
Comments by dallas702 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Dancers arrested stories?
    About a decade ago I was in a Montreal club when a guy in a rumpled suit sat down next to me and pulled out a small flashlight and a photo. "NO," I had not seen that girl (the photo looked like a high school yearbook face shot), so the guy moved on. I decided that encounter was enough excitement for one club, so I left. Outside were about six or seven Montreal police vehicles, pointing in several different directions, all with lights flashing plus a crowd of police just standing around. Fortunately, none of them had any interest in me and I walked the two blocks to my rented car and went to try "off-island" clubs with much greater success, and many fewer constables, officers, detectives, cops, or otherwise.
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    7 years ago
    XFL coming back?
    If the NFL is not in decline, why were the numbers of actual "butts in stadium seats" down 5% from 2015 to 2016, and apparently down over 10% from 2016 to 2017?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    XFL coming back?
    The problem with any professional American football league is the pool of available talent. Seventy - five percent of "available" football players are African-Americans who attended college on a scholarship, but attended few actual classes and did not graduate. They will still expect multi-million dollar contracts, even though they were cut by the NFL - usually before preseason even started. About half have documented behavioral issues (drug or violence arrests). While there are a lot of ordinary guys out there who would play pro (or even semi-pro) football for small salaries a "major" league will need to hire players with a college record and a "following." That means NFL failures that had big college careers and probably means former players with arrest records that kept their names in the sports news. I would certainly prefer the Lingerie Football League to another NFL knock-off.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Savage behavior in strip clubs
    I asked the "floor manager" how to get a dancer to quit bothering me. He went and talked to her and about a half hour later she walked out of the club in street clothes.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What say you?
    If the Democrats are foolish enough to put Oprah up as their 2020 presidential candidate, it will mean overwhelming Republican majorities in both the House and Senate along with reelection of Trump. I don't say this because I have anything against Winfrey. She is probably a nice person and certainly is smart enough to have made a lot of money. But she is also a very public supporter of nearly everything that middle America has made it clear it opposes and she has a long history of close connections to people who are now almost universally hated (like her close 25 year friendship with Harvey Weinstein). Anyone who has paid attention to her remarks on politics would recognize that she waivers between "socialism is the future" and "government should control that." If Oprah were to run for President, she might as well pick Bradley (aka Chelsea) Manning as her vice-presidential candidate. That way the Democrats can commit suicide without Hillary's help.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Probably in the VIP
    A Pornstar, a Stripper, and Your Ex
    Several years ago I dumped a very young woman who had been fun until she decided life with Meth was even better. She started stripping "full time" to pay for the drugs and eventually did several porn scenes for Vivid. She continued to text me occasionally even after she moved to Calipornia. I saw her at a lunch place last fall (with her new boyfriend) and she came by my table to visit briefly. Besides pointing out that she has a new boyfriend who helped her move back, she said she spent 6 weeks in a clinic and is "clean" now. SO, I guess there is a possibility I could "only pick one" and still hook up with an ex-girlfriend, a porn star and a stripper! But I'll pass - I am looking forward to meeting my next favorite stripper, not reliving old times.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Another NOLA club gets shut down.
    It is NOLA, so a "shakedown" is a possibility. OTOH, since Katrina there have been a number of urban "resettlers" move into NOLA from places like Boston, San Fran, Seattle, and NYC. Notice that the only clubs cited were in the French Quarter, no other NOLA area clubs seem to have been visited. This could be the beginning of the end for party life in the French Quarter.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Ignored list: How many on yours and who has the record for being ignored?
    BHF - died as in dead, deceased, no heart beat, dead and buried, no longer among the living. My guess is he hated so hard it killed him. If you can look up some of his old discussions. That dude had real issues.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    How many of you are child free?
    SJO and BHO, you really need to get a room. Take this idiocy somewhere else!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    "So what brings you in tonight?"
    "My other head wants attention from mostly naked women!"
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Ignored list: How many on yours and who has the record for being ignored?
    I just counted 46 on mine, but - like Clubber - many are multiple user accounts. Not all - I also saw Alucard on my list and he hasn't been trolling anyone on this site since he died several years ago. I am sure my list needs updating, but I am too lazy to bother.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fox News Blondes
    You do realize all of those 38 to 60 year old women are plastered with stage makeup squeezed into dresses specially designed to look attractive on camera and carefully placed with lighting designed to hide every flaw and highlight the makeup created beauty, right? I don't have a problem with their looks, but I did met a couple of them - off camera - several years ago, and they are far older than "stripper age" and mostly pretty ordinary looking women. The two I met (different times) were attractive middle aged women. Still, they would not turn many heads when shopping in jeans and a sweater (unless recognized as on-air personalities). One of the women I met, Megyn Kelly, was waiting for the same flight out of Atlanta back in 2008. We spoke for a few minutes as she waited for a friend before going into a private VIP lounge. I did not recognize her until she made a remark that rang a bell, but I had already assumed she was a 40 something professional (turns out she was only 37 at the time). She did (surprisingly) remember my name and wished me well when we deplaned at the same time in Newark I don't watch FOX much, so I don't know about the on-air turnover since they dumped Ailes, but Rupert Murdoch had previously had a role in approving on-air contracts and doubt that much has changed. Unless they are hiring teen strippers now? If so please post pics or links!!!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    In an extras club, would the most vile human being get a "stripper handshake" if
    No. Simple as that, no. Hillary could go to the same strip club every day from now until her incarceration and no stripper will touch that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    How many of you are child free?
