North vs. South

avatar for rickdugan
The nice thing about being a traveling club hound is that I never get too sucked into the drama of any one road club or girl.

However, in recent years I have also had one or two local clubs that I hit when I am not traveling. When I was in the northeast, this was not such a bad thing. But doing this in the southeast has been more problematic. I am quickly getting sick of the Hee Haw drama that comes with all too many of these girls, everything up to and including drugs, silly con attempts, a girl blowing up my phone day and night in desperation, girls in and out of jail, all too many stories where kids were taken away from them, the self loathing of girls who grew up in the Bible belt and hated themselves for what they were doing, etc., etc.

I have quickly come to realize how spoiled I was. When my local clubs were in the northeast, I spent my time largely with beautiful, tough and classy girls who made things fun and were great OTC companions. Everyone knew the score and though they shared pieces of their lives with me, my time with them was free of drama. Maybe the fact that I gravitated towards Italian and Latina girls had something to do with it, as well as one Russian girl, but things were just so much more fun AND much simpler.

I had a stark reminder of this the other night, when I reconnected with a hot as hell ex-fav in a club I used to frequent in the northeast. She was funny, charming, completely focused on keeping me happy and free from silly drama. I was entertained by her first ITC and then later OTC and it was the best club night I have had in over a year. Why it is seemingly impossible to have something like this in my new favorite haunts I will never understand, but there it is.

I am not sure if this is really a North vs. South thing, but I will say that, even in the supposed high end clubs in my current locale, I cannot come close to replicating what I found in several clubs in the northeast. Don't get me wrong, OTC p4p is plentiful where I am now, but it always seems to come with drama or other complications.


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avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
RickyBoy: "The nice thing about being a traveling club hound "

More like a traveling faggot.
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
Fraudster, isn't it 3:00 am where you are? LOL. Well, if one is going to be a Board troll, then at least one should do it right. Nobody can claim that you give this Board less than your full 24-hour a day attention. ;)
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
Carry on my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
@RickyBoy: Did you happen to notice there is situation developing in the Crimea? Out of all people, you should have remembered Gordon Gekko's line "Money Never Sleeps". But I guess you're not him - just a stupid fag.
avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
Rick.I dig what you are saying.So next time you are going to Platinum Plus in Columbia SC PM me and let me know when you'll be there.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
It's no surprise girls in the southeast are 'different'.

Just think how you would have turned out if you had 7 brothers all named Billy-Bob and your mom and dad were first cousins.
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
Tumbling, I doubt I will ever visit PP in Columbia. I have been an occasional visitor to the one in Greenville, but I really don't like that place. The music is too loud, the girls under-perform and I get tired of having to remind the bartender not to give me those silly $2 bills.
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
lol motor.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@Rick-What about out West? Any insight or opinions? I know that both SF & LA can be more expensive than other areas of the nation.
avatar for mjx01
11 years ago
IMO, it's more a function of changing times than north/south. The BS here in PA when up when the economy went down.
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
Rick also dont like follies....only a faggot would be like that :)
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
I love clubbing here in the Wild Wild West and can't even wrap my head around clubbing anywhere else. With the exception of the Northeast (mainly NY) and most of Canada, you can have everywhere else. No quiero.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
avatar for DoctorPhil
11 years ago
if the northeast is so great how come there has never in the history of all time ever been a single carpet-bagging yankee who took his loud mouthed ass back north? just saying.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
West coast versus east coast...

avatar for farmerart
11 years ago
In Canada, the carpet-baggers (like me) head north to hatch our nefarious plots and quickly return south with the fabulous riches we have scooped up.
avatar for Dolfan
11 years ago
Maybe I'm too far south or haven't spent enough time further north, but I don't see it. Sure, there's a class of clubs that attract or at least tolerate dancers that tend to live those sort of lives. There's also clubs where the majority of the dancers are what you describe from the Northeast.

Around here, I'd say there's a pretty even mix of both types of dancers. There's even even gradient along the way. There's no shortage of girls with packs of monkeys on their back, baby daddy drama, legal troubles, drama with other dancers, basically any and every kind of issue you can think of. There's also girls with goals, honest work ethic, and a morality that doesn't preclude much in this industry. There's also everything in between and every permutation of characteristics. Good like finding the perfect combo, but its certainly not like all the strippers in southern Florida are as bad as you describe.

@Lowpaw, no love for the greater Miami area? After all, we are the sixth borough. And our Latina's are Cuban instead of Mexican and we've got less Asians, but otherwise I get the impression the Wild West and Magic city aren't that different.
avatar for dallas702
11 years ago
A native Texan, I lived in Neus Jersey for several years. While in Jersey, I traveled extensively through the Mid-Atlantic and New England. My experience is exactly the opposite of the OP's. Dancers in the North East were, in my experience, more often bitchier and much more willing to discuss their personal issues/problems/deadbeat families and SOs.

I also found that many more of the strippers in the greater New York area were ROBs. Very often I would encounter northern strippers who were very snarky about other dancers . And the New Your/New Jersey women particularly, were extremely foul mouthed. Many seemed to believe that shaving coochie, legs and pits about once a month was enough (it wasn't!).

Not every dancer was a loser personality. Some of the hottest and nicest women I've ever met were in clubs up there. My softened, slower, southern accent seemed to be very popular with dancers and I often received compliments on my manners and kindness, sometimes from the bitchy, foul mouthed dancers. I know part of it was cultural, but much of the complaining, bitching and language was distracting.

While my experience is over a decade in the past, it was also contemporaneous with trips to clubs in the Southeast and Southwest. From Miami and the Keys, through NOLA, Texas and Oklahoma I find bitchiness and meanness to be less common and smiles to seem more real. Hell, even the mid-west is much better than the Mid-Atlantic. Mileage may suck in the midwest (except ESL) but at least they are nice an honest about it. And my limited experience on the left coast indicated a better environment than New York.
avatar for DoctorPhil
11 years ago
@lopaw. you know that i love you in a platonic, non-sexist, non-racist, multi-cultural, eco-friendly and sustainable, community based way old girl but there is absolutely NOTHING wild wild west about california and there hasn’t been for generations. hell you can’t smoke, you can’t drink and god knows you can’t get a decent delta smelt fish taco in california strip clubs. you might just as well be in new york city being played like a clueless fool by all the ROBs there.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@Dr. Phil-Glad to hear from ya' buddy. Thanks for your world class description of California and your amazing strip club expertise. What, with ZERO reviews, you must be the resident expert on ROB's.

Not to mention your all encompassing knowledge of the California beer, wine, and cannabis industry.
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
Honestly I have to agree with Phil, at least to some extent. Not only with the alcohol and smoking restrictions, but with the tourist trap nature of the LA clubs that I have visited.

I have been to clubs that are wild west-ish in nature and the ones in Cali (that I have been to) don't come close to comparing.
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
@Dolfan - only been to KSC when visiting Fla on business, tho have met my fair share of Miami chicas on va-ca here in LA...would definitely put Miami on the go-to list for possible future SC ventures :)
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