What do you think customers do that irritates dancers the most?

avatar for casualguy
This probably isn't number one on the list. However sometimes I'll agree to getting a dance but the dancer will walk off somewhere. Then I get up and move to a different spot where she may not see me. Do you think that might irritate a couple of dancers when they come back looking for me? What other ones do you know of?


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avatar for driver01
17 years ago
Waste a dancers time....
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
"guys that come in looking for a BBBJ or FS and then insult my worth". Generally the girls watch each others back and this kind of customer leaves with his dick between his legs.
avatar for DandyDan
17 years ago
Probably spend a long time talking and then when asks if you want a dance, you tell her no. Hell, I pissed one off to no end once at a club by just getting a regular lap dance and not going for the VIP. I knew which one I wanted for that, and I got her. And it was better than I could imagine.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
I'd rather be the "kind of customer [who] leaves with his dick between his legs" than the kind who DOESN'T. :^o
avatar for chipitin
17 years ago
no-brainer: Customers that spend $50 on a couple of dances, ask them out to dinner, and get pissed off and move on to another girl when they get rejected.
avatar for MIDancer
17 years ago
1. Wasting your dancer's time (i.e. having her sit and chat for 30 minutes at your table, only to buy one or two dances in the end).
2. Grabbing/groping without explicit permission (unless your under the extreme circumstance where this is common practice among nearly all the dancers).
3. Trying to cop a feel at the TIP RAIL (innappropriate, especially if your only tipping a dollar or two).
4. Statements like, "well, so-and-so let me [insert illegal/sexual activity."
5. "You're too smart/pretty/whatever to be doing this."
6. White Knights (I need money, not your pity).
7. "You'd look better if..."
8. Excessive demands/requests during lap dances.
9. Making the presumption that your dancer is ALWAYS lying (don't ask me a question, and then roll your eyes when I give you a completely legitimate answer).
10. Speaking of Alpha males... Bragging about your penis size, sexual stamina and the square-footage of your house is annoying and utterly uninteresting.
11. Excessive drunkeness.
12. Cigars.
13. Bad hygeine (I don't want to smell like YOUR B.O. for the remainder of the evening).
14. Ordering drinks that your dancer hasn't asked for or agreed to, and then acting as though she's obligated to drink it.

Those are a few of mine...

avatar for chandler
17 years ago
I'm puzzled by this concept of wasting a stripper's time. I thought they decided for themselves how long to talk to a customer before asking if he'd like a dance. And I thought customers who buy a couple of dances were a good thing, not an irritation. How is the customer supposed to determine the ratio of time talking to number of dances? Is it up to the customer to know in advance how many dances he's going to buy and to stop the conversation at the appropriate time? Or should he feel obligated to keep buying dances until the ratio is met, whether he's enjoying them or not? I rarely buy more than one or two dances at a time, so how long should I let the talking go on before I become irritating? Or do I need to buy more than two dances regardless?
avatar for Pete22z
17 years ago
Yeah I have to agree on the chat thing. I think the dancer gernerally controls the length of the chat (if it even happens at all). I've had plenty of dancers sit and chat only to find that their dance wasn't what I was looking for. But I would guess the unwanted groping thing would be the biggest peeve.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
Haven't committed or been guilty or even close to any of the 14, so I guess, that along with on many many occasions dropping 100's like some spend 1 dollar bills, I must be a model customer, and by the way - why do so many dancers smell like ashtrays?
avatar for MIDancer
17 years ago
Chandler: I should have been more specific... a dance or two isn't an irritation, but don't lead me to believe that "you're going to take care of me" if I sit there for a "few" more minutes. If sitting with a customer, I'll ask for a dance after two to three songs have passed. If your interested in a dance, then certainly ask for one, but unless you have a strong inclination that you're going to buy a long string of dances or opt for a CR, don't lead me to believe that sitting with you for an extended period is going to pay off in the end. If several songs have passed, and you've determined that your not interested in a dance, simply say so. A simple "why don't you come back around in a bit" or "I don't want to take up any more of your time" would work nicely.

David9999: Dancers generally smell like ashtrays, because (a) they have yet to discover the wonderful invention of breath mints (if they smoke) or (b) they don't take the time to "freshen up" once in awhile while working in a smokey atmosphere.
avatar for chandler
17 years ago
MIDancer: I was being partly facetious, although I thought it was odd that a couple of guys had the same answer as yours. I'll usually say something as soon as I'm sure I'm not interested in getting dances, which doesn't take long. Not because I'm unusually considerate - I'd just rather free up the spot for a girl who's more to my liking.
avatar for chandler
17 years ago
I'm crushed to learn that bragging about the square footage of my house isn't interesting, not to mention discovering that other guys have been doing it all this time...
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
hmmm, I never even thought about bragging about the square footage of my house. I thought for a second about trying out some of these tricks on a dancer I want to leave my table without being too rude. However that could really backfire on me if the dancer I want to get rid of actually wants me.

