
Be certain with CERTS

Wednesday, December 27, 2006 7:15 AM
OK, you visited a club for the first time. The dancers were attentive, you tipped aggressively at the stage and were rewarded with very good lappers in the VIP or whatever they call their private dance area. You begin to think about when you can return and repeat this experience. Same venue, same dancers, same time of day. Lukewarm experience. What the F happened?!?! Try as you might, you begin to think it was you ... was it my breath, deodorant, etc. ? Has this ever happened to you ?


    17 years ago
    I think you do your best when you are most personable, and you are likely to be your most personable when wearing what you're most comfortable in in any particular surroundings. So if you're most comfortable in a strip club in a suit and tie, by all means wear them. Personally I'm most comfortable in khakis and polo shirt, so that's what I wear to a club.
  • dennyspade
    17 years ago
    I have never found good hygiene and a neat appearance to be offensive to a dancer or club management. You will catch a wary eye from your fellow patrons, who may try to size you up as a potential "whale" or "Big Baller." With the income that rappers and athletes have at their disposal; you can imagine the collective glee of some dancers as they try to size up potential bankrolls by the "bling-bling" of the watches, bracelets, etc. they observe. I've noticed that although those guys may flash the wad, rarely will they give it away without a promise of an OTC rendevous at the Hotel of their choice.
  • Darkwolf
    17 years ago
    I agree with the cologne... I have always received compliments on mine and they love to get soooo close when you smell good. Thank you very much Armani!
  • shadow10
    17 years ago
    I went to a casual club in slacks and a polo, with nice casual shoes. I didn't get much interest from anyone, even though I was the best dressed in the place, and tipped most of the girls at the stage and the bar. The dancer I asked for a dance noticed my cologne after she got started. It was like pouring gasoline on a smoldering match... I soon had a full on house fire! I got way more than I bargained for. Never underestimate the power of a great cologne!
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I always wear shorts, comando and a funny sexy T-shirt. It works for me. My latest shirt, that I will wear next week, has the caption "My father only wanted a blow job". Where else can I wear it. I know that my favorits will like it. Make a girl laugh and you will be a hit. shadowcat is dead but the Candyman lives.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Depends entirely on the suit. Wearing a traditional men's lapel suit with white shirt and tie? That's for the mail-room boys who think they look upscale. But a classy Armani with a turtleneck, for example? Something the mail-room boys could never pull off.
    17 years ago
    Chitown, I think the dress-up thing you keep mentioning depends on where you are. Maybe it's a plus in the Midwest but it's gone way out of style in the Northeast. The ony people who wear suits around here are low level bankers, lawyers, salesmen in some industries and men who work in clothing stores. A guy in a suit would look totally out of place in the suburban and rural clubs that I prefer. Whenever I see a guy driving a really expensive car around here (and there are a lot of them) he is always dressed casually and often looks like a slob. Rich guys never dress up anymore unless they're over 60. Strippers know that.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    Bones. Just dragging my ass out of bed again. It's 4:22 A.M. I will remember you to Ashley from Myrtle Beach (not Florida). I liked her too. You don't mind If I poke a little fun at her. Do you? I remember her dances with all of those little baby kisses. I got to spend some quality time with her the day after you left. Very personable. Very sexy. Very hot. Well, I gotta go shit, shave, and shower.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    Bones, you are just home from work posting. I am just getting up to go to work and posting. These 12 hour shifts are hard to get for. But the time off is great. I work today and tomorrow and then off for 3 days.
  • dennyspade
    18 years ago
    Having been educated on this Board about hygiene, appropriate dress, and the avoidance of all dancers "baring" glitter; I have made it my business to look and smell presentable. I (try to) never drink to the point of being drunk and out-of-control; thereby being a patron of choice for most establishments. I most CERTainly agree that nights at the clubs will vary, even with the same cast of characters present. It may be the last week of the month (bills coming due); approaching Holidays where the "dancing squirrels are stocking up" since the clubs may be shut down to observe CERTain holidays. So, I must assume that this is one of the risks of circulating amongst the local area clubs. "It IS what it IS ..." Thanks for chiming in ...
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Good point, Pythagoras. Don't TV commercials teach us anything?
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    This is exactly why I rotate around and visit about six or seven different clubs on a regular basis. It also plays into the argument of favorite dancers vs. new experiences. I have at least one or two gals that I know will deliver the goods in every club that I visit. If I go to one club, look around and don't see anyone worth spending on I leave and go someplace else.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    That happens all the time, even at my favorite club. I typically go Friday night and sometimes its dead and other times, it's just a wild time, even though most of the dancers are the same both times.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I agree as well. Every night is a new adventure. It makes sense since some girls may be hornier or more frisky one night than they are on other nights. The same applies to guys so every night can be different. Same thing applies to regular bars. Just because one night I go visit and just plan on playing some arcade games and having a couple of drinks during a short visit but I meet a sexy horny girl who starts feeling my legs and gives me her number when I wasn't even trying to pick up any girls, I don't expect that to happen every visit.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Fourth. I also agree with Greg.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I third what Greg said. I'm glad it's that way, too. Repeating a good experience is boring.
    18 years ago
    I agree with Greg, the main difference was that your expectations were much higher. For years I had a rule to never go back to a club I'd been to before until a lot of time had passed, just for that reason. It happens frequently.
  • trojangreg
    18 years ago
    This can happen even at a club where you spend a lot of time and money. I never go to a club expecting the ultimate but rather with the attitude lets see what happens. More often than not with the let it ride attitude it turns into a good night. Sometimes no matter what you do or who you get dances from the magic is not there. I have been in clubs one night where the place is dead. You go the next week same dancers etc and the place is hopping and everyone is having a great time. Treat each night like a new adventure and you never know what might happen. Of course I tend to go back to the clubs where I have had the most good times.
  • chitownlawyer
    17 years ago
    Who knows why there can be such a variance in visits to strip clubs. I have also had it happen the other way--crappy first visit followed by great subsequent visits. The only sure variable I have ever fixed on is dress, and this is strictly conjecture--although it has seemed to be correct, even at a real (great) hole-in-the-wall club in eastern Kansas, as well as at some "gentlemen's" clubs. In any event, I try to remember that I am not the only factor in the equation, and the reason for the change in climate could well be some non-me factor: maybe the dancers are pissed at the dj, maybe there is some "whale" in the house who is drawing a disproportionate share of the dancers' attention, etc.
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