
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 18)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Oh, no! Not my wife!
    Dancer #2 might not be bi-sexual, but has a thing for maybe one woman or she does the bi thing in the club for the money. I don't consider a woman that has a fling every once in awhile as 'completely' bi-sexual, maybe an occassional 'closet lesbian' but fucking the husband as part of her 'assumed' ritual duties. I love menage a trois! Not only do I get a chance at 'tagging' two different HOT ladies, I get the enjoyment out of watching them make love to each other!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Why are we going to SC.
    To get a 'STIFFY' in hopes of 'aving some dancer take 'im' down lad! As far a Financial Responsibility - - - As long as I find banks willing to give me lines of credit... I'll be clubbing!!! My kids can pay off the banks when I'm gone!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Academy awards nominations for the best lines by a stripper and the winner IS?
    1) I gotta' get more of you! Wanna' meet OTC? 2) I wish my Dad were as hip as you! 3) Your wives were really lucky! 4) You've got me all wet! 5) You don't look or act 61! I could keep going, but want to add threads to the other topics. And the list goes on and on and on..................
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Your Nipples - - - - Not the dancer's nipples
    Professor906090 - You must have read the same book I did. I was called, "Why Do Men Have Nipples" and it was written by two physicians. The entire book was hilarious and not centered on mens nipples. Also, I think my nipples are 'hardwired' to Mr Happy, because he tends to get extremely hard when having my nipples played with. And if the woman I am with starts biting my nips hard 'right as I begin to shoot' you would not believe the force it comes out with!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The "L" word...
    Doug S - I can imagine the "I love yous" going on between you and your ATF. Good luck young man! Myself.... I'd rather hear my dancer telling me, "I love the way you suck on my clit" or "I love the way you keep me wet & horny". I don't particularly want to hear the "I love you" line for quite awhile, although my current S.O. says it daily. If you can read "between the lines", you note I used the word 'current'. Things are beginning to change (as well as her) and the 'current' may be the 'past'.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Oh, no! Not my wife!
    Here are my answers as a 'single' guy again: 1) Of course I'd advise her on her new job. i.e., how to increase her income above 100K; how to squeeze every dime out of her customer; etc. 2) possibly with the 'what ifs', but then again, I'd be continuing my strip clubbing at the same time, so she would have her 'what ifs' too. 3) False. I would be visiting her club, getting dances from her coharts while she's making us money. You have to know something about me as to why I answered these questions the way I did. First off, I married the first two times for love. If I ever married again, it would be purely for SEXUAL GRATIFICATION! I'm tired of loving somebody and having to lose them (understandable in the second marraige though). Secondly, there had been infidelity on both sides of my first marriage and on one side (mine) of my second marriage. So, why would I expect my 'newly acquired stripper wife' to be true and blue to me, while I'm out getting my 'rocks' off with other strippers? Now I know the majority of you wouldn't or couldn't have your wife stripping and very unstandably so. But, my past is much different to the 'norm' than most others. I've spent many hours with 'evilcyn' in her club and have known that she was married. I agree to everything she writes in her thread. I haven't ever met her husband, but if I ever did, I feel we would get along great. Extreme mileage is attainable in her club and I've been one of the lucky recipients of that milage from several dancers, but not Cyn. (just in case there were any questions) Oh, one other thing. To be a candidate for my third wife (if I married again) she would definately have to be bi-sexual!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How Many of You think strip clubbing is an Addiction?
    DougS - You got that RIGHT! Indy & Kokomo will be my most frequented areas of clubbing from this point on, unless I can line myself up with previous favorites for private dances in their homes. I'd consider Louisville, but those damn clubs love to hustle customers for expensive dancer drinks. Not my style. Cyn - Thank God girl!!! I was beginning to wonder if 'we' would have to talk with 'you know who' to set up your lap dances outside the club! Be sure and let me know if things change, because I promised Ciara, Aleah, and Olivia longer visits to the champaigne room. I certainly hope you are bartending while the three of are in the room! :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    One week untill the TUSCL meet up in Columbia SC...
    Can I come???????????????????? LOL Well, I am arriving next Wednesday and I was going to check out the other Columbia clubs, but now 'housemom' just gave me a good idea! I might check on that sexy freaky little 'spinner' favorite of his! :-) While 'housemom' will be giving out CDs, I'll be giving out good advice on how to attain high mileage with dancers, and for those who want to partake, some "Blue Magic"! See ya' soon!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How Many of You think strip clubbing is an Addiction?
