
The dark side of strippers.

Atlanta suburb
Some where on one of these threads, I mentioned a dancer named T---, who worked at my favorite club. Bones refered to her as a hot spinner. 6 or 7 months ago, I was getting a lot of sex from her. Some paid and some not. We got together in her hotel room for full service. ($100). She said that the reason she was staying in a hotel was because her mobile home had burned to the ground on Christmas day. During our time together she told me that she had a large tumor in one of her tubes and she was going to have surgery to remove it the following week and that she would be all healed up and be ready for me next month. The following month, she was not at the club and I was told by several dancers that it was not a tumor but rather a baby and that the club would not allow her to work in that ondition. (common practice -liability)I was also told that she was going to put the baby up for adoption. Smart choice, I thought.

I saw her last month and she was haveing her first period after child birth. I asked boy or girl? I asked did you put it up for adoption? She replied that, that was her intention but she just couldn't go through with it and deceided to keep it. I did not see durng the next 2 days of my 3 day visit to the club.

I just finished another 3 day visit to the club and did not see her during the first 2 days. I then asked my #1 favorite dancer about her. Was she still working at the club? She said once in awhile but that she had some serious problems. Then I got the dirty side of the story from that one dancer that I truely trust. T--- was a crack head and continued using it during her pregnancy. She was in jail for an unknow reason when she had the baby. The state immediately took the baby away from her. The baby was already addicted to crack and had a mile long list of things that were wrong with her. Who knows if she has made it this far and will continue to improve? I never had a clue that she was a user. I know that I got some stripper shit from her but you have to expect that. Makes me sick to know that some of my money supported her habit and the doom of this baby.


  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I sympathize. My money goes to someone else's habit -- it's a hard thing to try to figure out, think about, learn from. Do we get all social-darwinist on her, and say, Well, that was her choice, and I'm only responsible for my choices? Do we go all bleeding-heart and offer to raise the kid ourselves? Something in between?

    "Makes me sick" is sure it -- more from not knowing, as from anything else.
  • driver01
    17 years ago
    Could be stripper shit...easy enough to check out. I'm sure that since you were seeing the alleged crackhead so frequently you must know her real name. If so, most localities' sheriff's offices have websites that allow you to look up those that have arrest records or who have ever been in the county jail population. If she was arrested you should be able to find that info out.

    It is entirely possible this dancer that you "truly trust" just likes to tell a good story. Or, as is often the case with stripper shit, she's got part of the story right and embellished the rest.

    Of course, it may turn out that you were fucking a crackhead who used during her pregnancy, gave birth to a crackhead baby, got arrested, lost the crackhead baby to the authorities and is now more fucked up than she was when you met her...Damn, I hate when that happens.

  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    I'm not sure what to say. It's easy to feel sympathetic because you ended up giving money to a crackhead and her habit, but realistically, all dancers are fucked up in some way. It just comes with the territory. I used to know one dancer I used to get dances from all the time who was a methhead, which I only discovered after the fact, from other dancers. Yeah, I was probably feeding her meth habit, but it's not like you are paying for lapdances from rocket scientists, and everyone knows it. The whole story is tragic, but it's not something you are personally responsible for.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I like to think I'm paying dancers just for the lap dance. What they do with their money is up to them. As a society I guess we do tend to make judgements on others saying that is wrong etc. etc. but it was their choice not yours. The most we can do is educate and support law enforcement if what they are doing is illegal.

