The Bartender Says NO Beer For You. You're an Alcoholic. :)

avatar for jablake
I stopped in over at The Trap and asked for a Bud Light. The bartender says NO you're an alcoholic and the only thing I'm serving you is water. I laughed and asked since when did I become an alcoholic? He says I've never seen you drink anything, but water. You've fallen off the wagon and I'm not going to serve you any alcohol. I laugh again and say really I'm not an alcoholic, but if it makes you feel better then water if fine with me. He looks stunned and says really you're not an alcoholic? I say water is fine, beer is fine, and hell even a mixed drink would be fine. It just doesn't make much difference. He says if you don't have a drinking problem then why do you always order water? I point to my belly. He gives me a blank look so I say supposedly alcohol puts the weight on and that is why I've don't drink too often. I ordered the beer just as a change of pace. (He ended up serving me the Bud Light.)

Many of the alcoholics that I've known, know for a fact alcohol is addictive. They know this is a fact for everyone because they crave the next drink or have severe withdrawal pain if they stop. Surely, if alcohol is addictive to them, then that is absolute truth for everyone!

It is the one size fits all mentality. You experience something and from that experience you know it is true for everyone. You are right and everyone else that doesn't see it your way is wrong or in denial.

This physically disgusting biker bragged to me that he never pays for pussy cause he is too much of a man to pay. I say ok, but what is the quality of the women that you're getting? He says what are you talking about? I say what do they look like? Do you have any photos? He says look I'm not so attractive myself (understatement of the century) and besides in the dark there is no difference between good looking and ugly. I say do you have any pictures? He says what does that have to with anything? Well, you're bragging that you're too much of a man to pay. I have a strong feeling that your free pussy is of the quality that I'd gladly pay to have her stay away from me. He says ok, ok. She ain't bad at all. She ain't no model, but she's average. Whereupon he shows me her photo. It hurt to look at her. The important thing should be that he's happy with his free pussy. I'd rather Just Say No. :)

In his mind he knows for a fact that I'd rather have free and ugly like he has, if only I was man enough to go out and get some free pussy. :) That is his experience so he knows that it is absolutely true for everyone--one size has to fit all.


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Oh gosh, twelve-steppers. Ya know? :)

That's a term, "twelve-steppers," that a few friends of mine have used (is it a common term? I have only heard it from them). It is meant to refer to someone who has gotten involved in some kind of self-improvement program and then has developed an annoying missionary zeal to share that program with all and sundry 100% of the time. We don't mean to dismiss his or her desire to be involved in self-improvement, especially not if it's a typical twelve-step program like Alcoholics Anonymous and therefore is likely to provide something quite positive for that person's life. We're just annoyed that he insists on basing ALL SUBSEQUENT INTERACTION WITH US as though it must fit on the twelve-step matrix.
avatar for jablake
18 years ago
Stupid conversations can be fun. :) If I really wanted a beer or the bartender had real power over me, then it wouldn't have been fun at all.

An experienced strip clubber lectures me that the dancers don't care about me, think I'm a fool, find me unattractive, only want my money, etc. etc. etc. Of course, he doesn't consider his repetitive lectures stupid conversation and doesn't understand why I'm nice to the strippers. That isn't a fun conversation because all the points he raises could be 100% correct and it doesn't change my enjoyment. He also knows for a fact--repeatedly-- that I want free pussy. Worse he wants to help me or get his wife to help me. She actually understood that not everyone wants free pussy, that was a pleasant surprise.

He is like an alcoholic whose has stopped drinking. Because he has personal experience his opinions become undisputable universal facts for everyone. If he needs the stripper to like him for more then his money, then by god everyone must feel the same way. If feels bad about paying for pussy, then everyone must feel that was also. The one size fits all rule reigns supreme.

I need a bit of a buzz to "liberate" my will to spend unreasonable amounts of money merely for the privilege of performing unreasonable acts.
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18 years ago
First off, alcohol dulls my erotic senses some, so normally, I order non-alcoholic beverages. Keep in mind that I'm also 60 years young.
Secondly, I've never had a DUI in my life and don't plan on starting at my age.
Thirdly, I do occassionally order a long-neck at clubs, but then switch to Red Bull or plain soda.

As far as 'free pussy' looks, I am particular on who I am with sexually. They don't have to be gorgeous, but then again, they can't look like Janet Reno! I've paid (straight up) for pussy, but it was decent looking and clean. At my age, I still would rather wine and dine a woman for the 'free pussy' instead of paying up front for it.

That's ten times more words than I've exchanged with a stirp club bartender in all my years of clubbing. For good reason, evidently. Any more would cut too much into the time I could be spending mixing it up with strippers.
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