
Dream Hypothetical Multiple Choice Question

Blue Ridge Foothills
You unexpectedly come into some money. Let's say $3,000. For some reason we won't go into, you have to spend it all on strippers as soon as possible, or else lightning will strike you dead. Which of the following options would you choose?

A) Spend it at your regular club on your favorite dancers. Same as you do anyway only more of it or more generously.

B) Spend it on Champagne Room or OTC sessions you would never do otherwise because of the cost.

C) Fly to another city for the awesome club(s) you've always wished you could experience.

Also, for the sake of discussion, practical conflicts like getting time off from work, alibis to the wife, etc. are not an issue.


  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Maybe I'm goin' to LA ...
  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    <you have to spend it all on strippers as soon as possible...>

    I'm wondering how strict the Lightning might be on this interpretation.
    Grabbing the first available dancer and tipping her $2,999 for a DD would be the safest route.

    But then, I'd prefer death by lightning over most of the alternatives.
    Almost to the point of *not* spending the $3K to insure it happening.

    DG ;
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I'd have to find out via TUSCL and other internet finding aids, where the likelihood of good cost-to-benefit in terms of true extras would be. I'd go there. Probably not MBOT in San Fran (though I've always hankered to enjoy that location once, just to say I did it), probably southern Quebec out from Montreal. Or maybe Vancouver, Tijuana, the Dominican Republic. Waitaminnit, they're all the same answer -- fly somewhere. Yeah, I'd fly somewhere.
  • trojangreg
    18 years ago
    Definately C. I spend enough around Atlanta anyway. I would love to try some of the clubs around the country. Houston, Tampa, Columbia etc where there seems to be more bang for your dollar. I could have easily spent 3k at Spearmint Rhino last Friday. Variety is the spice of life.
    18 years ago
    My most recent fave told me on several occasions that she had a regular customer who spent over $1,000 on her every time he came in. Last time she said that I took the hint that she didn't think I was spending enough and I haven't seen her since. That's way too rich for my blood. Or my wallet. I could spend $3,000 on her in a hurry, she's that good. But then what?
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Darkwolf, 3K sounds like a lot to me, because it's more than I've spent at clubs in any year since 2000. But you're right, it would be gone faster than you expect. As I recall, I spent more than that in one week in San Francisco back in 1996. I might have spent that much alone in Mitchell Bros. So, I'm sure Minnow could burn through that much in 2007 dollars in no time. However, I though it was a good amount to hypothesize that would cover most quick dream getaways.
  • Darkwolf
    18 years ago
    I would struggle between A and C as well. I would love to get the money and spend it freely among those who had always treated me well without worry for extra tipping and whatnot.

    Only thing is... 3k is not much money. I don't think trying option C out would be truly possible - though it would be fun to try!

    If you win that class action lawsuit Bones I hope you won't forget your brethren and offer to bring us all in for a helluva party. I think if I came into a very large sum of money I would definately be offering free lappers for those who attended on a given night (within limits of course).

    A guy I worked with before told me of a situation where he and his brother in law attended a bachelor party of uber proportions. They were given 20k dollars to spend among the 10 of them in a club. Now that would be a party to remember!
  • luckyone
    18 years ago
    A...no question about it. If I'm going to spend it on strippers, I'm going to spend it on the ones who treated me well when I didn't have $3000 to throw around. The dancers who were friendly when I only gave them a few dollars on stage or maybe bought them a drink or just got a couple of dances are the ones I would prefer to reward when there is a reward that I must share.
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    I choose D, all of the above. If I could I'd visit a few clubs I've always wanted to try out, take advantage of a few VIP visits if I found someone worth it, and after flying home I'd stop at my regular club and spread the wealth till the money was gone. If I had to choose only one, it'd be to visit a few new clubs.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    It's between "A" and "C" for me. I have such a great time at my favorite club it would be hard to go elsewhere, but the call of Brad's or the Hip Hugger is strong. In fact I may go there anyway even if 3K dosen't fall into my lap.
  • shadowcat
    18 years ago
    4 months ago I wrote my former ATF a check for 1k with no strings attached. I knew for sure that she needed it and I wanted to help. She called me the next day for help. Nobody would cash it. Out of state. She could not deposit it in her joint checking account with soon to be ex husband.I met up with her and her sister and we tried to cash it at two of those check cashing places. No Luck. It then dawned on me. Go to a bank and put it on my VISA card, which had a zero balance. No problem. "How do you want it". Next day, when I got home. I got on my computer, went to my Credit Union site and transfered 1k from my checking account to my VISA account. The whole thing cost me less than $1. Fuck ATM's.

