Comments by dallas702 (page 44)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Breaking it off
    Shadow, All of us go to SCs because - in one way or another - we want to connect with a sexy woman AND keep some distance. In spite of that, some of us "cross that line" and develop very personal relationships with dancers. That can only happen when the girl ALSO gets personal with us - any relationship is more than just physical and emotionally involves both people. I know it hurts when you get burned someplace besides the wallet. I'm sorry to hear the "affair" is over. But . . . life would have been less exciting without the experience. May your next ATF be a living doll, hot for you, able to converse with style and never dump any stripper s--t on you.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Champagne rooms.
    Laxplayer has a point. I recently visited several clubs around Miami. In most SoFL SCs the lapdance areas are less than completely private and the extras are limited, but in the VIP areas there is a lot of privacy (Tootsies, for example, has curtains to completely close off the cubicles) and in that privacy the mileage tends to go way up! My experience was that the Miami VIPs were not cheap - at $50 to $100 for 30 minutes - but that certainly is cheaper than the (I agree) absurd $250 "champagne" room charge. The cost for VIP, and the amount of privacy offered, varies greatly in different parts of the country. Around Chicago most VIP rooms will be very expensive and big brother bouncer WILL be watching - not worth it. At several EastStLoui clubs the room charge is nominal and privacy is reasonably hi. And Shadowcat, many of us lack that animal vibe you use to attract a stable of willing ATFs who will work hard all week siphoning $ from the rest of us so they can give you a great experience without worrying about the rent! ;) My experience is that sometimes the VIP is a total ripoff and in some places it is cheaper and just as private as a motel room. The only consistant is that the dancer who pushes the Champagne room to the exclusion of all other options is likely a ROB.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How much personal info do dancers share with you when you first meet?
    Maybe there are in our group (TUSCL contributors) a disproportionate number of clean cut, adult, sober looking men who are polite enough to act like we are listening. I, too, have listened to more than my share of confessions. Sometimes it is clearly SS and a set up for asking me for $ just as SD warns. But much of the time the girls have NOT asked anything more than my ear (and, of course, a dance). Sometimes, they didn’t even want to ask me for a dance after telling me about kids, ex assholes, broken cars and, and, and. A few times I’ve even ended up with a dancer clutching me tightly as she cried on my shoulder (that’s actually – NOT – a big turn on!) (BTW eye makeup will not easily wash off your shirt! Yes, we go for the fantasy and the sexy action, but sometimes human interaction is pretty good, too. And sometimes I’m looking for the exit!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What's the most money you ever spent on a single lap dance?
    I actually paid $120 for one dance at an off-island club near Montreal. The girl quoted $100 and insisted it would be worth my while and offered that I keep my money until after the song then pay only if I thought it was worth it. (I figured there had to be a catch, but went for it anyway.) Back in the private dance room, she snuggled up to me assured me the dance would be fun then excused herself with a, "be right back." After a few minuted I almost left, but she finally returned and said my dance started with the next song. While waiting, she got nude and started working on me. Then I heard the opening rif from Inna Godda Da Vida (I know that's misspelled) and she entertained me throughout the long cut. It was "officially" just one song!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    stripper -- how old is too old ?
    At the Hollywood Show Club in Washington Park, IL I had a few dances from a very hot strawberry blond who later joined me again at my table. In our discussion she mentioned her grandson's school work and seeing my drooping jaw she told me she was 51! She then showed me pics of her grandkids and finally her DL - yup, 51. Wow, I was guessing 27 and I got to see ALL of her bod. She was HOT, HOT, HOT.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Off Topic - What are your favorite PENNY STOCKS?
    Right now, it's Citigroup. Out of necessity. I HAD thousands in Citi stock, now it's hundreds. With all the other hits I've taken in the past year, I'm cheering for Citi. If it's not worth $30+ within a year, it will be because it dropped to ZERO because of a Gvmt takeover.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The skinny, anorexic look: when will it end?
    I understand Jablake's pain, I got a replacement knee about a year ago. Before that I ate like I was still running an hour a day and I blimped up to nearly 250 - which was way too much for my 6'1". Now I can walk without pain (though the new parts click and pop a lot and metal detectors go wild) and I work out daily. My weight is down to 215 (still 25 lbs to go), muscle mass is way up so I burn more calories and I do feel at lot better. Jablake, you might consider talking to a Dr about medical options - it worked for me. For the rest of the country - we really are fat! I accept that fastfood and bad nutrition play a role, but that's just another result of the core problem. IMHO we have raised a generation in this country that do not understand the concept of personal responsibility. TV ads do not force people to eat, McBurgers and fries will not make you fat unless you pig out and then sit on your a## until the next pigout. When did it become someone else's fault when we stuff our face and sit on our a##? In Europe several times over the past 20 years I noticed (gleefully) that evening meals were wonderful events that involved hours (literally - hours) of eating. (Italy has the right idea 2 "main" courses with a meal!) I also noted that most people walked for miles around town getting to and from the resturants and generally walked everywhere in town. Public transport and private autos were basically a means to get across cities or between towns. People were thinner and better looking. Perhaps, if people here wake up and accept that we are each responsible for what we eat and how we take care of our bodies, the "fat problem" might shrink a little. ;-} As far as the title issue, I don't like the anorexic look either, but it sure beats the waddling blimp look I see too often (especially when the blimp chooses to wear stretch pants and show the world every roll she's got -eech!)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Where are you from?
