
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 34)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Reunions...with strippers
    CAT - Go with your instincts, or your gut feeling "below". Myself, I'd forget the former ATF, but go with the returning baby maker. I think I know who you mean and she's a little slutty hot fox (spinner).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Non strip club related
    Again, I agree with DougS. I believe most of the dating websites are legit, but others (escorts, hookers, etc) also use them to further their business interests. Proceed with caution.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Road trip through Ky
    Cyn, I tend to agree with DougS. Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indianapolis and The Hip Hugger in Kokomo (30 miles south of Indy) are hot money makers. I've been to most of the clubs in Louisville and Lexington. All KY SCs push dancers drinks big time. Lexington clubs are a bit more upscale, where Louisville clubs (especially on 7th Street Road) are kind of seedy and into HEAVY customer action. Stay away from Covington and area clubs, as they are the PITS! The above information is provided both for leisure travel and/or possibilities of future employment. Please keep us posted.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Return of Bones
    shadowcat - June 13th is bad day for me, as I will have spent that past week in Memphis and scheduled to fly back to Ohio on June 13th. Let me know on the July dates when you find out. I got the 'moola', just looking for a convenient date.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Memphis Platinum Plus
    chandler - Thanks good buddy. I posted your info in my club folder for future reference.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What's the most unusual ...
    happylap - You probably did the smart thing at that club by not partaking. Over the years, I've been to bookstores, massage parlors, model studios... and seen my share of ratholes. Similar experience that DougS had, years while in the service, I stopped at a 'modeling studio' in Austin, TX, located in a strip mall. Forgot how much I paid, but I had the cutest youngest tart strip completely naked for my pleasure. Thing was, no matter how much $$$$ I offered, she would touch me with her hands, but would rub a leg or arm up against me, and that was all. After all these years, I still remember that one!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Shocking news--ESL strip club owner charged with federal drug crimes
    HAH! Not surprising. Why these club owners continue to deal with drugs (if proven and convicted of course)I'll never understand, other than the greed for more money. Why can't anyone open a club with a big sign stating: "NO DRUGS - NO PROSTITUTION ---- JUST BOOBS & BUTTS ???
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Thanks to a Hero - unrelated website topic
    AN - Well put! Thank you very much. I could not have said it better myself!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Memphis Platinum Plus
    chandler - Which small towns next to East St. Louis are you talking about. Give me the club names and I'll make a point to visit them. I don't mind contributing to the town's economy.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Return of Bones
    Thanks pop. Let her know I got the message. She is good as what she does, enough said! :-) However, what the "CAT" has been posting recently about his visits, has got my interest in getting my hands (and other things) on some of the newbies or even oldies at PP! Pinching every PENNY for the PP!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What's the most unusual ...
    DougS - Even though it might have been a modeling studio with Self Handled Initiating Tension (SHIT) relief...... I could not have resisted choaking that poor teasing bitch with my cock, even if it meant me getting thrown out! Anyway, good story and well told. YAHOO!!! (take that Google!!!!)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The Bible Belt...defined
    kneelmm - sounds pretty much like all of the states south of the Mason Dixon Line. FONDL - I tend to agree with you about not blaming church groups on on strip clubs. I'd say for most part, it's these "Citizen for Values" or "Citizens for Decency") groups that are dogging our lifestyles.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    are you honest with your ATF?
    imnumnutz - If it comes up again, tell her you said that you had been "engaged" once, not married. She may bite on it as being mis-heard by her. Worth a shot. Like Yoda asked.... why tell her you were married once when you weren't? I don't see the point in that line. Otherwise, I would keep as much stuff about myself "SECRET" as possible from ATFs. An ATF is a toy, a hobby, a GFE. If you ending up getting engaged, then let her know about yourself. Most dancers, to include ATFs (sorry you ATF guys), are there for the fun and enjoyment and $$$$$$. My recommendation to nosy dancers/ATFs? Answer their question with another question. I.E., "What do you do for a living?" "Who said I had a life?" - "Are you married?" Just come back with "Are YOU married?" or come back with "I'm not sure!" That'll throw them.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Memphis Platinum Plus
    Totally agree fxxychick! It's funny how they word these "can't be topless" laws, but get around the law by wearing pasties or latex paint (which still shows the nipples). Hell, the nipple (in most cases) only accounts for, what.... 2% of the entire boob area? All strip clubs generate money (taxes, licenses, fees) for their state revenue. Why are these politicians shooting themselves in the foot on cutting state revenue? Why.... because they're listening to their "bible thumping" constituants, that's why! "We want to please OUR VOTERS", even if it means OUR STATE going broke! HA!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What are the last call for alcohol times at your favorite clubs?
