
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 32)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How do you handle email inquires from people that you do not know?
    I had received an email from a fellow TUSCL member last week, asking me for names of dancers I had encountered at several clubs. I didn't personally know this person, but after checking his status on this website, I felt at ease about the email. Unfortunately, I really didn't recall dancers' name at the couple of clubs that were in question, because they didn't stand out amoungst my favorites. And in addition, I had a friend run an FBI check on the member, and found out he wasn't a cop.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Oct 26,2007. What where why?
    Not afraid of HOMOS, just not my 'cup of tea'. Nuttin' wrong with thongs, as they are easy to 'adjust' when necessary in a SC. I've goten many compliments from dancers and other ladies about my thongs. Works for me. Don't knock it till you've tried it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    At clubs that are not totally nude, do you get flashed.
    An ugly pussy to me is covered with a 'forrest' of hair and/or has a clit that hangs out about 12 inches! YECK! Evilcyn - licks babe
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Northern TUSCL Chapter Meeting - Brad's Brass Flamingo
    How does some time in August sound? Pick a date, and I'll be there.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Where are the hotties other than strip clubs?
    Has anyone seen Monica lately?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    A question for the guys
    I can see maybe "leaking" somewhat from an 'air dance', but think it's impossible to BLOW a load just watching, unless the dude is just a premature enjaculator! If that's the case, he wouldn't be worth a fuck anyway. BTW, I don't let the dancers know when I BLOW a load, in most cases, they've already found out on their own!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    At clubs that are not totally nude, do you get flashed.
    evilcyn - Not to take away from your 'little' titties, you do have an adorable 'pussy'!!! BTW, I know you won't, but I've always enjoy the natural 'boobies' of yours, rather than fakes! Keep up the good work!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you have a little Italian in you?
    Nude Laps
    mets1986 - Baby Dolls in Medway, Ohio.... which is between Dayton and Columbus. The club does $10 nude laps without cover. I also prefer non-covered nude laps, but you gotta' be careful that pussy juice doesn't stain your shorts or trousers before you get home.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Where are the hotties other than strip clubs?
    You can also add lady barbers and lady manicurists to the list. However, I think adding these entities would take away from the viewpoint of this website...... strip clubs. Oh, by the way, add me to the "perv" listing too! :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Massages vs Lap Dances
    FONDL - You bring up valid and interesting points. The school I get the massages, thank God, gives the massages in seperate rooms from classrooms, and they're all set up like emergency room cubicles, divided off by those long curtains. And yes, underwear is highly encouraged, which is no problem for me, but mine are 'pretty damn skimpy'! LOL I just got a two-hour massage ($86 + $14 tip) from my regular practitioner's partner, which happens to be her cousin. This 27 year old girl has long wavy red hair, a nice body (from her appearance), and is 'unhappily' married. My first massage from her was 'so-so', no hanky panky, & no attempts from me to get it going. However, I took her out to lunch afterward to a bar/grill, a few doors down from her office, which she said she hangs out at on weekends. I plan to meet her there tomorrow night for a couple of drinks. Either way, I'm not planning on anything happening, especially a B/F - G/F relationship. She's too damn young. chipitin - Been there, done that, and continuing to do it. The club dancers really enjoy our customer massages, and yes, sometimes our massaging them does lead to better lap dances. Anyway, I have an appointment Saturday morning with a student practitioner at the school. She game a great 'erotic' but non-sexual massage for me last Saturday...usual $25! If anyone is interested in cheap, but good deep muscle type full body (with exceptions of course) massages in your area, just look up schools or institutions that provide massage thearapy courses, as they usually provide (in-call) massages very cheaply. You'll usually be required to rate their massage too, for school purposes.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Oct 26,2007. What where why?
    Book Guy - San Francisco is out of the question. Too many F.A.G.S. in that city. Sometimes BG, you really scare the hell out of me! LOL DougS - You wrote: Hopefully, at some point in the not-so-distant future, a more northern midwest meetup can be planned... Can you say BBF or HH? - - - That is still fine with me, as I am 4 hours away from Indy. Price of gasoline ain't got that high for me to go get my dick hard and wet!!! A Northern TUSCL Chapter Meet would be great, and I'd be proud to host it myself! I'll even furnish one Viagra tablet to each attendee especially if we visit that "bordello" in Kokomo (not speaking of the HH). Brads, then the HH, then the "bordello" for whoever chooses to go that route. Count me in. Weekday or weekend, either one. Don't go checking with the ATF Doug, let's make this a 'guys night out'. Who's up for this Northern meet? Who wants to meet this ole' scrauny guy who wear's purple thongs? LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Guy Allows Wife / GF / SO to Strip.... WTF?!
    Well, I don't think I'd want a 'wife' of mine working as a stripper, let alone a bartender or waitress in a strip club. However, as far as a 'girlfriend', I believe I could learn to deal with that situation better. If the g/f fell in love with a customer or fellow emplyee (guy or gal), then that would be her choice and my loss, but what the fuck, no legal binding shit to get involved with. Besides, maybe the ole g/f would bring me home some pussy if she were bi!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    At clubs that are not totally nude, do you get flashed.