    This topic has been discussed several times, but nothing wrong with renewing it for new people. Like whghIost, my clubbing started out as a special occassion type thing, then became a hobby, and is now close to an addiction, if not alrady. I'll be the "second" to admit to this addiction. I believe it can be unhealthy 'on the wallet' if one goes 3 to 4 times per week. It's probably a good thing I don't live near any really good strip clubs, or I could become 'sick' very quickly! My addiction started when I first started attending The Tunica Cabaret, as I passed it on the way to work and on the way home from work. Unfortunately, after I became 'single' again, the addiction grew to about 2 to 3 visits a week, at times, not every week. But, you've got to take in consideration that most all the dancers knew me and knew what I enjoyed in the lines of EXTRAS, which were readily provided for anyone. Now that Saint Ohio has tightened up their NO TOUCH laws in the state, I'll club a LOT less often and probably save some money for short road trips.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Can you freak a stripper out? A funny story.
    No prob Pro. To answer the threaded question: Yeah, I tend to freak strippers out all the time, mostly unintentional. In fact, at my favorite (now closed) club in Memphis, and becoming a regular, I was "awarded" the nickname 'Freak Daddy' by one of the dancers, because I kept freaking her out with my being so 'open' about myself and my body! It would be nothing for me to have Mr Happy out, waving him around right at the bar as a regular would approach. Of course, the club would either be empty of customers or near it. My regulars would always approach me at the bar, where I first sat after coming in), start fondling Mr Happy either through his trousers or through the zipper. Of course by then, I'd either be sitting with them at a table where it was darker or back against the LD wall.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Running into ATF OTC unintentionally
    jablake - I had it MADE while The Tunica Cabaret was open! Christ, just about all the dancers knew me by name and what I liked in my dances. I have had so many neat and sometimes unusual experiences in that club the year and a half it was open! I knew all the bartenders, DJs, waitress, security, managers, and owner. They gave me 'lifetime' membership to the club (till it closed - :-( ). For me, 90% of my visits, I left completely satisfied and in a rather short period of time each visit! I don't even want to GUESS how much money I'd spent in that club! As far as this thread's title..... I did run into a dancer (non-ATF), that had given me my first BBBJ & CIM at The T.C., second day they were opened. I happened to see her at the main bar in one of the casinos a few months afterward, while I was with my daughter & her b/f who were visiting from Ohio. She approached me and we did the introductions. (I told my company that she was a dealer from another casino.) To get away from my company and get Mr Happy taken care of, I made up the excuse that she (the dancer) wanted me to give her a ride to another casino in the area. We departed, parked behind a motel, and I proceeded to get my usual BBBJ & CIM from her in my car. She was really needy of money, so I pulled out two twenty-dollar bills (pre-arranged them) and said that was all I had left from gambling. She bought it. I returned back to the casino and took up gaming with my daughter and her b/f, WITH A BIG SMILE ON MY FACE!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer seeking professional help form you
    Once had a dancer ask me to pay her cellphone bill online, but she gave me the cash before hand. Had dancers ask me for a food or liquor run, and in most cases got extra mileage, especially if I voluntarily paid for it. You know, I can't recall one time where a dancer asked me for a 'cash loan' in advance with promise to repay later. Kind of like pay now and play later???
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Potential TUSCL Meetup - Northern Chapter
    Change of plans. Will drive straight into Columbis on October 24th (Wednesday), check-in to the hotel, freshen up, and hit some of PP's competition. Will be at PP by 12:30PM, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. If anyone wants to locate me during that time, send me an email prior to Oct. 24th and I'll remit my cellphone number. Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ever wonder sometimes, how you became a friend of a dancer instead of a customer
    FONDL... I like how you spelled Piece as the Prize! Way to go! Works well in strip clubs. I believe the majority of us civil guys and gals enjoy talking with a girl (dancer) in a club, whether we end up getting dances from her or not. And, like FONDL, I know she's there for the money, so I will not STIFF her for the conversation. (that didn't come out just right, but I think ya'll know what I mean)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What an inept petition drive in Ohio!
