What do you think customers do that irritates dancers the most?
This probably isn't number one on the list. However sometimes I'll agree to getting a dance but the dancer will walk off somewhere. Then I get up and move to a different spot where she may not see me. Do you think that might irritate a couple of dancers when they come back looking for me? What other ones do you know of?
2. Grabbing/groping without explicit permission (unless your under the extreme circumstance where this is common practice among nearly all the dancers).
3. Trying to cop a feel at the TIP RAIL (innappropriate, especially if your only tipping a dollar or two).
4. Statements like, "well, so-and-so let me [insert illegal/sexual activity."
5. "You're too smart/pretty/whatever to be doing this."
6. White Knights (I need money, not your pity).
7. "You'd look better if..."
8. Excessive demands/requests during lap dances.
9. Making the presumption that your dancer is ALWAYS lying (don't ask me a question, and then roll your eyes when I give you a completely legitimate answer).
10. Speaking of Alpha males... Bragging about your penis size, sexual stamina and the square-footage of your house is annoying and utterly uninteresting.
11. Excessive drunkeness.
12. Cigars.
13. Bad hygeine (I don't want to smell like YOUR B.O. for the remainder of the evening).
14. Ordering drinks that your dancer hasn't asked for or agreed to, and then acting as though she's obligated to drink it.
Those are a few of mine...
David9999: Dancers generally smell like ashtrays, because (a) they have yet to discover the wonderful invention of breath mints (if they smoke) or (b) they don't take the time to "freshen up" once in awhile while working in a smokey atmosphere.
I may try that line "well I don't want to take up any more of your time" and add in "I'm waiting for another dancer to come over to my table" ahh, I might just use the second part since saying that after 30 to 60 seconds might sound a little bit too fast.
The dancer politely asks some guys if they mind if she joins them.
One guy says "Go away bitch, we don't want any of your fucking dances!"
She started to get upset when she asked to sit next to me and I said something about not wanting any dances. She said she didn't ask for any dances. So then I said, well ok have a seat. I told her I think she was following the path of a dancer with a real attitude rejection problem ticking the customers off. Of course if a dancer just asks me if I mind if she sits at my table and I say I don't mind. I don't think she should be upset if I decide not to get dances just because she took 30 minutes to ask.
As for wasting a dancers time... I don't feel - and have never thought - that I need to monitor how long a dancer spends with me without getting a dance. It's all under HER control if she sits with me, and if she does, how long she stays. If I am interested in getting a dancer from her, I will usually make that suggestion fairly early on in the chat process. If I'm not asking for a dance, I am most likely wondering in the back of my mind "when is she going to leave?!"
Have I ever misled a dancer into thinking that I was interested in her, when I really wasn't? I don't think so. But, if a dancer comes to my table and asks if she can sit with me for a while - unless she's completely unattractive, I'm most likely going to be polite and allow her to sit. If she asks if I would buy her a drink, again, I'd probably buy her a drink, even if I'm not terribly interested in her, too, for the same reasons. Is that wasting her time? In MY opinion, I don't think so.
If I was a dancer, I'm sure MY number one complaint would be the grabby customers trying to push my limits. A close second would be the guys that are trying to convince me to go out with them. The poor hygiene would also be WAY up there, too... maybe even number one because you can always tell a guy to stop touching you there... slap his hand/face or kick him where it counts. There's nothing you can do about his repulsiveness.
DougS - I'd gravitate towards guys like you too! LOL All joking aside, from reading your reviews, you spend quality time and money with dancers you like. However, since I am not of the female gender, (let me check here........) I would be pleased to club with you and learn some of your tactics with dancers.
All kidding aside folks, I don't envy dancers' jobs. I know of just a few dancers who enjoy their careers, and evilcyn is one of them. She takes to her career as an "art form". Hope we can hear from her on this topic.
What I found interesting was how much she was charging someone else who wasn't a regular. A lot more.