
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 17)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This one for Dancers only
    I had my purple thongs on and I knew the bartender and DJ well and knew they wouldn't have given a shit if I'd disrobed or not. But, I did get the FAVs clapping for me, however they couldn't give me a "dollar" from their "coke" fund as a tip!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    You as well as most of us won't see posts from RL, because we've all placed him on "ignore", because he was posing as a hopeless romantic, always asking hypothetical questions, and answering to our responses with more questions. Get the picture????
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    [Ohio] Strip-club law being challenged
    By James Nash and Jeb Phillips, The Columbus Dispatch, dated October 21, 2007: The party was supposed to be over. But was it really? Just before midnight Friday at Columbus Gold, a semi-nude bar near the intersection of Bethel and Sawmill roads on the Northwest Side, the announcer signaled that the re-imposition of moral values in Ohio would have to wait. "We're going to party all night long and look at naked ladies!" he called out to the mixed crowd. After that, tops came off. The VIP rooms remained open, promising one-on-one dances to patrons with $25 to spare. One topless dancer gave a man a lap dance, although her acrobatic gyrations avoided brushing against his lower body. Columbus Gold apparently danced around new limits on adult entertainment in Ohio that took effect at midnight Wednesday. Enforcement of the law remained in doubt until a judge struck down an attempt to block it Thursday. The law prohibits adult entertainment -- defined as nude or topless dancing -- between midnight and 6 a.m., and outlaws any kind of physical contact with customers at any time. Roughly 48 hours after the law took effect, The Dispatch sent reporters to three strip clubs on Friday night to see whether they were complying. Notwithstanding the announcer's claim, the women at Columbus Gold weren't naked. At most, they were topless -- which would violate the new law -- but the manager insisted they put pasties on to conform to the law. To the untrained eye, the pasties were all but invisible. "It does look like skin tone," said Clay Smith, a manager at the club working Friday night. "We're doing everything the best we can. We're trying to play by the rules." One of the Columbus Gold dancers said managers called the women in for a meeting Wednesday, when it appeared that the new regulations were inevitable, and told them how to stay on the right side of the law. Managers said touching a customer's shoulders would be OK, the dancer said, but gyrating in his lap wouldn't. Next door at Vanity Adult Resort, a members-only club that doesn't serve alcohol but allows customers to bring their own, midnight also passed without notice. There, a dancer said, managers interpreted the law as forbidding all-nude dancing but not topless dancing. There was no attempt to conceal nipples. Dancers jiggled their breasts in customers' faces and accepted dollar bills slipped in their panties. One dancer, who declined to give her name, said business already is down and some of the women are thinking about plying their trade elsewhere -- Las Vegas, or even Indiana. "How many people are losing their jobs?" asked one regular patron, who gave his name as John. "I'm a massive, massive Republican, and I think this is ridiculous." Club managers at Vanity declined to comment and asked a reporter interviewing patrons to leave. At the House of Babes on the South Side, the no-touching rule was being broken. At one table, a man was rubbing a dancer's legs. Four seats over, a dancer sat in a man's lap. She kissed him on the mouth, then kissed him again. A dancer on stage, wearing only a thong, draped her arms over a man's shoulders. And after she danced two songs, she took a man with a ponytail backstage for a private dance. He sat on a sofa, and she sat on top of him with her back to his face. A dancer came up to a reporter who was watching, put her arm around him and said, "Did you get to see my entertainment?" House of Babes dancers were told to stop topless dancing when the law took effect, he said, and the women wear bikinis during the day. There was no evidence of enforcement at the three clubs visited by Dispatch reporters Friday night. Columbus Gold was patrolled by a moonlighting Columbus police officer, although he said his job was to protect the dancers from unruly patrons, not to act as "nipple patrol." Brought to you by Bones of Saint Ohio!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Duh. Um uh, rait am sexunds! Ben wit chikx al mi live loonge and nefer have prooblim yat!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This one for Dancers only
    Since your question pertained to 'dancers' (anatomy not specified), I did do a 1 minute gig at The Tunica Cabaret in 2006 on their main stage while there were no other gentlemen customers. The 'gig' was requested by 3 FAV dancers. I climed the pole and even finished my pole act, however my clothes were on. I got STIFFED (pun) and didn't make a PENNY!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    jablake - You're beginning to sound more and more like RL with these hypothetical situation.
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    17 years ago
    Who is really in control?
    Bi-sexual is she housemom? Hmmmm... got any recent pics of the X???? I understand the every other year thing! LOL Unlike 'BobbyI', my upper head is in control at first..... while my lower head (all 3 inches) resumes control until I leave the club!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The "L" word...
    I can't recall the number of times I've told 'evilcyn' that I loved her while she was climbing all over me. But, let's be serious, it was in the heat of passion! Licks
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Oh, no! Not my wife!
    BRAVO MIDancer. WTG! I certainly agree with your analogy.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strip-club owners glum as dancers cover up; Judge lets [Ohio] law stand for now
    No prob yndy. When I get back from the Columbia meet, I'll start checking out some of the club in Columbus, Cleveland, and Elyria, and follow-up with a post.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strippers' worst nightmare :(
    Well, Columbus clubs haven't been all that HOT with dancers and mileage anyway. All I can hope for is that Bugsy's Speakeasy (the bikini club) in Elyria, Ohio will still be willing to support my SC habit!!! My mastercard company knows of the club real well! :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Share and Share Alike
    LOL@evilcyn - I love being shared, especially with 'three' of your dancers! But, when it's time for you and I, I prefer not to be shared! Licks trojangreg - Since I'll be doing some 'reconnaissance of the club prior to Friday, I will of course be passing on valuable info about who I have been with and their mileage..... and will share! LOL shadowcat - I doubt your x-wife is bi-sexual, so forget about her phone number! That's why I didn't kiss our little tart, since I was getting the second blowjob good buddy! Professor906090 - That's what I'm talking about, but didn't disguss it yet. When I shared my FAVs in the past, I usually got a couple free dances from them for the referenced friends!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Skipping the dance - sending money directly to the dancer?
