
Go when you're in a crappy mood?

Blue Ridge Foothills
When you're in a lousy mood, do you stay away from strip clubs or do you go and hope some tits will cheer you up? Does it work?


    18 years ago
    Actually I have trouble relating to this question because I'm almost never in a bad mood, and when I am it doesn't last long. It's one of the many things I've learned from my ATF. She has more reason to be in a bad mood than anyone else I've ever met and yet she almost never is. She's one of the most positive and upbeat people I know, which is probably the main reason she's my ATF.

    This is something we talk about a lot - she believes that your moods are something over which you have complete control, and she chooses to be positive and happy. It's a consious choice that she makes every day because, as she says, life is just more fun that way (one of her favorite expressions is "Get off the pitty potty.) So I started doing the same thing and it really works. I've developed the habit of living in a state of gratitude. Which means, as Cheryl Crow says, "It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you have." I begin every day by giving thanks for all that I have, and the positive mood that results usually lasts all day long. If you're often experiencing bad moods, try it and see what happens.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    In response to one of the presenting questions, going to a strip club does not get me out of a crappy mood. It only makes me feel sort of sordid and sleazy myself. As with most experiences, my attitude while I am in the strip club generally mirrors the attitude I had when I came in.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    I don't usually go when I am in a bad mood--although, as FONDL related, I will sometimes go when I am depressed, which I characterize as different than being in a bad mood. When I am depressed, I am more just disengaged from the world, and not really interested in engagement.

    If I do go to a strip club when I am in a bad mood, I generally will go to a more "downmarket" strip joint kind of place, rather than a gentlemen's club. It has to do with channeling Ray Liotta, in the scene from Goodfellas when he is about to go to prison for the first time. He climbs into a car-service car, eats a handful of pills without water, then says, somewhat belligerently, to the driver, "Now take me to jail." That's the kind of mood that takes me to the sleazier clubs. Gentlemen's clubs seem more fitted for happy times.
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    As Yoda & DG say.
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    To me, the thought of going to a club is more than enough to get me in a good mood, so there is no way that I could be visit a club in a bad mood; it's easy for me to get "up" for a visit (pun intended).
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    I agree with lowpaw. Especially in the case of a female patron who indeed wants to hang with a sourpuss!
  • lopaw
    18 years ago
    I don't think that I'd wanna hit a club if I was in a crappy mood. I think that the girls would see it in your body language, and they would tend to keep their distance. After all - who wants to sit and hang out with a sourpuss?
  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    Walking in the door and catching the scent of 18-year-old naked hottiez is about all it takes to get my priorities straight.

  • chandler
    18 years ago
    FONDL, my question is about any of us as a customer to a strip club, not anyone in particular as a poster to this board. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    Not really FONDL. Posts about other posters would be found in a thread like "why was shadowcat banned" where every comment was by or about a particular poster.

    Chandler is asking a general question here for all of us to comment on.
    18 years ago
    Actually the period in which I visited clubs the most was during a time when I was suffering from fairly severe depression, which I guess was my mid-life crisis. That was 10+ years ago and I can honestly say that meeting my ATF is what brought me out of it. And it hasn't returned. Shouldn't my health insurance pay for it?

    But to answer the question, I don't think Ive ever gone when in a crappy mood. Usually the anticipation of going put me in a good mood.
    18 years ago
    Incidently, Chandler, I find it very amusing that you've started this thread after telling me that, "What I don't have much interest in is posts about posters to this board," which is exactly what this thread is.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    I've left home to go to a club when in a crappy mood. But since it's always a significant distance to the club, regardless of which one I go to, I'm usually in a better mood by the time I get there.
  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    for me, being in a bad mood is just more motivation to get to the clubs for some TLC and a private attitude adjustment.

  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    It could go either way...If I'm in an "ALL PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS" sort of mood I would probably stay away. If I'm just pissed off over some isolated incident I would go. A pretty girl can change your whole outlook!
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I don't think I go to clubs if I'm in a bad mood. Fortunately, when I'm not working and feeling fine without being sick, that seldom happens. That might be why I'm in a better mood since I like my days off from work even if it's only two days a week. Many dancers seem to like being around me maybe because I cheer them up. I enjoy seeing them smile back. You can help create whatever strip club experience you are expecting. If I don't feel like venturing out, I just stay home.
  • Darkwolf
    18 years ago
    I rarely get cheered up when I go to a club. If I am in a laid back mood when I go then I usually have more fun. It's almost like expecting too much when you go to a club - unless you are going for one specific dancer or reason.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    There are times when I don't FEEL like I'm in a bad mood -- just tryin' to get to the dang club, for example -- but then the dancers just seem annoying and off-putting and demanding all at once. Often a girl will come up to me, mimic my body-language, put at me, and say, "Boy, oh boy, YOU had a terrible day, didn't you!?" or "Why so glum?" or "It can't be THAT bad" or any of a number of other "I censure your behavior" type statements.
    I find that kind of approach to be VERY VERY annoying, because there's really no answer. If I am in a GOOD mood, then I instantly have to be "defensive" and "argue" with her -- "No, missie, you are wrong" -- thus reducing my mood from GOOD to AVERAGE. If, to the contrary, I AM in a bad mood, the approach points it out and thereby just exacerbates it. And if I don't even KNOW what mood I'm in, the approach is harping on BADNESS and therefore SUGGESTS it.

    I realize, that if a girl or two are doing this, then I probably look like I'm in a bad mood. Often, it's just that I'm clenching my arms around my chest because I'm cold. But girls will be girls ...

    So, no, I don't usually go to a strip club when I'm feeling venomously in a bad mood. But idiot strippers sure can bring me into one quite quickly anyway. :)
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