
Club cut of dance prices

Thursday, May 20, 2010 12:13 PM
Do your favorite clubs get a cut of each dance price? I knew my old club took a cut of each dance – for example, for a $20 2-4-1, $5 went to the club. This was on top of house fees/tip out, and a whole host of ridiculous “fines” (one girl I know racked up over $1,000 in fines, making her practically an indentured servant of the club, lol). Now I hear the club is taking $11 per $20 dance. Short term they make squeeze some more cash out of the girls, but long term seems like this will drive a lot of dancers to other clubs - like the club I was at last night which charges a flat house fees and lets the dancers keep all their dance money.


    14 years ago
    If that's the Paper Moon you speak of (taking $11 per dance), I hope they go out of business. That's just criminal. If the club had any brains, they'd adopt the "Indiana model": $10 per dance, no house charge -- girls keep everything they make, and the club makes their money off cover food and drink. That makes it cheap for the guys, they come in droves, club makes lots off food an drink, and the dancers can't keep up with all of the dance requests from the guys.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I know several dancers who also complain about "tip outs" to DJ and security. They are expected to tip $10 or 10%, whichever is greater. I know Dreamgirls also charges ridiculous house fees and tip outs and put the girls in debt if they can't make enough money one night. Club X will not hold it against a dancer if they don't make enough money. I also read on [view link] from a dancer's review that management at dreamgirls will watch the cameras and use it to fine a dancer for violations like too much grinding or allowing a customer to touch.
  • PerpetualTravel
    14 years ago
    That's exactly what happens. If the house fees get too high, the dancer will just work someplace else and the club's quality will go down. With no quality, we don't go and then the club stagnates. Greed will put a club out of business very quickly. . Clubs like to think they're in charge, but without dancers, what is a club?
  • Philip A. Stein
    14 years ago
    This approach sucks. It means the toll booth operator will circulate through the VIP to see which strippers to account for. I don't want to be checked up on every song. Tip-out works better
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    PT, Something with which one hits baby seals?
  • dallas702
    14 years ago
    Certainly, some club operators are so greedy they overcharge the girls to the point the dancers leave, and the club goes downhill fast. We've all seen it. Then there are the "volume makes all" attempts where clubs cut house fees (or eliminate them) to attract more dancers, thinking more dancers = more customers (probable) and more customers means more money (not always). The low/no dancer fee clubs usually do get more dancers, but sometimes that means more problems with customers, more attention from LE, more parking headaches and not much more drink revenue. A few years ago I saw a club go from quiet/neighborhood bar/strip club to booming, loud busy in just a few months because they cut the tip-outs and per dance fees. Dancers came in large numbers and the customers followed. The owner filed for Bankruptcy less than a year later. Without tip-outs the bar had to pay DJs and bouncers more, and hire more bouncers. Since the customers were there for the dancers they really didn't buy a lot of drinks and revenues didn't go up enough to cover the many increased costs. If the club managed the change better, could they have made it? Maybe! How high a cover will customers accept in a given market? What drink price bumps revenue and what price just dropps volume? Is there enough parking for a big crowd? How big can the crowds get before LE starts visiting too often? The strip club business can be a gold mine for operators who hit the right balance. Clearly, finding that balance of fees, cover, drink prices, parking, oversight, etc., can be difficul for some clubs. I don't want to be in the business, I just want clubs where hot girls want to crawl all over my body and do nasty things without taking all my money. I'll let the club owner worry about the tip-out, and hope the dancers can talk about something else while they are in my lap.
  • DoctorDarby
    14 years ago
    A place I have recently started frequenting makes the cut right in front of the customer when you pay in advance for the dances. It looked like they took $5 per $20 lap dance and split the $100/30 min VIP room 50/50. I guess this lets the customer know that a tip will be appreciated for good service. I see girls in other places paying after their lap sessions in VIP but I'm not sure what the split is. In one club, the girls apparently keep the $5 table dance fees but pay the club $5 out of $15 for the couch dances. I don't know whether there is a payout to the club on top of this or not.
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