screen. Reducing the default font size would help. But why reduce the usable srceen by a third? On my browser (MS Expl 6.0)there are wide gray margins on both sides of the site info leaving only about 2/3s of the screen for the web site - vital wasted space! Even in this less friendly version I will keep coming back to TUSCL. It is - by far - the best of its kind. Thanks for your continuing efforts to make it even better.
  • founder
    15 years ago
    I have to keep the viewable area to 800 pixels max. I have so many old school guys using this site, that whenever I try to step it up to 1024 pixels wide, I get bombarded with complaints. As for font size, I tried to go with percentages rather than hard coded numbers, but I think that is failing as well. I will be fixing lots of items in the coming week.
  • uscue13
    15 years ago
    i'll just mention that one thing I liked about the other design was that there was also that column on the right with the top destination cities. I used that column alot for browsing since the cities I'm normally in were all on that list. Now I have to click US Clubs, then click the state, then the city.
  • how
    15 years ago
    Dear Founder, I do appreciate your responsiveness to subscribers to your site. I also appreciate your efforts to regularly improve the site. I don't find the new layout "unusable," but it adds no benefit over the previous one, that I can discern. One feature that would be very handy: "Search" that searched through review text site-wide. Cheers!
  • founder
    15 years ago
    this new layout should show better on all devices (not just computer monitors) also, I will be able to add some features that I have been wanting to do for a long time but couldnt with the way the old site was designed.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I am using Google Chrome and have no complaints! I like it.
  • Dudester
    15 years ago
    This looks like mid 90's internet-primitive and unsophisticated.
  • founder
    15 years ago
    Dudester... You're more than welcome to submit a mock-up of what you'd like to see... or you can use SCL. They are really flashy over there
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    We all are resistant to changes. After you get used to them, everything is OK. However I do have one complaint. The recent reviews section. I don't like having to scroll through 100 reviews to see if there are any that I want to read.
  • ArcadeProject
    15 years ago
    I agree with shadowcat. The font isn't an issue, for me. Not being able to shrink the review to one line, so that they can be scanned quickly, is.
  • founder
    15 years ago
    sc and arcade... click on the link that says "last 100 clubs reviewed" and you will just see the recent clubs that are reviewed
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Founder, Like I said, It's just a matter of getting used to it. Thanks.
  • clubdude
    15 years ago
    I'm more prone to go back to the previous way it was set up. It appeared easier to navigate.
  • JerseyJack
    15 years ago
    I'll take the less-flashy version of a site over an image-laden site (like SCL) any day. On a site like this, the primary activity on this site is READING, so a lack of images actually serves to speed things up when clicking from page to page. The trade-off with this approach is that text-heavy sites tend to look too busy because it's really easy to present too much information at one time. Considerable thought has to go into the presentation: choices made for layout, flow of text and font size are all important in this case. As I (and others) have said, I feel that the Recent Reviews page is far too busy now. That's the page I have bookmarked, and I land on it first when I come here. I suppose I could just change my bookmark to point to the "abbreviated" list, but that page has the club name, city and state information bunched too close together for easy scanning. Please, spread the information out! (FYI, I've designed web sites for a living, so I know what I'm talking about here.)
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    I was blown away by the Top 100 club listing, but, of course, I miss my Bottom 10/40 strip clubs. :) It seems to me that the new discussion format might be a lil faster in loading (maybe because we can no longer see each others pics?). "when you say everything is centered, do you mean that all the text is centered, or the site is centered on the page?" It looks like everything is centered, and I still use IE. BTW, I really don't have a problem with that. As for why a format change was necessary, any website that remains the same for very long will become stale. Change is inevitable. "this new layout should show better on all devices (not just computer monitors)" Exactly, it's not always about you fellas...lol...I kind of like the new look...for now anways... "You're more than welcome to submit a mock-up of what you'd like to see... or you can use SCL. They are really flashy over there" They certainly are...that site is so slow now that I cringe at even the thought of going there....kudos to founder...
  • JerseyJack
    15 years ago
    "when you say everything is centered, do you mean that all the text is centered, or the site is centered on the page?" The only page I've come across with everything centered is the search results page. Probably could be left-justified. All other pages look as they should.
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    I was too busy staring at the mostly nekkid ladies climbing all over the bottom corner of my screen to notice any other changes.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    founder, I like the fact that you have the "If you just want a list of clubs with new reviews, click here." option. Now if you can make it STAY as selected, visit to visit...
  • dennyspade
    15 years ago
    Founder: I agree with Shadowcat and Jersey Jack. We may be resistant to change, but the information we seek is still there. Some guys are on this Board everyday and want familiar creature comforts. Some others - not so much. Thanks for being responsive and trying new ideas. You are right about the flash and glitz of that other Board. Can be distracting in more ways than one. If Lopaw is happy with the dancing girls, then all seems to be right with the world.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    founder, Just an idea, but this might help... On the "Recent Reviews" page, maybe there could be an "selection option" where we could pick perhaps 4 or 5 states, cities, whatever for our profile, and those are the only ones that would display when we go to the reviews page. Just a thought.
  • ebobrian
    15 years ago
    I throw my two cents worth in on the changes. I prefer the old set-up. The review rating was listed and I could decide whether or not I wanted to read the review based upon the number. The review listing was also easier to read in the previous format. While I agree that we are reluctant to accept change, it also is not necessary to change just for the sake of change.
  • founder
    15 years ago
    the recent reviewed club page has been altered.
  • JerseyJack
    15 years ago
    Founder - excellent change! Thanks!
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