
Savage behavior in strip clubs

My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
Friday, January 26, 2018 3:54 AM
I was checking out the day shift talent at Babe's. Of the six girls working, there was only one I was interested. She was a busty Latina with a porn star face. I had been waiting for her to come out of the dressing room. A skinny white dancer came up and introduced herself as "Fawn." I had seen her around and was not really interested. I think I remembered her from a couple of weeks ago as low mileage and low-talent. We were chatting when the Latina I wanted was called to the stage. When I saw that, I stopped the conversation mid-sentence, "Excuse me for a moment," and went to tip the Latina and arrange a lap dance. When I returned to my seat, Fawn was gone. The bartender backed up my drink with a marker and said, "That was savage." I didn't even realize what I had done until then. What's the most savagely direct or honest thing you've seen or done in a club?


  • PeterEaster
    6 years ago
    You beast! Just kidding, I did the same thing recently when a dancer I hadn't seen for awhile came on stage and I wanted to say hello to her. I'm sure you'll be hearing from mdb about this.
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    I don’t think you did anything wrong. Much better than letting Fawn waste a bunch of time, the hot Latina not making her money, and you having a disappointing experience. Fawn should have been really watching your ques, since you didn’t signal her to come over.
  • warhawks
    6 years ago
    Yeah. I’ve done that many times. Especially if the girl who’s sitting with wasn’t invited and can’t take a hint. It’s a good way to get rid of stage 5 clinger in a club. If I’m spending money in a club, it better be with a girl I was interested in and not some girl who wants you to buy them a drink and get their manager off their back because they need to be sitting with a PL at the bar.
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    I once got up from a table to go on stage, and another girl immediately sat down. When I got off stage, I went to the bar bc she was still there. The customer then got up and joined me at the bar, leaving the girl at the table. She did deserve that for immediately taking my seat tho. She knew I was getting up to dance on stage.
  • rattdog
    6 years ago
    club was crowded. i spotted a nice target approaching my way and she was blocked by a 5 who is was already in front of me asking me shit. i mumbled "get the fuck out of my," pushed her arm slightly, went around her and approached said target. i didn't want some other monger to get my target and potentially hog her for a substantial amount of time with buying drinks and getting 1 dance an hour or 2 later.
  • gawker
    6 years ago
    I was at the bar with a 9. I had been grooming her and had just had a wonderful OTC session at her apartment the night before and was planning the next. My ATF had been in FL for several months and I hadn't seen her since her return. Sure enough, my ATF walks by, not acknowledging my presence and I said excuse me to #9 and bolted to catch ATF. Went back to 9, apologized, and finished making the date for OTC. Two nights later I go to 9's apartment, we had a drink, smoked some weed, and as we were about to go to the bedroom she took out a chessboard, said that she's sure my sexual needs were accommodated by my ATF, and said she wanted to play chess that night instead of what I had in mind. 1. It was frustrating & demeaning. And 2. Don't try playing chess while stoned and dealing with blue balls. She kicked my ass. Many other visits to her apartment went as I planned, but she had made her point.
  • Tiredtraveler
    6 years ago
    Many times there is no other way to get rid of a girl that does not get the hint. Going to the rail to tip or going to the men's room is sometimes the only way. The most savage thing I have ever done was in The Harem House in Indy when a ROB scrawny black girl would not leave, I knew that if I went for a dance with her she would start even if the song was almost over and not stop when a song ended. I had seen her do it to a guy a few days before. She would not leave you lone until you took her for a dance and got ripped off. I told her straight out I was not interested in a dance from her, she responded with why not, I'm the best, promise blah blah. I told her again I was not interested and she then she tried to play the race card and started to get loud. I then said more loudly than her rant: "No I do not want a dance from you at this table or in the back, I do not care what color you are I find everything about you unattractive but I tell you what I will give you $5 to leave me the fuck alone"!! I thought maybe I was screwed because she got up in a huff and left and I thought she would keep all the other girls from coming to me. The exact opposite occurred, the girl I wanted to come over did so with another dancer and sat on my lap giggling. They told me that most all the girls did not like the other girl because after tangling with the bitch they would leave instead of spending money. Sometimes it pays to be savage.
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    both good stories, gawker and TT
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    I don’t think that’s particularly savage at all.