I may try that line "well I don't want to take up any more of your time" and add in "I'm waiting for another dancer to come over to my table" ahh, I might just use the second part since saying that after 30 to 60 seconds might sound a little bit too fast.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
Oh, I just remembered one way to really irritate a dancer, told to me by a dancer who had this happen to her only a couple of minutes before she approached me.
The dancer politely asks some guys if they mind if she joins them.
One guy says "Go away bitch, we don't want any of your fucking dances!"
She started to get upset when she asked to sit next to me and I said something about not wanting any dances. She said she didn't ask for any dances. So then I said, well ok have a seat. I told her I think she was following the path of a dancer with a real attitude rejection problem ticking the customers off. Of course if a dancer just asks me if I mind if she sits at my table and I say I don't mind. I don't think she should be upset if I decide not to get dances just because she took 30 minutes to ask.
avatar for DougS
17 years ago
I'm another customer that has never violated any of those 14 pet peeves. If I were a dancer, I'd more definitely gravitate towards guys like me.

As for wasting a dancers time... I don't feel - and have never thought - that I need to monitor how long a dancer spends with me without getting a dance. It's all under HER control if she sits with me, and if she does, how long she stays. If I am interested in getting a dancer from her, I will usually make that suggestion fairly early on in the chat process. If I'm not asking for a dance, I am most likely wondering in the back of my mind "when is she going to leave?!"

Have I ever misled a dancer into thinking that I was interested in her, when I really wasn't? I don't think so. But, if a dancer comes to my table and asks if she can sit with me for a while - unless she's completely unattractive, I'm most likely going to be polite and allow her to sit. If she asks if I would buy her a drink, again, I'd probably buy her a drink, even if I'm not terribly interested in her, too, for the same reasons. Is that wasting her time? In MY opinion, I don't think so.

If I was a dancer, I'm sure MY number one complaint would be the grabby customers trying to push my limits. A close second would be the guys that are trying to convince me to go out with them. The poor hygiene would also be WAY up there, too... maybe even number one because you can always tell a guy to stop touching you there... slap his hand/face or kick him where it counts. There's nothing you can do about his repulsiveness.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
I remember I once arrived at a club a few hours before closing time. One dancer came over and sat at my table. Then she told me she wanted to sit and talk with me the entire rest of the evening. I probably said well if you want to. I may want some dances from other dancers before the club closes though. I spent $30 on her for the 3 hours she sat with me. It was her choice though. She told me she had to get a minimum $10 table dance every hour. She was an exception and I think wanted to be friends with me not just in the club. Now a number of other dancers, they may only sit 15 minutes and occasionally one will act irritated if they wasted that time because I didn't get a dance.
avatar for motorhead
17 years ago
Contacting her on "Myspace" and then NOT dropping your current ATF and replace her with the dancer you just contacted
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
I just thought of another. A dancer you just met asks you to call her. You tell her you have a good memory and can memorize her number and you agree to call her the next day and meet up for lunch. (I'm thinking now, don't believe a guy who says this if he's drinking beer even if he can remember her number in the club.) The next day you forgot or transpose two numbers. Oops, you think she gave a bad number. You go visit her club again later that night. She tells you she waited or someone else tells you she waited an hour by the phone but no call. I think she was more disappointed than irritated though. So was I.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
to sum up, tell a dancer you'll call her when you have her number but then don't. Should please them every time. Ok, satire off.
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
I've never given it a thought about bragging about the square footage of my penis!......... er, uh, I mean my HOUSE!!

DougS - I'd gravitate towards guys like you too! LOL All joking aside, from reading your reviews, you spend quality time and money with dancers you like. However, since I am not of the female gender, (let me check here........) I would be pleased to club with you and learn some of your tactics with dancers.

All kidding aside folks, I don't envy dancers' jobs. I know of just a few dancers who enjoy their careers, and evilcyn is one of them. She takes to her career as an "art form". Hope we can hear from her on this topic.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
I just remembered one that a dancer told me. The dancer tells a customer the price and even reminds him after each song or group of songs he asked for and if he wants more, then after she's done, he doesn't want to pay her the money he owes or not the full amount. I think that just pisses off the dancer if it happens in a club where the bouncers won't enforce it. Especially if the guy goes and gets dances from other dancers right afterwards.

What I found interesting was how much she was charging someone else who wasn't a regular. A lot more.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
If a girl joins me without my asking her to do so, then she sits and talks for awhile before asking if I want a dance, I don't see where that obligates me to buy some dances. As others have pointed out, she's the one who decided how long to talk before asking. I always buy dances from a girl who I ask to join me, but not usually from the ones who I didn't ask.
avatar for chandler
17 years ago
When I ask a girl to join me, I'm inviting her to audition for a dance. If she fails the audition, I wouldn't feel obligated to buy a dance anyway. (I can't remember the last time that happened.) If she considers that a waste of time, she has a poor understanding of how sales work, IMO.
avatar for ShotDisc
17 years ago
lie, force himself on her, or cheat her out of her due.
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