
What questions do you usually ask dancers who don't say they live in the same sm

I think I must have been tired. After asking where I'm from, general typical questions, one dancer said she attended the local college for a year. Now I'm wondering if she is still attending. I didn't think about asking last night. I also noticed someone left Greenville and followed me for the entire drive to my town. We passed each other a couple of times. I didn't even think about looking to see if I recognized who it was. I rarely ever stay within sight of someone for a whole hour.

What questions do you ask dancers if you think they might still be living in the same small town as you? Sometimes I think since they just met me, they don't want to say they are currently living there. I can argue I was distracted. I was looking at a dancer on stage and the other dancer got comfortable on my lap and I could see her tits too. I could see through whatever she was wearing.


  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    I don't live in a small town, but I am curious about where dancers live. I'll bring up the question most of the time when getting to know them. I have an ulterior motive for doing so: I've found that if a dancer lives relatively close to me (perhaps within even ten miles), that improves my chances for OTC with her. I conduct nearly all of my OTCs at my house.

    One time, I found a dancer that lives too close to me for comfort. We had just met in my favorite club. It turns out she lives in the adjoining condo complex to mine. I drive by her house every time I come and go from home. (But she doesn't have to pass mine.) I decided not to even get any dances with her that night, or get to know her.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I understand not wanting to piss off your neighbors. You can live too close to some and I heard it can be better to keep your distance in those cases to avoid the possibility.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Except for one dancer I know, every dancer I've exchanged with lived in a condo or apartment. There are some complexes that seem to have a disproportionate amount of dancers living there.

    As far as conversation goes, small talk & friendly banter come easy for me. I'm naturally a talkative individual. I love conversation. I also like the sound of my own voice.

    If a gal is going to college, you have a slew of conversation starters. What's your major? Minor? Are you in a sorority? Do you live on/off campus? These starters lead to ore conversation.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    @ Shark: If you're comment was in response to mine, I wasn't concerned about the neighbors. I was concerned about her potentially coming over to my house more often than I'd want to ask for favors (more OTC, and outright requests for money) since she's so close by.

    It's funny that I see her in front of her house from time to time, but I don't think she even remembers me when I pass by. I don't wave to her when I see her.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Man this thread had one long ass title.
  • BigTuna1
    11 years ago
    One dancer followed me down by the river aka my home....I sold her cocaine...she gave me a prostate exam
  • Player11
    11 years ago
    I will ask them what area of town they live in not being too invasive of their privacy. I am trying to c how close they might be for OTC.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I guess a anywhere within 10 miles is a whole lot closer than the club. I guess I need to clean my house before I think about it too much though.
  • jabthehut
    11 years ago
    I will always ask where they live if I'm curious. You guys who worry about invading their privacy are true PLs. Come on, they're only strippers who are going to show you their tits, asshole, and pussy and maybe even rub your dick. Yeah, be concerned for their privacy.
    Besides, they're probably not going to tell you the truth anyhow.
  • dallas702
    11 years ago
    "What questions do you usually ask dancers who don't say they live in the same small town as you but say they attended the local college or lived in an apartment complex?"

    Q - How much for a BBBJ?
    Q - What about FS?
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    What's with these threads and their long ass titles
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    When I first met my ATF she asked where I lived and was elusive where she lived; I was just asking a general area. Then when we got to know each other better I found out she lived about 1/4 mile from me! We shopped at the same supermarkets etc. but we never bumped in to each other. She's since moved unfortunately.

    As for conversation, I talk about lots of things with my ATF but other dancers just smalltalk. I don't care about their real names, how they spend their time etc. In the club it's all about me!
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