Grossest thing that you have ever seen on stage.
Atlanta suburb
For me it was about 12 years ago at a black club on Bluff Road in Columbia SC. The name of the club was Pleasers or Pleasures or something like that. Anyhow there was this 300lb hippo on stage loaded with tats, piercings and what teeth weren't missing were gold. There were two young guys sitting by the stage stuffing $1 bills into her pussy.
I was dead wrong! These women were morbidly obese. Several had to be well over 300 pounds. Gross.
I wouldn't admit what you did! :)
I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
The little dancer in my lap covered her mouth and ran for the back - she didn't return. I was trying to avoid puking and checking myself for shit spray. The DJ saw it happen and that asshole was laughing so hard he couldn't even set up the next song. I had nightmares about that hairy asshole burying me in butt grease!
I saw that in Austin, TX one time, "Bridget the Midget". I couldn't believe the guys flocking to the stage, and getting pictures with her afterwards. What I did was get some quality dances from the hottest women there while the idiots were attuned to the stage.
I guess my grossest stage show was a feature performer sticking some lollipops in her vagina, then handing them out. But its not as bad as 2 of my coworkers incidents. One who saw a drugged up dancer (accidentaly) drop a deuce on stage. Second one was enjoying the dancer in a peep show up to the final seconds when he found out it was a chick with a dick.
Why must you dump on everyone's parade? :)
The management then came up spent about 10 minutes wiping it down very badly. There was still a lot of blood smears on the stage, especially the corner, then the dancers went back on stage avoiding the blood smears as much as possible.