
Asian girls

Does anyone else love asian girls?How about the girls flashdancers in new york?


  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    Clubber votes in the affirmative!
  • imnumnutz
    17 years ago
    i luv asians...eyes and hair a real + for me. Enjoy visiting Vegas clubs because they seem to have a good percentage of Asian dancers.
  • Yoda
    17 years ago
    Yep! Me Love Asian girls!
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Of course! Anyone reading the theads here knows that I love long, silky/shiny hair, and most asian girls sport that look. With that said, in all of my years, I've only had ONE asian girl dance for me. I guess there just aren't that many asian girls dancing in the midwest. There ARE a few asian girls at BBF in Indy, but I've always been otherwise occupied.
    17 years ago
    I don't recall ever seeing an Asian dancer, at least not in a club that had LDs.
  • minnow
    17 years ago
    #1) Yes! #2) Couldn't say, never been there.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I have to disagree. Maybe it is because I lived in Japan for 2 years. Yes there were some beauties. Maybe one in a thousand. They were the coldest in bed of any culture. I tried living with 2 of them. One even owned a small bar where I could drimk for free. But the sex sucked. There was a GO GO bar in the Ginza district of Tokyo that had nothing but 10's working and most were available for take out a resonable prices. It was called the Albion and the TV series "I SPY" once filmed an episode at the club.

    Maybe its because of what shekiout calls the Fillipina Mafia at out favorite club. 5 or 6 of them. Over the hill, flabby, ROBS with lousy personalities.

    Or maybe its because of the Korean/American that StripShopper said stuck her pussy in his face and it smelled like ass.

    I'll pass on the Asians.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Now you've done it!

    I want to go to Japan just to see how cold is cold. When there is a cute asian around here I consider it a real treat because they are so few of them in the clubs.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    jablake: did you hear about the Japanese stripper that almost starved to death because nobody had a YEN for her?
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    :) Fortunately, NO. :)

  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I think I encountered either an Asian dancer or one that has that as her ancestry the other night. When I tipped her, she asked me if I wanted a dance. Instead of my normal answer, I said I was waiting for the two for one. I think she thought the announced two for one. She just said ok. She must have watched me walk all across a very large club because she almost beat one of my favorites to my table. Saved by about 2 seconds. She didn't look that bad but I was just curious how much she charged etc. before actually considering a dance. I didn't want to talk that long to her while she was on stage either.

    There was one girl used to be on Tech TV who I believe may have Asian ancestry if not from Asia. Now I believe she's working on CNN. I think her name is Erica Hill. At one time I thought maybe she had Asian ancestry but now I'm not sure. She looks great but I can't pinpoint what is different about her. Maybe she's not Asian at all. That's just what I thought when I first saw her though.
  • happylap
    17 years ago
    This is slightly off topic but is related to Asian religion:

    What did the Zen Master say to the hot dog vendor?

    "Make me one with everything."
  • chitownlawyer
    17 years ago
    Yes, and when the Zen Master asked the hot dog vendor for his change, the hot dog vendor said:

    "Change must come from within."
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Now if you throw Korean girls into the mix, I just think they look ok. However it seems like they are especially aggressive. They seem to get several times more aggressive if you didn't get away from them the first time. I remember several years ago, I didn't know of a single Korean massage parlor I could walk past without 2 or 3 girls grabbing me and trying to pull me inside. I remember trying to avoid them to go visit a nearby strip club. They spotted me and actually ran across a busy street and across a large parking lot to grab me. With one girl pulling on each arm, you would have to fight them to escape. Korean dancers were less aggressive I think.
  • happylap
    17 years ago
    Ah, chitown. That's a good one. Thanks.
  • lopaw
    17 years ago
    There are lots of asian dancers here in L.A., but I usually don't get too many dances from them because it makes me feel a wee bit guilty, since my spouse is asian. Silly of me, probably....but I just can't help it.

    (happylap & chitown - your Zen humor is pure PUN-ishment!)
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    My goodness, who doesn't? Of course, the trick is to actually see one, as I've only seen 5 in the roughly 12 or so years I've gone to SC's. They don't like dancing in the middle of nowhere, exactly.
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    OK, I'm going against the majority here. I honestly do not find Asian girls attractive. Just my personal preference. A few years ago while spending an afternoon in Tampa, I literally danced with every girl in the club except one. (It was the early afternoon shift so there were only about 12 girls.) You guessed it -- the only one I refused to dance with was Asian...I think she may have been Thai or Filipino. All the rest were typical tanned, blonde, Florida Barbie dolls -- the kind I like. What made her even less attractive was the fact she kept whining to me that I had a dance with everyone in the club except her -- I kept politely refusing her, but she was annoying.

