Big Spender or Cautious?
Blue Ridge Foothills
Would you rather be known to the dancers in a club as a big spender or cautious about parting with your money? What are the advantages or disadvantages of either? What do you do to keep up the appearance?
Never a good idea.
I've seen all kinds of ploys to seperate me from my cash and I'm pretty jaded to all the lines. My latest favorite is "My shift is almost over would you like a dance before I go" and then seeing them in the club hours later still hustling. In E. St. Louis I saw a guy flipping singles crazily onto the stage trying to encourage other guys sitting there to do the same. Later it turns out the guy was the dancer's about recycling...
I think dancers would have to charge me only $5 or less per lap dance if I got lap dances from everyone who asked. One nude club I occasionally visit charges two for $40 and I never bought one of those. Used to in their old club all the time at 2 for $30. Yes you can say I'm stubborn but so is the club management. status quo for the last few years.
Basically, humans know instinctively, that rich people got that way by getting what they should for their money, not by throwing it away. Act like a rich person.
Basically, humans know instinctively, that rich people got that way by getting what they should for their money, not by throwing it away. Act like a rich person.
I do however tip almost everyone at some point - if they are working it. I still don't know why several patrons shy away from tipping at the stage. It seems like a lost thing. Most people seem to use it for a 'hey come see me later' or a cheap thrill. I always had this motto... if I found myself watching the dancer on stage for a certain amount of time then I tip. If I don't then I don't.
I reviewed one of the Atlanta clubs where I spoke of being in a club where a guy was throwing money around like crazy (taking 50.00 stacks of ones) by throwing it all on stage at one time. He was looking for the 'big baller' effect and even told me that's what he was doing. He was in fact a big baller - playing arena football as his career path - and wanted to make a statement. It didn't make him have any better of a time than I did - though his asking for my contact information as a possible future client was a nice bonus.
All in all, I think it depends on the dancer. If the dancer is looking to make that quick buck she will do so and will usually miss out on the long term big payout. Most dancers don't realize what a little talking and hanging out will do for them - even what a free dance will do on occassion.
This thread (or at least my response to it) sort of dovetails into a topic I raised a couple of weeks ago. I think that, if you want to guarantee that, whenever you go into a club, you will get the quick attention of at least a couple of girls who appeal to you, you do need to be known for spending a little bit of money. As much as I see myself as a scintillating conversationalist in the best tradition of the Algonquin Club and William F. Buckley, that's not why the girls are there.