
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 20)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Swing Club?
    I thought it was an indoor playground with lots of "swings"!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    If women paid men for private dances
    Funny this topic came UP! I currently give dances to my SO, upon her requests. We pretend we're in a male (hetro) strip club. I start out giving her a lap dance in her living room. She then wants to go private (VIP). We adjourn to the bedroom for the private LDs. I do make her tip me though, with her money! It's just fun and games, but very rewarding!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lap Dances, don't they get old?
    Never with Cyn!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Memphis Trip
    Christie's, Pony, or Gold Club. Good luck.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    strip club joke
    Good joke, enjoyed it. Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Agree or disagree? the level of physical attraction we feel is determined by..
    the level of physical attraction "I" feel is determined by.. 1) $$$$$$$ 2) hornyness 3) $$$$$$$ 4) lonliness 5) $$$$$$$ 6) willingness 7) $$$$$$$
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "You are a friend with special benefits" fuck buddy?
    You know damn well "I wanna do her" housemom! I just turned 61 yesterday and still feel only 40 years old. The costly thing is that my "DICK" feels 18 years old!!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What do you think customers do that irritates dancers the most?
    I've never given it a thought about bragging about the square footage of my penis!......... er, uh, I mean my HOUSE!! DougS - I'd gravitate towards guys like you too! LOL All joking aside, from reading your reviews, you spend quality time and money with dancers you like. However, since I am not of the female gender, (let me check here........) I would be pleased to club with you and learn some of your tactics with dancers. All kidding aside folks, I don't envy dancers' jobs. I know of just a few dancers who enjoy their careers, and evilcyn is one of them. She takes to her career as an "art form". Hope we can hear from her on this topic.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What makes customers most irritated with dancers?
    Sorry, just came to this topic. Ugh! :-(
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What makes customers most irritated with dancers?
    All of you covered this topic very well, therefore, I can't add anything more. How about somebody starting a topic "What makes dancers most irritated about customers?"
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Club race problems?
    DandyDan - Got a GREAT point there!!! No problems on the race issue from me, reference dancers, staff, or other customers. I've been to my share of 'black clubs' and seem welcomed as one of the crowd by all. But, it does seem that more "extras" are offered at most black clubs than white clubs. Not sure if it's true though, just my perspective.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Making Demands to Dancers
    I don't believe I ever made "DEMANDS" on a dancer, verbally or otherwise. Like evilcyn stated, I like my dancer to start off with a 'soft grind' and work her way upward. Let me put it this way. I'm usually 'NOT ERECT' at the beginning of a lapdance (except when I'm with evilcyn). Therefore, a soft grind gets Mr Happy started. When the dancer identifies Mr Happy is awake and fully functional, then the hard grind begins! What I D-O-N-T like is a dancer acting like she is "fucking" me through my trousers by bouncing up and down!! That HURTS! My cock, when erect, is positioned upward laying along my abdomen, therefore, I prefer my dancer grinding to the point that her 'clit' is receiving "action" also. If I can get my dancer "off" while lapping me, it makes the dance much more pleasurable for me. DON'T hurt the TWAT BONES please!!! Licks
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta - highest milage recommendations
    XRT001 - From my experiences and from hearing other people's experiences, don't waste money in Atlanta. Instead, come to the Platinum Plus in Columbia, SC on Oct. 26th and we'll guide to along to make your money last and get top notch entertainment.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How much will you pay to have your Stripper tatted . . .
    C-hrist!! I just get back from 6 days in Germany and I gotta' read discussion topics like this????? Jest' kiddin'. Myself, I don't care for tats on me or any other body. Just not my bag! And, I sure ain't gonna' pay to have a tat put on a stripper!!! I can do without them!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Just for you new guys....
    I've been clubbing wwwaaayyyyy to long. I've heard just about each of those from the "ladies?" Very good 'house mom', very entertaining. 2 THUMBS UP!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Return to the radio
    Oh, BTW folks. Taking short vacation to the Oktoberfest in Munich on Tuesday. Be back Sunday! Tally Ho! Will drink a liter for each of you here on TUSCL!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any worries about the economy and it affecting your strip club visits?
    casualguy - I own and wear that same T-shirt you described. Bought it from http://www.tshirthell.com/. I also bought a T-shirt (black with white lettering) that says: "Your sister is really HOT, but your mother does this tongue thing". I get a lot of comments on that one. FONDL - You forgot one other additive: As long as you have a good line of credit..... you'll continue going to strip clubs. LOL Credit score helps a lot also.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Supposed Dancer from Bugsys..
