A female president

avatar for londonguy
Breathe, breathe in the air
I've heard a couple of commentators say that Hilary Clinton will be the next president of the U.S.A.

Do you think that could be true and if it was to happen what, if any, effect would it have on strip clubs etc?


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avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
I think she will along with her daughter Chelsea. Real dynasty and real scary!
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
No impact on stripclubs. Why would it? As commander in chief she'd have waaaaay more important stuff to deal with than stripclubs.
avatar for knight_errant
11 years ago
What difference could it possibly make?
Has having a black President made dancers expect your schlong to be bigger?
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
When Hillary takes office, there isn't going to be a Presidential portrait in the White House -- it's going to be an ice sculpture
avatar for Clackport
11 years ago
Lol knight_errant
avatar for Jacob3
11 years ago
She already did 2 terms and the country was at its best. You really thank bill did that ? Im voting for her if she runs
avatar for lotsoffun201
11 years ago
She's already distanced herself from Obama. Lets see if Obama has ruined the Dems in the public eye. I still believe, being the skeptic and conspiracy theorist that I am, that Obama will try to declare martial law before the elections this suspending the election.
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
Yes, let's go nuts and vote in Hilary. If Obama doesn't get everyone killed or enslaved, she will finish the job.
avatar for ButterMan
11 years ago
She will most likely be the next president. And i'll vote for her and it will have no impact on strip clubs.
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
And to quote the bitch when asked for answers as to what caused four Americans to be killed.....

"What difference does it make?"

avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
Somebody should cut her nuts off
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
Hilary could win. There's no need to hate her. She would have no impact on strip clubs because they are regulated by state and local governments.
avatar for JohnSmith69
11 years ago
If there is going to be a female presence, she should at least be fuckable so other world leaders will respect us. Therefore, my vote is for Sarah Palin. The only advantage I see in Hillary Clinton is that she would open the door for a multitude of jokes about old women who won't give their husbands blow jobs.
avatar for JohnSmith69
11 years ago
avatar for DoctorPhil
11 years ago
that’s a tough one. whether hillary could ever be considered a female is still a toss-up. and after eight years of an effeminate America hating communist destroying the country the electorate just might pull their collective head out of their collective ass and send her back to the old crones’ home. don’t get your hopes up though because the republicans are desperately searching for yet another rino that can deceive enough people to get elected and then proceed to finish the job of destroying what remains of the country. so hillary might have a shot but it will be a tough sell.

the effect on strip clubs is obvious though. her number one priority will remain making bill’s life suck so she will either close all strip clubs outright or sign an executive order that only beautiful looking women can work as strippers. i think she will go with option two because she knows bill is ONLY attracted to ugly skanks so he would never join the secret service boys for lunchtime lapdances.

*be afraid. be very afraid and buy ammo, lots of ammo
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
The presidential library in Little Rock is already named "The Bill Clinton Adult Book Store". What would they name Hillary's?
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
Supposedly there are some time travelers from the future saying it was really fucked up after Hillary and then Chelsy became president. They were supposedly attempting to stop the disaster. Looks like they failed, The US is going down the tubes. Strip clUBS should stay in good shape.
avatar for SuperDude
11 years ago
Rumor has it that health issues will prevent her from becoming a candidate,
avatar for DandyDan
11 years ago
I suspect that when Obama is done as President, he will turn the American people off on the Democrats so bad that they will just decide to elect a Republican, so no, Hillary Clinton won't be President. OTOH, it remains an open question who the Republicans could put into the nominee's chair. If Chris Christie's bridge scandal blows up on him, the Republican Party may nuke itself trying to find a viable Presidential candidate. Of course, Chris Christie may end up unscathed by the bridge scandal, but he'd probably still get beat by Hillary.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
"Rumor has it that health issues will prevent her from becoming a candidate,"

It's interesting you brought that up. If I did my my math correctly. if elected, Hillary will only be a few months younger that Reagan was when he took office. Age seemed to be an issue raised by the media in regards to Reagan, but I've never heard anyone say anything like that about Mrs. Clinton.
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
She'll be a better president than Obama because for all of Obama's ideology, he's a bad politician. While I'm in favor of National health care, his band aid program was more of a solution looking for a problem than something practical like the rest of the Western world has. His program wasn't worth the political capital he and his party had to spend to get it done IMHO.

Clinton will choose her battles more wisely and get more done. She could get something done on immigration and tax reform which has eluded Obama.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
This is real simple. If Hussein can get elected to a second term, even HRC could get elected. Way to many freeloaders and dumbed down voters in the country.

As for strip clubs, I think it would be a great thing. Just think of Mr. Everyday guy. Comes home, sees wall to wall coverage of HRC. What would you do? Go to a club and see women!
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Of course, I could make a joke about her becoming our first homosexual president.