    #1 Wanna dance? #2 Can I sit with you? #3 What's your name? #4 Have you been here before? #5 Where are you from? It seems these 5 questions (usually, but not always, in the above order) are on every strippers lips every night. I, too, have been around. I've lived in 5 different states and spent time in a dozen others. Once, the "who are you" type questions bothered me, but I've since adopted the position that it gives me a better chance to keep the ones I want sitting with me. So I have fun with the question. "Are you asking where I'm from originally, recently or last week?" Then I take the conversation where ever the lady wants. Unless, of course I want to get rid of her. Then one word answers while watching the stage will eventually convey the message.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do you have a little Italian in you?
    My fav SC when visiting Dallas is the Clubhouse, not far from Baby Dolls and the Lodge. It's a little run down and doesn't always have the best looking girls but my luck has usually been pretty good there. Daytime is "no cover," the place is BYO (something to share with the ladies will be helpful) and multiple dances are negotiable. Extras are not a sure thing, the dancer turnover is pretty high, but even when extras are not on the menu the mileage is much higher than most clubs. If you get the "right" girl during the day I suggest you invest the extra $35 for the upstairs VIP. The couches in the corner up there are usually private enough. Good luck and good hunting.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    For the Married Clubbers
    TUSCL-Brother has a very important point, "You won't have the $ to club anymore." Actually, if you get married you won't have as much money to club as you do now! I say that not because the new wife will cost more, it's true even if she is rich, even if she is the major breadwinner. When you're married, you will be tracked (one way or another) on what you spend and here you spend it. If you love her and don't want to hurt her you will cut back and avoid big outlays that cannot be otherwise explained. Even if she knows and is "OK" with your SC trips (and she won't really be OK with the trips) you still won't be able to spend like you were single. I agree with the others, if you have doubts now, don't get married!! On the other hand, divorce attorneys need money too.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Falling off the stage
    Few weeks ago I stopped in a small, small town, club shortly after it opened. Just 3 girls there, one I knew and two on stage learning pole tricks. While I sat with the more experienced one we watched the other 2 trying spins and leg holds. They slipped and muffed several moves, lots of giggles and laughter, until one of them climbed the pole and, trying to hang upside down, slipped and hit the small stage - hard! I jumpd up (barely keeping from dumping my lady in the floor) and leaned over the stage rail to check on the girl who was flat on her back with one leg hanging off the stage. She remained very still for several moments and the club got very quiet. I checked her pulse and breathing and she turned her head toard me and said, "Ouch!" Then she pulled out the side of her g-string for a tip. Fortuately, she was not hurt, and as I helped her up her laughter started everyone else laughing. I was informed by the manager that customers were not allowed on stage (he was grinning) and all three dancers took a break sitting with me. I did NOT get any extras, or free lap dances, or even a free beer. After BaddJack's story I think I'll go back and ask for a reward!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Feature Dancers
    A few years ago in walked into a club unaware that they had 2 (count 'em TWO) "feature" acts. Both were porn "stars" (I never heard of either, but they had DVDs for sale or free with a LD). Both were giving LDs between shows and the price was no different from the house standard! Both feature dancers had elaborate routines on stage with costume changes, candles, gimicks and pole tricks. They alwo offered pics w/ the "star", panties and other goodies for a price. All in all, the features simply made it more difficult on the regular dancers, but those I talked to didn't mind. I did try LDs with both and both had hard, fake tits. Both also did gymnastic, high energy, show you how much they can bend, private dances. I was amazed at the physical skill, I wasn't impressed by the LD! One of them did offer OTC, but as fit and hardbodied as she was I knew she would be too much for my old ticker! I saw promos for upcoming "features" at two clubs in the past few weeks, so maybe they are not extinct. Try it, but expect too much.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Jacksonville Beach
    Not much @ Jax Beach, you'll need to drive into Jax (10 to 15 mi.) to hit the clubs. The Gold Club is closest to Jax Beach and it's OK, lappers are a little steep and are usually rather mild (though sometimes not). My suggestion would be try out the Atlantic/Emerson clubs. Doll House can be hot, dances are private, nude, full contact (occasionally mutual - YMMV) and $25 - sometimes extras are available for a nominal fee. ;> Sinsations is much like DH and often has more girls, but my experience has not been as good there. Wacko's is a milder option. Some local ordinance now prevents clubs from serving booze and showing boobs, so Wacko's and all other formerly topless clubs are now bikini clubs. At Wacko's most girls will take off the tops for a LD, but there is not much privacy in the couch dance area. Avoid the clubs west of I-95 just off I-10, rough neighborhoods and rougher girls. Jax is not SC meca, but on the right nite, in the right club, you can still have a good time!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What does DOM mean?
