Best Atlanta Clubs?

Does anyone know which are the best clubs to visit in Atlanta? I travel there often for work and I would like to check out a few. I'm usually alone, so I was looking for some input on where to start. Thanks!


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avatar for ShotDisc
18 yrs ago

Classic oxymoron- good clubs in Atlanta. from a former 16 yr resident.

by the way. Glad to see u again, Igiveup

avatar for DougS
18 yrs ago

I've only been to Atlanta once, and during the 5 days there, I took in four strip clubs. I was TOTALLY unimpressed with what these clubs had to offer. All air from my experience. I'm used to some decent mileage and found that to be non-existent. Now, I avoid business trips to Atlanta like a plague, now.

However, I have to admit, out of all of the cities that I've been to, I found Atlanta to have the largest percentage of pretty women. I'm not talking clubs... just the average woman you see on the streets (err... not THAT kind of woman, either). Seriously, I was impressed by seeing very pretty women everywhere that I turned. I'm not sure why that is, but perhaps that's where the term HOTlanta comes from.

Dallas is a very close second to Atlanta in this category, but the clubs in Dallas are tremendously better.

avatar for alabamascott
18 yrs ago

Thanks everyone for the input. Greatly appreciated!

avatar for Darkwolf
18 yrs ago

Even though the quality is falling off for me, the Oasis is definately a club to go to. It is starting to outgrow its current size and needs some revitalization. But, it is a good club. I too just recently visited the Goldrush and I had a decent time. The women there seem to be a bit on the larger size than I am used to but they are friendly as hell. Not a fan of how their VIP is set up but haven't done much in there either. Other recommendation would be the Pink Pony - though it seems to almost be too commercial when I had gone in there the last time.

Happy clubbing!

avatar for shadowcat
18 yrs ago

Greg yes we did have a good time at Oasis and Goldrush but I believe that you and I and freak daddy could have a good time anywhere together. I am glad to see that Goldrush is coming back to life . As it is the closest club to where I live. Oasis is an hours drive. Actually had more fun at Goldrush. I have had some good times at the Crazy Horse Saloon but much more hit or miss. I picked up on the FAT- Fresno Air Terminal. I got a lot more. I think I smell a new topic coming.

avatar for trojangreg
18 yrs ago

alabama - if you go to Oasis on a Friday or Saturday get there early or else it will be standing room only and it will be difficult getting any attention from the dancers. DG - I saw a dancer who should have been called FAT - Fresno, CA. On the other hand I once knew a dancer stage name of EZ she was.

avatar for trojangreg
18 yrs ago

Igiveup - You have to admit you did have an ok time at both Oasis and Goldrush not up to PP but pretty good for Atlanta. Happy Birthday and have a great trip.

avatar for chitownlawyer
18 yrs ago

I can't give an opinion on the "Best" club in ATL, as I have only been to Oasis. But I found myself in a little curtained-off booth with a hot 21 year old brunette, and things happened there that usually only happen in dreams. I recommend it 100%.

BTW, I was there early on a Wednesday evening, and the crowd wasn't too bad. I hear it can get pretty intense on weekends.

avatar for DailyGrind
18 yrs ago

I met a dancer last night who's stagename was the airport code ATL.

I could've recommended Sioux City, Iowa's (SUX).

now back to the thread already in progress

Flyin' high, DG

avatar for shadowcat
18 yrs ago

Greg: admit it. All ATL clubs suck. I am on vacation this week. I thought about emailing you and getting together again at some ATL club this week but I ruled it out because I am going to my favorite club on Sunday for a 3 day stay. I just cannot get it up for an ATL club when I know whats in store for me. Some day you will be able to join me at my favorite club and you will never want to waste another night in ATL...

avatar for alabamascott
18 yrs ago

Thanks Trojan. I usually like to get good mileage/nice looking dancer. She doesn't have to be a perfect 10 by any means. I was in a club last week and had a great VIP with a petite brunette with small tits. She was probably a 6 or 7, but damn that girl could throw a helluva LD. I'll probably check out the Oasis. It sounds like that place is pretty solid. Thanks again.

avatar for trojangreg
18 yrs ago

alabama it depends on what you are looking for. Best all around club for me is The Oasis Goodtime Emporium good looking dancers some contact and if you connect with the right dancer great VIP. Eye candy only The Cheetah great looking women in a sterile environment (although the restaurant has good food). Lately The Goldrush Showbar has improved immensley and you can get good contact lap dances there. Also convenient to the airport if you fly in. Wherever you go in Atlanta take a few minutes to watch the dancers because they love to give the ATL air dances. At both Oasis and Goldrush there are dancers that will give nice contact dances but you have to find them. If you want an unbelievable VIP experience then Flashers however the quality of the dancers is not as good it is really hit or miss and is expensive (the vip rooms have solid doors).

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