
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 33)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I've Actually Felt Good About Purchasing a Mercy Dance . . .
    Mercy Dancers - I too will buy a mercy dance from a pleading dancer. In most cases, they aren't that attractive or have small breasts, but I've also found those dancers can make up in many pleasurable ways. Just got through with a champaigne room experience with a MERCY DANCER at The Green Light in Louisville, KY. Read the review.
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    17 years ago
    Don't you just love frisky pretty dancers?
    casualguy... I have in the past and still presently.... practice tipping stage dancers along with another dancer. I enjoy seeing the two ladies going at it, breast nibbling all the way to crotch eating on stage during the tipping. I still remember those good times at The Tunica Cabaret when my favorite was bi and we would test out other bi dancers 'TOGETHER' in the LD areas.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Doncha just love it when a dancer comes to work, pissed at her s/o?
    Works for me! Seems the more pissed at their SO, the more they'll give it up! Been there - done that. Now.... give me a pissed DANCER!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Asian girls
    Love Asian girls. Good spinners! Somewhat like shadowcat, I spent a year in Korea instead of Japan. Cheapest and best pussy I ever bought on the market! 1976 - short time was $5; overnight was $10! Of course, they'd rather you take them back to the "Land of the big PX"! Everytime I get a LD from an Asian dancer, it brings back many many memories of my Korea tour.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult
    Rock your world dance or BS?
    I vote BS! After reading that poster's review of Vegas Deja Vu and his previous posts, very little information is provided. Anyone can write what he wrote without entering a club. The clincher to my BS belief? I've been in many many many Deja Vu clubs in the U.S. All of those clubs I visited served non-alcoholic drinks and NEVER, I repeat NEVER have any of those clubs sponsored DANCER'S DRINKS for any price.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What Do You Say To A "Lady" ??
    I remember an incident that occurred to a fellow Army CID Agent friend of mine when he went TDY to Washington D.C. He got drunk on 14th Street and picked up what he thought was a 'woman'. When they got to a room, he found out differently and literally beat the shit out of this drag queen. The 'drag queen' pressed charges. This Agent made one fatal mistake at his civilian trial....... he did some lying..... and got caught at it, thus impaired his character to the point he wouldn't be able to testify and be believed as an Agent in forthcoming military trials. Unfortunately, he was given a general discharge.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Pat Downs
    I also have been patted down. Once at Christie's Cabaret in Brunswick, OH and once at Centerfolds Club in Columbus, OH. Two takes on these pat downs. Either they have had problems in the past with patrons carrying some type of weapons or just general security measures to insure the safety of the dancers, staff, and patrons. Either way, they don't bother me, however I'd rather have a dancer or hostess to the 'pat downs' and be thorough about it! :-)~
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "I don't like to be teased therefore I don't get lapdances"
    Jpac73 - I know exactly where you're coming from. Many of my friends feel the same way & really have no idea what goes on in SCs nowadays. I believe some guys are intimidated with dancers and SCs in general. SCs have always meant to be "fantasyland" for us guys. We don't necessarily go in for 'sex', but to fulfill a fantasy, and I believe 99% of dancers agreee with the line of thinking. david120 - Same here david, as I see guys get multiple dances and other no LDs, sometimes not even tip the stage dancers (PLs). From recent SC visits, I'm beginning to see less and less guys getting LDs, and instead just sit and drink with a dancer. Could be economics also.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    October 26th, 2007 1:00 P.M. What, Where , Why?
    I'm still on course for this October "convention". With a lot of TUSCLers showing up, it will be a first CONVENTION, instead of the usual 'meeting'. BBF was a very nice club because of it's VIP lounge, much like Columbia's PP Club, but darker and more secluded. There is only one dancer I am after at Brad's in Indianapolis and I won't disclose her name, but word of mouth, she will make me a very very very happy senior citizen!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Best Clubs In North Carolina?
    CT - I agree with shadowcat if you don't mind driving a bit south to Columbia. Other than that, I've been to a few Greenville, SC clubs, and some are ok. Good luck.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What Do You Say To A "Lady" ??
    I agree with chandler. Limit yourself to the "FOR SURE" woman. If you were in the "local stroll", there had to be other pickings. STICK with the SURE THING..... which is still NOT a guarantee!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Just found this board!