But - that wouldn't be true. That would be James Buchanan. Londonguy probably isn't familiar with Buchanan I might guess.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

An excellent post. I would vote for her before any of the clowns mentioned these days. Another one that has a proven track record and has taken on the "bad guys" and WON would be Governor Walker from Wisconsin.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Funny thing that nobody mentioned the lack of change-Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and another Clinton? What's next, another Bush. Are we voting in Presidents or Dynasties here? How bout we vote for people who have ZERO to do with the previous 4 Presidents and their cronies.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

I'd rather vote for anyone that has ZERO to do with government, but had a giant supply of common sense!
avatar for snowtime
11 years ago
I think she will be elected if she runs. While I would not have voted for her when she last ran, she would have been much better than the disaster of Obama. Hopefully she will take some advice from Bill who was able to work with both parties and move the country forward.
The Republicans have almost zero chance of defeating whoever the Democrats run. Just way too many freeloaders who will continue to vote for the Democrats who want to give them more and more government handouts.
As far as the clubs go, that will continue to be a state and local issue with no impact from the presidential election.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
I personally believe that if the Republican Party wasn't so hard line about abortion/women's reproductive rights, they'd have many more voters.

I haven't voted for a Democrat, Republican or incumbent since I was 19.
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
I want the Democrats out of my wallet, and the Republicans out of my bedroom.

avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Lopaw for President!
avatar for dallas702
11 years ago
Pundits in the country love to talk politics waaaaaaaaay before US elections. That way, they generate viewer/reader responses to boost their claims for bigger paychecks without actually having to address real issues. It does not mean there is any actual support, or opposition, to any potential candidate.

Hillary is an unlikely Democratic selection for 2016 because she has many, many negative points with voters. A lot of voters think she is great, but just as many will bring up Whitewater, Travelgate, Hillarycare, Libya and "What does it matter," plus her connections with Obama. US political parties do not want to put forward candidates with built in controversy.

If she somehow does become the Democrat candidate, the party must then overcome both her own negatives and the growing opposition to Obama. That may become impossible if the current president is involved in any more negative issues. What happens between now and summer 2016 will really determine whether Democrats will risk putting Hillary up as candidate.

Whether a democrat or a republican is elected is 2016, I just don't see much impact from D.C. on strip clubbing. The real issues will come down to local politics. In the run-up to 2016 local and state elections, wherever the contests are close, the incumbent candidate WILL make things difficult for strip clubs (because they are easy targets and opposition to crackdowns seldom speak up) and depending on what traction strip club crackdowns get in the press, the problems may continue through 2017.

In general, in the US, the easy "sex is no big deal" culture is so prevalent among 18 to 30 YO girls that stripping and extras will be readily available in most markets unless the economy dramatically improves. That improvement is unlikely. So, whoever is the next president, strip clubs should remain a good value for mongers, PLs, and extras hounds well into 20-20.
avatar for farmerart
11 years ago
If I were an American with a vote in the 2016 presidential election with Hilary as the Democratic candidate for president I would hold my nose and vote for her.

Not one of the putative Republican candidates is worthy of my vote. My big beef with Hilary is not her sex - it is her age. She will be 69 in 2016; that is older than I am, for pity's sake. The job of POTUS requires an individual of high energy operating at peak efficiency, not something a near-70-year-old can do. Look back only to the useless Reagan sleepwalking through his presidency, one foot in the mire of dementia for at least the last two years of his time in office.
avatar for DandyDan
11 years ago
I'm glad you mentioned how useless Reagan was. As far as I'm concerned, he's the most overrated President since WWII. He was also a piece of shit from the moment he entered office (literally), as he got the credit for getting the hostages out of Iran, basically by convincing Iran not to deal with Carter. He also got away with the Iran-Contra affair. He also gets credit for killing communism, when in fact the Soviet Union basically imploded. He also sucked as an actor, FWIW.

avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
The 2015 election will be just one gigantic April Fool. :-X
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
Reagan, "...sleepwalking through his presidency, one foot in the mire of dementia for at least the last two years of his time in office.", "...how useless Reagan was. As far as I'm concerned, he's the most overrated President since WWII."

Again, April 1st! :)
avatar for minnow
11 years ago
April Fools Joke Only**(Disclaimer)

I heard that KFC is starting a donation mechanism for Hillary Clintons' campaign. Proceeds will be generated from the sale of the "Hillary Special" on their meal menu. Special meal consists of 2 small breasts, 2 fat thighs, and a left wing.
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
It doesn't matter in the least who gets into the White House. For one thing, there's a fair number of smart people who believe the President doesn't have the influence in this country that a lot of other people think he does. Congress has far more influence, but they blame the President for everything wrong.

Even completely aside from the that, until the fascists stop running America, things will only change for the worse, no matter who resides in the White House.
avatar for Clackport
11 years ago
100% agree with GMD. Congress is running things, it doesn't matter who's president.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

Congress is doing nothing (and that is good in my book). Rarely does anything of importance from the House even get to the floor of the Senate. That has been the case since the GOP took over the House in 2010. Of course we all know why. obama had a free reign for 2 years till then, with both cambers controlled by the dems. He got whatever he wanted and we got obamacare (take it in the a$$)!

Most anything done these days is done by executive order (mostly illegal) but nothing can be done. Sure the House could impeach, but we know where that would go when it got to the Senate. Oh well, perhaps a change in 7 months.
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