
When we discover why we go to strip clubs

Due to skiing I took a few weeks off from clubbing. In the interim, as part of a crash diet, I decided no drinking for 28 days. After 13 days I went to my favorite club and did a CR with a favorite. Boring and a waste of time and I had no idea why. Last night I went to my fallback club to watch sports. Chatted with the massage girl and got no massages. 10 dancers on staff, including 5 spinners under 22 who looked great and ....I got no dances from them. I had no interest and found both experiences as sexual as getting an ice cream at DQ. Boring waste of time. I am coming to the sad realization that my reasons for going may just have been cover for a drinking problem. Without alcohol it seems I fond nothing interesting in these clubs. One more time next week and if as I suspect the same thing happens I plan on being done. Anyone else have reasons they go to clubs that don't involve naked women?


  • dallas702
    11 years ago
    Drinking to excess is a problem. Drinking, regularly, in small amounts, is considered my most health professionals to be good for you. But there IS another "drinking problem" that may be a factor in your experience. Psychological dependency may also play a role. If you have subliminally connected drinking and getting aroused by strippers, the missing drinks may be messing with your "game". That is not the same as addiction to the booze, but it can mess with your head.

    When you next try out a fav club, order some fake beer or a "virgin" drink and see if that helps. Otherwise you may be a candidate for AA.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Boredom – being a 44 y/o PL w/o an S.O. and no kids; I have extra free time on my hands especially Fr/Sat nights.

    I often find myself going to SCs b/c I really don’t have; or think I don’t have; anything better to do. I often see SCs as instant gratification and think that by just going I’m going to enjoy myself and have a good time – sometimes it works – sometimes it doesn’t.

    I find that sometimes I need to take a little break from the SCs b/c they may tend to start losing their effect.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I recall hearing stories of entertainers (singers; actors; comedians) that were often used to being boozed/doped up for a large chunk of their career and when they got clean, they started doubting themselves as to whether they could still do it while sober – and eventually they were able to but it was tough at first.

    Giving up habits is hard to do especially when is something that has a chemical dependency aspect attached to it – one is bound to feel different at the very least.

    Recovering from anything; illness; a bad habit; etc; is often tough going for a while before things get better.

    As a wise man once said – “it’s not where you are – but where you are headed” (that’s important)
  • steve229
    11 years ago
    I'm thinking along the lines of Dallas702, where drinks are an integral part of your whole strip club experience, like a glass of wine with a fine meal or a beer & hotdog at a ball game.
  • georgebailey
    11 years ago
    How much did you drink.
  • ATACdawg
    11 years ago
    Hey, Skibum - going to Dairy Queen is one of the greatest, sexiest acts one can do! And it's not alcoholic.

    I may be prejudiced here. My parents owned two in Brantford, Ontario and my sister runs them now.
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    In my case, I lost pretty much all motivation to club regularly when the ATF thing crashed and burned. I just don't get the same satisfaction any more... and commuting 2+ hrs to 'better' clubs isn't helping the motivation either.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    What a drag it is getting old(Keith hit it)
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    From reading your postings, I believe you've been quite a heavy consumer of extras at the Providence clubs. As has been noted those clubs have been under a great deal of scrutiny and my limited forays to Providence have shown that extras are much more difficult to come by. Your discussion indicates a loss of libido. Is this true at home as well? Or is it just the quest which dampens your ardor? To figure the role of alcohol (if any) will be confounding. You're at an age where the loss of libido ( if that's the case) probably should start with a full medical workup
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I love women, bottom line. Their looks, their feel, their scent, their taste, their movement. I love 'em.

