
Comments by dallas702 (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Massage in the SC, yes or no
    On a slow afternoon in a SC, sometimes the dancers will just sit, relax and talk. Occasionally, they mention "tight shoulders" or "sore feet." That has led to a few back massages and foot massages. It appears to be very appreciated every time. Part of the appreciation may be I don't take advantage of the rub to grope or grab, instead I seriously attempt to massage while keeping up casual conversation. Very often, especially after foot massages, the dancer seems to be much more amenable to friendly extras in VIP. Cashman is likely correct in that the dancer feels more comfortable with me. (Though I am not OCD about washing I do - every time - go wash my hands after a foot massage.)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Miami High School’s Dance-Team Costumes and Routine Under Fire as Being Too Risq
    I wonder if there is a FSA club at my local high school? I might start going to High School football games, just to scout next years local strip club dancers! And Papi, I graduated high school in 1969 - and I assure you there were NO butts in sight on the flag girls, drill team, or the cheer leaders. We had to fantasize what they might look like under tight (but thick) sweaters over thick bras, "boy shorts" style pants under skirts that reached at least to mid thigh, and leotard-leggings that completely covered anything that might have otherwise peeked out.
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    7 years ago
    How often do you all visit the strip clubs?
    As I have aged, the number of trips to clubs have slowly decreased. Unlike Shadowcat, I do not live near Follies and do not have a local club with hot strippers, readily available extras, and reasonable prices. My strip club visits are not money or job restricted (I am retired - mostly), but are limited by available time, and club choices. I visit a local club about every two or three weeks when home. When I have an opportunity to travel I will visit a strip club about every three or four days (only if I am near non-ripoff clubs with a chance of extras or at least great lap dances). So over the past couple of years I guess I average no more than twice a month.
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    7 years ago
    Oh DAMN!
    The "cow farts cause global warming" claim has been around for about 25 years but never had much traction because it is very hard to tax cow farts or even trade cow fart emission credits. I am sure it will become a more important AGW argument now that several respected government paid global warming researchers have published papers showing that "man made CO2" caused warming is (essentially) not happening. (UK, September 2017). A little over a decade ago I was visiting a friend at his Iowa family farm where they grew feed corn and raised pigs. Interestingly, the farm did NOT smell like pig shit. Every pig they raised was inside one of four very large metal barns that were completely sealed and maintained at a slightly lower air pressure than the outside. The inside air was circulated through "collectors" to extract methane and filter other particulates (especially sulfur). The farm (run by my friend's brother) also collected all of the pig shit and pee. Instead of stinking up the whole county with over 7,000 pigs, the farm burned the solid waste to run an electrical grid that powered the whole operation, processed the liquid waste (piped to a small plant a few miles away) into chemical fertilizers, and stored the methane for sale to a nearby electrical company. While pigs grown specifically for high fat food can be raised indoors, it is a bit different for cattle. Without exercise, fresh grasses, and variety in their diet, cattle get fat and stop growing - leaving tasteless fatty meat and low return for the cattlemen. I agree that the study mentioned by Rick999 establishes that grasses (instead of grains) produces better meat with fewer farts. The problem is feeding (a lot of) cattle a variety of grasses in the volume needed to be profitable. Moonbeam's California cowfart collectors will never be practical nor will any fart taxes. But that's OK since - in the real world - cow farts, like man made CO2, are not really a major threat. Only tax collectors, government paid researchers, and globalist fanatics, really need the global warming scare. The rest of us can be content with our concerns about the damage of overpopulation, pollution, illegal aliens, gangs and overpriced lapdances.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Men prefer 20 year old women.
    Clearly, I do not fit this youth obsessive stereotype. As a man in my mid 60s, I simply do not find 20 year old women to be the most attractive. I lust for the 25 to 27 year old who knows what she is doing!!!!!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anthony Weiner - 21 Mo Sentence Too Harsh or Too Soft?
    The sick perv was in a position of public trust and was trying to find very young women to "play" with. Not once, not a few times, but often - over several years. He was caught at it twice before, but those times he was caught in contact with adults, not a minor. This creep is a three time loser who may have spent years successfully hooking up with children, or may just be both perverted and stupid. Either way, 21 months seems like a light sentence. I hope this means he will also have to register as a sex offender, and will spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder.
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    7 years ago
    OT: NFL Players Kneeling During Anthem
    Any reader here who chooses to interpret, "should" as only a recommendation, has never served this country or worked in a responsible position in the corporate world. In most of the world, if you don't do what you SHOULD, you are at risk for disadvantagous consequences.