    From reading the newspaper this morning, there isn't suppose to be any touching from the customer. Does this mean the "dancer" can touch? It's a very 'vague' no touch law. From what I am reading, here is the jist of the bill: 1) Sexually oriented businesses to close between midnight and 6a.m.. 2) Clubs with liquor permits can remain open after midnight, but adult entertainment must cease. 3) If a patron touches a dancer's breast "below a point immediately above the top of the areola," the violator can be cited for a first-degree misdemeanor, punishable by up to six months in jail and $1,000 fine. 4) If a patron touches another part of the woman's breast or a body part other than genitals or buttocks, it would be a fourth-degree misdemeanor, punishable by up to 30 days in jail and a $250 fine. 5) The law also prohibits touching a nude or semi-nude dancer, or their clothing, in a club, anywhere on the premises or in an adjacent paking lot of parking garage. This exclude members of the dancer's immediate family. 6) If complaints are received, sheriff's will send an officer to the club or establishment to observe. The officer would have to see an alleged violation to issue a citation under the new law. So, Cyn, to answer your question, I suppose air dances are in order? I'm not sure if I want to be the first tester of this law, but it sounds like a "complaint" has to be issued by somebody to get into any type of trouble. Funny, how I haven't read in the bill, that it isn't a violation if the dancer touches the customer!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Falling in love with a dancer
    Excellent topic Professor906090, as you can tell by the number of threads. Now DougS is probably the KING of "Falling In Love With A Dancer" thing. I truly believe he is IN LOVE, but I am unsure of his ATF! I can't figure out if she is stringing him on, if what she says is SS, or if she has honest intentions of leaving her husband. If it is any of the latter, I hate to see my buddy freaked out. I know shadowcat has had this experience once himself. As far as myself, at 61 and widowed since 58, I don't think I really WANT to fall in love. I can show, express, and give love, but don't think I can hold on to love very long. However, going to strip clubs and meeting young and middle aged dancers, has driven me to looking my best. In the past year and a half, I workout almost daily (BoFlex), go to a tanning salon, get massages, eat healthier. I like to hear the comments from dancers (either SS or truth) that I look fantastic for my age. It's an ego trip, for sure. I feel much better when I do things. Mr Happy responds more vigorously. So, I guess you could say that 'strippers' have changed my lifestyle greatly. Like others, yes, I have fallen in LUST with dancers, but not close to LOVE. I couldn't see me marrying a "dancer" (let alone any other girl) about 40 years my junior. And, my daughter would literally KILL me probably! LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you like for a dancer to be "physical" with you at the stage??
    Excellent experience DougS! Not to try and top yours good buddy, but "getting physical" with me at the stage DID happen to the MAX at The Tunica Cabaret! As most of you know, when the club was open, I had my regular dancers, as I'd be stopping off there 2-3 days a week and they all knew what I wanted and expected in EXTRAS. Christ, I am saving money now that it's closed!!! One afternoon I was sitting at the stage, no other cusomters, bartender, DJ, no security, and 3 other dancers, of which the black dancer was in the dressing room. One of my FAVs got on stage while the other remaining dancers (which happened to be FAVs also) sat on each side of me at the stage. I gave them couple of bucks to tip the onstage dancer. During the first song, they tipped out the stage dancer all the dollars I gave them. During the second song, the FAV stage dancer (knowing what I like), got on her knees, bent her head toward my lap, unzipped my trousers (went commando, of course), pulled out Mr Happy (which was somewhat already erect) and started giving me my usual BBBJ (but while on stage). The DJ was reading a book & the bartender was washing glasses, paying to attention. So, the other two FAV dancers scooted my chair outward from the stage and started going down on me at the same time, for almost a full minute, while the stage FAV was keeping a lookout!! First time I ever had two dancers working on Mr Happy at once. Those two FAVs took me against the wall on a couch and both finished me off with their tongues. That was THE most memorable ITC BBBJ I ever had! Jeez, I sure do miss them girls!!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Which Dancer is More Valuable?
    If it were I that had to choose....... I wouldn't!!! I'd let the two dancers dance for all of my attention and affection! Why choose one over the other??? You aren't marrying one of them, are you? They're only dancers for christ sake. Let them compete against each other for your $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!! Take the one that GIVES OUT the most! LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    For Thine Eyes Only in East STL
    For thine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the south.... blah blah blah.... which reminds me, don't forget about the TUSCL Convention in Columbia, NC, Oct. 26th & Oct 27th. I'm gonna' have to make a trip to STL one of these days and check out these clubs.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Can you freak a stripper out? A funny story.
    The only question I have....... is what are all the ??? (question marks) about????? I can understand the a's as a foreigh key board, but am puzzeled by the ???????
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is tha club review section being worked on?
    Yeah, I tried yesterday to get printouts of certain clubs for my trip preplanning and couldn't. Hope it gets straightened out before I depart.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ever wonder sometimes, how you became a friend of a dancer instead of a customer
    FONDL's thread sssaaayyyyssss it ALL!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bathe with a stripper?
    WOW! What a 'fucking' friend I have in shadowcat!! I can't believe he would leave me in the club alone, just for a 'piece of ass'!!! Go for it 'housemom' A N D you better succeed this time!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Surprising Trend . . .
    If there is 'reincarnation', I wanna' comeback as a cute lesbian so I can get pussy much cheaper!!! :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    If 1 of your fav's wanted the money up front would she then be a fake ass??
    Like BG, it would reduce my fantasy that she like me and trusted me. As Doug said, it would bother me also. I would expect my ATFs and FAVs to put some trust into me, for as long and well as they've known me, that I was good for the money. A couple times in the past two years, I have ran short of funds, and would ask dancers to front me additional dances. I always paid them back upon my next return to the club. I can't see where a club manager can institute a rule for the dancers to get the 'money up front'. After all, he doesn't record it for taxes or SS benefits. The only reason a manager would want the girls to secure the money up front, is so that they had their payouts/tipouts. If I were a dancer, I'd tell the manager, FUCK YOU BUD, you'll get your share when I leave this club!!!