    I don't claim to know all the lingo, nor many of the abbreviations, but in the context stated - asking the stripper for DOM and she walked away - maybe the writer just meant "go Down On Me." Hey, it's Friday night - what am I doing on the stupid computer? There are strippers out there just waiting for my money! Maybe I'll research this question.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Tired stripper looks
    Can I say I'm tired of something I never really cared for in the first place? Vinyl hip boots!!! Way too many strippers are wearing these black or white vinyl boots with 8" heels, 4" soles and vinyl all the way up to mid thigh. Not only do they cover most of some very nice legs, but too often the boots restrict movement either on stage or in my lap. I'm not a big fan of the giant stripper clogs with 4" soles, but at least I can and touch leg!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Is the local economy improving or getting worse in your area?
    My area is also doing well. I'm in a small town about 45 miles from a large city, so the TV stations and much of the news is from the city. A lot of the locals work in the city and the strip clubs are there. I've heard dancers complain that business is off because of the economy, but I've heard that complaint from dancers pretty often over the last 20 years. There are more foreclosures in my small town and more houses for sale, but there are also several new businesses locally. I noticed that the "jobs" section of the local paper was smaller but the "city" paper has added a complete section on jobs. I think the economy IS in a recession, BUT the worst of it is almost over except for the panic and fear caused by the national media. Have you noticed how every piece of economic news is the "worst XXX since the great depression"? (Until the next news cycle when another report is declared the worst) MY opinion is that we have experienced a normal recessionary business cycle just like the US (and the world) sees every 8 - 10 years - but this time the airwaves are overcrowded with TV and cable news stations competing for ratings and trying to tell the most sensational story so people will watch them. If Fox/CNN/NBC/MSNBC/ABC/CBS/etc keep it up their broadcasts may scare people out of buying and spending and force us into a real depression.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Hard Bodies vs. Experienced
    I would like to say "older, more experienced - always!" But the truth is, I walk into a club and my eyes always lock onto a tight, hot young thing. Sometimes I have even found 20 yo girls with the ability to talk and the talent to make me feel young again (for a few minutes at least). Usually, the younger ones can't speak in complete sentences and don't know how to dance (stage or lap). If I can get my eyes unlocked from a young hottie I DO look for a more mature dancer, for exactly the reasons you laid out.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Shot Girl Part 2,847 ...
    CT, try tearing a $5 in half and giving the small half of it to the 1st shot girl to hit you up. Tell her she gets the other half in X hours (how long are you staying) IF NO shot girls bother you! If she leaves you alone and keeps the others away it is probably worth it. If not, you (having the bigger half) still have a spendable $5.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Slow Start, great end
    Papi, at Wacko's the dancer receives the money from a customer and immediately goes to the VIP entrance to pay the attendant $5 per dance. Usually, for multiple dances, the dancer understates the number of dances she did, and the guy taking the money never disagrees! So the dancer gets to keep at least $25 per dance.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    After the storm
    Thanks, Papi. I knew that about Cubana, but my fingers don't always get the message!
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    This was my first visit here....
    definately NOT a review of bikini club BA = review claims full nude/full bar. Also, nice inside -no.
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    I have visited the club once...
    I think reviewer meant to review Sinsations!
  • review comment
    13 years ago
    I went to the new Penthouse...
    drop the possible, def. shill
  • review comment
    14 years ago
    A catch-all account
    Driving up to Scores, i already...
    Is Num1stripfan the Mgr or Owner of Scores?
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    So this will be my first review
    Welcome to TUSCL Starly! Your review of Rachel's confirms the general view that Orlando area clubs are simply not worth the time it takes to visit. I hope you will move around FL, check in here often, and share your experience with all the PLs here. (PL = Pathetic Losers - a name we stole from the Stripperweb site and decided to call ourselves. - Most of us do not take ourselves too seriously) For questions about the strange abbreviations and words we use see the glossary at the bottom of the page.)