    I remember one time in 2006, while visiting The Tunica Cabaret, they were open till 6:00AM serving alcohol on a weekend evening, or until the last customer left. Guess what? I was the last customer to leave at about 5AM, and they were pissed, because they wanted to go home. They should have blamed my unusually long stay on the dancer that was with me.... IT'S ALL HER FAULT!! LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Memphis Platinum Plus
    You actually mean......... The Communist Appeal ! ! !
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Return of Bones
    Thanks to all for the welcome back. Now, let's get down to some serious business..... um uh... like talking about DANCERS - STRIPPERS - EVILCYN ( :-0 ) CLUBS - HOOTERS - CONTACT - EVIL CYN - oh, covered that one. Hope soon we can start messaging and chatting.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Thanks to a Hero - unrelated website topic
    Hey guys and gals.... I'm really getting disappointed in posting my topic. I wasn't expecting a political battle between TUSCL member. I just wanted us to honor our fallen heros, even if it were for the weekend only.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Private Messaging?
    DougS and casualguy - - a webcam wouldn't do EvilCyn justice guys, believe me! I've been with her in person and that's what you want to experience! I've made two trips to Bugsy's, missed Cyn on my second trip. I've got to make at least ONE MORE trip to see her before the Ohio Bill 16 goes into affect!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    IMPORTANT! Google Us again...
    I couldn't click the 'dissatisfied link' because TUSCL came up first on the list!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Forgetting what you said to one stripper versus another
    You got a good point about not lying in a SC. Got caught too many times myself. Book Guy has a very valid point also.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What's the most unusual ...
    SHADOWCAT! Hey BOY! Read the TOPIC..... i.e., most unusual US club!!!! LOL - gottcha'! I'll list an outside US club also, make ya feel better. casualguy - You're right about Rick's Lounge. I had been once while stationed at Ft. Bragg. And right again, Fayetteville was known as 'Fayettenam', because of all the Vietnamese there, especially on Hill Street (I think that was the name of it). There were a lot of Vietnamese bars (not SCs) on that street also, along with Rick's. Pete22z - That was a novel idea. Never heard of it, but I like the way it sounds! :-) OK.... most unusual SC in the US for me was and probably still is Mitchell Brothers' Eros Center in San Francisco. Unusual, as they have or had 4 different areas you could visit for your EXPENSIVE entry fee. Stage with X-rated films & dancers who would roam the rows of seats while the movies would play; stage with bi-sexual act; Copenhagen Room (I think) with the flashlights; and then the peep booths. The peep booths, years back had open windows with black curtains. Lots went on there! For tips, the dancers would help you wack-off! Most unusual SC outside of US was a Vietnamese bar in Berlin (1990) where you could use dildos on dancers on stage. Next thing, a volunteer out of the audience could come on stage and sit in a below stage juccuzi. I voluntered once (or rather talked into it), had to strip 'nekkid' (no thongs at the time) on stage and jump in the juccuzi with the 'nekkid' asians. Funny part about the "whole" (I spelled it right this time!!!) incident, even with the asians working on me under water, I still couldn't attain a "woody" because of the crowd cheering and all. However, after the show, my buddies and I picked out our favorite 'Nam' dancers and got full service in seperate rooms!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The Bible Belt...defined
    That pretty much sums it up on the Bible Belt! Now, there was a club in Huntsville, AL where I got a little bit of stroking, but I think it was out of the norm since I was one of only two customers. The Huntsville clubs aren't bad for the bargain, but "contact" is considered pretty low. I wonder how the Bible Belt purists ever let the Memphis clubs get so out of hand???
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Return of Bones
    'Tanks' lopaw. Glad to be back and take part in the dirty little deeds we all enjoy here! :-) I've found some new members on board, and welcome them all to participate and have fun!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Thanks to a Hero - unrelated website topic
    Well put AbbieNormal! Being an American is not just being born or gaining citizenship in the United States. Being a true American is living and working to make this country stronger and stronger, even if it means sacrificing lives.