    ClevelandTom- You are correctoamundo my pal! I forgot all about evilcyn's tattoo!!! How could I forgot something like that? Um uh, well, maybe concentrating on other parts of her body??? LOL Licks. Evilcyn - Christ almighty girl! Don't lose anymore weight! You'll be Bones II. LOL Also, knowing you're off Tuesdays, you know if you'd been there, the other dancers would have made a lot less income! :-) Don't fret dear! I'll be back and will give you ample notice. Be ready! DougS - LOLOLOLOL on your last thread! My SECRET!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Thoughts on Dancer contact
    AN - Thanks for bringing the TOPIC back for the newbies. WTG! Like harrydave - I like vigorous contact from the dancers! But, they have to intiate the touching so I know the limits. Too old to be a "groper". Like casualguy - I do need privacy to be able to relax and enjoy the evening though. I'm not there to put a "show" on for customers. I rarely get a "NUT" ITC because I can't totally relax and feel safe. If I ever did, it would be due to the dancer and I'd probably reward her with an extra "bill"!!!! What's shadowcat rambling on about???? DougS and I have a lot in common - I prefer slow sensual contact (Cyn), combined with a lot of eye contact (Cyn) and intimate chat (Cyn)! You just decribed my ATF!!! Overall, sure, I like to test the limits of dancers, without offending them of course. Most of the times, I'm too nice of a guy to try anything stupid or something I might regret.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    How obsessed are you?
    One exception..... Bugsy's in Elyria, OH. Now THAT is a worthwhile visit and investment! Licks
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    How obsessed are you?
    Great TOPIC! You guys are really starting to think of good ones! Congrats! Obsessed?? LOLOLOLOL Just view my statistics! :-) Going broke? :-( From March to September 2006, I was a definate 10! If not on road trips, I was on TUSCL at home or on TUSCL at hoels during the trips, giving updates. September 2006 to December 2006 - Dropped to 7. January to present - Dropped to 5 (S.O. entered my lifestyle). If I had all the money I ever needed? I'd probably buy or build my own SC, and audition ALL the dancers in my office. If I had all the money in the world? I'd close out all the francises of Platinum Plus's, offer an IPO on any market that would allow it! Then, jet around to each club for visits in my investment! When in the midsouth, very rarely do I visit clubs. :-( When in Ohio, I tend to go once a week (too much, too expensive for the return investment).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The trend on ratings is gone?
    I won't miss it.
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    17 years ago
    Meeting Billy Joel
    DougS - I gotta' remember that 'Frank Sinatra' term. Can't wait to ask my next dancer if she Frank Sinatras! I suppose bare Billy Joel is a bit cuter than BBBJ, but I'll stick with the BBBJ on that one. I always carry a condom in my wallet (except when I am with my S.O.), espcially when clubbing. Do I use it ITC, damn right for FS. But, I have been caught without a condom and have taken my chances & lucked out. DougS - I hope you won't do something stupid either. But, for the sake of me, I can never figure out why mixing alcohol, Viagra, and Mr Happy throws all CAUTION to the wind!!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    "Lap Factory": Your Definition, and "In The Dictionary" Club
    Good topic 'minnow'. Although I've never heard the term "Lap Factory", I would put Deja Vu clubs on the top for those, as I have visited my share of them, east of the Mississippi. Funny though..... since Diva's in Kokomo, IN is a strip club front for a bordello, could we label it "Fuck Factory"? or "Extras Factory"? Naw, let's just leave it "BORDELLO"! LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ever wish a few of the dancers would dance on stage who usually don't?
    The PP in Memphis for years and years was like the rest of the PPs. They girls have a chocie of being 'labeled' dancers or entertainers. Either way, they both have the same payouts. The 'dancers' are listed to dance in rotation. The 'entertainers' don't dance "on stage" but entertain the customers with LDs & VIP visits. Kind of odd, because the 'dancers' can also 'entertain' after getting off stage. Go figure!