when it comes down to it

avatar for bang69
When it comes down to getn extras in a sc.Does race really matter


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avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
It may not be a race, but speed matters to LDK
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Nope. The words yes, I'd love to suck your dick matter.
avatar for Gucci_Mane
11 years ago
Plus 1morehead lol
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
You talking race of the customer or of the stripper?
avatar for Gucci_Mane
11 years ago
No no no the race of the cum
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
"It's all pink on the inside". However I do have preferences and some prejudices do exist by both customers and dancers.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
bang asks, "When it comes down to getn extras in a sc.Does race really matter". Assuming it was a question (no "?") the answer is yes.
avatar for newmark
11 years ago
Not to me.
avatar for SoonerSam
11 years ago
Not really, although I do have some preferences with respect to look. If a dancer fits my "looks" profile, I don't care if she's from Mars.
avatar for Gucci_Mane
11 years ago
NASCAR always matter bang
avatar for skibum609
11 years ago
IF I find the woman hot and sexy she could be blue for all I care.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
I think all will agree it really DOES matter. Perhaps a little education is needed here.

"The traditional definition of race and ethnicity is related to biological and sociological factors respectively. Race refers to a person's physical appearance, such as skin color, eye color, hair color, bone/jaw structure etc. Ethnicity, on the other hand, relates to cultural factors such as nationality, culture, ancestry, language and beliefs."

Recall that the "question" was, "Does race really matter".

Now if "...physical appearance, such as skin color, eye color, hair color, bone/jaw structure etc." doesn't matter, then I stand corrected.

avatar for Gucci_Mane
11 years ago
This guy is a fuckin Nazi
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
No he isn't Juice. you're just ignorant.
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
GucciJuice shut up
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
"Does race matter?"

I'm attracted to certain physical types. To the extent that race affects the characteristics that make up those types, yes. Otherwise, no.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
11 years ago
Lately all my extras have been with black girls but that's really just a function of the club roster. I've enjoyed white, Latin, and Asian dancers over the past few years, too. So, no, race really doesn't matter.
avatar for mrrock
11 years ago
Yes it matters...you gotta be part of the green race($$)
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
I prefer white blonde strippers, but I have gotten extras from black strippers. I'm proud to be an equal opportunity PL.
avatar for Gucci_Mane
11 years ago
Gucci ant no foo.....lol
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

You mention, "you're just ignorant.". Doesn't that pretty much fit the entire ghetto "culture" these days?
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
Clubber - Yes it does and Juiebox69 et al are as ghetto as you can get.
avatar for Gucci_Mane
11 years ago
Lol....day b racist ass all shit mane
avatar for 23cambyman
11 years ago
GucciJuice is getting the business handed to him today ROFL!!!!
avatar for Gucci_Mane
11 years ago
Lol... love you boys
avatar for jabthehut
11 years ago
Tripod, if race doesn't matter wny did you say that you have "enjoyed white (BTW it should be capitalized as should races), Latin and Asian dancers" and not Black?
Sure, race matters.
avatar for Gucci_Mane
11 years ago
Shit...Gucci be the racist then
avatar for bang69
11 years ago
I am talking about the race of the stripper
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Race always matters. It was just a coincidence Kim
Kardashian fell in love with 4 black guys?
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
KK never fell in love with anyone but herself. I hope instinct is strong enough to get her to be a real mother to that baby.

"Race" and "breed" both translate to "raza" in Spanish, they are really the same word. When the DNA of dogs is sequenced, there are a large number of genes that are the same in one breed and different in other breeds. But among humans, there is much less genetic variation. Any person you pick, you can find a person of the same supposed "race" who's genome is more different for theirs than some person of a supposedly different race.

Race is imaginary. The Black American ethnicity would not be so distinct from the general American ethnicity if people did not have the false belief that humanity is divided into races.

It's fine to say you prefer pale skin to dark, there is no need to refer to the imaginary concept of race. But it's a bit odd and perhaps possibly twisted to fetishize something that isn't even a secondary sex characteristic.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
Appearance matters to me. I want to see tits and pussy. :)
Certain characteristics further arouse me and look pretty.
However one dancer did talk me into sleeping with her and I wondered occassionally when I thought about it, what race is she? I do not know and didn't think enough about it to ask. I was distracted too much when I was in the club. Some dancers are easy to tell what race they are. If we only had three races called pretty, ugly, and average, we'd probably have as many disagreements as we already have.
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
""It's all pink on the inside"" lol Shadowcat listens to J. Cole
avatar for juiicebox69
11 years ago
Aint carin wut race they be I jizz all dem azzez !
avatar for Gucci_Mane
11 years ago
avatar for DandyDan
11 years ago
It's my personal belief that if a club commonly has extras, then they all do it regardless of what race they are. OTOH, presuming an extras club, it's also my belief black girls are more open to extras than white girls, or girls of other races. That said, most of my favorites who do extras are blonde haired white girls and the one black favorite I got at the moment works in a non-extras club.
avatar for Gucci_Mane
11 years ago
White to the fifth power more fuckas
avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
White to the Third Reich.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
11 years ago
Jabthehut, you misread my comment. I started by saying ALL my recent dances have been with black dancers. So it's obvious that I enjoy them. And Latin and Asian are capitalized because they refer to geographical distinctions, while black and white do not.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
I think DandyDan is right.