    David9999 - Are you kidding me? I assume you have a problem in dealing with germs. I mean no harm to you or what you write, but do you have any idea how many germs are floating around in a strip club? I am a clean person myself and like to stay that way, but I'm sure not going to get all upset about a dancer running her hands through my hair, or what's left of it! I'm thinking how many times a dancer has left me with my scent or 'stains' on her and gone directly to the next customer without washing her hands. My advice? Better stay home, near the bathroom.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    what does pastie stile mean
    Pasties means the dancers where little coverings over their nipples. It's same as topless, but their nipples are covered.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you like for a dancer to be "physical" with you at the stage??
    Ah shucks Doug! Come on and learn to share. I only want them for 30 minutes! I'll return them in good shape, maybe a bit tattered with cum. LOL Seriously, I can understand wanting to keep your ATF all to yourself, but why the FAVs? Hell, even shadowcat shares his FAVs sometimes.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strip-club owners glum as dancers cover up; Judge lets [Ohio] law stand for now
    Commentary by Ann Fisher of the Columbus Dispatch - Strip clubs and dirty-book stores are still legal in Ohio, and there is no evidence that such businesses attract more crime than any othr late-night, adult-oriented destination. I don't live anywhere near one and don't want to, but the so-called "Community Defense Act" won't make them go away for those who do. This is, unless the restrictions set forth in the law effectively force those businesses to close. And that's the real idea, isn't it? The law establishes a no-touch rule -- not even a friendly handshake allowed -- between consenting adults at strip clubs, and a midnight curfew for all adult-oriented businesses, including bookstores, video stores, peep shows and strip clubs. I understand the criticism that these business demean women, but the Community Defense Act won't change that, either. And, in its own way, the new law diminishes the same women. Now, the women who earn a living -- sometimes a handsome one -- from exotic dancing will earn less. The tuition payments won't change. Their children still will need clothes and food and trips to the dentist. Those costs won't change, but the women who work in these clubs will earn less or lose those jobs. The folks who brought us the Community Defense Act -- our state lawmakers and the self-described former porn addict who pressured them -- know better than the strippers, don't they? We the taxpayers, meanwhile, will start footing the state's legal bills, not to mention the local law-enforcement bills, as communities around the state begin policing in the name of the Community Defense Act. Don't we have more important things to worry about than consensual adult behavior?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Advice from the stripper?
    Doesn't apply to me, but..... the KEY word in your statement about your new ATF's statement is: 'suppose' to work.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Would you hire your ATF to work for you?
    Never! I'd be too tempted to get her to dance for me as an employee! Then, here come the sexual harrassment suits!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strippers' worst nightmare :(
    That's exactly what is going to happen in Saint Ohio!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What an inept petition drive in Ohio!
    Yeah hear that EVILCYN?? We're safe at your club, since it is classified as a bikini club!! YEAH!!! Breakout the party ballons and tell my FAVs I'll be back in middle of November!!! I think I'll bring a Blue Magic pill if all four of you are there!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Falling in love with a dancer
    Well, I'll find out tomorrow afternoon if my daughter flips out about me seeing really young women. I'll be bringing my 27 year old, long wavy red haired massage therapist to her apartment to watch the Buckeyes! AFTER my first massage!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you like for a dancer to be "physical" with you at the stage??
    I was able to at least turn my girls onto two other TUSCLers while the club was open! The girls performed with exceptional satisfaction, which made me feel proud! My former ATF even took one TUSCLer OTC one evening.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Which Dancer is More Valuable?
    jablake - My sincere apologies. You know? You are right on my man! I didn't mean to use the text ONLY when I said "they're only dancers". What I meant was they were dancers ONLY trying to make a living. Please forgive me ladies. Didn't mean for it to come out the way it did. evilcyn - LOL and licks. Yeah, it seems I have about three of your dancers competing for my $A$F$F$E$C$T$I$O$N$. LOL I don't mind spending the money and helping them out. Although my last two bar tabs were higher than ever. Ask Olivia & Ciara what they did to me in the room during one song, see if they admit it. (unless they already told you). It was kind of like... No no no, it's done this way silly! DandyDan - Go for it my man! Haven't you ever had two dancers at one time? Don't wait too long. Actually, I consider ALL dancers valuable!! But, since Mr Happy leans to the left, I suppose I would have to pick the dancer to my left! hehe
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Can you freak a stripper out? A funny story.
    LOL - - - My definitions only: FREAKY - Look at that guy doing that! WEIRDO - Why is that guy doing that? Actually, I'm pretty damn close to normal (da, I think, aren't I Cyn?). I don't get freaky during club visits, as I don't want to be sitting alone all day and night. However, since I had my regular club, my regular favorites, the standard menu selection, and their need for money, I could get as freaky as I wanted with them! Some of them even freakied me back, bringing in dildos for their pussies and butts, etc.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Your Nipples - - - - Not the dancer's nipples
    Professor906090 - That book I read on nipples, neither physicians could explain why men had nipples other than design by the Great One! Here is my theory on it: As God created Adam first, He realized He forgot to place milk glands (boobies) on Adam. Therefore, He corrected His mistake by giving Eve those nice boobies, otherwise, we would have had them first!!!! Second mistake: God thought He was doing us men a great honor by giving us a penis to place with. Knowing He couldn't give women penises also, He gave them "multiple orgasms"! Who lost out on the deal???