How obsessed are you?

avatar for harrydave
New Jersey
I've been on TUSCL nearly every day for the past month. I'm beginning to think I may be either obsessed or bored, or both. There is a core group here that seems similar to me. So, how obsessed are you?

On a scale of 1 to 10, I think I'm at about a 7 right now, up from a lower number a year ago.

My all time high is probably a 9, when I was alone and visiting my favorite club 3 to 5 times a week.

In the last 5 years, I have never been below a 5.

Fortunately, it has not ruined my life ;-)


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avatar for lotsoffun201
17 years ago
Shit, I am on at least twice a day not to mention craigslist., usasexguide, TER, Troothsayerz.................just a perv I guess
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
Chalk it up to ennui. It beats wasting your time watching the endless barrage of annoying commercials that passes for TV these days.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
I often spend at least a couple minutes here looking at the discussion chat just for entertainment. If you're talking about visiting clubs, that is only once a week at most for me. I spend a lot more time at other web sites so visiting this one doesn't seem like any big deal. The more time I spend doing other things, the less I will be on here. This site seems like a tiny little ant hill compared to a massive city of information in some other sites. However the other sites are restricted with some having no allowance to talk about any adult content.
avatar for DandyDan
17 years ago
I'm on at least once a day, usually after work. It beats watching TV, because all I really care about that I can learn on TV is whether the Cubbies won or not, and thanks to the one sports radio station I listen to in the car on the way home, I can hear that. TV is boring and movies are not that interesting even though I got a good number of DVD's. But you can only really watch them once, which is amazing on some level. There's other stuff I do online, some of which is fantasy sports, and some of which is pretending to be an expert on something I know nothing about (e.g. Wikipedia). FWIW, I did edit the Wikipedia lap dance page once, but most of what I deal with there has nothing to do with lapdances or anything.
avatar for AbbieNormal
17 years ago
Am I obsessed with clubs? Maybe a 5 or 6. Visits are about weekly right now, but I'm tiring of my local regular clubs and trying new ones to shake things up. I've been as low as a 2, visits every few months, and as high as 8 (visits twice or more weekly). Just for fun here's my club obsession scale.

1-2 Occasional visits on guys nights/bachelor parties.
3-4 Visits on a semi-regular basis every few weeks for no particular reason.
5 Regular visits, at least monthly.
The dancers and waitresses start to recognize you. You know the names
of some of the dancers and waitresses.
6-7 Regular visits, several per month.
You know the names of more than a few dancers at one or more clubs
and they know you and who you like. The waitresses know your drink.
8-9 Multiple visits per week. You know everyone and everyone knows you.
They start a tab and bring you your drink without asking. All the dancers
waitresses, bouncers, and managers know you.
10 The club cashes your paycheck for you.

As for a TUSCL obsession that is slightly different. I used to be a 9 (on several times a day posting on a regular basis). Now I sometimes go a few days without checking and sometimes a week or so without posting, so I'm maybe a 6 or 7 on that obsession scale.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
I usually check my email once or twice a day. And when I'm online I'll usually stop by a couple of web sites too, this being one of them. There's usually not much time involved, it's just for entertainment. Obsession has nothing to do with it.
avatar for AbbieNormal
17 years ago
I am of course using obsessed in a non-prejorative manner. My TUSCL habbit can hardly be considered obsessive, even if I were checking in and posting 2 or 3 times a day. As for strip clubs, if you are at my 8-9 or 10, I think "obsession" may be accurate.
avatar for evilcyn
17 years ago
I am on it at least once a day, if not twice.. As well as others..I agree with FONDL, I check it daily, to keep up, and if nothing exciting I am here for just a minute..
avatar for DougS
17 years ago
I would probably say that in my case, I border on obsessive.

If I didn't live hours away from the nearest SC of any value, I'd be going to the club at least a few times a week. Lucky for me, I don't.. so, I only get to visit one every few months, if at all. Actually, if you don't count OTCing, my frequency is next to nothing.

I miss being with my ATF, so in order to fill that void, I visit clubs. When I can't do either, I fill that void talking and thinking about the clubs, and that is where TUSCL comes in. TUSCL gives me sort of a SC "fix". I am checking TUSCL on and off throughout the weekdays... maybe as many as 10 - 15 times. On the weekends, maybe once a day.
avatar for chandler
17 years ago
I wish I was obsessed like I once was here. I miss that. After a while, though, you get bored with going over the same topics too many times. It's an easy habit to stay with, as long as I'm doing other stuff on my computer. I haven't been going to clubs much lately, so TUSCL is like a pilot light that keeps my interest in strippers alive at a low level and gives me an outlet to express it.
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
Great TOPIC! You guys are really starting to think of good ones! Congrats!

Obsessed?? LOLOLOLOL Just view my statistics! :-) Going broke? :-(

From March to September 2006, I was a definate 10! If not on road trips, I was on TUSCL at home or on TUSCL at hoels during the trips, giving updates.

September 2006 to December 2006 - Dropped to 7.

January to present - Dropped to 5 (S.O. entered my lifestyle).

If I had all the money I ever needed? I'd probably buy or build my own SC, and audition ALL the dancers in my office.

If I had all the money in the world? I'd close out all the francises of Platinum Plus's, offer an IPO on any market that would allow it! Then, jet around to each club for visits in my investment!

When in the midsouth, very rarely do I visit clubs. :-( When in Ohio, I tend to go once a week (too much, too expensive for the return investment).
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
One exception..... Bugsy's in Elyria, OH. Now THAT is a worthwhile visit and investment! Licks
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
In the last 30 days I think I jumped up to around the 6 to 7 level on AN's scale. Part of the reason was taking vacation and having a little bit of fun in the evening and traveling a bit more than normal. Good looking dancers that seem to be coming to me and making me one of their regulars seems to keep me interested in coming back. Oh, I'm thinking about the strip clubs. I keep coming back to the web site because it's a lot more fun to think about a nice looking dancer than it is to read the daily news.
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