    The next month I was telling another favorite dancer about it. She said that she would have cashed it for me. She wrote her name and cell number on a napkin and said that if I ever needed help to call her. There were 2 numbers on the napkin. The 2nd was her husbands. If I can't get hold of her, call him. I know that most of us have been given strippers phone numbers but how many of you have also been given their husbands numbers? It's not always about the money...
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Chitown: I suppose that's generally the case. Never having offered anything close to 1K, I couldn't say. However, I have to believe that dangling 3K would be more likely to tip the scale than anything I'd be willing to spend otherwise. Oh well, it's only hypothetical.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    Chandler, this might be the subject of another thread, but I really believe that the main distinction between women is those who will put out for money, and those who won't. If a woman won't put out for $1K, I really don't think that $3K will make a difference (lacking extraordinary circumstances--her kid needs a kidney transplant, etc.).
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I would have a hard time deciding between A and C. My first instinct is to say C, because the opportunity calls for something special and different. I'd head to either the Montreal area or Miami/Ft. Lauderdale. However, I made a few of those kinds of trips in my early years of clubbing, and they were fun but never quite as awesome as I'd hoped. I haven't done it since, and not because of the cost.

    For A, I wouldn't go to Brad's because I have a hard time spending more than $200 there as it is. Not enough hot girls to keep me going that long. If they could guarantee that all the best ones were there at once, it might be a different story. The only regional club where it would be worth it is the Flight Club. I find it hard to keep my spending there under $200-250, so if money were no object, blowing a big roll would be a blast.

    Although B ain't my bag, it might be fun to see how far you could get a "good girl" to put out for you with the temptation of a 3K payday. Hehe.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    OK, Minnow, now I see. Sorry for getting snarky last night when it seemed like the point of the topic was being missed.
    18 years ago
    I'd choose D - I'd get $3,000 worth of massages from my ATF.

    But if I had to spend it on current strippers, I'd probably do B - I'd renew an old relationship with my most recent fave who I dropped because of cost and do a bunch of champagne rooms with her.
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    Chandler: Either way, option C. If I want to spend it fast, I'd go SFO & MBOT. If I want to spend it "focussed" (ie purpose of trip is SC visits, & nothing else), I'd want to hit a series of hot clubs in different cities, Tampa & MIA as an example.
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    B. is the closest to what I'd do. I'd be spending time with, and $3,000 on my ATF. (don't even have to think for that answer)
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    I would spend it all on my current favorites....actually, mostly on
    a particular VIP room with a particular dancer.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    I'd have to fly somewhere and go to some club I've never been to. Living in the middle of nowhere sucks and I'd like to see how it is in other places.
  • shadowcat
    18 years ago
    I would spend it all in my favorite club on my favorite dancers. I am convinced that I could not have a better time in any other club at any price. Might take me a week though...
  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    <The lightning isn't important...>


    B; full-service otcs.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Minnow: The question isn't which way CAN you spend it fastest. It's which of the three ways you would MOST LIKE to spend it fast, all on strippers. For Option C, please don't muddle the answer with other considerations, such as weather, other travel attractions, visiting grandma, etc.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    The lightning isn't important. It's just the premise for having to spend it all on strippers, not invest it or anything. And it must be spent right away. Just being somewhat carefree over an extended period isn't one of the options. Sorry if this wasn't clear.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    I would drive to Indy and open Brad's. For that kind of money, I want some indication that I am going to enjoy myself. I would stay the next fifteen hours til closing. I'm not sure that I would increase my usual pace, as that seems to be sufficient for fun. At closing, I would repair to the closest motel (with a stop at the Steak-N-Shake at the exist ramp for sustenance), put in a wakeup call for 11:00 am, then return to Brad's, and rinse and repeat until the $3K was gone.

    Realistically, I think that 3K would last me from 2-3 days there, depending on lineup.

    I suspect that, after the experience was over, they could probably mail me home in a manilla envelope. But I would be happy.
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    If you literally mean spend it as fast as possible, I'd pick choice (C)- hop over to Frisco & MBOT- its my understanding that money can go real fast there. IF, however, you really meant that 1 should focus strictly on spending it all in stripclubs, with minimal diversions for physiological needs & nourishment (no gambling, watersports, etc), I'd go to Tampa, spend $1k, then to Miami, then Key West repeating the process, then do normal warm weather stuff at the later.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I wouldn't consider this to be a dream come true if lightning was going to strike me dead if I didn't spend it all soon.

    If I had to spend it to enjoy it, I would use it at one of my regular clubs. I would be spending somewhat carefree as long as I didn't exceed the dollar amount I just acquired.
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