    Quite a few of the topless clubs I have visited, some dancers will "flash the gash" either on stage or/and during lap dances. One particular club that practices this is Bugsy's Speakeasy in Elyria, Ohio where evilcyn works. Usually it's the seasoned dancers that will flash vs the newbies. As far as being tempted to stick out the 'ole tongue' for a swipe of those 'beautiful pair of lips'..... I usually will take part in the DATY as long as it looks and smells clean. I figure if the dancer is brave enough to shove her 'love box' into my face during a lap dance and within inches of my tongue, then she's inviting me to "dine at the Y" for a moment.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bones vs shadowcat.
    Damn, these Columbus, Ohio clubs STINK!!!! Shadowcat: Let's get another discussion board topic started about the TUSCL Convention in October. Just paste and copy. Keep it within the top 25.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Massages vs Lap Dances
    DougS - Yeah, I know any attempt might reflect on my daughter, but it wouldn't cost her her job or anything. Right now, I'm getting weekly massages at a rate of $43 per hour from two graduated students who have opened up their part time massage business. Nothing outside normal massages has occurred as of yet, and I am not about to ask either, as I don't want to embarrase them nor I. The saga continues.....
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    adventureman30 - I was 59 last year and in great shape when I started clubbing as a passion. I've had several OTC encounters, but no SO to worry about. Most of my OTC was via invitation of dancers. If you see a really sharp dancer you want to spend OTC time with, just ask her about the chances of spending an evening together. I doubt you would hurt her feelings if she declined.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What I'm Not Pretty Enough For You?
    One way to get this type of dancer off your back is by responding, "No, I heard you didn't SWALLOW!".
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    That's a tough one to answer since you didn't furnish your age. However, my opinion is NO. There are many approaches one can use in finding out if a dancer will do OTC. You can outright ask her or be suttle about it and say you would like to see more of her or spend more QUALITY time with her. Sometimes if you don't "beat around the bush" about OTC with a dancer, you'll never find out if she is of the 'outcall' type. Good luck. You'll get a lot of responses from other members.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper Shit! Why do we put up with it?
    Well put Doug! BRAVO! They got it! We want it! We pay for it! And as far as (CS) customer shit - I pretty much lay it out on every club visit I make!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lap Dances are Protected by Constitution
    I like Doug's response: Stripping is protected by the Bill of Rights Why don't we contact our senators and congressperson (politically being correct), and have them make amendments to the Bill of Rights? A) All women can bare their tits and asses at any given time, at any given place B) All men can bear their dicks and tongues at specific times in strip clubs C) All Americans can use their choice of weapons and shoot any person attempting to limit our freedom of having and attending strip clubs
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    your opininions gentlemen please
    Depends on her. Cons: She could end up prostituting once she sees how easy it is to make money with her looks and body. Also, her dancer friends could get her hooked on drugs. Pros: If she dances at an upscale club, she is relatively safe and can make some good dough, in a short period of time. Whatever her choice.... I wish her well.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper Shit! Why do we put up with it?
    Stripper Shit? Stripper Shit? You mean all those times that those dancers told me how big of a dick I had, how well I ate pussy, how personable and intelligent I was.....was.....BULLSHIT??? WHAT??? Fuck, BUST my bubble!!! You gotta' be kidding me! Those dancers weren't truthful with me?? Stripper Shit (SS) and Bull Shit (BS) comes with the business. Without SS and BS, dancers wouldn't be making what they are making now. Hell, if I were a dancer, I'd be spreadin' SS & BS like it was going out of style!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bones vs shadowcat.
    Thanks shadowcat, and I feel the same way about you, brotherless also. First off guys, the reason I have so many reviews, was because last year I had temporarily retired from work and needed to get away from my hometown, friends, and relatives, and help my grieving period a bit. These ROAD TRIPS I took, lasting anywhere from 5 days to 2 weeks, visiting clubs was an outlet for me. I spent much money on gas, food, lodging, cover charges, beverages, tips, dances, and of course EXTRAS!! I can only estimate that I spent well over 25K in a 7 month period, if not more. I have no regrets and plenty of fond memories, and no diseases! It was FUN! Now, as far as today, my favorite clubs are in Cleveland (for the time period), Kokomo, and Indianapolis. The clubs in Cleveland are "EXTRAS" clubs only and won't last long once the Ohio State Bill 16 takes effect! I did have one favorite club when I lived in Memphis and that was The Tunica Cabaret. Since I had to travel from Memphis to Robinsonville, Mississippi everyday to work, I had to pass this DAMN club on the way and on the return trip home. I became known as a REGULAR of course and used this facility to get whatever my heart desired in the form of (sexual) tension relief, as a fair price! For the sake of my bank and wallet, I hope this club NEVER opens up again! Anyway, my suggestion is to enjoy regular clubs while at home base, and if travelling, try new clubs to compare. Good luck. P.S. I didn't do these ROAD TRIPS to be No. 1 on TUSCL's lists, it just happened I found TUSCL before a 9 month vacation to STRIPLAND! I could care less about my standings. Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Las Vegas Crazy Horse Too!
    cmb17xgb - Good luck to all of you! Hope things go smooth for the club, entertainers, and management.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lap Dances are Protected by Constitution
    Why don't we just all cut our DICKS and TITS off and make these poor pathetic "righteous" decency for citizens GROUPIES happy? Fucking NO GOOD sonsabitches anyway! I've had it up to -----HERE----- with these suckass fucking dickless and titless people who want to ruin MY fun and YOUR fun!!!!!