
Who to believe when it comes to reviews?

Atlanta suburb
Wednesday, September 30, 2009 1:52 AM
I read all of the reviews for the clubs I am interested in. Some will rate a club a 10 that I rate a 5. They are newbies. Only have 1 or 2 reviews. Some have rated my favorite club low. Over expectations? I keep in contact with about a dozen TUSCL members and I trust them to give me straight shit.


  • how
    15 years ago
    Sometimes, you've just got to find out for yourself. If no review has been provided that you can discern how it might sync with your own view, you'll be on your own in the voyage of SC discovery...
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    If you are familar with the reviewer, you might have a better idea if you agree with their rating or not. I might visit a club knowing the lap dances are too restricted and expensive and won't plan on getting any at that club. I'm just enjoying the view. I might rate the club higher than someone who wanted lap dances on par with Platinum Plus value. I wasn't looking for it there. If I had just about as much fun with no dances at the club as one where I got some nice lap dances, I might even give similar ratings. Some other reviewer might give the club a low rating. It's all someone's opinion. I can even be in the same club at the same time and have a great time with dancers giving me a lot of attention while some other guy is getting ignored and having a lousy time, same time, same place. My rating might be good, his might be low.
  • now_starring
    15 years ago
    I generally go by the review it self than the numbers. There have been clubs that were given low ratings when a guy was propositioned. That would make me give it a higher rating.
  • dallas702
    15 years ago
    Truthfully, I am inconsistant in the numbers I give clubs. Sometimes in a club not reputed to allow extras I am terribly impressed by the friendliness of the dancers at my table, or how hard they work to give a hot lapper - even when within "club rules," and I rate that club high. When I walk into a club expecting really over the top GFE smoking lappers and find that all the dancers I can find are more or less sticking to the rules I tend to drop the numbers a bit. I expect the same inconsistancies from other reviewers. Like other responses here, I look at how many reviews someone has posted and how they rate clubs I have been to. I also place more importance on the narrative than the numbers. Sometimes the reviewer says something about a highly rated club (ie: topless stage dances but bikini only no touch lappers) that lead me to stay away.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    A lot has to do with what you are used to in a club. Some give a high rating simply because the dancers are nude or might touch them, something they are not used having in a club. When one visits nude "touchy" clubs regularly, they would likely receive a lower rating form that regular.
  • how
    15 years ago
    Clubber, you've updated from seal to sweater-pups...
  • Drippy
    15 years ago
    I read as many reviews of a club as I can until I get a general feel for what the club is like. Some reviewers have better experiences than others and some describe things better that others. But by reading many of them, I get a pretty good sense of the range of experiences I might encounter. I don't base my assessment on one reviewer, but on as many as possible. Also in my mind, I try to sort reviews by weekday vs weekend, and afternoon vs night.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Not for long. I just loved that picture of a beautiful woman. The "action" was just there. I shall return the former.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    I too think ratings numbers dont tell the full story. You really have to read the full review to maybe understand why the person gave the club the number they did. Some people will count extras as the most important thing in the review while others like ambiance or attractiveness of the strippers. Even if there was more categories for a club to be rated, some still would rate a dive with great extras as top notch. We really have to read what the reviewer is saying to know what type of club it is and whether we should go.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    Shadowcat, If I visited your club (I'm not) and if I rated it (I'm not), and the music volume is still outragously loud as you yourself have complained, then it would receive the lowest possible rating from me. You think that is unfair? Could be the "newbies" just didn't have a fun time or had much better luck at other clubs or had priorities which don't match yours. Hard to believe people don't read the reviews instead of just looking at the rating. A fantastic club could receive a horrible rating merely because the customer couldn't afford $25 dances---his poverty leads to a negative review.
  • mmdv26
    15 years ago
    I use reviews and club info to decide whether to even visit that club. Usually, I can get an idea of the mileage that might be attained at a club from reading a few reviews. I'm not gonna read a lot of reviews, because if there isn't a remark that alludes to higher mileage in a half-dozen reviews, then mileage probably isn't noteworthy at that club. I am not usually seeking out a dancer mentioned in a review. I don't care what is to the left after I walk in the door. I do care if the reviewer says the club is very dark.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Drippy's got the right idea. It's the cumulative impression from a variety of reviews that best tells what a club will be like. The object isn't to find individual reviewers you can believe. You need to interpret what's told, not accept or reject it on face value. Even newbies and shills reveal something useful. And, although averaged ratings can be helpful, individual rating numbers are pretty much meaningless.
  • judyjudy
    15 years ago
    being that I am not able to view the enitre reviews it is hard for me to say. Not really interested in posting aogus review just so I can read the others........I have learned to live without it.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I like to read for specific dancer names and their mileage. If a ROB has been listed as low mileage I avoid her.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    But if a ROB hasn't been listed as low mileage you give her a try?
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    if a ROB has not been listed then I do not know if she is a ROB until I interact with her. If she has already been listed then I do not even bother talking to her.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    The narrative is more important than any number. Discussions about lighting, dancer pressure, food and party atmosphere are helpful.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    I believe my ouija board and the comments. But lets face, when exposed to a new club, regardless of the reviews, there is a strong temptation to check it out for yourself.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    Right now at my local jack joint you absolutely have to read the reviews. Since the club was busted by the Cops ratings are going to be all over the place until things calm down. I read the review to understand why the rating, specifically what service others are receiving.
  • runnoft
    15 years ago
    The thing you have to keep in mind when reading reviews is that different people look for different things in strip clubs. I just laugh when guys go into great detail about what a place looks like and how long it takes to get a drink and all that stuff. I really do not care about that stuff. Another thing that gets me is when guys complain because none of the dancers approach them and ask for dances. I hate it when dancers do that. Hey, it's my money and I am going to choose who is going to dance for me. I would rather be left alone to check out the dancers and when I see someone I like, I approach them and ask for a dance. They almost never turn me down. The only thing that is important to me is that the club has a variety of hot looking dancers that are willing to do whatever I ask them to do at a reasonable price.
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