    A number of dancers I enjoyed in the past retired after a few years of dancing to go do other things. I suppose I supported their college classes or whatever they were working towards. We're paying for the lap dances and most customers won't ever know what the dancers are spending the money on. Maybe a big chunk is for the rent and food if that makes you feel better.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat, your story is a good example of a good reason not to use drugs. They are addictive and harmful and that is the primary reason I believe society made them illegal. I believe most laws are meant to protect society and people. If the laws do not perform that function, something is wrong with the law or regulation and I believe society has the responsibility to get that law changed or removed if it's ever enforced. Good story of why not to use drugs even though it does sound sad. Hopefully she gets the help she needs.
  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    It is sad that her life is where it is at, and if true for the little baby..
    I have worked with many addicts of one kind or another, it is one of the few jobs that a habit doesn't cause you to lose your job right away like it would in the real world, so it makes it easier for them to feed their habit..They will always come and go in this biz, just reminds me more and more why I take care of myself all the more..
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    It's sad to learn but it shouldn't come as a surprise. It's a given that if you're buying lap dances from a lot of strippers, chances are some of your money is going to support somebody's crack addiction or other self-destructive behavior. If you're paying for cheap, opportunistic OTC sex, the odds go up.

    The same is true if you buy a music CD, go to a movie, or pay for practically any product. A portion of the proceeds is going to be spent on things that you'd find disgusting or morally offensive. Just think how your employer would feel if he knew the money he pays you is going to support your addiction to crackhead strippers.
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    Does the type of drug matter? Perhaps I am just trying to legitimize my spending on strippers - but, while I would knowingly not buy a lot of dances from a crack user, I know my ATF smokes weed on a daily basis. I don't smoke myself, but I guess I am willing to look the other way. Is her pretty face re-directing my moral compass?
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I sense that some of you question the reliability of my source of information. Let me say that I have known her for at least 4 years. There have only been 3 strippers that I totally trusted to not give me stripper shit. The other 2 became ATF's. Thursday morning I was having breakfast at the Wafflehouse. I saw her come in and remembered a discussion we had on here awhile back. It was the general consenses, not to approach a stripper that you run into OTC. I didn't. She ordered her food and as she was looking around, she spotted me. Her face turned into a big smile and she waved at me and then got up and came right over and sat with me. We talked untill her takeout order was ready. She asked me what time I would be in the club. I said around twelve.

    As soon as I was seated at my usuall table, she joined me. We talked about a dancer that I had met the day before. She was the first dancer to approach me. She was barey legal, cute, small "B's", nice flat hard stomach and a cute little bubble butt to got with it. She was very friendly and we talked for quite awhile. Then she call called on stage. As soon as she left, I got swamped with my favorite dancers and did not get a chance to get any dances from the newbie. I asked #1 favorite what kind of dances she did? (lame or high mileage)She said "I don't know. I have never been close enough to her to tell. She is very young and energetic. You should try her." We did 4 lap dances and she got called on stage. When she got off stage she came back to my table with the newbie in tow. The 3 of us sat there discussing their tits. Which they were showing bare. Then I took the newbie back to the couch room for a 2 for $20. That turned into a 4 for $40. Excellent! Later my #1 asked how were her dances? I said "great. Did you teach her? They were very similar to yours."

    shadowcat has added a new name to his favorites list. This is the sunnyside of strippers.
    17 years ago
    One of the things I've learned from my ATF is that I always assume that most strippers I see use drugs, regardless of what they say and how persuasive they are. In fact it isn't just strippers. My ATF has waitressed at several different chain restaurants that employ young people and at every one of them there was a group who regularly went out to the parking lot to party when the placed closed, and drugs were always involved. An awful lot of young people are recreational users of illegal substances; some remain recreational, some cross over into addiction. Strippers aren't any different.
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    ClifBar: I usually don't respond to your posts, but I have to admit...that was pretty funny.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    I totally agree with DandyDan.... most if not all dancers are "fucked up" in some way.

    Causualguy is correct in his line of thinking. We are paying for LDs/adult entertainment, not paying for their bad habits (that is their choice).

    Shadowcat - I believe your source. Easy for me to say, but don't fret of T___. She's going to do what she wants to do. I still remember her LDs she gave to me on my last visit. I would have spent more money on her that evening, but she never found her way back to our table. Her $$$$ loss! Even knowing her habits, I'd still let her give me some LDs. Although, once a crackhead, when do STDs start setting in her???
    Don't feel guilty about you feeding her crack habit, maybe your money went for rent or food.
  • pengo
    17 years ago
    Have you ever thought about putting them out of their misery by ....fill in the blanks....
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