    And for Doug, and the other mid-westerners, who don't see many Asians, the Hip Hugger does have two Asian sisters that dance the day shift. They are very popular...some guys just love 'em. But I don't care to get a dance with either of them.
  • minnow
    17 years ago
    d120: What a small world! I too have visited the Monz(guessing thats your club) on afternoons, and have turned down a pestering type that fits your description. However, I do like Asians, though not in a slam dunk way. At the risk of being flamed, here's some of my unscientific observations on different nationalities// JAPANESE- Seem to be more deferential and courteous than others. Although not nastiest, experiences have been positive for me.// KOREAN- Seem to have a hard edge to them, however, there has been 1 delightful recent exception.//THAI- Some fairly good, greater % of ROBS here. Maybe "RAGIS"(Rich American GI Syndrome)// FILLIPINO- Seem more eager to please, yet I have encountered a few ROBS here// VIETNAMESE- Haven't met too many, but a couple of French/Vietnamese were about the most charming that I've ever met. Also, a greater % of Asians vs others seem to be real good about giving massages.I'm out.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago

    My AAAAAAATF was Asian. Loved her despite the tats.
  • shamllionaire
    17 years ago
    Wow,ok not everyone loves asian girls.I think that might be a result of not having alot where you might live.Which is ok because theirs always something missing somewhere at every club,havent found that club yet.But I think something has been overlooked,Asian girls dont have any hair on thier arms or legs..Now unless you like rubbing sand paper shaved legs and hairy arms and have not experienced this you might want to give it another try.Nothing like it smooooooth as silk.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I like girls. I don't have a special thing for Asian girls one way or the other. In this part of the midwest (Michigan) I see a fair number of Asians, in clubs and everywhere. Some are friends. Most clubs seem to have at least one Asian stripper working on any given night. What can really catch my eye is a girl of mixed descent, say, Chinese-European. The result can be stunning. You see a lot more of that on the West Coast, where Asians have been assimilated longer.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    chanler: the correct name for that is Eurasian. I know exactually what you mean by their beauty. My ATF's mother was half French and Half Fillipina. You could clearly see in her eyes that she had some Asian blood in her.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Thanks, Shadowcat, although "Eurasian" also covers a lot more ground than I'm thinking of. By the way, the insistence on saying "Asian" to describe people who used to be called Oriental here is a bit of an American PC provincialism. In much of the world, Southeast Asians would take exception to being called Asian, which is assumed to mean Indians and Pakistanis. Strictly speaking, Israelis, Turks and many Russians could be counted as Asian, yet we're now supposed to understand it to apply only to those from Southeast Asia.
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    chandler: I will agree that the term "Oriental" is only perceived to be offensive in the US & Canada, so what term do we correctly use if not Asian: Oriental? Pacific Islander? Southeast Asian? I suppose the correct thing to do would be to say the girl is Chinese, or Korean, or Vietnamese, or whatever nationality she may happen to be. But to the untrained eye -- like myself -- I couldn't tell the difference between a Thai dancer or Vietnamese dancer or between a Chinese girl and a Korean girl. And I would imagine it would REALLY be offensive to the girl if I misidentified her heritage. So, it seems the safest thing to do is to identify them as Asians.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I believe I like pretty blonde girls of European descent. However any girl who looks pretty to me sounds like a good candidate for a dance.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    David: I usually call them "Asian", because that's become the accepted term. I was only finding fault with people who get sanctimonious about it. I guess I'm also a little uneasy about using it as an excuse not to bother learning the difference between nationalities who "all look the same".
    17 years ago
    I always thought that the term "Eurasian" meant people from countries like India and Pakistan where Europe and Asia meet, rather than people of mixed races, because that part of the world used to be called Eurasia (and maybe still is.) Is that incorrect?
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    FONDL: I've never understood Eurasian to mean that. As far as I know, it has always meant the combined land mass of the two continents. (And BTW, they meet thousands of miles northwest of India and Pakistan.) Under Eurasian, dictionaries show two senses: 1) Relating to Eurasia, and 2) People of mixed European and Asian descent (like Shadowcat said).
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    Here is an example of what I consider a hot Eurasian. Check out Betty Nguyen on CNN. She is the offspring of a Vietnamese woman and an American serviceman. Btw, I work with a man with the same last name. He is a refugee from Saigon and has met her in person.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Love Asian girls. Good spinners! Somewhat like shadowcat, I spent a year in Korea instead of Japan. Cheapest and best pussy I ever bought on the market! 1976 - short time was $5; overnight was $10! Of course, they'd rather you take them back to the "Land of the big PX"!

    Everytime I get a LD from an Asian dancer, it brings back many many memories of my Korea tour.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat: Yeah... Betty Nguyen is most definitely a hottie.

    By looking at an Asian girl (as long as she doesn't have mixed ethnicity), I believe I can fairly accurately name the heritage. They each have a few traits that are pretty common amongst their own ethnic heritage. If you know their real "last" names, that's usually the clincher.

  • DougS
    17 years ago
    BTW, below is a link to pics of some very hot Asian girls... I believe most, if not all are of mixed ethnicity.

    If you had to pick just ONE of them to be stranded on a desert island with, which one would it be?!


    My pick is Amanda, although interestingly, she is probably the least Asian looking girl in the list, so my second choice is Cynthia Diaz (which sounds very Hispanic, so I better make another choice). Third pick is Kaila Yu. To be honest, I wouldn't mind ANY of them, though...
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    Here goes. My first would be Linda. The second would be Dee Tran. The third, well, I am going to do
    some assuming here. I am going to assume that I might just have two on the island should we all be
    traveling together before we were stranded. These two would be the above mentioned Dee Tran and her
    possible sister, Linda Tran.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    I was going to mention one thing, but forgot. The above list doesn't included one woman, Lisa Kaye,
    who looks a lot like my ATF. Just in case we have to have a foursome to play!
  • jablake
    17 years ago
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