
Comments by Darkwolf (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Hot and Sweaty
    Depends... if the sweat is because it is just hot or there are some writhings and moans that accompany it. I have had a dancer dancing and sweating her arse off that didn't appeal to me at all - I didn't want her to touch me. I have had a couple that were sweating and damned near panting based on action that was taking place. Just all depends on the mood... it's like a smile on a womans face. It is nice to look at but knowing that you put it there is always best....
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Go when you're in a crappy mood?
    I rarely get cheered up when I go to a club. If I am in a laid back mood when I go then I usually have more fun. It's almost like expecting too much when you go to a club - unless you are going for one specific dancer or reason.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Two groups here
    Perhaps I am a cheap SOB too... I don't expect to be spending any thousand dollars on a strip club either. But I hear what you are saying in respect to going to a club. I too don't get to go as often as I'd like - though lately I have been able to go a bit more. Sometimes I will enter a club with a certain amount of money in my pocket and use every bit while other times I will come out with most of it left. I agree with the comment about both groups of people. The only thing I am concerned with is posting reviews that are too detailed. It has been stated in previous discussions that those reviews can get the very activities that are being discussed gone - either by some persons version of a 'good time' being misunderstood as an act of prostitution or someone blatantly saying that if you go to Club A and get a LD from Girl A and tip her a certain amount you will get a BJ/FS or something of that ilk. This can be dangerous. I try to keep my experiences somewhat general when it comes to an open forum... not sure how others feel.
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    18 years ago
    Be certain with CERTS
    I agree with the cologne... I have always received compliments on mine and they love to get soooo close when you smell good. Thank you very much Armani!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Old school
    I agree... I can't stand it when a woman can't dance. It doesn't matter how good looking she is, if she can't keep time to the music or have some rhythm about her, then I don't bother. I don't even care if it is very high mileage. I was at a club and the girl kept reaching down and groping me through her 'dance' and I just stood up after the first song and thanked her for the dance and didn't indicate any interest in another. Maybe I am weird in that aspect, but, one of the reasons I don't get a private dance right off is because I want to watch how a dancer works it...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hell I am not far into my 30's but I have always been attracted to younger women - of course I add to that the very short and petite as well. Not sure why that is, but it has become more and more as of late. I still am completely attracted to the female form when it is in good shape - whether it be 18 or 40. Beauty is just that... the only constant is that they have to be legal for me to pursue.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Best Atlanta Clubs?
    Even though the quality is falling off for me, the Oasis is definately a club to go to. It is starting to outgrow its current size and needs some revitalization. But, it is a good club. I too just recently visited the Goldrush and I had a decent time. The women there seem to be a bit on the larger size than I am used to but they are friendly as hell. Not a fan of how their VIP is set up but haven't done much in there either. Other recommendation would be the Pink Pony - though it seems to almost be too commercial when I had gone in there the last time. Happy clubbing!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has anyone ever left there wallet at the club?
    Never left my wallet in a club *knock on wood* but I have lost a cell phone. Several items of varying degrees of sensitivity on there but I did have it cancelled immediately and was given another phone. After that, it is rare that I ever go into a club with it on - though sometimes I still have to. I agree with the wallet, key, other personal items checks. I try to make sure that I have a certain method of money storage when I am in a club. I keep my ones folded up in one pocket and other bills in a different pocket. I have also used this practice to help keep down how much money I spend in a club as well - though if it is worth it, I will get to the other money :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    The "bases"
    I would have to say that having a blowjob is more like stealing a home run.... didn't have to send the ball out of the park to have the crowd cheering ;)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Well, the legal question is one that could be debated depending on your area. I know that one could get somewhat by with the paying for time rather than services rendered arguement when doing things in the VIP. Of course that means that there is no up-charging or discussing of activities explicitly or implicitly. I look at a VIP in a strip club just like a VIP in any other club. You pay in some way to be able to be there... you are with someone who you have hooked up with (contracted for time allotment or just talked a good game with) and both of you do whatever you feel comfortable doing within the confines of the room. As far as age thing goes... well there is that line that says do I want to get arrested for a misdemeanor charge of public indecency or statutory rape.... I'll stick with keeping my name off a national registry of sex offenders because I didn't choose to think with the right head.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stupid Things Strippers Have Done and/or Said
    It's funny to see the strippers come and go. They are so typical most of the time. There are the occassions where you see one that truly is different. My pet peeve I suppose are those who offer for you to buy them a drink. I don't understand why they think this will help them out at all - as most drink prices are the same as a table dance in Atlanta. I'd much rather have her dance for me and quench my thirst than her actual thirst. Perhaps I am wrong here... however, the best arguement I could make for this is that when I was sitting with a very cool dancer, I asked her if she wanted something to drink and she ordered. When the drinks arrived she tried to pay for them... of course I handled it but it was nice to see that she was not trying to offer my pleasantries for me. I agree with the glitter thing. I have a couple of very nice sweaters and shirts that I am not interested in having a starmap appear on when I am standing under the blacklights. And I hope that all dancers who may have access to this - or club owners who may read it - please have some policy as to going to freshen up before going to VIP. I have cancelled going to VIP with a dancer who was just previously on stage and working the floor who didn't go to the ladies room to freshen.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Celebrities in strip clubs
    Seen several atheletes in a club... one very recently
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lost souls: help or not?