    A hearty welcome to TUSCL vincents9! Glad to have you onboard and watching over us. First off, as we have very few dancers responding to our discussion board (evilcyn is the only one I can think of), your comments are very welcomed. Just remember, us guys tend to think with the "wrong" had at times. Anyway, with that out of the way, I totally agree with you that dancers are in the business for "da money" or to "make a living". Agreed. However, a lot of us guys, me in particular with being a 60 year old widower, I take pride in my appearance and how I present myself to EVERYONE, especially dancers. Although I'm 60, I often hear comments from both men and women, that I look in my fifties and act like I'm in my thirties. Well, truth be told.... even though I am small-framed, I tan at a salon, layout at my daughter's apartment complex swimming pool, and workout on a Bowflex 5 times a week. I eat what I want, smoke, drink alchol in moderation, and use occassionaly use Viagra as a recreational drug. So, you might call me a "drugie" too, but not like some of the dancers' I've ran into in the past year. Anyway, we guys have egos like the ladies and we like to charm the dancers as we like them to charm us in return. True, not all dancers take drugs (other than prescriptions). P.S. Don't lose this board, we need your input. Thanks :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Bartender Says NO Beer For You. You're an Alcoholic. :)
    First off, alcohol dulls my erotic senses some, so normally, I order non-alcoholic beverages. Keep in mind that I'm also 60 years young. Secondly, I've never had a DUI in my life and don't plan on starting at my age. Thirdly, I do occassionally order a long-neck at clubs, but then switch to Red Bull or plain soda. As far as 'free pussy' looks, I am particular on who I am with sexually. They don't have to be gorgeous, but then again, they can't look like Janet Reno! I've paid (straight up) for pussy, but it was decent looking and clean. At my age, I still would rather wine and dine a woman for the 'free pussy' instead of paying up front for it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Fathers Day in a strip club.
    I totally agree cat. My daughter and son know I visit SCs. They'd reather I spend my money on them, but they also know I enjoy this endeavor. My daughter just hopes I don't end up marrying a stripper younger than she is. I guess the thought of having a stepmother younger than her would be chilling, to say the least! LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Male Ego
    AN brought up a good point I didn't think of and shadowcat confirmed that point. I probably do let my ego take over too much. I've always been a person who likes to be liked. I have no enemies in this world, only friends and companions (same same). I also agree that I like to be clean, fresh, shaven (everywhere) for my dancers. Hygiene is very important and we have had posted topics on this subject. Maybe it's time we open another HYGIENE topic for some of the newbies to this board? Keep stroking that EGO baby, along with other things! :-)
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    17 years ago
    Hip Hugger
    Minnow... check your email please. Thanks. Still on schedule for Thursday, June 21st. Indianapolis still a possibility for evening.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The dark side of strippers.
    I totally agree with DandyDan.... most if not all dancers are "fucked up" in some way. Causualguy is correct in his line of thinking. We are paying for LDs/adult entertainment, not paying for their bad habits (that is their choice). Shadowcat - I believe your source. Easy for me to say, but don't fret of T___. She's going to do what she wants to do. I still remember her LDs she gave to me on my last visit. I would have spent more money on her that evening, but she never found her way back to our table. Her $$$$ loss! Even knowing her habits, I'd still let her give me some LDs. Although, once a crackhead, when do STDs start setting in her??? Don't feel guilty about you feeding her crack habit, maybe your money went for rent or food.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    I can't believe this topic became so popular! Good choice David120. Anyway, I have been to Hooter's..... good food, etc., hot looking BUSTY waitresses, with fine bodies! And no cover charge too! Imagine that??
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hip Hugger
    Doug - Just flew back in town (Ohio) from Memphis tonight. Heading "via car" back to Memphis next Thursday. Probably try Indy's BBF on that day also. Will be a "new" club visit for me as I've never been there, but heard a lot of good things about it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Theoretical question about strippers
    shadowcat - Just tell A that I miss her HOT HOT dances in the VIP lounge. Am currently in TN/MS. Am non-revving back to OH tomorrow at 9:10AM, via IAH. Will answer emails upon return.
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    17 years ago
    Road trip through Ky
    I stand corrected david120. Thank you. HH is North of Indy, 50 miles.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Final Hour - with evilcyn
    Those 'cum fuck me eyes' of evilcyn's are truly and simply erotic, exotic, exciting, and mystical! Although she has a fantastically tanned toned body, when she dances for me, I can't keep my eyes anywhere esle but on her eyes. Sure, her dance is extremely exciting and gets "Mr Happy" charged, but I could "cum" easily just stareing into those lovely eyes!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Guaranteed Fun?
    The way I get "Guaranteed Fun" in Elyria is to email "evilcyn" prior to coming, to make sure she is 'dancing' that day! Other than that or any club, there is no guarantee for me!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Slow times?
    Economy; gas prices; etc. Like evilcyn said, things are slow at her place also, but for me, that's good, as I can have her all to myself with a lot of privacy. :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Theoretical question about strippers
    I'll back up shadowcat. Been with him twice at his favorite clubs and all the dancers know his limits, monetarily and other ways. Being a regular, he is one up on most of us at the club. I envy his status myself, but also have been able to acquire good dances and cheap prices there also.