    EveHartley, If you are still following this - Consider the side effects before snipping, disconnecting anything. If you are not ovulating, or controlling your cycle with hormones/chemicals - there is a distinct risk your body will simply choose to go straight to menopause. As a guy, I cannot tell you what that is like for a woman, but I can tell you that no one with ears, feelings or a brain will want to be around you on your "haywire" days during menopause. Menopause is bad enough, EARLY menopause is insanely horrifying. I was on the receiving end of that when my 42 y/o wife had her ovaries removed because of cysts blocking both. Even with hormone treatments, she was extremely unpleasant to be around 3 days out of 5, for over six years. For all of those 6 years, and another 5 years after, her sex drive hovered around zero. Her temper was unpredictable. She would start sweating, without any discernible cause, at very inconvenient times. Often, even in the heat of summer, she would be cold. She dieted all the time, and gained weight. It was a crazy uncomfortable time for ME - and I had the opportunity to be away from her week days (and as often as I could find an excuse). Imagine how crazy it was for her! ASK a lot of questions before you have a procedure. Ask several places. If they tell you that they can "control" the symptoms of early menopause, they are lying! Know that when the way your body is producing hormones changes, it will change the way you think, it will change the way you feel, it will change how you experience the world around you, and it will likely cause you to gain weight. That's bad enough when it comes around in your mid to late 50s after your body has slowly reduced hormone production for a decade, it could be as bad as a personality transplant for 25 y/o!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Men behaving badly: The never ending story
    From my position, the claims against Bush41 are likely true with a BIG asterisk. He is a very old dude with a "clean" history and his wife was right there - feet away when these supposed "gropings" occurred. See my comment above! With Trump, it is different. He is a showman and has always offered a long line of bullshit. I do recall that the illicit recording included the line, "When you're a star, they let you do anything. . . . Grab them by the pussy." But contrary to the hype, he never actually said he did grab anyone by the pussy. Do I deny he did that - no, I simply point out that he didn't exactly state he did. Then all the women were collected by Gloria Allred for a group accusation that Trump groped, raped, accosted, or looked at them crosseyed. When two or three of the claims were proven false ( groped on an airplane trip and eyewitness reports they were not even sitting together, and attempted rape in his Trump Tower apartment when he was NOT in New York, plus another I think) a lot of people realized that it was a political smear. Doesn't mean Trump is innocent, just means that other nasty people in D.C do terrible things. PoolyD, I think even without "Grab them by the Pussy," the distraught Hillary supporters would have found something else. I am confident of that because DONALD TRUMP. That guy puts out more lightening rod remarks in a day than all prior Presidents did in their entire lifetime. The dude is creepy - and I voted for him. Better than the alternative.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Give Me A Break: People Are Now Transracial
    I am thinking of becoming transracial. I believe myself to be part Black and part Egyptian God. After my surgeries, I expect to have a 12" dong, a harem of at least a dozen and the ability command thousands to build monuments to my magnificence. Do you think I will need to take steroids and hormones?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Brewster NY
    Why strippers over escorts?