    Definately don't help - or not in that way. Other than the knowledge that she could be completely pulling your chain, having the possibility of this wonderful family of hers enter into your daily grind would be crazy. I don't want anyone who is a dredge of society entering into my daily life.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    waitresses... tipping
    I used to give a tip like most do in here. Then there are the times when a waitress is really working her butt off in general and is still making sure that I am ok. Since I am not a drinker most waitresses don't bother asking much and assume that I am either cheap or have ill intentions in the bar. I have on actually tipped for bringing me free drinks. This usually gets an odd look but turns out pretty well. I drink coffee a lot and when I was at the PP in Columbia they didn't charge me. Still, I gave a 2 dollar tip just about each time I got one. I have always been generous to wait staff as I have family members who have done it and talked about how crappy people tip them.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Big Spender or Cautious?
    I think it is a hit or miss situation no matter what. I have been into a club where I was planning on dropping some serious money and never given the opportunity. I too won't just go for any dance any time. I have given several new people the opportunity to earn my return visits and money but, I don't just get dances at random... unless I am really being adventurous. I do however tip almost everyone at some point - if they are working it. I still don't know why several patrons shy away from tipping at the stage. It seems like a lost thing. Most people seem to use it for a 'hey come see me later' or a cheap thrill. I always had this motto... if I found myself watching the dancer on stage for a certain amount of time then I tip. If I don't then I don't. I reviewed one of the Atlanta clubs where I spoke of being in a club where a guy was throwing money around like crazy (taking 50.00 stacks of ones) by throwing it all on stage at one time. He was looking for the 'big baller' effect and even told me that's what he was doing. He was in fact a big baller - playing arena football as his career path - and wanted to make a statement. It didn't make him have any better of a time than I did - though his asking for my contact information as a possible future client was a nice bonus. All in all, I think it depends on the dancer. If the dancer is looking to make that quick buck she will do so and will usually miss out on the long term big payout. Most dancers don't realize what a little talking and hanging out will do for them - even what a free dance will do on occassion.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Johnny On-the-Spot
    I guess I am one of the minority here, but, I believe that any job that you undertake should be done with the highest degree of professionalism and care. Therefor when I enter into a bathroom that is not clean and is staffed by a 'troll' then I don't bother tipping. If I go into a bathroom that is being frequented by the scores of drunken patrons - with a handful of respectible clients such as ourselves - and can keep it neat and clean, well that for me deserves as much of a tip as someone who is shaking her assets on stage.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Looking for...
    Hahahaha I love your comment Book Guy! Thanks fellas. I don't know why I like them either - but I do. Sometimes I find myself just trying out new types of dancers - smaller or more vuluptous... Small boobs versus big boobs. I have gone to Gold Rush a few times and have been decently impressed - especially since it is a club that isn't too crowded during the weekends. I just noticed that they are having a midget review... I don't know if I dare to look at something that short ;)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lost souls: help or not?
    I would most definately be up for a meet sometime soon. Funds are a little tight - but what the hell!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Big Spender or Cautious?
    I forgot to add, the fella that was throwing the money around never once tried to get a dance. He was just doing it for show I guess. He didn't seem interested in any personal attention and just walked away after dropping the money... I guess there are people who watch MTV and BET still :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Should I go to law school?
    I guess I am the minority here... but go to law school. Study some corporate law and try to delve yourself into a facet that will deal with what you do love - Strip Clubs. Become a power in fighting the oppressive stances that are taken by the right wings when they are trying to remove that very thing that you like to do from your community. There are always plenty of clubs, and persons, who will need defending when it comes to someone trying to shut them down or indict them for something that was morally legislated and ridiculously interpretted.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to get your best mileage out of an Atlanta table dance!
    I am up for a Goldrush or Oasis visit. Let me know when you guys are ready!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers smelling you and telling you that you smell good?
    I always have wonderful reaction to my Acqua Di Gio by Armani
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Dream Hypothetical Multiple Choice Question
    I would struggle between A and C as well. I would love to get the money and spend it freely among those who had always treated me well without worry for extra tipping and whatnot. Only thing is... 3k is not much money. I don't think trying option C out would be truly possible - though it would be fun to try! If you win that class action lawsuit Bones I hope you won't forget your brethren and offer to bring us all in for a helluva party. I think if I came into a very large sum of money I would definately be offering free lappers for those who attended on a given night (within limits of course). A guy I worked with before told me of a situation where he and his brother in law attended a bachelor party of uber proportions. They were given 20k dollars to spend among the 10 of them in a club. Now that would be a party to remember!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Are men who flip shit to other men because they got payday loans pathetic losers
    Though I am not one that believes in the secrecy of most anything... discretion is a good thing. I would offer as a possible excuse some friend of yours that was down on his luck that you needed to help out. But, it wasn't the best of situations so you didn't know if you'd get the support you needed from your wife - so you just got a short term loan to help him out hoping he would hold his end of the bargain and get the money back to you quickly. When he did you just paid it off and things went back to normal. You would be able to mix a bit of good guy helping someone out of a situation that you weren't told much about - but knew it was a drastic thing - in with a bad thing of fella keeping his wife out of the loop on such a thing. Chalk it up to not knowing what her response would be following quickly with a 'I know I would come to you now because you are more comfortable with what the outcome would be.' Maybe that wouldn't work but it is a plausable situation that most anyone could find themselves in. I have had buddies come up to me letting me know of situations and me helping them out - no knowing wether or not I should let people in my personal life in on the transaction because I wouldn't know what their take on the situation would be. I think it also depends on the amount of money we are talking... 1k would be easy to explain I'd think. Much more than that you might have to do some more talking.