
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 19)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Leading a Dual Life
    Like shadowcat, I DO lead a double life, as my son and daughter are the only ones that know I regularly frequent strip clubs. Generally, I think all of us (gentlemen & ladies), lead dual lives, as clubbers. I can't ever recall thinking of "home or work" while clubbing, unless I'm limited on time and have to go to one of those two places.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Getting Taken with Dance Overcount
    There's only one club that I frequent and don't keep count of lap dances in their Champaigne Room and that's Bugsy's Speakeasy in Elyria, evilcyn's club. The reason being is because the dancers I have taken to the Room know that I am NOT going to STIFF (pun?) them on the money. In most cases, I just pull out some twenty-dollar bills, spread them out, and say take what I owe you. Believe it or not, the dancers DO NOT get greedy when I use this method. Why you might ask? Because they know that if I ever felt CHEATED, they're going to lose a good semi-regular customer! Simple as that. Any other club, I DO keep count, no matter how good the mileage is!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Potential TUSCL Meetup - Northern Chapter
    Still going, me and this discussion.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Preplanning for the TUSCL South Convention
    StripShopper - LOL! I guess the statement by those NC strippers, "where all the sluts are!", pretty much tells me to 'DRIVE ON'! Thanks for the advice, I'll take it! Forget WV, VA, and NC. I'll get an early start (6:AM) drive Rock Hill, hit their club and on to Wellford and hit those two clubs, & catch a cheapy motel. Been to both clubs in Wellford, they're ok. See yas' soon!!! :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who are you going to vote for?
    I want TUSCL's housemom to run for office!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Bikini Clubs
    Bugsy's Speakeasy in Elyria, Ohio is a bikini club. However, the mileage is attained in their Champaigne Room, at very low fees at that!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Clock ticking on [Ohio] strip clubs
    I'm not sure whether the 'rewritten' bill force all strip clubs to close in Ohio. From what I've heard, the bill just ups the classification of crimes for touching dancers and vice versa, and increases jail time. How is this going to influence lap dancing? Is the dancer going to have the club call the police if you touch her breast? I don't think the club would be stupid enough to call them. And what if a dancer puts her hands inappropriately on you during a lap dance? You going to call the police and report the crime? NOT! Unless you're undercover vice. Hell, I've got so many local dancer's cell phone numbers written down, if the bill passes, I'll just call them up and ask them if they would be interested in giving me lap dances in their apartments or home!!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Some police are only collecting revenue instead of promoting safety
    4AM in the morning? Get serious! He was napping. The short period I was with Shelby County Sheriff's Department in TN, I'd drive around outside my district and find other deputies parked under trees, sleeping, even during daylight hours. But, they atuned their ears to catch their unit number if called on the radio. One neat trick to pull is like that roadside police officer you mentioned. You set off the road far enough not to be hit, set your Doppler radar unit to beep & lock in speeds of any speeders going at least 50 miles over the speed limit. Most times, you can catch an hour nap without being bothered.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stage tipping, you like to see her tits, she wants to show her ass
    Girating buttcheeks does nothing for me. Neither does the slapping of their asses! But, I just think it's part of the dancer's dance routine. I'd rather see a dancer on stage massaging her breasts or rubbing a finer or two over her clit!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Sex with Robots
    I totally agree david120! Sex with robots, even if they're fleshy feeling, just can't be the same thing as a live woman. I go 'Rosie Palm and her five sisters before I go to robots!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Clubs with Amateur Nights
    Not at this current time. I only remember Memphis Platinum Plus having amateur night and bikini nights each week. Don't think we'll ever see the PP reopen again. I enjoy watching amateurs on stage myself and wish more clubs would sponsor contents.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Clock ticking on [Ohio] strip clubs