    @Skibum-Thanks for your candor.
  • skibum609
    11 years ago
    While there has been a huge crackdown in Providence my personal experiences never changed. What I have always received I still always receive so I am lucky in that nothing has changed for me personally due to LE. It's not a loss of libido as I just aced my yearly physical and as wife and I not only have a blast together, but still swing. It seems that without alcohol the phoniness of interacting with strippers, which I used to love, now seems like a waste. Except for the fact they were young and pretty the sex part was never as exciting because lets face it why would a small cramped cubicle be as much fun as our downstairs playroom. In a couple of weeks I will figure it out for sure as it's time for the annual golf trip to Florida where we will live at the Inner Room when we're not on the golf course and not outside in 420 land.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Well then just have a drink again already, then it will be fun again. ;)

    All joking aside, I am also one of those people who enjoys the whole experience, drinks and girls together. I don't enjoy dry clubs nearly as much. Conversely, however, I also don't enjoy regular bars as they are just too dull for me nowadays. I don't know what all of that says about me, but there it is fwiw.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    RickyBoy: " I don't know what all of that says about me"

    Says you're starting to get old and washed up, RickyBoy.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @Skibum-Like yourself, I love the ganja. Being in California, nude clubs don't serve alcohol so that part of the equation wouldn't effect me. I don't drink and drive so I don't do any pre-club drinking. Now, I wonder if I didn't toke or eat edibles, how that might effect my strip club habits.

    I ate shrooms once a couple of hours before clubbing. The dances were phenomenal but the lights and carpet were almost too much.
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    I go to the club because I enjoy a cocktail, and I enjoy the company of my dancers. There are days when it's not a lot of fun, so I leave early. Other times I have a great time and wish I could stay longer (or had more cash!). I would still go if I didn't drink though.

    @Papi: When I was young I'd never play music when I was high or drunk because I thought I couldn't play well that way. Then later I'd never play music unless I was high or drunk because I thought I couldn't play as well sober.

    These days I realize I really do play better sober, but it's not as much fun, so practices I'll indulge myself but in front to people I'll maybe have just a couple drinks tops.
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    ^^^ yeah, when I was learning guitar, I thought I had to be high to do it. Not really, but it is more fun. Btw, rockstar, I had a 63 Les Paul Jr. I sold it for cheap cuz I needed money long ago, and now its worth $10,000. WAA!
  • skibum609
    11 years ago
    The worst part Slick is that right now I have the best 420 I have ever smoked in my life (pretty much daily since labor day 1973) and despite a great buzz I didn't enjoy it. On the lighter side my wife read the original post and her take was: "Hey maybe you finally simply became an adult".
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    My main guitar is a '76 Les Paul Standard which I bought new as a kid. It's very modded and well worn so it's not worth all that much. But I can identify: I had a late 70's Fender Mustang Copetition bass with the racing stripe. It's a beginner's bass but I liked the short scale neck. I paid $150 for it back in the day. I sold it a few years ago for $1200 thinking that since they were being re-issued by Fender, the originals value would go down. But I see them now over $2G so I guess not!
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I go to strip clubs to prove to AA that they are wrong. A recovering alcoholic can go to places where alcohol is served with out having a drink. I've been proving it for 6 years.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Ski is it possible that booze and sexiness have become linked for you? Like lingerie or high heels are (linked to sexiness) for some guys?
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I should drink the beer in my refrigerator sometime. How long past the expiration date does beer stay good?
  • farmerart
    11 years ago

    Can't answer that question. Any beer that makes its way into my fridges never even approaches its expiration date.
  • skibum609
    11 years ago
    IBB -- I totally link alcohol consumption with sex and I believe that's the problem. I trace it back to frat days at college because back then binge drinking was expected. People don't realize that with an 18 year old drinking age that a fake ID got you into bars before you could legally drive. Then we went off to live in a place with a full liquor bar, 2 tappers etc. on a campus with 4 campus bars and 60 -80 floor keg parties 3-4 nights a week. With 10 cent beers on Tuesday, quarter beers on Wednesday, a weekly party with grain alcohol punch every Thursday and then weekends where we opened our bar at 1 am and sold until 5 made it normal to have 50-75 drinks a week, every week. No aids, no herpes, no condoms, no morals added a sexual component.
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