    Shop before you buy. It really is that simple.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Men behaving badly: The never ending story
    I mostly notice that the Hollywood left and D.C. elitists are getting torn up by their own clique. The accusers are also actors, movie people and wannabees. And the exceptions even fit a pattern. George Herbert Walker Bush is 94 years old.confined to a wheelchair and limited in his movements. When people want a picture with him he has two responses - both yes. For a male, he asks they sit next to him where a picture shows their upper bodies and head closer and relatively even. For a female he simply raises his right arm (his left is more limited) in an open gesture so they may stand next to the former President and get a picture. But he can hold that arm up only for a limited time, and when he must rest it - the best height he can get is usually the woman's butt. So he makes a slightly off color joke and almost all women realize that nothing is happening, other than an old man trying to politely allow pictures and put her at ease when he can't hold his arm up anymore. Only someone determined to be offended, or trying too hard to join the #metoo club, would be offended! Judge Moore is another of the exceptions. I noted that none of the accusers claim rape or anything that would have been criminal in the 70's. Damaging to his campaign, grabbing attention away from Hollywierd self destruction and Clinton Russia news, but nothing that could lead to charges against the women for making false criminal accusations (even though statute has expired, it is technically possible to charge the women with a false complaint for publicly claiming Moore committed a crime). All five accusers stop short of a criminal offense in their claims. Convenient, and proof that the D.C. elite have learned from their attacks on Herman Cain, Donald Trump and others. I don't know that all the allegations against Roy Moore are false, I don't claim inside knowledge. I do see the timing. I do know that Moore campaigned in Alabama for local or state office 6 times, each time a contested election, he also ran two primary campaigns, was a public servant for over 40 years, and has had the New York Times and Washington Post investigating for anything to "destroy" Moore for the past ten years (they claim they were out to get him in their own editorials). It is beyond reason that no one could have uncovered any hint of this behavior until 28 days before his US Senate election. Especially when you consider that another "accuser," a woman attorney, insists that "everyone knew" (her words) about Roy Moore chasing underage girls. The Moore accusations are overblown theater created by either the Demo's or Mitch McConnell. I want to get back to reading about Hollywierd icons perversely abusing young actors and actresses. I am really not interested in the questionable claims of overweight middle aged cows.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Are you a fan of OTC
    I don't understand what "risks" OTC creates? Certainly, inviting strippers, hookers, druggies, and deadbeat boyfriends to your home is unwise (all possible with stripper otc), but anyone who does that either knows and mitigates the risks or deserves the lesson. But OTC at a hotel/motel of your choosing, and a "meet me" place (like hotel coffee shop) to make sure she is alone before going to the room, pretty much eliminates any risk not already encountered in a club! I enjoy both ITC and take out. DirkDiggler, apparently we club in very different places. Many of the clubs I visit - that make ITC difficult - have a number of dancers who will meet OTC. And in clubs where I do find ITC fun, many of those dancers keep offering me their number for OTC meets. Sure it takes money, I sometimes spend a couple of hundred ITC searching out possibilities in a new club and anywhere from $150 to $300 for OTC. It can be expensive. The dancers do get propositioned a lot, and - if they feel safe - several of them accept those propositions. On the other hand, I have also picked up a stripper at the end of her day shift (I didn't even go in the club) and took her to eat then spent about half of night playing in a park, in my motel room, and on her porch when I took her home, for a total cost of about $55 (the dinner).
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Enjoying lap dances for 15 years and counting...
    Do actual TUSCLers meetups exist?
    Certainly, but you must be in the exclusive VIP section of TUSCL (membership by nomination only) to receive invitations to the meetups.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Really Shadow, you want the real answer? The truth is, too many people get really bent when the discussion is political, fine arts is a non-starter, no one posts when the discussion is only "good things" about strippers, half of us have most of the trolls blocked so we don't see or comment on their crap. The only thing left is bitching about the one thing we all are addicted to - strippers!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Target rich environment
    One time I walked into a Montreal club mid afternoon and discovered I was the only customer in the place. There were 6 to 8 dancers sitting around, one dancer was sitting - nude - on the edge of the main stage, the DJ was at the bar with the guy who was tending, and two bouncers were leaning back in chairs with their feet on a table at the back of the club. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me. For a moment I kinda felt like I was wearing a Yarmulke to an SS meeting! Finally, a couple of the girls waved and a bouncer managed to get up and come over to me. He (brilliantly) suggested I sit wherever I wanted. It really wasn't a "nirvana" experience, but several of the dancers did eventually come by and visit. Turned out there were about 10 more dancers in the dressing room. I got a few dances, but they were not earth shattering. Other times I have gone into clubs with few customers, and bored strippers and did have a lot of fun. I think, like everything else in strip clubs, it depends on the club and on the strippers you encounter.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Things you've learned in life because you go to strip clubs
    What I learned from visiting Strip Clubs: . Bitches lie, even when the truth works better! But that's OK, 'cause they got pussies and tits. . There really are beautiful women in the world who will stroke your dick and beg to be fucked (I don't care that they insist on being paid)! . If a woman thinks you have money, she is interested in everything about you. . If she knows you have money, she will worship you on their knees. . If you run out of cash, there are women (who cannot find their own way home, most nights) who know the location of every ATM in the county. . If you won't go get more money to share with her, most women forget they ever knew you! . Only a graceful and benevolent God, with a twisted sense of humor, could have created strip clubs or the women who make them miracles of valuable extras.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Tattoos - Out of Control
    Walked in a CVS to buy shaving stuff and a 40 something woman was bending to reach something on a bottom shelf. Of course I looked - but I wish I hadn't! Worn, sun ravaged face and upper chest, pot belly, and the raggedest twisted out of shape, gross tats on her shoulder and showing above her tank top. I really wanted to puke!! Tats are just idiocy waiting to become regret.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Another discussion about kissing
    If you are OCD about germs - don't kiss strippers. If you see a stripper walk out of VIP with cum on her chin - maybe you should pick a different stripper to kiss. If a stripper was just rimming you - perhaps you should offer her Listerene before you kiss her. If you like to kiss hot women, you are with a hot stripper, and she likes to kiss, then kiss the bitch and good luck. I just don't see this as either rocket science, or a one size fits all issue.