  • Dolfan
    6 years ago
    I do that shit all the time. My cues aren't very subtle, so if she's been sitting with me for more than 2-3 minutes and hasn't figured out I'm not interested she's either stubborn or stupid. I don't see it as savage at all. I've been the customer in BJ's scenario a few times too. I usually say something to the dancer who comes over immediately, "oh, I'm just waiting for her to finish" while pointing to the stage. Sometimes they don't get the hint and its easier to just meet my desired dancer a few feet away rather than expect her to come over and instigate drama. In terms of the most savage behavior I've exhibited, I can be a real dick when strippers don't get the hint. If a girl comes over uninvited, ignores the obvious signs that I'm not interested, asks me to buy her drinks or tip her, then proceeds to ask me "why not" when I refuse, she'll find herself in the awkward position of getting exactly what she wants. I'll politely but a bit more firmly decline without an explanation, then I'll point out a fairly harmless body preference like hair color or length, then if she still persists I'll tell her the truth; pointing out every body and personality flaw I've observed over our encounter. Usually loud enough for neighboring tables to hear.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Great stories! I’ve got nothing as savage. I was sitting at a table by the stage - and I was interested in a sexy blonde. My interest was growing because she was wearing a sling type of bikini (?) and she had a perfect set of slightly enhanced tits that kept slipping out of her sling bikini. We chatted - and she was coming over after her stage time. A cute light skinned AA dancer scoped me out - and comes over on stage. I tell her that I’m getting dances from another girl. She won’t take the hint. The AA girl gets off stage - sits next to me - and starts unbuttoning my shirt. Now I’ve already told her what I’m doing - and I reaffirm that I’m getting dances from the other girl - but she continues. Now my shirt is open to my belt - and another dancer comes over on stage and squats down to say hi. I see the dancer I wanted as she approaches - I quickly tip the one dancer on stage with a few singles - I slip a $20 into the hand of the AA dancer next to me. I stand up - with my shirt wide open - and the dancer I want quickly grabs me - gives me a big hug - grabs my hand and pulls me into the back room...
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    when i do that, the girl thats sitting with me is encouraging me to tip more money
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    ^ you shouldn’t have given her money for that. If you were a regular there, every girl would bother you, if word got out.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    If I’m approached by someone I’ve no interest in, I’ll be immediate in letting her know my lack on interest “ Okay if I sit down ?” “ No thank you “ That seems much better from a dancer perspective than having her waste a song of conversation when I know the answer will be no.
  • JackScott
    6 years ago
    It's not "savage" to go after what you really want in a strip club. I believe in respecting people as human beings but you are in an environment where everyone in there is trying to get the money from your pocket into their pockets. But to answer the OP, the most savage thing that I did was to not pay the girl after giving me a dance. She was really pushy and didn't really explain the terms of the deal. She just got on top of me, started grinding on me and then pulled on her g-string in expectation that I'd stick some money in it like Ralph the doorman.
  • dallas702
    6 years ago
    I asked the "floor manager" how to get a dancer to quit bothering me. He went and talked to her and about a half hour later she walked out of the club in street clothes.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I think I'm going to go sit next to Cashman and unbutton his shirt next time at the club if that's all it takes to get $20.
  • GoVikings
    6 years ago
    something like this happened to me a month ago i was sitting with my CF and she asked me could she leave for a bit and go talk to this other guy and then she would come back. so i agreed and let her go luckily, the guy she went to talk to wasn't there long, so my CF wasn't gone too long. however, while she was gone, an Indian dancer ( she may have not been Indian, but she was one of those types you rarely see in the club) came over and sat beside me. she wasn't bad looking by any means, just not my type. by this time, the guy my CF went to go talk to had left the club, and my CF was just waiting at the bar for the other girl (indian one) to leave, so that she could re-join me at my table. so here i am sitting, talking to this dancer i didn't want to talk to--and i'm eagerly waiting for her to leave so that my CF can re-join me. i didn't have the heart to bluntly tell her to leave me alone, but after 15 min or so, she finally left, and as soon as she did, my CF came right back to my side. :)
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    @Cashman1234 said: “I slip a $20 into the hand of the AA dancer next to me.” And that’s why you’re the CASH Man
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Flagooner - divorce conditioned me that certain women will accept cash to go away....
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I thought it might help to soothe the sting of rejection...lol!
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Can sit down? No. Why? I am not going to buy dances from you and all you'd be doing is wasting your's and my time. If she sits down: Please don't sit here. Why? Same as above. If you listen to everything a telemarketer says then you will get up and go to the stage, make up an excuse, try to be nice etc. Be direct. Be honest. Be polite. They get the message.
  • Harderlap
    6 years ago
    I don’t think it savage unless you had somehow indicated to the dancer you left that you would be interested in her. When I am with one dancer and want to tip the dancer I ask, “Do you mind if I tip the dancer?”. I had one say no or get upset. There is always the problem of how to deal with a dancer that you don’t want a dance from who is taking up your time and adjacent space. They usually go away after a few dances if I don’t show interest, but if they persist, I just say I am not interested in a dance or I don’t have money for a dance. They usually leave.
  • hotdog0007
    6 years ago
    I usually go to the stage to tip the dancer, go to the restroom or go to the bar to get another drink and then go to sit at another table. That usually gets the message across without bothering to insult the meh.
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Literally do this every visit...and yes it's savage
  • vincemichaels
    6 years ago
    LOL, flagooner. I tell an uninvited dancer who I'm not interested within a minute to leave. I'm not concerned whether she likes it or not. It's my money and time.
  • gammanu95
    6 years ago
    Taxi_driver, the bartender was smiling and gave me a marker - a free drink. He meant it as a compliment, I was just kind of surprised until I figured out what he was referring to. I didn't see it, but I'm guessing that the look on Fawn's face was priceless.
  • gammanu95
    6 years ago
    Urban dictionary: Top definition savage A savage is some who does not care about the Consequences of his or her actions. Zero fucks given.
  • scgato
    6 years ago
    My friend would just push them off him. They don’t really say nothing because I am a regular at the club. My other friend would just get up and leave the girl by herself lol.
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