A common perception is that black dancers are more open to extras. The question would be why?

It's been said the reason many players in the NBA are black is because those living on poverty in the projects have only 3 ways out.

Selling drugs
Making rap music
Professional sports

So the poor black kid is hungrier to excel in athletics as opposed to the middle class white kid from the suburbs.

Maybe the same holds true for black dancers. Their more motivated.
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
If you got to shit it is always a race to the shitter
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago

This ought to destroy the misconception that most black athletes come from broken lives. Hell with this, I wouldn't be suprised if I had a harx time making it in the NBA because of my wretched childhood
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Very interesting article. It makes sense.

avatar for Dolfan
11 years ago
With respect to strippers or sex in general race doesn't matter to me at all. I don't dig the stereotypical "black stripper" with a big ass/thighs/tits/etc - but if she's the body type I like I'll bang her.

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure it matters to them. Reactions vary, but IME more often than not strippers tend to either prefer a race or avoid one. Some refuse to deal with black customers, I've only seen a few refuse to deal with whites (me) but more than a few openly avoid me on that basis.

If the question is which race of strippers is more likely to be game for extras, I've seen little to no correlation. By volume, I've encountered more White/Latina's that are game - but thats cause I'm in clubs where thats what most of the strippers are. I've never seen a club where 90% of the black strippers are game and 10% of the white ones are. I haven't noticed any extras clubs that have more black/white strippers than the neighboring non-extras clubs.
avatar for Gucci_Mane
11 years ago
I'm kooooeul
avatar for dallas702
11 years ago
Certainly it matters. If I am in the mood for chocolate dessert, a blond will not do the trick. An Asian is not European and fantasies are built around visual cues for many of us.

Sometimes, even when it matters, the other girl is just too hot to ignore.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
"Does race really matter"

ONLY to those who have an issue with it.

To me a woman is a woman, NO matter where she is from, or what color her skin is. What matters to me is what is going on between her ears & in her "Heart".

avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
I think most everyone is trying to be too politically correct. Sure it matters. As does any physical attribute or characteristic.

Hair color, size of her nose, weight, height, skin color, hair style, teeth, smell, clothes. It all matters.

it may all be "pink inside" but Mr. Happy responds to what's outside
avatar for SoonerSam
11 years ago
Not trying to be PC at all. In fact, I met a dancer just this week who may end up being my new OTC experience girl, who also happens to be black. She just is someone I am attracted to in terms of body type. I will admit that I usually do not find black girls attractive. However, black girls with what I would call "white" features, i.e. bone structure, small but shapely ass, light skin, etc., really can turn me on. This girl is hot, and she is a p4p provider. Again, she turns me on, and that is the point. So, black girls that look "white" (I guess). Is that racist? If so, then I guess I am.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
"I think most everyone is trying to be too politically correct"

I'm not being PC.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
People who's ancestry is in Western and Southern Sub-Saharan Africa tend to be stocky and have full lips. People who's ancestry is around the eastern Horn of Africa (like Obama) tend to be lanky and have smaller lips. But there are few people in the US with ancestry in the Horn of Africa. Thus, we ignorantly develop the notion of two races: black skin / stocky / full lips, and white skin / non-stocky / small lips.
avatar for SuperDude
11 years ago
As a Black man, now 67 years old, I accept that racism is a fact of life in America and, despite all of the local, state and federal laws, nothing can be done to stop it. A customer may have racial preferences in choosing a dancer and that is his right. It's simply a matter of taste and preference. It's a different matter, for me and most Black Americans, when it comes to hiring, promotion or education. I will not burden this thread with the history we all know.

In the SC world, Black dancers are always on the alert for a well dressed Black man, believing that that speaks of money. I hear Black dancers complaining, all the time, about how hard it is to make money in a White club because of racial preferences. Perhaps this this an effort to guilt me into buying dances or it is the reality of the SC world. At least one book has been written about racism in SCs and how managers schedule Black dancers.

Nothing can be done about this. White men will spend their money on dancers that they like, size, curves, boobs, butts, height and skin color being factors in the choices that are made.
avatar for SuperDude
11 years ago
Yes, I have had White dancers at The Coliseum in Detroit look straight at me and walk away. Fuck 'em.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
You're so right SuperDude. Does it make one a racist simply because one has a preference for certain characteristics over others. I don't get dances from fair skinned red-heads with freckles either.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
motorhead: " I don't get dances from fair skinned red-heads with freckles either. "

Send 'em my way. That sounds perfect!
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

I agree that racism exists, but it certainly isn't as pervasive as it once was. Many times, these days, what many think is racism is only preference, as motor states, or if you prefer prejudice.
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