What Do You Say To A "Lady" ??

avatar for 99Intrepid

Need help with this one - Driving near Home Depot. Notice a big harido puffy Latina walking along side the car, checking ME out. Aha - Ok I get it. I've finally located the local stroll. Me, I love the ladies of the evening (protection ALWAYS of course). Only THIS lady has, shall we say, some attributes not "normally" associated with the fairer sex. She's CERTAINLY very feminine, but the voice is deeeper than I'd like it to be, the hands appear stronger than you'd want too. She DID offer straight sex as well as the BJ special.

So my question is - how do you ask this woman if she's all woman without offending her? Do these women GET offended? What do you actually SAY? Needless to say, I will NOT go any further with "her" until I'm sure she IS a "her".

So - any practical suggestions?


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avatar for shadowcat
18 years ago
Dude, in reference to your post just below this one. I don't know why you think that I am best suited to answer your question. It has been over 40 years since I have talked to a street walker. I think that I would probably tell her that I need to make sure that she is not a cop and ask to see the goods.

As far as the deep voice is concerned, I once had a blazing experience in my favorite club with such a woman. Later, on the club message board, I took a real razing from my buddies about her being a man that had had a sex change operation. Well the plumbing was real. I knew for sure.

She told me that she was moving to Atlanta next week and offered me her phone number so that we could get together. Sounded good to me. She excused herself to go freshen up. While I was waiting for her to return my ATF comes up and hands me a gift bag. Full of stuff. And kisses me on the cheek and then walks off. We had had a spat the month before and were not speaking. What the fuck do I do now? How do I explain this to the other dancer? As was also extremely curios about what was in the bag. So I left and went back to my hotel room to check it out. There was a nicely wrapped gift, that I still have, 3 I'm sorry cards, and a 4 page letter explaining her actions. I went back to the club to find her and I did and we made up.
avatar for chandler
18 years ago
Have you ever thought of limiting yourself to those you're sure are not dudes? In other words, if you have to ask, maybe it's not worth finding out.
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
18 years ago
I agree with chandler. Limit yourself to the "FOR SURE" woman. If you were in the "local stroll", there had to be other pickings. STICK with the SURE THING..... which is still NOT a guarantee!
avatar for jablake
18 years ago
Supposedly, a friend of a friend got fooled and decided what the hell he/she is more attractive than most women. I don't know the ones I've seen in person fall into to two categories 1) I can tell or 2) I wouldn't want them even if they were real women.

I would definitely like to see the premium. That he/she who looks like a perfect 10 and you are thinking WOW what a woman. What I wouldn't do to get into her pants. Now before I got anywhere near the contact phase I would hope someone would say hey that is a man! :)
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
18 years ago
I remember an incident that occurred to a fellow Army CID Agent friend of mine when he went TDY to Washington D.C. He got drunk on 14th Street and picked up what he thought was a 'woman'. When they got to a room, he found out differently and literally beat the shit out of this drag queen.

The 'drag queen' pressed charges. This Agent made one fatal mistake at his civilian trial....... he did some lying..... and got caught at it, thus impaired his character to the point he wouldn't be able to testify and be believed as an Agent in forthcoming military trials. Unfortunately, he was given a general discharge.
avatar for jablake
18 years ago
Last night I went to The Trap, which I try and avoid because although the atomosphere is excellent the dancers are pretty much poor quality which in and of it self is no problem. I just wait and wait and wait for a hot one to straggle in if need be. Especially since it so relaxing and comfortable. It is tiny, btw. The problem is the lap dances are $25 and I'm use to paying $5.

Surprise of surprises. I run into a hot sweet dancer from Angels (I hadn't seen her in over 6 months). When I first met her her self-esteem was rock bottom and I told her she was an elite dancer she just didn't realize it yet and unfortunately she needed a different club. At Angels her lack of blubber was a handicap because she was also very shy. So unless you did what I did--go and grab her you wouldn't find out how nice she is. Probably boyfriend issues forced her to go to The Trap.

She is thrilled to see me, which was a huge surprise. I told her I'm surprised you even remembered me. She laughed and said you are not easy to forget and it fantastic to see you again. She wanted to talk about the latest gossip at Angels and gave me her phone number. I don't expect anything from that because she is was too popular now. She apologized because she had a customer waiting for dances. He got about 4 dances and she comes over and apologizes. I say are you kidding? You are making money and that is fantastic. She was surprised and said then it is ok for me to get more dances? I've got another customer waiting. I told her don't worry about me when you are making the money just enjoy it. She left got about 3 dances from the other customer. And, that is the way it went all night. I've never seen such a popular dancer. Yes, she was definitely the prettiest dancer there, imo. But, damn they even cancelled her dance sets she was so popular! The absurd thing is she was worried about me who was paying her $5 a dance when she is now getting $25 a dance. She looked like she was doing very well based on our brief conversations.

BTW, the reason I wasn't at Angels is that at night time almost any day of the week it seems the place is packed and has a high cover charge that doesn't seem too fixed -- $10--$20. Parking is in very short supply and depending on where you park and when you park that is $10--$20.

avatar for DougS
18 years ago
I agree with several postings above, Chandler being the first to voice it. If there is even a tiny doubt, there is NO way that I am interested. Like in the Seinfeld episode... manly hands... If she has hands that look the least bit manly, I'm heading the oppposite way. I actually recently met a very hot woman that was near perfect - except she had man hands; I did not pursue.
avatar for Pete22z
18 years ago
Lol. Man you need to hit that! At the very least you'll have a pretty interesting tale for the grandkids...well I mean with another woman of course because this chick probably does have a "tuck job".
avatar for 99Intrepid
18 years ago
Very difficult topic here. How do you get a broad to drop her laundry right there on the street so you can check "her" out. Chandler makes a very very good point of course - except if it really IS a broad then you're passing up on a pretty good deal. Most of the others I saw on the street that night were pretty skanky and I would never persue them. I'm teeling ya I wish I was born in the 30s rather than 1960!
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
18 years ago
In New Orleans, it's done by neighborhood. No cash-needy provider, male or female, dressed as female or male, is going to want to expend all the energy and risk necessary to get a customer to travel to a crib or other service location only to find he thought he was paying for the other type of equipment. If you're paying, they're probably going to want to be straightforward about it. "You know I'm a boy, right?" has been said out loud on more than one occasion.

In a really seedy area, maybe some boys fantasize that they can fool customers into thinking they're "really" girls." That would be a problem only if you cared, and were also interested in disrobing him/her for the act. In which case you'd have a "Crying Game" experience, oopsie! No hints there ...
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