
Hot and Sweaty

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chandlerBlue Ridge Foothills

Is a little bit of sweat on a stripper in the heat of the action ever okay with you or is any trace of it a big turnoff?


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Avatar for Clubber

I used to have a favorite in Key West, at the old Teasers, that would always shower before joining me. I knew that any sweat after that was inflicted by me! As an aside, she didn't spray on anything, was just all natural clean smelling! Loved it!

Avatar for DougS

Bones: Most definitely! There is NO way in hell that I'm going to get a dance from a dancer that arrives at my table already sweaty, especially if she's just been dancing with another guy. (uhh... in hell, she would be sweaty all the time, so I guess that was a poor choice of words)

I prefer a sweat-less girl, although like has been pointed out, if I contributed to her sweaty condition, it's more attactive. When I run my hands down her back, I want them to move smoothly, not hindered by a warm sweaty back.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

Sweat response is, actually, partly due to carbohydrate addiction. When I did serious Atkins-style hi-protein dieting, to the point that my metabolism "changed" (and yes, Atkins has a zillion other disadvantages) I found that my sweating changed as well. Much less often, much more full-body and much less armpits-and-crotch-only. Some girls are so fine and frail that they're ALWAYS running on nothing but carbohydrates and other simple body fuels (erm ... or stimulants) so that may have something to do with it.

Avatar for FONDL

I've found that a really good dancer is almost always going to be pretty sweaty after her stage set. I rather she join me that way than go in back for half an hour while I wait for her.

Avatar for Clubber

Seems most agree, if we induce it, that is fine. Although, I think there could be to much of a good thing.

Avatar for DailyGrind

the wetter, the better.

best with a hint of cotton candy, fuck-hair, and exhausted panting.

making them earn it,


Avatar for Yoda

As long as she was dry and sweet smelling when we started it's fine. In fact, it's kinda sexy...

Avatar for casualguy

I don't really care to get someone elses sweat all over me. I just don't enjoy that.

I did have a sweaty dancer sit down with me after she got finished with doing some stage dancing. I said she looked hot and she just smiled at me and I thought that didn't come out exactly like I met it. I was thinking hot and sweaty but she seemed to like the way it sounded when I said that. I wasn't interested in getting a dance from someone with a lot of sweat dripping off of them. I don't find it relaxing or enjoyable to go to clubs all hot and sweaty either so I will take a shower and cool off myself.

Avatar for Clubber

Not if I helped make her that way?

Avatar for shadowcat

I once had a georgeus, young black girl Give me a 2 for 1 right after doing 3 songs on stage. She was so sweaty that my pants were wet. even though she was a knockout, it was a complete turn off. And I told her so. She understood and was not pissed at me. I saw her again a month later. She appoligized for her previous sweaty dances. That was followed by some intense lap dancing. Damn, where did she go?

Avatar for Darkwolf

Depends... if the sweat is because it is just hot or there are some writhings and moans that accompany it. I have had a dancer dancing and sweating her arse off that didn't appeal to me at all - I didn't want her to touch me. I have had a couple that were sweating and damned near panting based on action that was taking place.

Just all depends on the mood... it's like a smile on a womans face. It is nice to look at but knowing that you put it there is always best....

Avatar for ShortDuck

If she gets sweaty dancing with me, I don't mind at all.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

There's a good trick to making sex and sexual situations better, that is simply to rearrange the room temperature to the point that you want to snuggle up. Hot bodies, especially hairy ones, are unappealing to me; why wouldn't they be to women as well? There's this "smooth silkiness" that comes to a person's skin -- and the collagen tightens up in a nice youthfully firm kind of way, too -- when the air is colder than "usual." Somewhere around 64 deg. F, I think?

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