Just found this board!
I think you guys are funny in a good way. You worry too much of what a dancer thinks of you. Been dancing on and off for 6 years in Phoenix. Sorry, most girls just really do want your money. Another misconception is that we are all on drugs- few are on anything more than a drink or 2 or maybe 3!
If a dancer comes to your table and asks if she can join you try this one: Am I coming apart?
V9, let me also welcome you to this discussion board. It is pretty funny at times, boring at others, with occasional lame jokes. I wish there were more dancers posting comments here.
I do care what a dancer thinks of me because I figure I'll get a poor dance from her if she dislikes me. I think it's usually pretty easy to tell if you're not hitting it off with a dancer, although some are damn good actresses. The best experiences I've had in strip clubs have been when I spent more time with a woman and we've shared some feelings, even superficial, with each other. I know it's all about the money but even at my boring job, I enjoy it more if I'm working with people I like.
As for drugs: I've seen a few dancers who seemed pretty out of it but I'd say the majority of women in the clubs have it under control.
CasualGuy, I've had the same problem for many years - people often take me seriously when I'm joking. I guess I have a weird sense of humor or something.
As far as what dancers think, most of the time I'm not too concerned unless I think it may affect the attention they give me in a club or in the case where I may have a relationship with one outside the club.
I remember one night not too long ago, I just arrived at a club and sat down. Suddenly a dancer behind me asked if I had a dollar. The music was pretty loud and I just said yeaah. I wasn't sure if the dancer heard me correct or not. She just said something like "jee it's only a dollar" and walked off looking a bit upset and got a dollar from the other side of the small club to tip a dancer. Either she heard me wrong or didn't understand I meant "yes, I have a dollar." She did not ask me for the dollar though. She obviously didn't understand. Did I care too much? No. I was going to avoid her that night but she signaled me over to the stage and I did tip her since she was nude and giving me attention. I really didn't care what she thought at that point. If I had cared what she thought, I would have told her I was just playing with her by just answering a question she asked me.
Anyway welcome.
I care about what a dancer thinks of me to the extent she will provide me with a better experience. If dancer dislike or hatred or apathy about me equals better service then I'm all for it. Along the lines of better experience is consistency--otherwise it is too much like having a girlfriend. Generally I love the fake girlfriend experience, but not with the warts. :)
I remember this prostitute giving it to me with both barrels about how worthless I was and she was startled that I wished to continue buying. She wanted to know why--didn't I have any self-respect? I told her I didn't respect her opinion concerning men so whatever she thought of me didn't make much difference as long as I got what I needed. She says what? I said look at your boyfriend. And, she says my boyfriend is all man unlike you! I replied yes, beating up on you, putting you on the street, taking your money. Yep, you really know about men (regretably laughing at her). That ended my hoped for purchase as she decided she wasn't willing to sell.
And even the guys here who worry about what strippers think of them know that MOST girls just want their money. They just believe their fave is the rare exception who sees them as "more than a customer".
We all know that it's all about the money. And most of us don't give a whit what a dancer thinks of us, how she treats us is the only thing that matters. But having said that, many of us have had long-term relationships of one sort or another with a dancer, and then sometimes it does begin to matter a bit, especially if we begin getting together outside the club. I for one have a close friendship with a dancer I met 10 years ago. But that's the exception, it rarely happens, and it's not what most of us are looking for.
I think the reason you'll find that so many questions come up here about whether or not a dancer really likes us is because nearly all dancers pretend to do so, at least the good ones do. And if she keeps it up (no pun intended) for a long enough period, at some point we might begin to get curious. It's a fine line.
With the parents' permission, I purchased a somewhat expensive toy for a child that lives nearby. Some people wrongly think that makes me generous or a good guy. LOL! I did it out of selfishness. I like to see him playing and having a good time. Something I didn't have at his age. Years later he still remembers and I've told him everytime the purchase was for me NOT for him. And, that is the truth.
First off, as we have very few dancers responding to our discussion board (evilcyn is the only one I can think of), your comments are very welcomed. Just remember, us guys tend to think with the "wrong" had at times.
Anyway, with that out of the way, I totally agree with you that dancers are in the business for "da money" or to "make a living". Agreed. However, a lot of us guys, me in particular with being a 60 year old widower, I take pride in my appearance and how I present myself to EVERYONE, especially dancers. Although I'm 60, I often hear comments from both men and women, that I look in my fifties and act like I'm in my thirties. Well, truth be told.... even though I am small-framed, I tan at a salon, layout at my daughter's apartment complex swimming pool, and workout on a Bowflex 5 times a week. I eat what I want, smoke, drink alchol in moderation, and use occassionaly use Viagra as a recreational drug. So, you might call me a "drugie" too, but not like some of the dancers' I've ran into in the past year. Anyway, we guys have egos like the ladies and we like to charm the dancers as we like them to charm us in return.
True, not all dancers take drugs (other than prescriptions).
P.S. Don't lose this board, we need your input. Thanks :-)
Welcome aboard. It is ALWAYS great to hear the woman's perspective. Don't mind Chandler... he can be surly at times.
Don't hesitate to jump in on any topic that you might find of interest. Also, if you have questions that you'd like to ask us, we are always more than happy to give you our thoughts.
Like someone else asked early, it would be helpful if you could tell us a bit about yourself (where you dance, how long, ball park age).
_)ougS (a YOUNG mid-40s guy from the midwest, always lookin' to spend more time with beautiful women - especially w/my ATF)
Anytime a stripper shows up here, she's treated like a talking dog. It doesn't matter what she says, guys just marvel that she says anything at all. It may be well intended, but it's pretty insulting, IMHO. People are always saying it would be great to have more strippers posting ANYTHING, if only they weren't scared off by the unkind reception of some. Personally, I think my attitude towards them is a hell of a lot more respectful than all this fawning and condescension. All that does is encourage the "princesses" to post a few scattershot lines and disappear out of boredom.
I think the reasons more strippers don't post on this board are obvious. It's extremely customer-oriented compared to other boards, and being both national in scope and general in topics allows fewer chances for them to promote themselves. Not that that's their only reason for posting, but it's usually at least in the back of their minds, and other boards tend to talk more about specific clubs and local scenes. I think it's a matter of age, too. For some reason, this board is skewed WAY older than most, so it might be harder for strippers to relate. Nothing we can do about that, nor about any of the other reasons. If they don't feel like posting here, trying to put on our best faces probably isn't going to turn their heads 180 degrees.
Sure it's not a talking horse? :)
Vincents, if you have something to say, please do share. And it might help to check back more than once every 10 days to keep a discussion going.