
Has anyone ever left there wallet at the club?

Friday, January 12, 2007 12:26 AM
A few weeks ago I was at one of my regular hangouts. Actually it was the day before newyears eve. I had some drinks but I don't think I went overboard with the drinking. After about 2hours there I had decided to leave. My favorite dancer had not shown up yet, but I had an even better time with another dancer. I had drove all the way home (about 35miles away) felt around in my back pocket and discovered my wallet was missing. I looked all around in my car, but couldn't not find it. It then hit me that I had some how left it back at the club. Had gotten a lapdance right before I left and probably left it back in that room. Well I pulled out of the drive way and headed back to the club. Tried to call the club a few times on the way there. The bartender stated he would look around for it. When I got there I told security I was looking for my wallet, he said check the DJ booth. I went up to the DJ booth and told the girl DJ I was missing my wallet. She asked me my name and I told her, she then pulled out the walltet and said "next time don't leave it at the DJ booth". I know I didn't leave it at the DJ booth, apparently one of the dancers using the lapdance room found it and left it at the DJ booth. I saw my favorite Porsha had made it in. Spoke to her briefly and made my way out of the club. I discovered that my money was missing( had about 9 or 10dollars left) but all of my plastic cards were in check. Well things turned out to be okay, but it could have been terrible if I had never found it our someone stole my debit card or credit card. Maybe I was a little more intoxicated than I thought?


  • DougS
    17 years ago
    IGU: Yep, definitely have an interest in aviation, and have my pilot's license. I'm far from flying the big stuff like the B-anythings, but I have flown a Cessna 310 (wasn't the PIC) carrying Tommy Lasorda a few years ago... I'll email 'ya, when I get some time - later today, maybe...
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    DougS. No I am not a licensed Pilot. There are at least 4 posters on this board that have interests in the aviation industry. You are apparently one. Email me. There is one that is a B767 Captian.l
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    Darkwolf, I do exactly the same thing with my one's and other bills. It makes things a lot easier trying to tip dancers. Other things I have lost are 2 different jackets (one a winter one when it was terribly cold), but I got the one back. One time when going cross country, I lost a hat, but I got it back the next day. Otherwise, it's just cash I lose, but at least its well spent. :-)
  • Mickkeyc
    17 years ago
    No. but I have left (and lost) my belt, watch, a tie (or two) and once I almost left my shoe.
  • lopaw
    17 years ago
    The only thing of value that I've ever lost at a club (besides my dignity a few times-and it's value is dabatable) was a nice pair of Maui Jim sunglasses. I had them hanging from the front of my blouse when I went to get a LD, and the well-meaning dancer offered to get them out of the way and laid them down somewhere. I didn't realize that they were gone til the next day...all of the beers I had didn't help in that department, either. When I returned the next day to see if they ended up in the lost & found (right!), all they had were about a dozen pairs of crappy, cheap, beaten-up old sunglasses. So I took all of them instead. Stupid careless dancer. Stupid drunken me. This is but one reason that I don't drink at clubs anymore.
  • Darkwolf
    17 years ago
    Never left my wallet in a club *knock on wood* but I have lost a cell phone. Several items of varying degrees of sensitivity on there but I did have it cancelled immediately and was given another phone. After that, it is rare that I ever go into a club with it on - though sometimes I still have to. I agree with the wallet, key, other personal items checks. I try to make sure that I have a certain method of money storage when I am in a club. I keep my ones folded up in one pocket and other bills in a different pocket. I have also used this practice to help keep down how much money I spend in a club as well - though if it is worth it, I will get to the other money :)
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I've had a dancer tell me after getting a lap dance that any guy who doesn't check for his wallet after getting a lap dance is just stupid and almost deserves to have his money stolen. I made sure to routinely check after hearing that. Especially since I heard that was one tactic the pick pocket dancer may have used on some other guys in a different club. She got the guy's wallet to pop out of his pocket (probably had him pay in advance), then after he left the dance room, the wallet was right in the sofa or sofa cracks. That's my reasoning of what could have happened. In one case I heard a guy lost his wallet but he walked right back to the room and found it with money still in it. Strange thing was, the dancer was still there (waiting for the coast to clear??)
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    We could start a thread on really stupid dancers. The one I mentioned above never found out I was the one who caught her and informed the management. The manager told me she would probably just become some other clubs problem. I was thinking, if she works at a local club, I can tell their managers. I did that at the next club I saw her working at within a few weeks. She was actually happy to see an old face and gave me some story about quitting the old job because some people there were not very friendly to her. Yeah, her boss who told me she was ruining their business by stealing from customers and making a once busy club be a quiet club.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    No, I've only left the contents of my wallet in the club. I'm very careful to pat my pants even for wallet, keys and any spare change if I'm keeping change. I do that after every dance to make sure nothing slipped out of my pocket. I especially make a point to do that with new dancers since one time I did encounter a dancer pick pocket. However she did that while standing side by side with me holding my one hand around her waist so she could have access to my side pocket. If I hadn't felt her hand in my pocket and realized too late I still had some tipping money in there before her hand was there. In the end she didn't get away. I eventually spoke to the manager and she lost her job and my money was refunded. That's something I won't ever forget especially since she used to be one of my favorites. Obviously a stupid one. She was just a favorite girl to look at and get dances from, apparently she wanted some extra cash without dancing for it. I rake that as very high on the stupidity scale especially when she could have talked me into getting another dance or two for 5 and 10 minutes and gotten the same amount of money as she stole. I bet she was hoping I had 10's, 20's or 100's in my pocket instead of 1's. Always make sure you have your wallet after a dance or close encounter is my motto.
  • chitownlawyer
    17 years ago
    I don't carry a wallet, just a credit card, drivers' license, bar card, and whatever cash I need. However, I did once drop a $20 bill as I was walking across the floor at Favorite Club. The manager saw it fall from my pocket and told a bouncer to take it over to me. (Thanks, Big Don)
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    This past summer, I dropped my wallet GOING IN to my favorite club. I am usually extremely careful - constantly patting myself down for my wallet and my keys. But this time, as I was getting out of my car, somehow my wallet slipped out of my pocket. I didn't notice it fall but the security guard in the parking lot saw it happen and followed me in and returned it - all contents still inside. I had a decent amount of cash so I was extremely grateful. I gave him $25. Maybe he was just doing his job, but I figure I was going to spend several hundreds of dollars on my favorite dancer so the least I could do was give the guy a few dollars. There really are good people left in the world.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    No, only the contents. *rimshot* Actually, I never take my wallet into a club to begin with. I take out just my ID to lighten my load and leave the wallet stashed in my car.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    IGU: FAA license? Are you a licensed pilot, too? I got my license in '81... 12/18/81 to be exact. No, I've never left anything in a club, but am EXTREMELY careful not to. I'm in a habit of continually doing "pat checks" for my important things to make sure that I still have them... I pat my side to assure my cell phone is there, my right rear to make sure my wallet is there, and my front right pocket to prove my keys are still there. When ever I get a dance, before I sit down, I first take my phone off, remove the contents from my pocket, and place everything on the table - well within my sight so I can keep my eye on it. When OTC-ing, I do the same thing as soon as we enter the room. So, make this your mantra after a session with your dancer; Stand, Wallet (pay and pocket), Phone, Keys, (and depending on the dancer) Kiss Goodbye
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I'll just say that I got my FAA license in 1969 and I still have the original. Btw the pants that I wear to strip clubs has a zipper on the back pocket.
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    No, but I lost it in a movie theater once and ever since, I always stick my wallet in my front pocket. I never lose anything then.
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