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    7 years ago
    OT: NFL Players Kneeling During Anthem
    Ishmael, good pick up. I did say, "rulebook." I should have specified that I was not referring to the game rules. The rule I referenced can be found in the NFL Game Operations Manual. It is there on pages A62-63. The newspaper you referenced to, "prove" I was wrong even included the actual reference in the story.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Any of you guys ever have a stripper offer you a massage in the club?
    Several times dancers have offered massages, but never have they even acted like they expected any payment for just a neck or back rub. (Other "massages" have included agreed compensation.)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OT: NFL Players Kneeling During Anthem
    The NFL has a rulebook and it expressly states that players must be on the field, standing, with hat or helmet in their left hand, facing the flag, during the National Anthem. The penalties for failing to follow this rule are described as fines or suspension or both. That is their rule, not Trump's, not mine. If the NFL doesn't want to enforce their own rules, that is their business, not mine - but I don't have to pay their absurd ticket prices to go to a game, that is my business. If millionaire (avg. NFL salary over $2 million) spoiled brat players want to intentionally dishonor this nation by "taking a knee," that is their problem. I don't have to watch their games. Fact is, Sunday morning I tuned in to watch the Baltimore/Jax game just in time to see the players all standing for the UK flag raising and then half of them (on both teams) knelt when the Star Spangled Banner played. I turned off the TV. Reports from the rest of the league show that a bunch of ignorant "protest" kneelings occurred, generally with the support of owners. That is their choice. I think it is a rude, stupid choice, but many generations of my family put on a uniform and served in defense of their right to express their stupidity. My only response is - I have quit following the NFL, no more stadium tickets, no more watching televised games. If the league and it's owners change their mind, follow their own rules, stop the petty, disrespectful kneeling crap, I might reconsider. In the meantime, I have more SC time available!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Shooting a Chrome .50 Cal Machine Gun on the Vegas Strip
    Just another story from another gun control fanatic!!!! Did you notice the part where he got off squeezing the trigger and controlling that Chrome Ma Duece? Gun Control takes practice.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Las Vegas
    How do you get extras from a baby stripper?
    OP = "How do you get extras from a baby stripper?" I politely ask! You would be surprised how often that works.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancers that talk about their husbands or boy friends.
    As customers, we older pervs probably encounter more strippers who talk about boyfriends, husbands, and kids than the younger PLs. Some of it is likely because the difference in age is enough for the young woman to feel "safe" about talking personal issues. As mentioned above, some of it is SS, a set up for why she needs more money. Part of it, I think, is about the dancer's need (or at least, willingness) to create a connection, to share a little about herself so she feels like she is with a friend. At least a friend as long as the money keeps flowing! As much as we like to make fun of SS, and keep some emotional distance from the strippers we love to grope, the fact is = they are human. They are capable of very human, and often very convoluted scheming and thinking.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Video killed the lap dance star
    impala, some of your "would allow" are already forced upon us. Most new cars sold in the US already have a GPS tied into the system that can be accessed by authorities and receivers that can be used to disable the vehicle. The sick part is the owner cannot disable these "add- ons" without rewiring the car and voiding the warranty.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Video killed the lap dance star
    impala, 1984 was supposed to be a dark warning, not the prophesy it has become! I understand your concern about that stupid camera up in the corner - it used to bother me too - but within a few years a club owner (and everyone else) will be able to buy very inexpensive tiny drones that can see in near dark conditions, go just about anywhere, inside or out, record or transmit both sight and sound and hover silently or attach itself to walls or fixtures. That big blocky CCTV camera is a caveman wall painting next to what will next be used to spy on extras in VIP! 1984 on steroids with a hit of PCP!!!!!!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Video killed the lap dance star
    Over that past decade we have seen stationary security camera's go from VHS to wireless HD, body cameras as small as a button, live stream eyeglasses, police body cameras, Go Pro everywhere, camera memories capable of storing 72 hours of action, game cameras in HD - IR - 1080p - night vision - motion sensored, and secured broadcast capabilities that stumps the CIA. Within the next decade tiny camera drones with zoom HD/IR video and sound capabilities will be everywhere. A single security camera in the corner of VIP, that nobody is really watching, is NOT a current issue!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Pussy plus alcohol
    I don't believe that so many have already responded and no has mentioned South Florida. A very large number of Miami to Pompano clubs are full nude/full booze clubs.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Cleveland Sports