    Oh well......... here I come Indiana and Kentucky!!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Potential TUSCL Meetup - Northern Chapter
    Is anyone else going to try and make a trip to Indy during this period?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Preplanning for the TUSCL South Convention
    Thanks ShotDisc. I'm still looking at a club called Teaser's in Statesville, NC, right off I-77. Two reviews on the club, looks decent. Might also stop off in Gastonia and visit Leather and Lace, as recommended. G.P.S. shows a 9 hour drive for me. Should put me in Statesville & Gastonia areas during club open hours, and might catch a 'cheap sleep' for the night and head on into Columbia to get there by noon on the 25th.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dagger Eyes . . . Shrimps . .. Large Dancers
    I'm going to have to use this new term "key" while at the TUSCL South Chapter Meeting, and see what becomes of it. You have me really curious now!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Potential TUSCL Meetup - Northern Chapter
    Doug. Just marked my November calendar! Looks good for me, as I will have gotten back from seeing my S.O. and only a 3 hour drive away from Indy. Just hope I got funds left from the TUSCL Southern Chapter meeting! LOL If not, still got a good line of credit with the bank!!!!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Preplanning for the TUSCL South Convention
    Thanks pop. I got printouts of all the clubs in Charlotte and Gastonia both. Hell, I'll check out any $5 lap places on the map!!! CHEAPO!!! Most my funds will be reserved for PP though. Any other ideas about stopoffs, just speak up. Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Agree or disagree? the level of physical attraction we feel is determined by..
    Latter sir.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL convention is now only 1 month away. Oct 26th.
    I forgot to mention, I'll be wearing a black T-shirt with a pole dancer and the words, "I SUPPORT SINGLE MOMS".
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has an ATF type dancer "fired" you " for turning cheap?
    I have to keep reminding myself............. I'M A CLIENT - I'M A CLIENT - I'M A CLIENT and get off this SHE LIKES ME - SHE LIKES ME - SHE LIKES ME
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL convention is now only 1 month away. Oct 26th.
    Well, being born & raised in Columbus, Ohio, I suppose (sports-wise), you can call me 'Buckeye Bones'. I, of course, live here temporarily for now, I watch every Saturday OSU (Ohio) game, either at my daughter's house on a 60" Sony, or at a sports bar. 5 - 0 GO BUCKS!!! I am so much looking forward to seeing and playing with my old TUSCL buddies at the PP. In addition, I am excited and looking forward to meeting TUSCLers I haven't had an opportunity to meet! NOONE, and I mean NOONE can have too many friends!!! "Blue Magic" (the REAL stuff) will be available for all who want to participate in 'extra-curricular activities' with the dancers. I am thinking about making 8" X 11" cardboard signs, each having the numbers 1 through 10 on them, so after receiving lap dances and upon returning to our tables, we can throw up the appropriate sign!!! LOL This will either get us kicked out of the club or get us SUPER GOOD dances from most of the ladies! :-) TaraAngel - If you decide to "cum" to our TUSCL convention, I'll buy you (1) 2fer LD from the dancer of your choice! See you all soon!!! DA BONES
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Regular visits to 1club or regular visits to multiple clubs. Which do you like??
    Like clubber said.... For me, this has changed over time. While living in the midsouth, I did regular visits to multiple clubs. But, living in the north, I tend to regularly visit 1 club when at home. However, if I am travelling through club areas I have visited, I do have my favorite clubs listed in my G.P.S. for a stopoff. And I do have my favorite "long distance" clubs, such as: Cleveland area - Fox's Den; GiGi's; Ambers; & of course Bugsy's in Elyria. BBF in Indy. Hip Hugger in Kokomo. PP in Columbia. Christie's in Memphis.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Agree or disagree? the level of physical attraction we feel is determined by..
    I understand exactly what you mean BG! I think.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Just for you new guys....
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you enjoy giving a dancer a back rub?
    It's not uncommon for me to be sitting with a dancer and start giving her a light fingernail massage. As I am not a licensed massage therapist, I don't want to take the chance of damaging the goods. I believe the light stroking of fingers or "manicured" nails on a lady's back, neck, arms, and legs, can be extremely sensual and enjoyable. Just ask Cyn. Licks