    I am pretty sure someone else said that Manchester was the epicenter of the sports world. But I could be mistaken. There are crowds of very large people who insist that New Zealand is in fact the actual center global of sports domination - and they can back it up with real Maori warrior dances.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Photographs of Porsche-driving lawyer's daughter who shot a homeless man 'in sel
    Hey, You dudes gotta' quit railing on this young innocent mother. She is just a young lady trying to earn a living. You all slam her for driving a Porsche but nobody mentions that is a two year old car - it ain't even a new car. And nobody mentions that she was only out late at night because she was helping a friend. And you gotta' forget about all those pictures 'cause they don't mean what you think - she is trying to break into the modelling business and those are test shots and promo stills, plus a few personal shots. And those "escort" adds are completely misunderstood. Nashville is a busy professional town and sometimes people with business meetings and social gatherings need a personal services professional to escort them to social functions and other gatherings. It clearly shows your gutter minds that you would think anything else. Her ex boyfriend is just a liar. He is making stuff up because she dumped him. They didn't date for long and she figured out he is a deadbeat and kicked him out of her life. That tat had nothing to do with that deadbeat. And furthermore, ain't no scuzzy homeless dude gonna' put his filthy hands on her car and scare her girlfriend in the middle of the night. The only reason she got out of the car was to be careful and not break a window when she fired those warning shots at him. People, get you minds out of the gutter and think of the heartbreak this young lady is going through. Her car was dragged around town on a tow truck. She had to spend hours - hours - in a dirty jail, without any premium water bottles. And now people are saying all kinds of terrible things about her, just because of a worthless, crazy old street guy. - - - - - - (smiles)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    The ball busting sales technique?
    Far too often, these young women have no concept of civil behavior - really. Their social interactions have been within a close group of people their own age with similar worldviews and communication skills. They simply do not know any different. If they tease friends with "put down" remarks, they use the same approach on potential customers. Remember these women were hired as strippers, not communications specialists!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    PL vs Monger vs Customer
    PL - victim of the wiles of strip club dancers. Subject to intense episodes of spending money on lap dances. Monger - regular strip club customer. Established, long time visitor to strip clubs. May be a regular at one club, or visit several different clubs. Accustomed to getting attention from strippers and has some experience in determining reasonable costs for dances, with or without extra services. Customer - Any person who walks into a strip club and buys a drink, dance or food item. All are sometimes interchangeable. And since I just made all that up, I can claim that it is the absolute and final authority on the subject!
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    7 years ago
    So is S. Florida next?
    Clubber, glad to hear you made it through landfall. Hope the people, pets and property are all OK.
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Just for fun.
    A bit simplistic, I passed too. I think Juice wrote the byline for the test. I saw it when I finished, "Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened."
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    So is S. Florida next?
    Yes Random, I can still laugh at Al Gore, Barry Soetero and the cult of man made catastrophic global warming. Unlike some here, I have actually taken the time to look at the actual history of Atlantic hurricanes and I know that as bad as Irma may be (it still hasn't gotten to the US) it is not the worst hurricane to threaten the US. It isn't the largest, not is it even going to be the strongest. Harvey was not the worst to hit Texas (not by a long shot - 1900 Galveston, or 1967 Bealuah and about a half dozen others were worse). Irma, Harvey, Joey and the other 8 named storms so far this year, plus about 8 or so more by the end of November, will make 2017 an historically AVERAGE year for Atlantic hurricanes. Unlike the past 25 years of far BELOW average hurricane activity (when warmist cult members were insisting global warming was going to cause an increase in disaster dealing hurricanes). So absolutely, I will continue to laugh at uninformed, befuddled fools, who fall for idiot propaganda and believe the sky is falling every time it rains. Clubber, I am glad you are not longer in the bullseye. Keep safe, please!
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    7 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    South Padre Island Strip Club Analysis
    I got a bad sunburn on the bottom of my feet sleeping on So Padre Isl in the late '60s. Fell asleep, face down on a towel, before dawn, barefoot, but wearing long pants and a shirt. By the time I woke up, the soles of my feet were already red. I couldn't walk more than a few steps at a time for about a week - the pain really sucked and the "squishy" feel of the blisters was gross. I remember South Padre Island, sure. Put all the damn strip clubs you want on that damn sand spit. I will not be back to cook my feet again!